Sunday, May 31, 2009

June 1st affords us the opportunity to be thankful for who we were, who we are and who we will be one day.Have you been perfected in Christ? Are you free from condemnation,blameless,redeemed,forgiven,justified,a friend of Jesus, God's child and accepted in The Beloved?Maranatha! Look up for your Redemption draweth nigh.Amen.

2 Samuel 18:1-19:10 War,rumors of war and family conflict continue to follow King David.Joab rebukes The King for his manner of mourning about the death of his son Absalom,the enemy.Read Proverbs 16:1-15 and look for the lifestyle for kings.Do you remember who GOD used to write the Proverbs. Did he not see first hand how kings act?

John 20:1-31 Thank The LORD for being truthful,Omnipotent,faithful and prompt.He did what He said He would do. How does this affect your concept of GOD?The Father said we would be saved if we believed He raised Jesus from the dead. Thank you GOD for raising God from the dead according to the scriptures!What a way to begin the week.Remember Jesus' prayer in chapter 17 and allow v29 to compliment that truth.Read,memorize,live out and share verse 31 as a lifestyle for God's Glory.Amen.

Psalm 119:156-176 completes this psalm. 173 verse with a word describing the Word.To me v165 is super neat because it puts all people on the same footing and I learned that from a good friend many years ago, you cannot offend me regardless of what you say. If I am offended then it is because I am not in the Scriptures.So get in and get over that stuff.What has The LORD done for you?Have you praised Him ? Selah.

Proverbs 16:14-15 Are you pleasing to The King?Have you been favored by GOD? If not why not? My desire is that you know how to please The LORD.His desire is for all men to know Him. He is not willing that any should perish. Repent toward God and have faith in Jesus Christ.Is there any thing that we can do to help you come to the place of knowing that you are no longer under the wrath of GOD, that you are forgiven, saved, born again, a child of GOD? It has bee said eternity is too long to be wrong.pj
May 31st Sunday and the beginning of the week. What do you expect today? What are you willing to offer To The LORD? What have you ask Him to allow you to do? How can He get glory from our life and conversation in the church? Let your light shine.

2nd Samuel 17:1-29 continues the demonstration of men angry with men. Hate, envy, deceit,abuse, vile conduct,crude physical acts,meanness and suicide are committed by people of Israel against one another and a son plots to kill his father and we wonder why some people do not love and respect our GOD.How does all this affect your concept of GOD? Take note of Ahithophel and look back at his history with King David and Bath-sheba the wife of Uriah who was the daughter of Eliam who was the son of Ahithophel. David consider him as a great influence on Absalom,yet David prayed not for his death but for his counsel to be of non-affect. We see all the failures of men and if we are not careful we can develop a concept of GOD The Creator based on how his people act. Read to know GOD.

John 19:23-42 shows us the last hours of Jesus. We have spent a week reading about the last six days of His life. Now we read about the last few hours as He is crucified, dies, his side pierced and taken from the cross and buried all so that scripture should be fulfilled. How does this impact your faith?Would you have been willing to take the bloody mutilated body of Jesus from off the cross, wrap and place in your sepulchre? We ought to be amazed at this reading and diligently seek to know our Saviour. He died for us while we were yet sinners!The Just for the unjust, the Holy for the unholy, the rich for the poor because He loved us. Amen

Psalm 119:132-155 continues to describe what a believer has in GOD and what an unbeliever will never understand.Where would you be without Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?Has He been merciful and delivered you from your afflictions? Who have you told about your gift of salvation? There are only three verses of this Psalm that do not mention the word. Did you find them?Selah.

Proverbs 16:12-13 causes us to think about kings.We have read this past week about two kings,King David and King Jesus.Read to know Him.Look for connections and common truths in The Bible. Learn the promises and conditions from The LORD. Selah. Amen. pj

Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 30th Read to know Him. Look for the leadership of The Holy Spirit.
2nd Samuel 15:23-16:23 David is on the run again. Sin will have its way and the consequence will always follow. Forgiveness is sweet, but oh how the residue is bitter.Take note of the players in this time of conflict and watch for the actions by the spies and moles lefft behind.It is good that the king has friends. Are you considered a friend to your King?Who is Ahithophel?Why did Absalom act in such a vial way towards his father? How far will hate, pride,jealousy and envy carry a man?We might learn to be careful who our friends are and be sure who we can trust. Do you have a friend that is absolutely honest, good and trustworthy? Be grateful.

John 18:25-19:22 The day has come and Genesis 3:15 is demonstrated.What emotions do you feel as you read about Peter and his denial,Pilate and his misunderstanding, the Jews and their chief priests mocking GOD in the flesh? Jesus of Nazareth is The King of The Jews and my King.Is He your King? What does The King provide for you? How do you serve and honor your King? Jesus said that this world was not His kingdom.How does that impact your daily life?

Psalm 119:113-131 What really turns you on or off?What do you hate? What do you love?Did you notice the verse that does not use a word to describe the Word?We are made aware of the Light and encouraged to walk in the Light. Trust and obey Him!

Proverbs 16:10-11 Declares the difference between man and GOD.Who do you trust the most? How do your actions reflect that Jesus Christ is your Lord? Be right and fair. PS: Be in church Sunday prepared to meet with The LORD. pj

Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 29th Yea for Friday and Sunday is coming. Plan to get ready for Sunday School and Church on Saturday. Lay out your clothes,shine your shoes, comb your hair and be on time, read up,prayed up, paid up and looking to go up.Be right,get right and then do right by the Grace of GOD for His glory. Are there any clouds?

Proverbs 16:8-9 tells us how to be prosperous,joyful and right with GOD. Hear and obey. GOD wants to be involved with every aspect of our life.Do you remember where it was said"for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness;and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation"? There are benefits for being saved. Think about the fact that The LORD GOD Almighty will direct our steps, if we.......

Psalm 119:96-112 Declares how to be in love with GOD.If we stumble when we walk whose fault is that? What is unusual about verse 90? Do you agree with the author of these verses and have you said them back to The LORD in a prayer? If you could speak face to face with GOD Almighty what would you say to Him in the first sentence? If we read to know Him who are we looking at on every page?Say again O how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day.Is that true? If not, do you want that to be your lifestyle?How are you going to resolve your problem?Do you know 1st John 1?

2nd Samuel How much intrigue do you want? How does this reading impact your concept of GOD? Have you had to live with deception,deceit,lying,sedition and rebellion?We are shown the impact of pride and jealousy in a family and when it is coupled with anger, frustration and hate we see sins that are having dominion over GOD's people.Why are these written for us? What should we be learning about forgiveness? I suggest you scan Proverbs 15 and look at Proverbs 16:1-13 and insert verse 16:4 as a center point. How does this affect your concept of GOD. Read to know Him. He is the same today as He was in the beginning and He will not change nor make exceptions.

John 18:1-24 continues the conversation with His disciples that was started in John 13:1 on May23rd. We have been reading for seven days what He talked about in a few hours. Try to keep things in perspective. We are reading to know Him and He is telling us truths that much of the world has never heard. These are life changing truths.Can you give a testimony as to how these truths have changed your life? Today we read and see how His disciples respond to His enemies. We get to hear the conversation between Jesus and the high priest. If you could insert advice to the high priest in this situation, what would it be? Consider the insight provided by the proverbs,mixed with the provisions and promises learned about in Psalm 119 and put John 17 as the crown and what do you know about GOD?Please be changed.Amen. pj

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 28th How does a person respond to the question"Have you departed from evil and do you really fear GOD"? Proverbs 16:7 issues a first of its kind of affirmation from GOD concerning how man's ways affect GOD. What does The LORD think of your conduct?How do you get rid of your sin? Selah.

Psalm 119:81-95 ask the question about our conduct before GOD.What have we learned, how are we living these truths,and how do we react when we are attacked by our Enemy? If we agree that verses 89-95 are the basis for having confidence in GOD, then why do we continue to doubt and worry? What has The LORD done for you that you have thanked Him for "it" today?

