Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Here w are Wednesday 13 December 2017 waiting for the shout and command to come up to be with the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be a SIGHT to see the graves open and those that are asleep in Jesus come up and out of the grave to be with Him in the air. Maranatha! Where will you be a 1 minuet later - a day - 100 years from the rapture? Hebrews 9:27. James 4:17. John 3;12. John 3:16, 36. You are either in/on the Lord Jesus Christ or off/out of the will of God and separated for ever from GOD.

This is the last lesson for the 2017 for our Sunday School Class at Victory Baptist Church, Weatherford, Texas. We started reading the One Year Bible 1 January and have read each day to know God. Hopefully you have been reading the on-line Bible also to know God.

Lesson # 51 One Year 365 Bible Class (read 11-17 Dec)          VBC        17 December 2017
This will be our last class together for 2017. I pray you remember our goals we started with 1 January. You said you would “strive” to read your Bible every day of the year, you would write out your salvation testimony and practice writing your prayers using God’s proper names, titles attributes and traits.  Get it done, Psalm 119:165.

You are now better prepared to serve in our church  because you have “disciplined “ yourself to read, and to hear and obey the LORD’s Word, ways, commandments, statues, precepts, law, testimonies, righteous judgments and sayings. If you are not right with God (James 4:17), get right, then be right, know right, do right and don’t quit.
You need to complete reading the last of the Old Testament Prophets letters, Psalms, Proverbs and the Revelation of The Lord Jesus Christ. Continue to look for God’s attributes, his names, promises that are applicable for you today, admonitions to avoid sin (s) and the path made plain as per John 3:12. Consider Amos 3:3 and 5:4-8.

Hopefully you gained an appreciation for obedience as you read Jonah. Perhaps you have decided that even when you are overtaken by a fault, caught and chastised, that you will “yet look again toward thy holy temple” Jonah 2:4b. Revelation 5 makes plain “who is worthy to open the book and to lose the seals thereof” so that we may say Amen. Psalm 133 provides encouragement to keep on being thankful and grateful.
As you read Micah on 15 December you were reminded of God’s holiness and the sinfulness of all men. Every man has the choice to make and that is to either follow The LORD or a god of their own imagination. The man that sat on the white horse in Revelation 6 was not the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed are those who will believe the gospel and “we” will wear white robes.

Look at Micah 5 for the prophecy of the birthplace of ruler in Israel. Make Micah 6:8 a pattern for the rest of your life. Look forward to that Day when God will bring you forth to the light so that you may behold his righteousness. Rejoice as you read Revelation 7 knowing where you will be when this grand event will take place. Take time to read Psalm 135, Selah, and then bless the LORD. Believe that every word of God is pure.
Nahum is the history of Nineveh. Pay attention to God’s warnings not heeded and allow this to temper your obedience to His Commands. How is your “fear of God” impacted because you have read today?  Woe, woe, woe is pending those of unbelief. Be persuaded to win the lost at any cost. Read and re-read Psalm 136, then give thanks. **Take time to make Proverbs 30:7-9 as your stewardship guide / checkbook verse.

Habakkuk is applicable today if one is concerned for his nation. How do you pray for your people? There is hope for us when we hear, believe and obey God and then be just and live by faith. Pray verse 3:1-2 with tears and righteous hope. Read and believe 3:17-19 and live like you are a son of God. Allow Revelation 9 to impress you with the deceitfulness of sin and the stronghold Satan has on unbelievers, yet it is the LORD who opens and closes the bottomless pit. What song are you singing today?
Zephaniah records that God will and has judged all men, judged all families and all nations, then read 1:14-18. Look carefully at 2:3 before you read 3:5-8. Now rejoice by reading 3:9-20 and be thankful for God’s mercy and provisions. Our work as ministers of reconciliation is not over, so be busy about our Father’s business. Appreciate Psalm 138:2b as you read the Word to know God. Consider the “promise” at verse 8 when you are overcome and in doubt.

Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi are the prophets God provided to the Jews as they returned to Jerusalem after their 70 years of captivity. All men are warned to “consider your ways” when establishing priorities for daily life. Is the LORD preeminent in your life? Revelation 11 shows the activities of the two witnesses that are to occur in the midst of the seven years of the tribulation what attributes of God did you see today? God is shown to be Omniscient in Psalm 139 and believers will call for the LORD to make verses 23-24 real and true each day. Read your Bible to know God.
Thanks for sharing your time with us this year in our class. We pray that you have been blessed as you made the LORD your Lord each day because you read your Bible to know Him. We pray as you return to your regular class Sunday 7 January 2018 that you will be fruitful and participate by encouraging others to read their Bible to know God


I hope you all from  Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks and Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam, will make this your page of joy and hope.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year. May God get your attention to the eternal point of The HOLY SPIRIT drawing you to The Father in the name of the only begotten Son, Jesus so that you will hear and believe the gospel, Jesus saves, you are a sinner and you must be born again. Please read John 3:1-36.

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