Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesday 15 AUGUST 2017, Wow we are well past mid year and many of you are still living in doubt and fear that if the rapture were to occur today, you would be left behind to suffer the tribulation in this world and then the wrath of GOD. Read the Bible to know God. Check the blog site for on-line One Year Bible and read every day to know God. Then consider the lesson, Thanks

Lesson # 34    One Year 365 Bible Class (read 14-20 Aug)              VBC      20 August 2017
Mon 14 Nehemiah 7:61-9:21;What truth did God show in chapter 8? How do you practice chapter 9 in your family? 1Corinthians 9:1-19;How is stewardship of the gospel shown for every man? Psalm 33:12-22; What  attribute of God did you learn from this Psalm? How is God shown as both Creator and Saviour?  Proverbs 21:11-12; What qualities does God look for and desire in every person?
Tue 15 Nehemiah 9:22-10:39; How or why do some blessings become curses to God's children? What separation principal is given in chapter 10? 1Corinthians 9:20-10:14; What are you doing for the gospel's sake? What warning(s) is given to the church in chapter 10? Psalm 34:1-10; What promise is made in this Psalm and how do you practice it daily? Proverbs 21:13; What is benevolence/alms and or an offering?
Wed 16 Nehemiah 11:1-12:26; What principal of sacrifice is shown in this reading? What work ethic did you see in chapter 12 and why was it practiced? 1Corinthians 10:15-11:2; Who and where should the communion of Christ be practiced? What warning applies to us today? Psalm 34:11-22; What attribute(s) of God is shown in this Psalm?  Proverbs 21:14-16; How ought men who are saved walk?

Thu 17 Nehemiah 12:27-13:31; Why are these names written in this account of this ceremony? How did the Word-the book of Moses impact these people in chapter 13? Is this prayer that you use as a model for yourself? If not, why not? 1Corinthians 11:3-16; How do you practice this conduct in your worship today?  Psalm 35:1-16; How is The Advocate shown in this Psalm? How do you choose your friends?  Proverbs 21:17-18; What two groups of people are shown in this Proverb?
Some have suggested that as we read Esther, we consider her conduct as that of Jesus Christ our advocate. Focus on how God moves, prepares and restores His people. Take time to be grateful for those who have gone before us and prepared the way for the Saviour. Be right, do right and don't quit.
Fri  18 Esther 1:1-3:15; Remember Ahasuerus, the Persian monarch also known as Xerxes, 485-465 BC was in power after the temple was rebuilt. What leadership principal did God expose in this record? How did God equip Mordecai for this conflict in chapter 2? What principals did you learn in chapter 3?  1Corinthians 11:17-34;What Truth did you learn at v18 & 32?  Psalm 35:17-28; How is a delay different than a denial shown? What gives Jehovah pleasure in his children?  Proverbs 21:19-20; What affects peace and tranquility at home and how may it be repaired?
During this week's reading what did God teach you about Himself? Did you see a sin that you needed to confess? Were you reminded of a blessing that you have been taking for granite? Are you more thankful?

Sat 19 Esther 4:1-7:10; Have you had a Mordecai type person in your life? Have you had a Haman type situation in your family? Is it ever right to do wrong in order to do right later? How was God glorified today? 1 Corinthians12:1-26;What spiritual gift(s) do you have and enjoy? Is this "body" principal true in you and your family/church today? Psalm 36:1-12;How do you determine when/if a person is speaking in iniquity and deceit? Proverbs 21:21-22; How do you enjoy and practice v21?
Sun  20 Esther 8:1-10:3;How did Elohim show Himself at v8? What is good about good news if it is too late? What is understanding of v8:17? What attribute(s) of God is shown in chapter10? 1 Corinthians 112:27-13:13;How may we apply these truths to our friends/enemies? Psalm 37:1-11; What model for life did you develop from this Psalm?  Proverbs 21:23-24; How does a person become v24?

There have been more than 7400 pagehits by some from the 30 Nations that read Barnabas Blog: Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks and Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam and perhaps others, but are you saved?
You must be born again. Read John 3:1-36 and ask God to be merciful to you. Ask for The Holy Spirit to draw you unto The Father in the name of the only begotten son of God. Jesus gave his life that you might be reconciled to The Father. Read 2nd Corinthians 5:17-21.  Please do this today. 

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