John 17:1-26 Records the Lord Jesus' prayer concerning the salvation of all mankind.Do you see yourself in this prayer?This confirms again the triunity of GOD. We also see GOD as The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit,the Trinity,all as One, yet separate but never separated.It is far above my finite mind to explain how GOD lives in me,you and ALL born again believers. The Father has answered the prayer of The Son!We all that have realized that we were sinners under the wrath of GOD, have seen the significance of Jesus' perfect sinless life,confessed our sin of unbelief,repented of our offense against Holy GOD,believed that Jesus is the ONLY way to come to GOD for salvation from the wrath of God and that Jesus died to satisfy the payment for all sin, God dying for mankind, and that The Father raised Jesus from the dead. All of us that have called upon The Name of GOD and by faith received The Lord Jesus Christ as our saviour,then we have the Gift of eternal life and the power to become a son of GOD. His joy is full. How is your joy?Look back at 14:2 and consider it so.GOD has favored all believers in Jesus.We will see Him one day and say thank you.

2 Samuel 13:1-39 tells a very sad story about the life style of the rich and famous children of the King of Israel.May all of us be careful of subtil friends. Envy, pride,selfishness,jealousy and covetousness will bring more sorrow them pleasure. Premarital sex is never the answer.Incest is an abomination. Murder is a sin.Abuse is never right.This is a sad report for the kings kids. GOD allows us to see these events so that we would not be like them. We read to know Him and labor not to watch the circumstances and miss His hand or heart.Our concept of GOD may be influenced wrongly if we put too much on how things happen and not on WHO controls all things.It is sad how so little respect is shown by kings, lords, fathers, brothers for women in general and family in particular. Let us learn to be Christlike.Amen.pj
May 27th If this is your first time for you to read through the Bible in a year, congrats. The first 21 days will be the most trying.We read to know Him. I try to ask questions to provoke you to question your faith, salvation and concept of GOD. If I can do this and you feel uncomfortable, build a bridge and get over it.Our faith is built on The Word of GOD, our teacher is The Holy Spirit and our divine dream is to be like Jesus, our Lord.The LORD wants us to seek Him with all our heart.

Proverbs 16:4-5 causes me to stop and consider just what has been said. These verses cause me to check my concept of GOD. We ought to pray that we fear and respect GOD and not be proud that we have done something good.GOD,The LORD,Jehovah,Jesus and The Holy Spirit hath made ALL things!O Lord, help thou my unbelief. Selah.

Psalm 119:71-80 causes us to take an attitude check. Are you satisfied with how The LORD is treating you or allowing things happen to you? Do you remember the difference between murmuring and complaining?Take time to be grateful for GOD's statues,law,commandments,word,judgments,precepts and testimonies that you have just read. Ask The LORD that He make His merciful kindness be your comfort. Don't seek another way, let your heart be sound that you be not ashamed. Selah. amen.

John 16:1-33 I feel very satisfied after reading in order today's reading and then writing in reverse order, for it causes me to see GOD's hand and heart at work.The LORD does not want His children to be ashamed nor offended, but he tells us that we will be as we are faithful. What can we brag about if we do our very best that we are capable of doing, what do we do more than the Pharisees? Jesus prepared His disciples for the days to come and all of them ran away.He told them the truth.Jesus is GOD in the flesh.He can not nor will not lie.Those of us who are saved are indwelt with The Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Truth will accomplish GOD's Will in teaching us the application of verses 8-15.Read the promises that Jesus made and start living like He is coming back in a little while. Determine that God wants to hear us pray. Remember that GOD is Holy and will only hear the prayers of the righteous.He wants His children to be full of joy.Wake up, live the day and pillow your head with this thought, Jesus has overcome the world. Selah.

2nd Samuel 12:1-31 Pay day comes!Sin, when it is finished bringeth forth death.LSD!Please learn the truths voiced in this parable given by Nathan to King David. Reconsider what we have read today in the Proverbs,Psalm and John to take a fresh review of this sad event. Nothing has ever been hid from GOD.You and I are not NOW ignorant of the Ways and Will of GOD.We,as King David,will give an account of our stewardship.What have you done today with all that you have received?Have we also despised the commandments of The LORD? Take note of verse 14 and measure your conduct.The King did act right in the matter of the battle at Rabbah. The concept of Eternity expressed by David concerning his son should encourage us as we consider those who have gone before us. Selah. One day! How we act in good times and bad times has an influence on others. It is our living non-verbal testimony. pj

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26th I hope you enjoy reading The Word of GOD and are confident that you are in His perfect will at the beginning of the day.Be prepared to share your blessings with whosoever The Lord places in your path. What has He done for you? Have you seen, heard and enjoyed His creation? Has your conscience hinted to you things that are true, false, right and wrong?Are you being Christlike in your conversation? Why not?

Proverbs 16:1-3 Ask the right question "are you committed to The LORD"? Seek GOD and beg Him to cause you to get your heart right and then to do right.

Psalm 119:53-70 tells us of horror, fear, robbery and much conflict. In this life we would be overcome if we did not have a song, His promises, provisions and His Word.Practice verse 60"I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments". We need to REMEMBER to be right and then do right. We are not saved because we try to keep His commandments. We keep His commandments BECAUSE we are saved.We read to know Him and not to make Him happy with us.We are His children and He will always love His own. Say with confidence in The LORD, I'll never not be His son!

John 5:1-27 will change your life if you hear, believe and obey. The abiding principal is ESSENTIAL!This is fact. This is a promise from Almighty GOD. This is the will of GOD.In the flesh this is impossible, but being filled and led by The Holy Spirit this is being like Christ.Do you choose to abide in Jesus?Be aware of the consequences as outlined in verses 18-27. Be not afraid of the world.The reason God answers prayer is that He might get glory and that our joy might be full. Now get prepared to bear much fruit. Amen.

2nd Samuel 9:1-11:27 record two very different aspects of King David. His kindness to Jonathan's son Mephiboseth is because of a promise made to a friend.David's failure to do his duty as King at battle and then to compromise Bath-sheba was, in my opinion,the worst thing he did as King of Israel. LSD! The matter of Uriah the Hittite will forever change the reputation of David. LSD!If we could learn these truths they would from now on change our reputations before man and GOD. Be honest, be kind, be faithful, be true to truth and GOD, be considerate, be honorable, be a man of character, be filled with The Holy Spirit and do right.Oh, that GOD would not say of us, that we displeased The LORD. Be careful, be alert, we have an Enemy. pj PS: LSD=lust,sin and death.Selah.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 25th Monday is here again and we are still in this world waiting for the event that will catch us up and out of here,Maranatha. I'm glad of who I was(not proud), who I am today in Christ and who I will be because of my salvation experience and GOD's promises 30 Oct 77.When did you become a son of GOD?Have you read and "claimed" Romans8:28-31?Are you confident that you are in the hand of GOD and no man shall pluck you out of His hand?Do you consider yourself complete in Christ.Do you sing your song of "I am accepted in Christ"? If you have been redeemed, adopted, forgiven and free of condemnation, then you are a saint. Thanks be unto GOD!

Psalm 119:36-52 teaches us to be alert to our way of life so that we honor our GOD. We ought to be God confident and willing to help others.Stay away from covetousness, walk in liberty and comfort and encourage yourself in the LORD.Selah.

John 14:15-31 records the hardest questions after salvation dealing with our love factor for our Saviour. "If you love me" sets the tone for our future conversation with our GOD. How is your stewardship of the gifts you have received? How does it echo through your mind when you say out loud in public that you love Him and know that you are not keeping His commandments? Do you appreciate The Holy Spirit as The Comforter? How do you demonstrate your thankfulness?How is The Peace of and with GOD in your soul?Are you on your feet and going with Jesus? If you love Me, keep my commandments.

