Lesson # 9 One Year 365 Bible Class (reading 20-26
March) for the class on 26 March 2017 at VBC.
Exodus chronicled the Hebrews getting out of Egypt and
Leviticus will record the effort to get Egypt out of the Hebrews. Jesus is
portrayed as the servant of servants in Mark. The Psalms and Proverbs continue
to show us God and His wisdom, love and mercy allowing us to know Him as we
read the scriptures.
Mon-20-Lev 9:7-10:20>How did The LORD’s blessing get
turned into a deadly curse? Did you gain instruction concerning stewardship?
Mark 4:26-5:20>Did the other little ships enjoy the blessings that the
disciples enjoyed? Psalm 37:29-40>How many promises did you see today? Prov
10:6-7>How do you respond to these facts?
Tue-21-Lev 11:1-12:8>Do you follow the various food
restrictions in your diet today that was given to the Hebrews? Mark5:21-43>Did
you detect any wrong concepts of God? Does delay affect your appreciation of
the LORD’s blessing? Psalm 38:1-22>How did the psalmist express his concern
today? Prov 10:8-9>How is your walk?
Wed-22-Lev 13:1-59> Mark 6:1-29> Psalm39:1-13>
Prov 10:10>How did your reading today change your outreach techniques?
Thu-23- Lev 14:1-57> Mark 6:30-56> Psalm
40:1-10> Prov 10:11-12>How do you encourage people to focus on the Healer
instead of the healing?
Fri-24-Lev 15:1-16:28> Mark 7:1-23> Psalm
40:11-17> Prov 10:13-14>How did the LORD use a scapegoat to encourage you
today? In your opinion how would Aaron prepare for the Day of Atonement
sacrifice? How do you identify the commandments of men from those from God? How
is Jeremiah 29:11-14 similar to Psalm 40:16-17?
Sat-25-Lev 16:29-18:30> Mark 7:24-8:9> Psalm
41:1-13> Prov 10:15-16>How did you see the death of Jesus Christ
prefigured in chapter 17 of Leviticus? Did you see a WOW moment in Mark today?
How has God favored you today?
Sun-26-Lev 19:1-20:21> Mark 8:10-38> Psalm
42:10:17> Prov 10:17>How does chapter 19 impact your concept of God? How
do you keep your heart soft and not hardened? What names and attributes of the
LORD have you gained today?
Suggestion: Start your day looking towards the East,
observe God’s handiwork, and look for evidence of John 3:12, recite Psalm
5:1-2, adore God by using His names while being thankful. Walk at liberty as
you walk in His precepts.
Military application: The LORD brought out of Egypt
600,000+ men for His Army. God caused Moses to organize by units of varying
sizes with a chain of command for information and service. Joshua is
established as the field commander to lead the Army into battle to defeat the
enemies of God and His people. Prompt obedience and strict discipline is given
and expected. Orders are given and obedience is expected. Hear and learn the
Commanders intent.
Do any of the duties of the priest apply to you today?
What attributes of God did you see in Proverbs 10? How is God’s Immutability
shown in Leviticus? In Mark what did find most interesting the miracles,
healings, parables and the calling of the disciples? What verbs did you
discover in Psalm 37 that corresponds to Psalm 73? How did God show Himself as
Jehovah-Sabaoth in Proverbs 10?
What did Mark
teach about faith and favor? What key words did you find demonstrated at
Leviticus? To the Nations that read the Barnabas Blog, we salute you and appreciate the opportunity to share this time, space and good news about our God with you all. My prayer is that some will be provoked to read the Bible to know God, be saved and on their way to heaven. Maranatha. Amen.
Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France,
Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia,
Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey,
Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam
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