Tuesday, June 30, 2009

July 1st Congrats on getting to this mid point of the year. Read to know Him and plan to read every day until death or the rapture.Plan to pray without ceasing. Look for the handiwork of The LORD in things and people. Seek to be a blessing. Practice stewardship. Share your testimony daily. Try telling your testimony to The Lord. Try to write out your prayers.Be saved,joyful,useful,happy,looking and waiting for Him.

2nd Kings 18:13-19:37 Read carefully the prayers of King Hezekiah.The use of psywar by the enemy is effective and may cause uninformed and poorly trained people to panic and run where there is no enemy. How do you get relief from the onslaughts of Satan? Perhaps this would be a good time to be grateful that we have an intercessor.Can we learn a lesson of fearing GOD from reading that 185,000 men died in one night at the hand of the angel of The LORD?Look at the promises made by The LORD concerning Jerusalem. It is a sad report reading about the kings and their sons who hate GOD and dad and kill. Take these reports as fact and learn about our past so that we don't get overtaken by our lust and covetousness.Even when they went astray, there was a remnant and GOD said they would escape,take root downward and bear fruit upward. Fact. When we can't see His hand, trust His heart. We are winners.

Acts 21:1-17 Have you ever opened your home for a visiting missionary? If not, why not? Today we get more insight into Paul's heart and see his determination to run the race and to finish his course. How is your race doing? Stewardship is always on Paul's mind. Read to know Him and learn how He treats His children. He loves us!

Psalm 149:1-9 Do you have a song of praise? Since we started with Psalm 145 we have been concentrating on extolling and blessing GOD. Have you thought about Him today? How many attributes have you found this week? Read and pray that these sayings will sink down into your ears. Hear Him. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

Proverbs 18:8 Now is a good time to make things right.Forgive them who have said things about you. Practice treating others as Jesus has treated you. Ouch! Can we say,"Dear LORD, I want to forgive those busybodies"? If not, why not? How do you connect this proverb and the reading of 2nd Kings today? What is a talebearer? What kind of person mocks GOD? Please don't be "causal" with GOD or His Names. Amen. pj
June 30th and we are nearly to the mid point of our goal to read through the KJV 365 Bible in a year to know Him. Congrats! We will start to read the Psalms through again and what an opportunity we have to appreciate the beauty of the scriptures. Please don't become too familiar with the Psalms and say because you have read through the 150 Psalms that you can skim through now. NO, this time soak up the majesty of our GOD. Pray back what you read, hide the promises in your heart and learn to sing and praise The LORD.He will hear your prayers and respond to you. Yea!

Proverbs 18;6-7 WARNS US TO BE CAREFUL HOW WE SPEAK AND WHO AND WHAT WE LISTEN TO AND HEAR.We are spokesmen for Almighty GOD.Selah.

Psalm 148:1-14 Praise ye The LORD. Do you consider this a command?Is there a promise associated with these verses?How many names of GOD have you learned this past six months? We get to express our adoration,appreciation,awe and wonder to our Creator.

Acts 20:1-38 Have you detected the pattern of events while reading the Acts?Preaching excites,thrills and edifies the believer.Preaching presents the Gospel so that unbelievers may be saved.Preaching offends the Devil and he causes his followers to react harshly even to the point of murder.We have a real enemy. Please consider verses19-21 as a goal for your life.Read again verse 24 and pray for the wisdom to know your opportunity to accomplish this in your daily life. We get to "testify the gospel of the grace of GOD". We tell others how The LORD, our Lord, empowers us with divine enablement, His Grace, to do His will. Amen.

2nd Kings 17:1-18:12 What a history lesson! What a sad report about chosen people who did not believe nor obey Almighty GOD. Do you see and make any comparisons to the USA? Pray1 Pray that we are not removed from the sight of GOD. Read 17:23 and weep.We need to learn that situational ethics do not honor nor please GOD. Read this history lesson and LEARN, lest we, the USA face the same shame and dismissal, because we did not fear Almighty GOD. He said for Israel to not fear other gods, nor bow down to them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them.They did.We as individuals must be right and then do right, so that our churches might be a fit vessel for the work of the ministry, so that our town,county, state and nation please GOD. It is not their fault. We must admit and confess our sins specifically, repenting to GOD and having faith in Jesus Christ the Lord, expecting to be forgiven and cleansed, so that we may be bless and walk in the light with Him from now to eternity. Amen. pj

Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29th Another Monday and we are still here.Are there any clouds in the sky? Please look at 1st Corinthians 16:22 and learn what this verse is saying.Are you still secure in Jesus Christ?Are you confident that you are accepted in the beloved?Do you enjoy all the grace and mercy you need in time of need?Do you act like you have a sound mind?Do you tell people that you have been redeemed,forgiven, been bought with a price,justified, in the hand of GOD and on your way to heaven?Have you shared the good news that you are no longer under the wrath of GOD? Who have you ask to go to heaven with you? Put into practice 2ndCorinthians 5:17-21 today and be a minister from now to eternity.If you are a son of GOD, act like it.
** PS ** To all the readers,please sign in and let me know how to serve you. Thanks!!