2nd samuel:1-8:18 tells us that there was "rest" in The King's house. How many battles, days, deaths, victories, river crossings and defeats have the children endured to get to this time and this place? Finally GOD tells the Prophet Nathan to tell King David "Go do all that is in thine heart, for The LORD is with thee".Have you ever experienced this kind of answer to prayers? Read all the promises that The LORD made to King David and Israel, but do not forget to note the conditions and requirements associated. Why does GOD answer ANY prayer? Is there any thing GOD does not know?Look at verses 7:24-29 declares many different names and titles of GOD.Read to know Him and honor and respond to His Names.David enjoyed success, prosperity and joy when He obeyed GOD and was preserved withersoever he went. How is your confidence level to follow and obey GOD?

Proverbs 15:33 ought to be read, believed, prayed over and obeyed. Ask The LORD to cause you to be teachable and leadable and then be humble. He is The LORD. Amen. pj
May 24th Sunday and a great day to be alive and expecting great things from GOD.
Proverbs 15:31-32 causes us to pay attention to what saith The LORD. Were you wise today? Let us seek restoration, admit our sins, confess and believe 1st John 1:9.

Psalm 119:17-35 allows us to know GOD and shows us the best way to start. We should ask a favor from The LORD as recorded in verse 18.We ought to seek His leadership in all aspects of our life and heed His words of instruction.One of the questions to be asked is what are you stuck on?If we choose the way of truth it will begin at Calvary. We will desire to be Christlike. We will ask GOD for understanding and that He teach us His will and way. We will be committed to servitude, following Jesus.

John 13:13-14:14 Permits us to see how to glorify GOD. We will come as little children, sit at His feet, receive His commandments and obey. We will learn not to be confident of our flesh. Our goal is to NOT deny our GOD and our Saviour Jesus. We learn about His promises and their conditions. We hear truth and believe that Jesus is the way! We read verses 14:12-14 and believe the way to pray is shown to us and we will not go another way.These verse are clear that Jesus is GOD in the flesh.

2nd Samuel 4:1-6:23 brings into view Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan. Abner, Joab, Rechab and Baanah have caused much interaction, intrigue and conflict. If we judge GOD by how His kids act we will have a bad concept of GOD. We need to read to know Him and when we cannot see His hand we need to trust His heart. Now Israel has their 2nd king who will rule for 40 years. King David takes the strong hold of Zion and establishes Jerusalem as the new capital for worship for all Israel. The LORD shows how David and Israel should fight and win battles against the Philistines.We should learn to seek the guidance from The LORD in all matters. King David moves the Ark of God, whose name is called by the name of The LORD of Hosts that dwelleth between the cherubims from Gibeah through the house of Obed-edom to the city of David.Remembering history is or can be a life saver. How did GOD tell Moses to handle and move the Ark? Selah. Amen. Read to know Him and hide His word in your heart so that you sin not against The LORD.Be right and do right for His glory. pj

Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23rd hope you finish this week strong and are looking forward to Sunday.

2nd Samuel 2:12-3:39 reports the conflict between Judah and Israel and is played out by the military leaders Abner and Joab.Deceit,pride and selfishness show up in the reading and we ought to learn the impact of these sins.David laments the death of Abner and issues a curse against Joab for disrespecting and slaying Abner.

John 13:1-30 allows us to see the activities associated with the last meal with Jesus and His disciples, Him washing their feet and Judas being separated from the eleven.Verse 3 is key to our understanding of the relationship of Jesus and GOD the Father.What did you learn about Jesus by His example of servitude in washing their feet? What does the term Lordship mean to you? John is moved by The Holy Spirit to write this book,yet it is 50 years later than when it occurred.Consider this that men like Barnabas and Saul/Paul never read this report.Do you journal?Look at II Tim 3:16-17 and be grateful.

Psalm 19:1-16 tells the beautiful story of what GOD thinks about and calls His Word. Take note for the description of the Word of God. In all but 3 of the 176 verses there will be a description of the Word of GOD. We can learn how to live, what to love, what to hate and what to hide in our heart.Today we see how to respond to the Will of God and have a cleansed life. Learn to read and pray back this Psalm to the Lord.Desire to be/do right must be followed by determination and devotion. Selah.

Proverbs 15:29-30 asks the question, are your bones fat? Where is The LORD in your life today?There are obstacles to prayers being heard-fact.How is your prayer life? Do you know how to get right so that your prayers will be heard? If not, please let me know and I'll share with you how to be heard. Selah. Amen. pj

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22nd and counting. Are you still glad for your lot in life today?
Proverbs 15:7-28 ought to cause us to ponder these thoughts and ask GOD to cause us to be alert to His ways. Read to know Him.
Psalm 118:19-29 pleads with us to acknowledge The LORD.Selah. Amen.

John 112:20-50 How would you respond/react if some stranger ask you to take him to meet Jesus?Jesus defines what is the "cost" of following Him. We are told what and how we are to be and do "if" we are going to be His disciple.John also describes the options we must make as disciples and one of these is peer pressure problems in and around the church.Jesus directs all honor toward The Father and reminds all believers that it is His will that is to be accomplished.We ought to learn what it is that only GOD will do and then pray to learn what we are to be and do. Are you in and walking in the light?

2nd Samuel 1:1-2:11 begins the story of David as king. We should read to know God while watching how The LORD deals with sin, punishment,confession, pardon and His relationship/fellowship with the believers. We may learn how believers depend on GOD and how to be in the will of GOD. We will see how The LORD rewards diligence, faithfulness and obedience. Ask The Lord to show you how to be devoted to Him while being led by The Holy Spirit. Read and learn the impact of sin.We will read about David's triumphs, sin and troubles.When you hear about trouble today in Israel listen closely when they mention Hebron. It would be worthwhile to study how important Hebron is to the Jews in light of all the events that occurred there.David will be king over Judah for 7 years.Take note of Abner, Joab and their brothers and follow the activities that they do in the name of loyalty. Consider the impact of David having so many wives and note the sons that will be born. Read to know GOD. pj
May 21st Hope you have been blessed today and that you have thanked The LORD.
Proverbs 15:24-26 Read and take notice, if not today perhaps tomorrow and then the time of separation. Will GOD consider you wise or not?Are your words both pure and pleasant before men and The Lord?Meet Him as Saviour or as Judge. Selah.
Psalm 118:1-18 contains more than 18 promises, facts and truths. How many have you acted upon? I suggest you get verse 6 down deep in your heart and believe GOD.Please be careful with verses 8-9, two witnesses establish truth. Who do you trust?
John 11:54-12:19 calls our attention to the Deity of Jesus.What affect does the anointing of Jesus by Mary have on your concept f GOD?Did you notice His name and title?How does verse 12:19 stir your heart?
1st Samuel 29:1-31:13 reminds us about peer pressure,as it affects our reputation,personal conduct,character and may cause some to survive conflicts.David was a survivor and perhaps his greatest trait might be found in verse 30:6. How do you encourage yourself when you are at your wits end?It is fascinating how GOD gets involved in the coming victory of David over the Amalekites. David make a good decision concerning all of his warriors and the sharing of the spoils practicing stewardship and giving The LORD the credit/honor for the victory. Good reading and hopefully we are learning more about Him. Amen. pj

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20th and we are still waiting and watching for Jesus to appear in the clouds and to call us out/catch us up in the rapture as described in 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18.
Proverbs 15:22-23 gives good advice about who we listen to and why. We ought to pray for wisdom in choosing our friends and be encouraged when two or more agree about an option we are considering. Making a decision is easy, but getting information in order to make the best dedcision is hard work. Be careful that your counsellors are on praying ground before receiving their report. If you are asked to advise a brother, get right with GOD first, seek the Holy Spirit's direction and be true.

Psalm117:1-2 shows us what to do. Praise GOD, praise ye The LORD.Amen. Selah.

