Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday 23 February 2105, cold, covered in snow, safe, saved waiting for the rapture, Maranatha. The lesson that we will be discussing in class next week is provide for your edification, encouragement and challenge. Please read your Bible first before your consider the comments.

I've asked the class to consider pondering the words, harden and immediately, after they read and see how they are part of their conversation. Spend some time as you read and allow the Holy Spirit to show you God and then consider that "snapshot" of Him who is invisible, as a present. Be grateful and that you have a Bible, that you can see to read and be taught Truth. If you do not have a Bible then post on facebook/BarnabasImpact and we will get you a KJV Bible.

Lesson # 7                One Year Bible Class         VBC                            1 March 2015      This week we will be reading: Leviticus 14:1-25:46; Mark 6:30-10:31; Psalm 40:1-44:26 & Proverbs 10:11-21. After you read each day then if you have time consider the comments. Remember to approach your reading akin to The High Priest entering the most Holy of Holies in the tabernacle. We don’t have to wear a robe with a rope on our ankle, but remember who you are wanting to come face to face with, The Lord God Almighty. Remember, Johnson said “get right, be right, do right and don’t quit.
Monday-- Why did God give the law for all manner of plague of leprosy? What is the significance of the feeding of the 5000? How did you relate Psalm 40 to II Corinthians 5:17-21? What did you learn from the comparison of men in the Proverbs?

Tuesday--How do apply the law of him that hath an issue today? What did you learn about the living sacrifice? What warning did God give to Moses for Aaron? How did the traditions of men overtake the Commandment of God? What conditions did you discover related to the promise in Psalm 40? How do we lay up knowledge?
Wednesday-- Why are you grateful for the Jewish “Day of Atonement”? What verse in Leviticus 17 did you find most significant? What did God say was the perquisite to live? What did you learn about God from Mark 7:32-37? How is the giving of the alms expressed in the Psalm 41? Explain Proverbs 10:16.

Thursday-- How can/may a child of the LORD comply with the command”ye shall be holy”? How often does God remind the children of who He is by saying “I am the LORD your God”? Prompt obedience and strict discipline. What did you gain from Mark 8:17-21? What attribute of God is shown in the Psalm 42? Why do people refuse reproof?
Friday—Does your conversations align with God’s commandments concerning separation? Can a person have “faith” apart from the Bible? How was Elohim demonstrated in Mark 9? How do you express your exceeding joy? 

Saturday—How does Leviticus 22 impact your concept of liberty you have in God? How do you profane God’s name(s)? How did Mark have knowledge to write this Gospel? Why is the knowledge of the OT a perquisite to know the NT? What did your father teach you about God and His provisions for your family? Have you been wise today?
Sunday—Did every Jew stone the son of Shelomith? How did chapter 24 impact you fear of God? Who is declared good in Mark 10? What promise did Peter receive that applies to you? How is God’s Omniscience shown in the Psalm today? Who is wise?

Pray for our class members, the church, Pastor Wetherbee, your mission country, all military and those in harm’s way, political leaders, co-workers and yourself. JOY!
Do every thing in view of the soon return of Jesus Christ according to thee scriptures. Now is the time to repent, hear and believe the Truth, receive the gift of eternal life according to the scriptures. May God bless you according to your faithfulness and obedience.

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