2nd Kings 15:1-16:20 records the prophecy of Elijah coming to pass concerning Jehu and Israel.Stewardship principles apply to peons and kings.GOD will not make an exception.We are about 750 years away from the birth of Jesus,a few years from Israel being overcome and about 300 more years of the LORD sending light to His people Judah through the prophets.How does this impact our concept of GOD?We need to recall the LORD's attitude about sin and read Chapter 16 carefully to ensure we do not get caught up in idol worship.What have you learned from reading the record of all the bad kings and their conduct? What goals have you considered because of reading how the good kings acted?Read to know Him.

Acts 19:13-41 One preacher titled his sermon on these verse to be "who in hell knows you?"We need to be about our Father's business so that The Word of GOD would grow, prevail and that The Lord Jesus be magnified.

Psalm 147:1-20 Are you a hummer? Do you walk around humming a psalm, spiritual song or hymn? How do you enjoy praising The LORD? Do we take pleasure in Him?Do we diligently seek to see Him in His creation? Get the first ten(10) words of Genesis in your mind daily and tell GOD how wonderful and mighty He is!Fear Him! Selah.

Proverbs 18:4-5 Be right and do right.Speak softly seasoning your words with salt in love to encourage someone today.Perhaps someone will be kind to you.Whom do you love with all your heart?Tell them and then act like it the rest of the day. Amen. pj
Thanks for reading your 365 Bible.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 28th Sunday, The first day of the week.Get up early, read and pray and go to church expecting a blessing as you plan to be a blessing.

Proverbs 18:2-3 uses words that are hard to use in our every day conversation.How is your heart? We do find what we diligently seek. Pray that GOD will cause you to be a wise son.

Psalm 156:1-10 Are you happy?Whom do you trust?Whom do you praise?What do you have that you are grateful for today?He is GOD for ever!Do you know Him as your saviour?

Acts 18:22-19:12 The acts of the apostles stresses that publicly shewing the scriptures(18:28) by all is essential. We need to be alert to what is being said for accuracy of doctrine and proper practice.Let us be careful when disputing the gospel so that there is always a door of entry for us or someone else to be used of GOD to continue to sow,water,pull weeds and even to gather.Love the sinner and hate the sin.

2nd Kings 13:1-14:29 These verses will impact your concept of The LORD.Read to know Him and focus on Him and not on the circumstances. Take note of how kings act,but dwell on how the LORD and His attributes of Omniscience, mercy, holiness, justice, equality, judgment and consistency.We need to "hear" and let these saying sink down into our ears so that they have the desired effect in our life daily.Look at the instruction given in verse 13:18 to King Joash, how many times would you have "smote" the arrows? The era of Elisha is ended and we get to see how even in death a man of GOD is still vessel that GOD may choose to use for His glory. Amen. pj
June 27th Saturday, home and extremely grateful for a safe trip along Hy 20 from Longview to Willow Park.The traffic was backed up for several exits due to accidents, but we were able to go North for several miles to miss the mess and finally rejoin 20.What a beautiful country we live in.Plan to be at the rally.
** make preparation for Sunday AM on Sat PM.** Plan on purpose to get up early, read and pray, be in class at 09:45 with your work done and your heart right. Eyeluv-u.

Proverbs 18:1 is a good plan for joy. Seek GOD. Choose to be alone with Him.

Psalm 145:1-21 gives us a good life style to live and model for all people.The key to praying with prosperity and joy are clear and the requirements are plain. Be right and do right. There are many attributes of GOD expressed and we have the opportunity to "tell them back" to our Father, daily. Now it is up to us to do it.

Acts 18:1-21 We get to observe how the Gospel is put in action by a man who loves his work.Have you ever wanted the opportunity to find a good listener who would become interested in your GOD when you gave them your testimony? Go looking, being led by The Holy Spirit, being prepared. It is your calling as the minister of reconciliation as per II Corn 5:17-21.God is no respecter of persons, be available.