John 11:1-53 We read this scripture and are shown the glory of The LORD. What a great commentary that Jesus' friend Lazarus died, Martha and Mary are comforted , Jesus weeps and Lazarus is raised from the dead.How are you encouraged by this resurrection?How does this affect your concept of GOD in the matter of eternal life? Does it bother you how Jesus was treated?If you had been there when Jesus called Lazarus out and he came, how would you give a testimony/praise for Jesus? Why did Jesus weep?Why do the Jews hate Him and plot to kill Him?If you were told to loose him and let him(Lazarus)go, what impact would that have on you?

1st Samuel 26:1-28:25 Have you heard the expression"dead men walking"? Saul is in great disorder and acting foolish as if he were desparate and backslidden.What would you recommend he do?David and his men are blessed and protected. Do you see the two camps, one wise and one foolish? All must be aware that sins will be known by GOD and there is a price to pay now and later. All men should repent, admit, confess and ask GOD for forgiveness. Read to know Him, learn what GOD hates and what He loves.Make that your guideline for life. Be Christlike for the glory of GOD. Amen.pj

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19th Tuesday and we are still here.I've often suggested to our students that they should look up words in an old fashion dictionary. For example look up folly and destitute. Then read today's reading starting at Proverbs and make the connection in the Psalm, John and 1st Samuel.I can't wait, folly is defined as behavior arising from stupidity, misguided behavior is liable to end disastrously, a lapse of moral rectitude. Destitute is so poverty stricken as to be without the necessities of life, entirely lacking.Think about the man in your life.

Proverbs 15:20-21 describes the benefits of being wise.Are you filled with the wisdom of GOD? Think about your future.

Psalm 116:1-19 ask a hard question(v12)"what shall I render unto The LORD for all his benefits toward me"? If you do not have all the benefits you are destitute.Do you want to argue the point?What do you have that The LORD did not give you?How do you thank Him?When was the last time you said verse 1-2 back to GOD? Red the benefits of repenting and confessing sin and getting right with The LORD GOD Almighty.Don't be foolish and mock GOD. Seek wisdom, lest you become destitute.

John 10:22-42 records many promises. Do you see them, have you asked for them and do you believe they are for your life now? Repent toward GOD and have faith in Jesus Christ.If a person is not in the hand of GOD where are they?If Jesus is not God in the flesh, who is He? All go from sight to faith. See Him and believe Him! Read to know Him. Come as a little child and be leadable as a little sheep.Hear His voice(BIBLE) and do not follow another.If you go away from Christ,where do you go?Look at verse 41-41 and do likewise.How many miracles has The LORD done in/for you?Please read II Corn 5:17-21 and determine your relationship with The LORD.Be right/do right.

1st Samuel 24:1-25:44 continues the conflict between Saul and David. Which one of these was wise? All men shall be known by their deeds.GOD has revealed to us the sins,faults,conduct,words and deeds of kings. What has He written in His books about you and me? Facts!Learn the principals of godly conduct recorded by David and Abigal. Beware of the folly practiced by Nabal. Pay attention to the Power of God and realize the life we live and the air we breathe is from GOD and He can shut it off when He pleases.Where do men get wisdom?Please do not allow the conduct of men to cause you to doubt GOD. Be careful as you refine you concept of GOD. Read to know Him. Hear His voice. Believe what is written in the 365 KJV Bible and allow The Holy Spirit to be your teacher. Don't be foolish and destitute. Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful as recorded in Psalm 116:5. Selah. Amen. pj

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18th is a new Monday, perhaps the last Monday of our earthly life. Do you know where you will spend Tuesday if this happens?Can you describe your personal experience with GOD in the matter of your salvation? Nearly every questiionaire begins with DOB. It would seen normal for an adult who claims to be saved from the wrath of GOD to be able to start with their date of "new" birth.To be able to declare with confidence that"I am a child of The King" is a great joy. Can you say that you are complete in Christ?Do you know, without a shadow of doubt, that you are redeemed, forgiven, adopted, justified, united with GOD by His Holy Spirit and free from all condemnation? If you have doubt, please let me help you to become familiar with many scriptures that will cause you to see the will of GOD for your life.

Proverbs 15:18-19 describes two men, which description applies to you? All of us need to be honest with The LORD and truthful with our selves. Amen. Selah.

Psalm 115:1-18 tells the whole world that GOD knows and that He cares. Please keep back from making a god of your own imiagination that in reality cannot speak,see,hear,listen,smell,walk nor stand. Trust GOD, He who made heaven and earth, bless His Holy Name.

John 10:1-21 describes Jesus as the sheperd. Jesus declares Himself to be The Good Shepherd! Jesus describes the work of The Father and The Holy Spirit as He takes care for the sheep, you and me. He also declares Himself to be The Door. Take note of these names, titles, traits, characteristics and promises for they are given as truths for us to know Him. Are you in His flock? Are you identification marks as one of Jesus' sheep plain and visible? What are they? Time for show and tell.Will the real ewe stand up.

1st Samuel 22:1-23:29 continues the story of King Saul persuing David to kill him.How would you like to have a father-in-law like Saul? Jesus described the differences between a shepherd and a hireling in John10:10-14 and we are able to see the similiar characteristic differences between saul and David. The LORD shows the flaws in His people. Don't judge God by how His kids act.How do find verse 22:2 describing you?Did you notice how the judgment that was charged against Eli being accomplished in verse 17-18?How is your concept of GOD impacted by reading these accounts of treason, destruction,deceit and war? Read to know Him. Selah. pj
**Don't spend any more days in doubt about eternity. Let God show you the way, you can know for sure if you want to know. I will help you. pj

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 17th Hope you had a great day in SS and Church. Hopefully you read before you go to meet with other believers and get edified by the preaching.

Proverbs 15:15-17 causes us to agree that volumne does not always mean good.What is the "merry" level of your heart?Take time to be thankful for what you have been gifted with by GOD.Seek peace and fear GOD and be grateful.

Psalm 113:1-114:8 requires us to think about GOD and to praise Him for Himself.How much history do you read that declares the attributes of GOD?Learn to read and pray as you read the psalms back to The LORD. Recall His attributes and hide these verses in your heart so that you sin not against GOD.Praise Him. Amen. Selah.

John 9:1-41 records a miracle that is in two parts. First a blind man is healed and then he is sealed for eternity so that no man could say GOD was not merciful. How does this affect your concept of GOD in light of verses 1-5?Be careful to not take any part away nor add to this recorded work.This was a gift of GOD. This man had no problem giving a witness/testimony about his blessing. How do you give your testimony? How many "if" did you count that Jesus used in this readin?

1st Samuel 20:1-21:15 tells a great story of a lasting friendship between David and Jonathan while hatred is raging from King Saul against his son and son-in-law.To me it is trajic for a family member to have to flee from his family to their enemy. It is fascinating to see how GOD had put things in order so that as David was fleeing and unarmed that he ran to the priest for provisions and a sword.Yet every time good is being done the enemy is watching and waiting to cause evil to occur. Let us be aware that we have a real enemy who desires to destroy us and our testimony. Selah pj

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 16th Saturday, rainy and all is well in my Father's house, but the fields are empty. How is your stewardship report? Are you ready to give an account of all the 24/7/365s since your salvation began? Aren't you glad that GOD does not forget what He did for you, when He did it, where you were when He did it and why it needed to be done? Please work on your testimony. Ask The LORD to favor you with perfect recall. Perhaps He wasn't there and didn't have any part in it. Now what do you say to Him and others?

Psalm 112:1-10 sets the tone for the reading today.If you read this first, then King Saul's conduct is evidence of evil tidings and the Jews that were listening to Jesus realized they were not of God.I find it very exciting to read, see and understand a little better the involvement of The Holy Spirit of God in arranging these verses for us to read daily.Read to know Him, seek Him, He will make himself known to you. Praise Him, delight greatly in Him and cause GOD to establish your heart. Selah.

