Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sunday 8 February 2015, we are still here and there are many that have not heard the gospel. You and I have the Truth and the opportunity to share the "good news" that Jesus saves! We need not be arrogant when dealing with unbelievers for we were in times past ignorant of salvation until some one was faithful to be led by Jehovah to draw us to Himself by The Holy Ghost and we were saved based upon the merits of the life, death, burial and resurrection of The God-Man Jesus Christ.

Men must hear, believe, heed and receive the Word of God. Read to know God then go to show and tell what great things He has done for you. If you are not saved this is the day and Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." John 14:6.

This is the 5th  Lesson for the One Year Bible Class being conducted at VBC,15 February 2015. You are invited to attend.
We will be reading (9-15 Feb) Exodus 29:1-40:38, Matthew 26:14-28:20, Mark 1:1-28, Psalm 31:19-35:16 & Proverbs 8:14-9:12. Read and re-read Psalm 5:1-2 and strive to seek The LORD early and diligently with all your heart.
Suggestion: Start your day looking towards the East, observe God’s handiwork, look for evidence of John3:12, recite Psalm 5:1-2, try to adore God by using several of His names while being thankful and try not to ask for anything besides forgiveness of sins. Walk at liberty as you walk in His precepts.

Military application: The LORD brought out of Egypt 600,000 men for His Army. God caused Moses to organize by units of varying sizes with a chain of command for information and service. Joshua is established as the field commander to lead the Army into battle to defeat the enemies of God and His people. Prompt obedience and strict discipline is given and expected.
Discover the names and attributes of God: What prerequisites did God establish for the Priest in preparation for service? Do any of these apply to you today? What attributes of God did you see in Proverbs 8? How is God’s Immutability shown at Exodus 32? What attribute of God did you note in Psalm 33:12-22? Did you discover at least 50 names for Jesus in Matthew?  What was written on the plate of the holy crown attached to the mitre?

Look for utilization of the Key Words: What did Psalm 32:1-11 teach about faith and favor? What key words did you find demonstrated at Matthew 27:35-53?
Apply Truths read and learned: What did you learn about discipleship at Matthew 26:54-59? If a person does not hear God’s instruction, what is he? What did God use to demonstrate to the Hebrews when it was time to go or not? What was the last recorded promise given in this week’s reading?

Update and solidify your Biblical concept of God: Has your “fear of God” increased or decreased because of reading your Bible? Are you considered “comely” before God?
Establish a goal, write out your prayer, prepare your testimony and seek an opportunity to witness to a new found friend. Expect Elohim to show Himself for His glory and desire that Jehovah will draw someone to Himself for salvation by using you.

Consider as you read the gospel according to Mark seeking to see The Lord Jesus Christ as The Servant of Servants.  Share with us your discoveries.
If you have questions, need a Bible or care to comment please do so at

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