2nd Kings 10:32-12:21 Read verse 32 again and let that truth impact your concept of GOD. It is not necessary to re title this book because of the Queen Mother who ruled for six years. A great truth seems to linger in each of the episodes of deceit, murder,lying by the leaders of both Judah and Israel; there is a remnant of good people who survive.We read to know Him. When you cannot see His hand,trust His heart. The LORD's will will be done for His glory.

Hope to see you in class and church tomorrow. pj

Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26th Friday and Sunday is coming.Have you really considered,if you are saved,that right now you are as close to Hell as you will ever be?Heaven is our next home and permanent residence, by The Grace of GOD.What a gift!!

2nd Kings 9:16-10:31 You can run but you can't hide. Pay day is coming.What you sow you will reap.The chickens will come home to roost.Choose you today whom you will serve.As you read this history report of evil worship and unbelief, how does the judgment and execution of prophecy impact your concept of GOD?Because a man has a zeal for The LORD it does not mean he is saved.Look at verse 10:15-18.Then look at verse 29 and 31.What does The LORD expect of His servants? Obedience. If you love me,you will keep my commandments with all your heart.Don't misunderstand works because of salvation as compared to some thinking works will get you salvation.All get saved the same Way by the same Truth through the same Person.God will save all that have repentance toward Him and faith in Jesus Christ.

Acts 17:1-34 Be grateful for the Law and the Grace of GOD.Be sure to know whom you worship and don't get sidetracked into the things of GOD being more important than GOD Himself.Look for the patterns of conversions and compare them to yours.What have you thanked GOD for today? Do you appreciate His winking at your ignorance? Look at verses 28-31 and be thankful and grateful. Amen.

Psalm 144:1-15 What are you happy and singing about today?How has The LORD blessed you today? Read and appreciate how GOD has provided for you. Selah.

Proverbs: 17:27-28 Can you say"O Lord cause me to be careful in what and how I speak"? An old saying was reported about someone who wanted to make sure no one thought them foolish, so they said nothing.Do you have knowledge of The LORD? Do you have understanding of His ways?If not,why not? Get right and be prepared to give an account of what you know and believe.Wait upon the leadership of The LORD. Amen. pj
June 25th Friday We are driving from New Orleans, LA to Longview,TX to visit our daughter and her family enroute home. We had a safe trip and was impressed with the beauty of GOD's handiwork in His creation as we travelled. What does it mean to you to say "God bless America"? He has blessed America! Now, let us say, thank you LORD!

Proverbs 17:26 We need to be careful when we read a single verse. It may be best to go back a verse and read that verse plus a verse beyond the verse for today in order get a better picture. So, put this verse for today in between wisdom and knowledge and then be careful how you judge people or make friends with. Watch out. Selah.

Psalm143:1-12 How often do you use "please" in your prayers?Have you ever ask The LORD to listen to you? There is a BIG difference between listen and please hear me.Please consider adding "cause me" to your prayer request instead of help me. This ought to indicate that you are tired of trying to help Almighty GOD and that you want to sit tight and quite and watch Him teach you.Selah. All for His names' sake.

Acts 16: 16-40 The old timers refer to this chapter as "The first jail house rock". It is not good to be put in prison, but if you are, please let be because of doing good and not for doing bad.The lesson learned may be that regardless of where you are led, be right,do right, speak truth with love, and trust The LORD to send relief or lead you out or be with you while you are there.Do you remember His promises? Try to be in a position that GOD gets the glory and you get to be joyful. Amen.

2nd Kings 8:1-9:15 Rest assured GOD's will will be done. His timing ,His way, His glory, His names' sake and His man will be the instrument.Compare the instructions given to Elijah and Elisha by The LORD and see what has happened so far. How does this affect your concept of GOD? Please note that GOD is no respecter of persons so that He will/can use a saved man or an unsaved man to cause His truth to be done. Who is Jehu? What kind of daughter of a king and wife of a king was Jezebel? Please read to know GOD and focus on Him and not on who is king. Amen. pj
PS Don't forget July 4th Tea Party at Weatherford College, 5:30-7 PM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24th We are having a great time of reunion with Darby Ranger Instructors that I worked with 1969-72. We toured the city today and saw the 9th Ward area. It is still an area of distress,but there are some areas where new construction is being done. There is hope. A tragic picture came to my mind as our guide pointed out to us where some roofs of some houses had holes in them. Why? Those were the homes of people trapped and while tryin go escape the rising tide climbed into their attic. Some were strong enough to tear out their roofing from the inside to escape, the holes. While there were many that could not and died trying to escape.So close to safety, yet to perish. What picture does that bring to your mind?