1st Samuel 18:5-19:24 records the life style of the rich and famous as well as the trials of those who are hated and misunderstood.Compare Saul with David in light of obedience.Compare Saul with Jonathan in light of honor, truth, respect in dealing with subordinates. How is to serve angels unawares? What happens to a person when GOD moves to cause them do His will?Why do we get to read about Saul's evil tidings and poor kingly conduct?How does the frailty of man impact your concept of GOD?

John 8:31-59 shows Jesus being forceful, fearless and truthful in dealing with the religious Jews.Count the number of times "if" is used in these verse and then respond to the same questions yourself. How many promise did Jesus make? Did you consider the related conditions to these promises? Many verse are just plain facts that happened to believers and unbelievers.Verse 43"Why do ye not understand my speech?even because ye cannot hear my word" causes separation to be made clear. What kind of person hears and understands truth and does not respond? Jesus defers all honor to His Father, how does this affect your concept of GOD? These Jews were at beth-El but did not know nor seek El-beth-El.Do you know the difference?

Proverbs 15:12-14 continues the description of foolish man or one with a merry heart. What kind of person does The LORD see in you today? How does the Holy Spirit convict and comfort you?Do you consider yourself a person of understanding that is seeking knowledge of GOD? If not, why not? If you know to do right and do it not, what is it? Sin! Admit,confess,agree with GOD,repent,get clean and right,be right and then pray for The LORD to cause you to stay close as you follow Him. Selah. pj

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 15th, Maranatha!Look at Ist Corn 16:22 and agree with GOD.
Ist Samuel 17:1-18:4 shows us an example of discipleship. We must be careful reading these verses lest we get caught up in the conflict and miss the involvement of The LORD. Read to know Him. Look for Him.Do you have a testimony like David? How has GOD delivered you from adverse situations? Have you ever had to face discouragement for 40 straight days? The military uses "Psywar" and the Philistines were good at verbally abusing the cowering Jews. Where was The LORD during this time of war? How does this conduct affect your concept of His greatness? How does David go from the sight of the Goliath to faith in The LORD? What and how does victory over our enemies influence our concept of GOD? Is God a respecter of persons? Where did David learn all these great truths about GOD?Is David a "good" example of a believer? How do you consider yourself like David? How do you consider yourself like Jesus?How do you consider yourself like Saul? Be sure because your role model will influence your conversation both now and for eternity.

Psalm 111:1-10 Do you believe this psalm? How does your prayer and praise life reflect your faith?Let verse 3 sink down into your ears and then enjoy His truths. Because of what you know are you fearful of GOD?

Proverbs 15:11 How BIG is GOD?Do you "really" believe this verse? WEhat does He think about? What do you think about? How does the thought of heaven and hell influence your conversation?

John 8:21-30 Please don't be decieved about the importance of these verses because they are so few.WOW! Picture yourself sitting in this audience and hearing these words, would you have believed Jesus?Let these truths impact your concept of GOD. Jesus did nothing apart from The Father. Jesus is the only way for salvation from the wrath of GOD. Our work as believers is to "lift Him up", and this is the perfect will of GOD. If money were no object, what would you do for Jesus' sake? Selah. pj
May 14th As you read today I hope you become fascinated by the similarity of the four books as they record how GOD deals with man,His creation.I am convinced that the stewardship principals laid out by The LORD are foundational to all other truths.What was the first order of business for Adam and Eve?Has that order been changed for you and me?Accountability is critical,prompt obedience is essential and blessings/rewards are evidences of approval. Don't MISUNDERSTAND,I am not saying works save us from the wrath of GOD, but works are results in action of our faith.Where do you get your faith? What is the source of your faith?When you get faith, what do you do with it?It is with the heart that man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation,Romans 10:10. Are you diligent about your faith?
Proverbs 15:8-10 Do you sense that your prayers cause GOD to have delight?How did you follow after righteousness today?As The LORD leads do you follow? If not, why not? How can you tell when the LORD is leading?

Psalm 110:1-7 allows us to listen in on a heavenly conversation. Where is Jesus now? What is He doing for you today? Try to grasp the significance of verse 1 in that The LORD said unto my LORD.How are His attributes demonstrated in this Psalm?

John 8:1-20 records for us Jesus dealt with sinners and unbelievers.What do you think was written by the "finger of GOD" in the ground at the feet of this adulteress who was caught is this sinful act? How many names, attributes and traits did you take note of in this chapter? We read to know Him.Jesus declares some of the traits of those who have been saved. The OT/Law was used by Jesus to clearly demonstrate the sinfulness of man and then He offered forgiveness, by grace through faith. Repentance toward GOD and faith in Jesus Christ. To know Him, to know both The Father and The Son, we are blessed! I can say,I am in Christ. Can you and what and where is your proof that you are saved? Cause others to believe and to be saved.

Ist Samuel l5:1-16:23 makes it very clear the benefits of obedience and the consequence of disobedience.There are several "key" verses I hope you noted.For example verse 1,10-11,17,35;16:7 and 13-14.As you consider these how do they influence your concept of GOD. Did you notice the attributes and traits in this reading.Try to imagine being there as a silent prayer warrior and interceding for Samuel, Saul and David.Please read carefully verses 13-23 and make a snapshot of The LORD in His Holiness, sense His Omniscience and Omnipresence.Now consider how you respond to simple truth that has been made known to you.Did you notice that new name in verse 29? How does this impact your plans? The LORD is not a respecter of persons. GOD expects all of His children to obey and to diligently seek after Him.These chapters cry out to believers about stewardship, accountability, faith, responsibility, opportunity and judgment. Read to know Him. Trust Him with all your heart and act like a son of GOD. Be right, do right and respond to His ability. pj

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13th It is Wednesday, how is charge of your spiritual battery? Read to know Him and be in church tonight.Come prepared to be a blessing and to be blessed. Amen.
Proverbs 15:5-7 because you have read today, are you blessed? Are you prudent, righteous and full of knowledge? If not, why not?What does The LORD expect of His children? If you want treasure, be right and do right.

Psalm 109:1-31 It is OK to not know the answer. You may/can complain about your circumstances to The LORD. Learn the difference between complaining and murmuring.When in doubt, recall your history with GOD. Remind Him of His salvation. Praise Him. Adore Him. Thank Him.Confess your "sins" to The LORD. Admit and then agree with God about your conduct before Him and all others. Trust GOD. Selah.

Ist Samuel 14:1-52 teaches us ways to know our enemies and learn of their weakness.We are in a war"Jihad" and the souls of men are at stake.Pity the man(NOT women) who will not fight.From Gen 3 we are told of the war/enemy that is raging for the souls of men. If we will not fight for our country what makes us feel confident that we will fight other's battles? It has been said that until it becomes personal it will never be a priority.God records the frailty of man as He records the conflict of Saul and Jonathan.GOD wants to save Israel and He expects all the glory.The cycle of sin exposed in the Book of Judges is still in effect even though there is a king. Read to know Him,learn His ways, obey His commands and trust GOD.

John 7:31-53 records some of mans"bad"concepts of God.Jesus declares Himself and it is plain that no man spake like Him.The Old Testament references used by John referring to Jesus are from Leviticus 23,Deuteronomy 18 and Isaiah 55.We can see that the writers of the New Testament "assumed" that the readers would have knowledge and experience with the scriptures/Old Testament.How has this truth come to pass in your life?Does The Holy Spirit make truth easy for you to understand? If not, why not?We all will be asked if we have been deceived. How do you respond? pj

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 12th Please share your thoughts abut the blog and if you have any questions let me know so that we can better serve you. Thanks for looking, reading and growing. Read to know Him but don't try to please Him or try to make Him happy because you read.Watch carefully as you continue to refine your "concept of GOD".
Proverbs 15:4 alerts us to potential problms. Watch out for "perverseness" let you cause a "breach" in your Spirit.Be careful what you put in your mind/heart.Selah.

