Lesson #
8 One Year Bible Class (reading 13-19
Feb) taught on 19 February 2017 at VBC.
Mon13th What
were the prerequisites for service in the wilderness? How does Stewardship
relate to Lordship? Who designed the tabernacle (Psm 19)? Note the names of
Jesus in chapter 27. Why is v27:42 so important? What happened once and forever
in vs51? How is fear and want related in this Psalm? Can you link Psalm 119:165
to Proverbs 9:7-8? Now, be wise in choosing your friends.
Tue14th For
what purpose were the items made in chap 37? What is the difference between the
various metals used in chap 38? What did the angel say to the women early
Sunday AM? How has this "fact" changed your life? How do you respond
to the great commission? What offer did the
psalmist make in chap 34? Do you consider yourself wise towards God when you
read the Proverbs?
Wed15th How
does the various parts of the High Priest robe/clothing apply to you? What
principal of labor did you see in v39:42-43? What is significant about
v40:16-17? What aspect of God did you read at 40:33-34? Why is the cloud
important? What principal is given in
Mark 1:2? Why was Jesus driven by the spirit? Where is the Kingdom of God? What
offer did Jesus make to Simon and his brother? What fact did you learn about
Jesus in today's reading? Have you
prayed a prayer like Psalm 35? Is a promise given in Proverbs 9:11-12?
Thu16th What
is the first lesson learned about the LORD in Lev 1? What does the LORD expect
from every person who makes an offering?
What is the priest's job? What principal about prayer did you learn from
Jesus? What did Jesus preach unto them in Capernaum? Does v2:5 demonstrate grace? How did Psalm
35:27 change your attitude today? How is a man described in Proverbs 9:13-18?
Fri17th How
do you sin through ignorance? Is there hope when a person knowingly sins? How many times is "if" used in the
reading today? Why is Levi a good example of a believer? How is the OT used in
today's reading of the NT? How does the psalmist describe the wicked? How are the righteous described? How are
these people described in the Proverbs?
Sat 18 th
How do the “laws” given to the Levites
apply to believers/priests today? What did Jesus charge the twelve ordained men
to be and do? What sin hath never forgiveness?
Did you pray back Psalm 37? What benefits are due to those whose hand is
Sun 19th
What did you learn about humility from Moses in chapter 8? What did Moses
command the people to be and do so that the glory of the LORD would appear? How
does this impact your concept of The LORD and the Christians in the church
setting today? What did you learn about your responsibilities as a son of God
in sowing the Word? Are Psalm 37:23 & 27 teaching the same truth? Are you
We are making
progress! Stay by the stuff, read each day to know God. Encourage one another
and provoke them to love and good works. We read and work because we are
redeem, all of our sins forgiven and we are on our way to heaven, Maranatha.
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