Proverbs 17:24-25 How is your vision? What do you see and respond to daily?Are you causing your father/Heanenly Father shame? How do you know?Are you being wise today?

Psalm 142:1-7 Don't depend on man for your joy. Who do you know that cares if you live or die, much more where you will be in 100 years from today?Have you cried unto The LORD about your circumstances? Do you have confidence that you can complain to Amighty GOD?How has The LORD been dealing with you lately?

Acts 15:32-16:15 Busy men are generally the first called. What are you doing to get GOD's attention?Settle the matter now and get over it, good men disagree, and it is OK to be different. Please don't misread what I said.Walk with The LORD! The LORD is multiplying His missionary effort. Is it possible that verses 16:4-5 apply to both Paul and Silas and also Barnabas and John Mark?It is evident that the efforts of Paul were blessed. Let us give GOD the Glory for His increase.

2nd Kings 6:1-7:20 Only men who are swinging the axe are in danger of loosing their head.What do you have that was not given/loaned to you by GOD?Stewardship time is coming.Do you appreciate how well off you are today? The C.I.A. did not start the spy program.GOD will,can and may use the lease likely person to bring Him Glory. How does this impact your concept of GOD? You cannot remain neutral, choose Him today.pj
June 23rd We are on the road from Conroe to New Orleans to have a reunion with "old Rangers" that we served with in 1969-40 years ago.Pray for us. We hope to be a positive influence on these men and their families for Christ' sake more than we were for the Army's sake.
Proverbs warns us to be careful in who we deal with and how they influence us in our life.Let us choose right and wisely our companions, but let us not forget the lost man and his need for salvation.

Psalm 141:1-10 How do you pray back this Psalm? Do we look unto The LORD only and call unto Him first daily? Pray,Oh Lord cause me to need only Thee and to trust what you have said to me and act like I am a son of GOD.Cause me to apply verses 2-5.

Acts15:1-31 Have you ever lost any thing or misunderstood the intentions of others?It appears that there are some who will not allow others liberty to enjoy the gifts of GOD until they have submitted to an unnecessary requirement imposed by man. Let us be careful to not add to nor take away from The Truth.We get saved by Grace through faith and works should follow.We do not earn nor secure our salvation by our works nor deeds of our own righteousness.What makes you rejoice?

2nd Kings 4:18-5:27 Does GOD still provide all that men need?Is GOD's Grace all we need in order to live,be content and die?YES! Do we live like it? No! Why not?How well do you relate to Naaman and his circumstances? How "simple" is The LORD's way?Don't expect to be partially obedient and be satisfied. What would have happened if Naaman had dipped only 4,5 or 6 times? We must be careful to "HEAR" what thus saith The LORD and then do it all His way.How does this record affect your concept of GOD?Do you remember LSD? How similiar is lust and leprosy? How did you do today? Amen. pj

Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22nd Monday and we are still here on planet earth. Could this be THE DAY? Are you still happy about who you were, who you are and who you will be one day? YEA ! Accepted in the beloved, born again, a son of GOD,a saint on your way to glory, just passing through, redeemed, sanctified, justified, without condemnation, in the hand of GOD and not ashamed of the Gospel, a minister of reconciliation that is saved and rescued from the wrath of GOD. I know GOD can not nor will not lie. I believe GOD.

2nd Kings 3:1-4:17 Can we say son is like the father? There is no real joy in partial obedience.Why should we carry a burden when it may be a light thing for The LORD?Do we "really" believe GOD if we do not do what we know is truth? No!

Acts 14:8-28 What happens when men hear the word of GOD? Do you believe the miracle that happened with this impotent man? How does this impact your concept of The LORD?Have you ever attended a mission conference and heard missionaries give their report?

Psalm 140:1-13 How many different ways is the name of GOD spelled in this Psalm?Do you know what each name means and signifies? Selah.

Proverbs 17:22 How do you feel? Let The LORD have His way with thee. Amen. pj
June 21, Sunday is here and we get to go to Sunday School and Church. Read up,pray,be on time, participate and expect The LORD to bless as He watches all of us.