Psalm 108:1-13 makes a bold statement that provokes a question. How is your heart?How has your conduct been? Are you doing valiantly each day? If not, why not?The promise for our success is given in verse 13, yet it is limited to GOD being our God.

John 7:1-30 makes it plain that man looketh upon man and GOD looks upon the heart.It is true that you may know men by their deeds/fruit. How do you make righteous judgment of others? Jesus makes it firm as to who gets the glory, and that it is The Father.It appears important to Jesus that men have the proper concept of GOD. How do you know the difference between truth and untruth? Who is your best teacher of the Bible? Who is your 24/7/365 Comforter? We have the answer to these question and all others that will come because Jesus is the very Christ. Read to know Him. Selah.

Ist Samuel 12:1-13:23 records Samuel's calling the childen into accountability. Stewardship was, is and will always be GOD's manner of dealing with His children. One day the books will be opened.History is important to teach us traits and characteristics of GOD.We must learn that having a king,president or offical in our life DOES NOT relieve us of our personal responsibilty to obey His commandments. NO ONE will ever please The LORD when they put Him in second place. Now, is He LORD of ALL? Read verses 12:20-25 and then check your concept of the priorities in your life.Please put Him first. He will not make exceptions. What was King Saul's problem? Why did GOD take his kingdom from him? Kep your eyes off of the equipment that the enemy has and may use to attack you and FOCUS on The LORD. How can you explain that a sharp stick is better than a chariot. Who is in charge? Amen. pj

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 11th Monday is the day we try to recall all that we are in Christ. Did you try this AM?Are you glad of who you were, are and will be?Did you remember that as a child of The King, you are a son of GOD, joint heirs with Jesus, co-laborer with The Lord,accepted in the beloved an a friend of Christ? Don't forget that you have been justified, united with God by His Holy Spirit,a saint that is a member of His body, and were bought with a price-you belong to GOD.Now, be grateful that you have access to The Father through Jesus and that you are COMPLETE in Jesus Christ. WOW!Selah.

Psalm 107:1-43 Note how many times verse 8 is repeated.Let this verse thunder through your mind and cry unto The LORD that it be so in your heart.Then let the last verse be your model in that"Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD".How do you understand HIM?Did you give thanks early this day? If not,why not?How long does the mercy of GOD endure?If you take the opportunity to praise The LORD, what would you say? Say it now! Amen.

John 6:47-71 If you were to read and respond to the Psalm 107 before reading John's report your attitude and appreciation would be different.Look for His lovingkindness,mercy,provisions,promises and the presence of GOD.Pray to be a disciple that will not go back.Make sure you believe that Jesus is Christ, the Son of the living God.Did you note the name change?Do you believe that He is the bread of life?Do you ask The Father to give you this bread every day as you pray?Let us not be satisfied with"day old/stale bread", read to know Him today.Does the promise in verse 47 thrill you? If not, why not? Tell others what satisfies you the most.

Ist Samuel 10:1-11:15 Consider what you have read about the children of Israel since the departure from Egypt. Add up the years that they have been in the Promise Land. Note how many judges The Lord has provided for their relief and still find GOD has not changed. They did not want prophets, priest or GOD to rule over them, they wanted a king. You tell them it would be best to trust GOD and not man and see how much of an impression you make on them, and you have the answer book in front of you today.Why won't they be satisfied with The LORD and His lovingkindness? Are you? Saul is anointed, receives a new heart and proceeds to obey and serve GOD. How many promises with conditions did you see today and how do these relate to your life? What attributes of GOD did you see? What did you learn about GOD and yourself today?

Proverbs 15:1-3 How does your reply or answer ,even to poor,dumb or inappropriate questions, encourage and edify your listener?If not, why not?God knows what we say as sure as what we think, even before we speak.O Lord, cause me to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to wrath. Selah. Amen. BE right and then do right. pj
May 10th Happy Mothers day to all of you. Thanks for reading your 365 Bible every day to know Him.I hope each woman strives to be a Proverbs 31 Lady.We have had several women so far in this year's reading that are godly examples as young girls, wives, mothers, women and aged ladies who were setting high standards as role models. I am grateful for my wife, my daughter and daughter-in-law for being mothers and in my life line.I love my children and especially my Grandchildren. I am a Blessed man! All men in family have "el" in their name and I claim the promise that they will be used of The LORD.I wish my father could have seen PAJ 2,3 and4.

Proverbs 14:34-35 places the failure of any nation at the door step of it's people.Let us repent, admit, confess and beg GOD to show The USA mercy and send us a human deliverer or for the Rapture to occur soonest as per The LORD's will.

Psalm 106:32-48 Records the frailty of man and the sovereignty of GOD.Verse 47 corresponds to the prayer request in the proverbs. Let us say Maranatha! Selah.

John 6:22-46 Allows us to know The God-man, Jesus, as He proclaims who He is, His ministry,His Father's will, His promise for eternal life and His willingness for any and all to be saved. The divine tripod is described in verse 44 and this is the only way for any one to come to GOD.Please look back at John 1:11-14,Apr 30, and allow this to become your method of winning souls. The Word, a man and The Spirit.

Samuel was discussed in yesterday's blog.
** Let me express my thanks for your support and time you take to read your 365 Bible and then to check my thoughts. My prayer for you is for you to be provoked to think more about The Lord Jesus Christ.Read to know Him, pray for Him to cause you to be like Him and believe. Hope to see May 17th in SS Class. Selah. Amen. pj

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9th Hope you are having a great Saturday. Today's reading is easy to understand and enjoy. Look forward to seeing you in church tomorrow.
Proverbs 14:32-33 Read this and apply. Read this and believe and see evidence in those around you.Seek wisdom, depart from evil and be wholly committed to The LORD.

Psalm 106:13-31 makes some very strong statements of truth to remind us that GOD is serious about obedience and reverence. Verse 15 proves that praying amiss is dangerous and the results may linger for many days or years. Evidence of unbelief shown in verse 24 followed by murmuring and sin provoke The LORD to anger. Be careful how you pray and how you obey for GOD is watching. He wants His children to do right for His glory, His name's sake and that others may be drawn unto Him.

Ist Samuel 5:1-7:17 Proves that The LORD is reasonable and willing to use anything to declare His glory in order for men to be drawn to Himself. As you read take care to see where sight and faith impact the people.Note the concepts of GOD expressed by the Jews and The Philistines. Verse 17:3 defines the desire of GOD for His children and makes a promise with particular conditions. Read to know Him.

Ist Samuel 8:1-9:27 Every person is responsible to GOD for their conduct.It is a sad day when the creation rebel against The Creator. We should not be surprised how our oppressors treat us because The LORD declares the impact of their rule. Verse 19 is a bold statement given by GOD, written down for eternity and even read by us today of man's selfishness, ignorance, pride, envy and rebellion. GOD hates sin, but loves the sinner and be sure the wage of sin is death.How does this affect your concept of GOD?He has not and will not change.

John 6:1-21 Stand by for another miracle. Be careful to not limit GOD because you can't see provisions needed or the mass of people with so few laborers. God is able!God uses men to serve men. Are you available for The LORD's service. What do you have in your hand?Look for GOD in the flesh, Jesus, to do all things right. How does He impress you?Learn and believe that He will never leave you nor forsake you.Selah.

I've added some personal info concerning our daughter and hope you will be pleased and enjoy her work. This the website for our daughter, a writer of women' fiction, please visit it and tell your friends.

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8th I am glad that it is Friday and Sunday is coming.Have you expressed your gratitude to GOD for your blessings and His mercy?Take time to be wholly dependent upon The LORD and agree with the psalmist"Then believed they his words;they sang his praise", find this today in Psalm 106. Read to know Him.

Proverbs14:30-31 causes us to think about our priorities and directs us to put GOD first.The LORD looks upon the heart however, the world and our brothers look at our deeds.What evidence is there in your daily conversation of love and mercy for the poor?Let us pray that we be not overcome with envy. Be right and then do right.