2nd Kings 1:2-2:25 Another king for Israel that chooses to cause his people to sin.Most of the people choose to follow their wicked king.The soul that sinneth shall surely die.Here we see again the awesome power of GOD being demonstrated to show His prophet Elijah was speaking truth. Fire on Mount Carmel and fire from the top of a hill, how much more is required to get the attention of the people of Israel and their kings?How many people and soldiers must die because leaders will not obey GOD?GOD was in Israel!Because we cannot box Him in nor understand all of His ways, this should not cause any person to seek an idol of gold, silver,stone or wood to worship. What a dramatic exit GOD provides for Elijah to encourage his disciple,Elisha.Elijah did not die, but was taken.How does this encourage you?Look carefully at the four test/trial/options questions given to Elisha. What do you learn about service to GOD?Whom do you love with all your heart? Act like it. Suggest you be careful about bald headed jokes. Amen.

Acts 13:42-14:7 It is sad that many of the Jews would not listen to nor hear the gospel. I am happy that the Gentiles responded and became our forefathers of the faith.The greatest evidence of any persons salvation experience should be as verse 13:52. Are you filled with joy and The Holy Ghost?Persecution continues and the Church continues to grow and multiply.

Psalm 139:1-24 Pray this back to The LORD and then ask the Lord to cause you to remember all of the wonderful things that GOD has done for you. If and when you get full of yourself, ask GOD to accomplish His will for you according to this Psalm.

Proverbs 17:19-21 What/Who do you love?Reread this Proverb slowly, and if you see yourself, stop, cry out unto The LORD, reapply Psalm 139:23-24, and believe GOD. Trust and obey! Selah. Amen. pj

Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 20th Yea for Saturday! Sunday is coming! This could be The Day.Are you ready?

1st Kings 22:1-53 Allows us to see lying prophets and 400X1 odds of being in the right crowd.Ahab goes the way of all men. Time will tell what thus saith The LORD.Isn't it amazing that a certain man drew a bow at a venture and the arrow smote the hiding King Ahab. Who made that event to come to pass? How does this affect your concept of GOD? Really good, but.....may not be the best report.How has The LORD graded your conduct?

Acts 13:16-41 Paul is crying out for men to hear truth. What are you crying about?Did you catch the idea that the men of Israel that Paul was trying to presuade to believe GOD are vey similiar to the tribes called Israel. They had forgotten the history lesson given by their forefathers.What did your father teach you about GOD?It is imperative for all of us to read and know the Old Testament, lest we read the New Testament and the Grace of GOD is not fully appreciated.Read the Bible to know Him. Be thankful and grateful for your forefathers that believed GOD and acted on it.

Psalm 138:1-8 This is one of my favorite person's favorite Psalm, and she claimed it in 1992 while facing the news of the big C. We can assuredly say that it has been our experience that GOD does not lie and that what He has said it will be done. YEA!!

Proverbs 17:17-18 Who do you know that has loved you perfectly for all of your life?
Who do you love and are you acting like it is so and real? Selah. amen. pj

Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19th Friday is here and so are we, still waiting for The "Rapture"!From here to eternity does have an exciting ring!Ready or not,He is coming back just as He said He would.Do you have your "one way" ticket in your heart? It is a gift for whosoever.

1st Kings 20:1-21:29 Elijah is on his way with the Holy News from Heaven. How many times does The LORD tell Ahab to act? What kind of king was Ahab?What do you learn about GOD by this intervention with this wicked king?Why does The LORD act this way? What is the price/cost/wage/result/impact of disobedience? If you know to do right and you do it not, what is it?(SIN) It is a sad day to see a king pouting over a garden.It is a sad day for a wife(queen) to arrange murder through deceit in order for a weak man to have some more dirt.What are you jealous for today? What is the commandment concerning "wanting" another's possesion?What kind of people cooporate with lying thieving crooks?How does The LORD view our work?I suggest you look back at Proverbs 16:1-12 and ponder the fact that "The LORD hath made all things for himself;yea,even the wicked for the day of evil". How does this impact your concept of GOD?Why does The LORD answer prayers? Where is His Glory?Read to know GOD, Watch His hand of mercy and get prepared to meet your GOD.

Acts 12:24-13:15 records the growth of the church.The LORD causes Barnabas and Saul to be selected to be "sent forth" into the work of GOD.What a clear,simple, easily understood work plan designed by GOD to preach the word of GOD around the world.Men on a mission=missionaries!This is the first demonstration of The LORD's plan that was spoken of by Jesus to His disciples of going beyound Jerusalem,and in all Judaea,and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. This is The Church! Saul(who is also called Paul) is used by GOD to blind a sorcerer in order to lead a prudent man named Sergius Paulus to salvation. Did you see how the work of GOD is done? KEY-KEY The man/woman/person of GOD filled with The holy Ghost. No other way.