Psalm 106:1-12 As you read, take note of the provisions and promises with conditions laid out by GOD.History(His story)is good to be told often by the fathers to the children.If our children do not learn about GOD at home, who will tell them? Remember why The LORD saved us, according to verse 8, and respond to His mighty power.

I Samuel 2:22-4:22 records a very sad and tragic time of the children of Israel. GOD records the faults of men/priest and makes plain the impact of a sordid life by those in position of great responsibility, yet Samuel stayed clean in a dirty place. Circumstances should not cause a son of GOD to act as a son of Belial.As you read about Eli, learn from his mistakes and do right with your children. How does a father or a brother correct,counsel,admonish,rebuke and instruct his son or brother?If we say we love, we will get involved.Great concern ought to cause all men,who are saved, to want to NOT be like Eli, Hophni or Phinehas so that at their death it would be over for their family,and also they would be associated with the event recorded that the glory of The LORD is departed.If you ask why did this happen, go back to the judges and read where there was a generation that knew not GOD or what about the concept of every man doing that what he thinks is right in his own eyes because there is no king. Where is GOD while this is happening?Samuel grew and prospered in spite of Eli and his sons ungodly conduct.Guard yourself against mixing worldly conduct with your church life lest you develop a wrong concept of GOD. READ.

John 5:24-47 starts with a great verse for eternal security. Hear Him! Note the interaction between The Father and The Son and then put your name in the position as a son of GOD and ask the question of how am I doing to do my Fathers business. Can people look at you and me and see GOD? The scriptures Jesus referred to are Old Testament writings and it is plain the impact of the Law in the salvation event.We must allow The Holy Spirit to direct our use and understanding/undertaking of the scriptures when we read and when we share with others law,truth and grace. We represent The LORD.Let this truth order your steps for His glory and your joy. We need to practice giving our testimony.One day we will see Him face to face. Selah. pj

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7th It is good to be home and not too far behind in preparing the blog. I awoke at 04:30 this AM,sat up in my hospital bed and read my 365.What were you doing this AM? Learn to be thankful where you are.I'm very thankful for the successful cath and all the good attendants who care for their patients. One of my nurses was a Special Forces trained medic and that was really a gift from The LORD and my confidence was boosted sky high knowing someone of that experience was my flank man and watching out for me. Later today I meet a PA who is a Christian and we talked about our GOD and what a way to finish a time in the hospital. I'm grateful that my "main" prayer partner,my wife, came and picked me up and then bought us malts at Sonic before we got home. I am blessed.I pray you are blessed.Read where you are as soon as you can. Read to know Him and not to make Him happy because of your reading.He loves His kids.

I Samuel 1:1-2:21 There are 31 chapters in this book and we will read it in two weeks. Take note of how God responds to prayer and diligence. Pay attention to the details.Who was praying for you to be saved?Be reminded that fathers are to teach their sons and that sons are accountable for their own conduct as adults.As a parent we are to be careful in our prayers and vows concerning those children we have and those we ask GOD to lend to us.God wants His children to be right and to do right.When our prayers are answered we are to be prompt and grateful when we reply to our Lord.Samuel grows up in a adverse environment yet is true to The LORD. We can blame things and circumstances for the choices we make, however truth will prevail and God will ultimately get glory.The gift children that GOD gave to Hannah and Elkanah demonstrate His bounty, faithfulness and mercy. How has He blessed you?

John 5:1-23 Records the relationship between The Father and The Son.We ought to be amazed at the opportunity we have to know GOD.We have a ring side seat as Jesus heals and seals the destiny of an infirmed man.What has God done for you through Jesus? Can we agree that all men are impotent before The LORD and except He save us we are doomed?How do we get to honor The Father and The Son daily? Be right/do right.
As sons of GOD, people know our Father by how we act as we do His business.

Psalm 105:39-45 Why does GOD bless you?What do you tell others about your Lord?How did you praise The LORD today?Please note the spelling of God in these questions because this will assist you developing a biblical concept of Him.Read to know Him.

Proverbs 14:28-29 Let us all learn to be careful how we act, for we represent our Father.How is your understanding today?Who are you watching out for today? Who are you in agreement with on matters of prayer?Jesus in making intercession for us and we should be in agreement with Him in all matters. Selah. pj
May 6th What a day this turned out to be, surprise.I had a Dr appointment to check on results of a stress test and wound up that night in the hospital for a heart cath. So I am late preparing the blog, but I'm glad we read early and The LORD went before me leading the way, even unto that valley of darkness and complete control of another human while He supervised the procedure. Thanks be unto Him who never fails. I never once felt alone nor fearful and the last conscience thought was about who I am in Christ. Dear Lord,thanks for the memories!

Ruth 2:1-4:22 Can you or did you see the hand of GOD in all of these circumstances?Boaz represents a type of Christ as the kinsman redeemer. Ruth is such a beautiful picture of "the lost" who is redeemed and serves a great service for The LORD. How does this affect your concept of GOD?I love the picture of the workers in Boaz's field. I named them the "hummers" and they were used by GOD to attract"by her hap" to the best place for Ruth to glean.Perhaps if we "hummed" for Jesus we might be used by The Lord to tell them about our Lord, who wants to be their Redeemer.

John 4:43-54 continues the report of the walking ministry Of Jesus from Judea, Samaria and now Galilee. I suggest you get a map showing the Holy Land so that you can appreciate his time and distance traveled. The truth in this report may be that a delay in Jesus responding to a prayer request is not a denial. Please be attentive to what you ask and when there is evidence of a response, even to the very hour. We must learn that GOD is always on time and provides the best results.

Psalm,105:16-38 As you read be careful to NOT focus on the things that are happening, but to consider Him who makes all things happen. Be encouraged by the consistency of GOD as you look for His attributes and traits.

Proverbs 14:26-27 I'm glad to have read this in the AM because it gave me strong confidence in the PM.Please read to know Him and as you do memorize and then meditate because The Holy Spirit will bring it up out of your memory bank when you "really" need comfort and peace. Selah. Amen. pj *pray for Mo, Chris and Robin

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5th Thank The LORD for all of His mercy that is fresh and free today.
Judges 21:1-25 from Othniel to Samson, hundreds of years have been covered that we have read in two weeks and the last verse said"in those days there was no king in Israel:every man did that which was right in his own eyes", how does this impact your concept of GOD?We see today God's provision for Saul of Tarsus in the New Testament for he was of the tribe of Benjamin.IS THERE ANY THING TOO HARD FOR GOD?How do you see the society of today similar to the children of Israel? Who is your king?Are you acting like a child of The King of Glory?

Ruth 1:1-22 What a story of sin of unbelief and disobedience.Look to see God in action in this book and you see how The LORD provides for His children.We need to learn to depend on GOD, wait on Him and be obedient to known/revealed truth.What is your expectation for today and who is going to make it come to pass?Be a good hearer of truth.

John 4:5-42 demonstrates for us the humanity of Jesus in His need for rest and refreshment yet conceals His Deity and we get to know Him as God-man.Hope you noticed the facts shared by Jesus with the woman of Samaria and noted His manner of using The Law then opening grace unto her that she might receive the gift of GOD.All of us need to be a good witness and follow our Saviour asking people to believe Him.The will of GOD for all mankind is for them worship The Father. Jesus is the way!

Psalm 105:1-15 Did you choose to pray a prayer of thanksgiving today?When you read today what did you get to know about GOD for the first time? Let us be careful to not take GOD for granite nor become too familiar with Him that we lose respect, fear and holy reverence for Him. He is The LORD our GOD. Read to know Him.