Psalm 137:1-9 Where is your hope? We are in a strange land.This is not our home.What kind of song are you singing today?We are on the winning side. Remember the Lord.

Proverbs 17:16 Does money make a difference in your life? If money were no object, what would you do? would GOD get ALL the Glory and Honor? Selah. Amen. pj

Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18th This could be our very best day of our life.What are you looking for today?Don't we normally find what we are looking for?Life is more than smile and be happy, if a life is without Jesus Christ as Saviour,it is not life ,but just present and without purpose.Life does not begin at fourty, It begins at Calvary!

1st Kings 19:1-21 allows us to hear and see how The LORD interacts with men.Life begins with questions like;"Where art thou?,What is your name? or What doest thou here?" GOD really is concerned about every living soul from the birth canal to eternity. Elijah became fearful and ran from a posessed woman, Jezebel, but he did not run unto The LORD. What do we learn by this fearful act? Could we sum up the general response of Elijah to GOD's commands as, he went and did it?How does his actions bear out in your life?How does having to go 40 days on only 2 days of "angel food"then through a strong wind that rent and brake up the mountain,an earthquake and a fire, before you hear the still small voice of GOD impress you? What is it like being in the cleft of the rock? Do you believe and trust The LORD your Lord?Who are you discipling?Whose mantel has been thrown on you?Are you in the will of GOD?

ACTS 12:1-23 What would be your reaction to see a great leader eaten up by worms and die? Has The LORD ever delivered you from a /any prison?How did the sight of Peter by Rhoda and the other increase their faith? How does this report encourage you?

Psalm 136:1-26 tells a great story about GOD and His acts always reminding us of the great theme"for His mercy endureth for ever".Is this assurance for eternal security. When was the last time you ask The LORD for mercy? Has there ever been a time in your life that His mercy was not present?What do you say to GOD about His mercy?

Proverbs 17:14-15 shows us that there are two sides to be considered, either right or wrong.Would it be a good recommendation for all to mind your own business?How do we know when to be like the "good" samaritan?Walk in the light, read your Bible daily,diligently seek Him, pray without ceasing, put on the armor of GOD and live confidently the life given you being filled and led by The Holy Spirit.Be right, do right, be a good steward and prepare to meet your Saviour,Maranatha. Selah. pj

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17th What a way to spend Wednesday. Reading our 365 Bible,praying,watching the birds in the garden admiring God's handiwork and appreciating the gifts that have been made known to us from The LORD.Thank you for sharing your time with us as you read.We had a great time thinking about you and your specific /unique needs while we were asking The Lord Jesus Christ to intercede for us to our Father as we agreed with Him and you about matters that were important to Him and to us.Thanks be to GOD.

Proverbs 17:12-13 I don't ever remember asking The Lord to send a bear robbed of her whelps into by life, but the next time I get involved with some of those "guys" that I should have passed up, I'll be apt to ask.Let us be VERY careful about our choice of people we spend much time with instead of GOD.

Psalm 135:1-21 Do you know where Zion is? Perhaps we should know because our GOD spends a lot of time there. As you read your Bible to know Him, take note of His names,traits,attributes and diligently seek to hide His word in your heart that you sin not against Him.Learn and practice to adore and praise HIM for who He is.

Acts 11:1-30 The early church is having growing pains.I find it amazing that the lost men were asking the saved men to tell them how to be saved.Did you notice how The LORD made things to come to pass?How does this affect your concept of GOD?Are you cleaving to GOD? Pray for and be sensitive to the needs of others.

1st Kings 18:1-46 Elijah comes out of hiding to confront Ahab the king of Samaria. GOD leads Elijah to challenge all the 850 prophets that served Jezebel upon mount Carmel in the offering of a sacrifice acceptable to their god. Elijah prepared his offering and said a prayer of 62 words.The fire of The LORD fell and consumed the sacrifice.Elijah slew the prophets of Baal. The Jews were told to choose between Baal or The LORD God. The same choice faces every person today. Whom will you serve? No one can have/serve two masters. Read to know Him and choose to serve the only true GOD that is made known to us as The Father,The Son and The Holy Ghost, Three in One. Amen. pj

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 16th Tuesday is here and where did all those hours go?What is on your agenda?Do you ever wonder what The LORD is expecting you to do with His grace and mercy that has been put into your daily account? We are accountable in our stewardship for all of His gifts,actually, everything we have received since that instant of salvation.As to money, that first 10% should not be considered optional. The 90%balance allows each of us a great opportunity to show our God what we believe is important.We get to choose!Do you say thank you Lord for teaching me right from wrong?Say, I am grateful for the mercy you extend to me when I make the wrong choice. Respond to the prompting of The Holy Spirit causing us to confess our sins and repent.Thank you LORD. Now,who is the love of your life? Act like it is so.