Proverbs 14:25 begs a question of"What kind of witness are you"?When you take the opportunity to "share" your testimony with others what/where is your main focus? Is it deceitful to hide your relationship with GOD?How many souls have you "delivered" to The LORD?Have you been a true minister of reconciliation today? Selah. Amen. pj

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May 4th I hope you woke up early in the AM and recalled what GOD has made available unto you this day. Can you say that you know that you are a son of GOD? Are you satisfied with what you used to be, what you are today and who you will be upon death or the rapture?Can you say that you are in Christ,a child of GOD,Christ's friend, justified, united with The Father and The Son by The Holy Spirit, having been bought with a price,belonging to The LORD,a member of His body,a saint and accepted in the beloved?Be right,be thankful,do right and praise Him for His grace.
Who was the human instrument used by GOD to cause you to repent toward GOD and have faith in Jesus Christ?When did this new birth take place?Show me the evidence.

Judges 19:1-20:48 What is significant about there being no king in Israel? As you read to know Him look for His involvement in the lives of men and women that are obedient or disobedient to see the impact they have on others, but do not judge The LORD by how His so-called children act.We need to look at these examples and learn.Does it pay to be a type of "good" Samaritan? What does GOD hate?Please remember the cycle of sin that Israel has been in because of disobedience, under oppression and living in vanity worshipping idols they have made.What pain,death and agony they suffered before seeking GOD. The wage of sin is death.Read to know Him.

John 3:22-4:4 provides all who read facts about GOD and His plan of redemption. You must not misunderstand verse 36 for all mankind fall under this truth.We need to read to know Him and see the expressed relationship between The Father and The Son.John declared what gave him joy. What is the source of your joy? Is your lifestyle like that of John in verse 30,"He must increase, but I must decrease"?

Psalm 104:25-35 How long shall the glory of The LORD endure?What does GOD rejoice in? Is your meditation of Him sweet?What do you sing unto to The LORD?What happens when GOD hides His face?One day there will be a consuming of the sinners and the wicked. Who are you trying to keep from the wrath of GOD? It is true and you can know Him. Selah. Amen."If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha."I Corn 16:22
Proverbs 14:22-24 If you were given a choice, would you rather be wise or be foolish?Do you devise evil or good, for your yourself and your neighbor?Is talk really cheap?It is good to look up words that are not in your regular vocabulary such as err,devise,penury and folly in order to better understand truth.It is work to make a "best" decision based on truth and facts that you secure by study. Selah. pj

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 3rd Hope you have a wonderful Sunday. Please try to recall what we read last week about the resurrection and appearances of Jesus Christ. Maranatha.
Judges 17:1-18:31 One of the saddest verses in the Bible may be 17:6, and it is true today. We are in this mess because we forsook GOD. Please, let us be mindful of the mercy of The LORD, but not confuse His mercy as a lack of knowledge in our affairs.We can do as Micah, the Levite or The Danites and make an idol and be content with the gods that we have made with our own hands.Please be careful as you read to know Him that your concept of GOD is true and based on scripture.

John 3:1-21 Is a pivotal chapter and clearly presents the mind, will and way of GOD.WE will be well served as we hide these truths in our hearts and obey The holy Spirit. Can you say that you have been born again?How has the love of GOD changed your life? Have you told anyone of this experience?Are you walking in the light?Has Jesus' words assured you that you are a son of GOD because you have believed in HIM, and that you should not perish, but have everlasting life? Selah. Be thankful.

Psalm 104:1-24 How many times has The LORD blessed you?Be careful to major on The Blessor and minor on the blessings.Take note of His attributes, traits, ways and names and meditate on Him. Read to know Him. Hide His word in your heart and say with the psalmist"O LORD, how manifold are thy works!" Selah. Amen. pj
PS: Bro Skipper Bennett did an outstanding job this AM in class. Thank The LORD.
Proverbs 14:20-21 How happy are you today? How many friends do you have? How is your sin account? Has The LORD had mercy on you today? Have you told Him, Thank You and then told someone about your God's kindness to you? Why not? Selah. Amen. pj
May 2nd How is the weather in your area?
Judges 15:1-16:31 What a tragic story that started with a riddle.The amazing strength, agility and resolve demonstrated by Samson to get even with the Philistines by catching 300 foxes is another step for him coming to the age and position of judge.It is difficult to understand how one man could kill 1000 men. Twenty years Samson judges Israel and then it appears it went downhill.Let us learn a lesson of not abusing God's gift for our own pleasure.Mockery of the enemy and self reliance are bad companions. Don't you wish Samson had been "more" prudent?
John 2:1-25 Records the events of Jesus' life. He was well received and liked by His disciples. The miracles of water to wine demonstrated His power over nature.The zeal and jealousy for the house of God was demonstrated by His righteous indignation and He declared His Father's house was not a house of merchandise.What a "snapshot" of glory is given when He was teaching about His resurrection. Aren't you glad that He has committed Himself to you that you might know Him? read to know Him. Selah.
Psalm 103:1-22 How is your memory? When was the last time that you spent all your time in prayer just being thankful?Hopefully you caught the "snapshot" of The LORD in this psalm.How long is the mercy of GOD?How many facts about your inheritance did you discover? Do you do His pleasure on purpose daily? If not, why not?
Proverbs 14:17-19 Tells us that there is much benefit in doing right.We are the living representatives/ambassadors for our Lord.Selah. Be right and do right. pj
May 1st Judges 13:1-14:20 How many times have the children of Israel done evil again in the sight of the LORD?Can you imagine what it is like to be under oppression for 40 years?When you read about the parents to be of Samson how are you impressed by the provisions and restrictions of GOD?The LORD wants His will to be done on earth and obedience is evidence of love for the LORD.Do you wonder why the parents did not teach their young son separation from the Philistines? What was GOD's plan for Samson?Strength does not equate to honor, deception is not the best way to deal with people and jokes/tricks often backfire.Pray to be used of GOD for His glory.
John 1:29-51 I hope you are amazed at the description of Jesus that is recorded. Has He treated you as He treated Nathanael? How many promises did you see in this passage? Have you identified your life's goals with those of Jesus?
Psalm 102:1-28 Does The LORD hear your prayers? Let us be careful to consider His holiness and remember to admit our sins/confess, repent and seek Him early.When we pray, be grateful, thankful and consider all of His benefits towards us. Selah.
Proverbs 14:15-16 How many times have we been challenged to be prudent?Have you been looking well to your goings and departing from evil?We need to be careful, even in our successes, not to be self-confident. Selah. Amen. pj
Apr 30th Please allow me to add this to todays reading. Thanks. pj
Judges 11:1-12:15 It is trajic to comingle truth with error thereby resulting in a wrong concept of GOD.A good man, doing a good work and then compromising the truth of GOD. Be careful when your vow to yourself takes precedence over obeying The LORD.
Johnn 1:1-28 The good news is made known to the world! John's report is complimentary, yet different from Matthew,Mark and Luke.Jesus is the Son of GOD. Suggest you read these first verses aned stop. Ask The Holy Spirit to show you how to grasp what you are reading so that you are not the same after you read to know HIM.Become acquainted with His names, attributes, traits and manner of talking with people.Let verse 12 sink down into your ears and cause this to be a promise verse you hide in your heart, the saved are sons of GOD, because they have received Him.Try to appreciate the great favor of John the Baptist coming before Jesus. How should we be like John when we think of the lost world? Read to know Him.Be right.
Psalm 101:1-8 What are you singing about today?How is your conduct today?We all must be careful what we see and what we hear. Perhaps, if we started the day singing about the mercies of our GOD and walk in our houses with a "perfect" heart toward The LORD we would not see nor hear trash. Selah. Amen.
Proverbs 14:13-14 Ask a hard question, are you satisfied? Laughing may not be the best answer, but knowing GOD and trusting His word will satisfy a good man.What is a backslidder? How would you treat a backslider?Have you ever considered yourself a backslider?If you were in a backslidden condition how would you like to be treated? Should we be reaching out to people/brothers who have been overtaken in a fault? pj