1st Kings 15:23-17:24 This is the record that The LORD chose to record of the acts, choices,deeds of kings.As you read don't forget who is over all.Do you remember LSD? Do you remember the warning about how you choose your friends?Do you remember we have as they had the responsibility to pray for and respect those in authority?Remember that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.Take time to read and know GOD and allow truth to strengthen your concept of GOD. Appreciate the provisions and protection GOD provided Elijah and determine if there is a trait or attribute of The LORD that applies to your life.How many times did you read that kings did evil in the eyes of The LORD? Does GOD make exceptions for "sinners"?Does The LORD treat all men and kings equally and fairly?How does the judgement executed by GOD's people impact your concept of His mercy,long suffering,love,holiness,truth and Omniscience? Have you learned how better to pray?Do you recognize the difference of sight/faith?

Proverbs 17:9-11 How do you now apply the truth of covering an other's sin?What causes you not to gossip?How do you react/respond/appreciate reproof? When King Solomon was writing the proverbs do you imagine that he was thinking about his grandchildren? Look at Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 for encouragement. Selah.

Psalm 134:1-3 Do you know where Zion is located? Do you consider yourself a servant of The LORD? What is significant about lifting up your hands to bless The LORD?

Acts 10:24-48 Shows us the acts of the Apostles/church/disciples/converted Jews when GOD demonstrated His desire for ALL men to hear the GOSPEL, and that included the gentile. FACT, verse 34 said God is no respecter of persons.Now what should our attitude be about giving out The Gospel? What is the will of God concerning truth to every man? If we know to do right and we do it not, what is that?When we do not following The Holy Spirit's leadership concerning witnessing,we are not ignorant, but rebellious.Where would Cornelius be today if Peter had not gone to his home?Who did GOD use in your life to present the scriptures to you? Tell them thanks. AMEN.

June 15th Monday,there are clouds in the sky and this could be The Day!Maranatha! For first time readers I remind you that we use Monday to ask questions about who you are in Christ. We also try to remind you of what we have in GOD because of Jesus' salvation that has been given to us.If you are not sure where you will you will be in 100 years or if you die today AND you want to know. Please contact me ASAP.We will take the Bible and share with you how to be saved so that you may know. Now, are you still saved?Isn't that a silly question.Don't you have power,love,a sound mind and not given to a spirit of fear?Aren't you a citizen of Heaven,a son of GOD, adopted into The Family, in the hand of The LORD, a saint,forgiven, redeemed, complete in Christ, accepted in the beloved,free from condemnation, justified, satisfied and waiting for Jesus to come and take you to Heaven? We can say, with humility, we are accepted! Thanks be to GOD. Amen.Now who are you going to tell your testimony to today?Who is going to supper with us? Ask them.
** Please read your Bible daily. Pray for The LORD to use you today. Search and confess sins, repent and accept His cleansing. Prepare to be used. Be sensitive to opportunities.Remember how GOD,Jesus and The Holy Spirit treated you then do the same to all others.Who is the love of your life? Tell them and then act like it.

After you read,pray and then consider my thoughts and comments for encouragements.

Proverbs 17:7-8 Please take time to respect the gift that you are giving, make it mean something to you, and then it will be precious to the recipient.Can you give yourself to another?Have you given yourself to GOD for Jesus' sake? Let this thought be considered as you think about how the kings act toward GOD and the people that GOD has given to them as precious gifts.

Psalm 133:1-3 How much unity is in your family,home,house,church,state and nation?Who is the principal agent to cause unity in your life? Is unity precious to you?

Acts 10:1-23 Today we can learn what good,great and sincere people can do, yet be without salvation and then to die in their sin.These verse ought to impact your concept of GOD.Why does GOD answer ANY or ANTONE'S prayer?Do you remember the lesson about obstacles to prayer?Where and how do you see yourself in this reading? Read to know Him and make it personal.Be thankful that GOD has given to us His full,complete,revealed and perfect will in the Bible. Diligently seek Him.

1st Kings 14:1-15:24 I suggest you start a ledger to record the kings we will read about,listing them for Judah and Benjamin/Jerusalem or for Israel/Samaria.Make note how The LORD evaluates and certifies their performance.We are to be wary of those who introduce items,idols,practices for worship contrary to The Bible.We need to worship the El of Beth-el.The GOD of the house of GOD.Pray for The LORD to make/cause your spiritual antenna to "pop-up" and warn you when any thing is spoken or preformed contrary to the scriptures.It is for your own life and your family that you read and know GOD and His Word.Look at Heb.9:27. Remember that liars are not doing things for your good and benefit,regardless of what position they occupy or how they they are dressed.Read your Bible.Be thankful for His Words and His truth. pj

Saturday, June 13, 2009

June 14th Sunday. Hope you were faithful to read,pray and go prepared to SS and Church. Pray that if there be any among your group that has a false salvation, the teaching and preaching will be used by The Holy Spirit to cause them to be aware of their deciet and be converted. Remember, except The LORD draw them they will not be saved. Pray for the rest of us to get out of the way and let GOD work. Amen.

1st Kings 12:20-13:34 Now the war begins between the "boam boys".We ought to learn to be careful who we get advice from, even if they say it is of GOD.Learn how to determine the different spirits. Look at 1st John 4. We need to accept the fact that "lost" kings,presidents,pastors,children,friends and parents will not do right.To expect them to be/do right is unreasonable.They should not expect us, the "saved", to do wrong.Are you right with The LORD? Examine yourself my brother.

Acts 9:26-43 I have often offended some of my "preacher" friends my saying that Saul is a great picture of a NORMAL Christian. He was saved,befriended by Barnabas,trying with all of his heart to be diligent in learning and telling others all he knew about GOD, indwelt and filled with The Holy Spirit. Aren't you like that? The honor belongs to GOD. The vessel must be clean, but what is in and comes out of that vessel must be Holy.Verse 31 is evidence of what happens when people be right,do right, fear GOD and are "edified" by the preaching and teaching. Power of GOD through clean people will result in others being healed.All of the miracles should cause us to marvel at HIM. Don't fall in love with the box and forget the giver.

Psalm132:1-18 Is The LORD the love of your life? Jesus has told us all that "if" we love Him we will keep His commandments.Are you satisfied with The LORD?Have you told Him so today?Look at the promise and condition in verse 12 and determine if and how it applies to your life.Read to know Him, believe what you read, then act like it!

Proverbs 17:6 What a humbling experience it is to be the glory of my children.But, WOW, what a joy it is to have crowns now and later. What thrills you about your life, your mate, your children, your grand children and your GOD? Do we brag as much about Him who gave us the gift "unspeakable" as we do our kids? Selah. pj
PS: We had 29 in our class today,WOW! Pray,read,tell,share,show,believe and trust.
June 13th, Saturday and Sunday is coming. We had a good mens meeting this AM with good food, fellowship and heard a biblical charge concerning witnessing. Many people came to go out with tracts and door hangers contacting visitors and new move-ins.We had a meeting getting ready to prepare a float for the Parker County Rodeo parade and also planning for the July 4th Tea party.Pray for the USA. Pray that the people"who know GOD" to do right. It is an eye opener to think of our concern for our country today and then to read the events that took place in Israel after Solomon died. We are living in days of trials because the advice of old men was not heeded. Do you remember the cycle of sin and blessing we read about in Joshua and Judges? The first choice and bad decision occured in the garden, not in Weatherford, Austin or Washington,D.C. It is a shame that we are here,by our choices. Pray!!!!!

Proverbs 17:4-5 Describes our political upheaval today. The bottom line is this,we are mocking our Maker and being a reproach to Him.Shame on these people Solomon was referring to in this proverb and shame on us for not learning from history. Let us not rise up but kneel down and pray, confessing our sin,apathy and indiffernce to GOD and others.

Psalm 131:1-3 Make this your prayer request today. God,The LORD is waiting.

Acts 9:1-25 Allows us to read the record of the encounter of Saul on the road to Damascus with The Lord Jesus.GOD used lost men to get him to the city, to a street called Straight, in the house of Judas where he was alone for several days. Then GOD used a certain disciple to give him the good news.Saul got saved/received Jesus as his Saviour, received his sight and was filled with the Holy Ghost.How does your conversion/salvation experience compare to that?Were you ever blind to the truth? were you ever confronted by The Word/Living Word of GOD, Jesus?Have you ever confessed and prayed for deliverance from your "spiritual"blindness? Have you been saved? Have you been baptized? Have you ever told any one about your salvation?Please look at IICorn.5:17-21 and see how or if this describes you like it describes Saul. Don't dwell on what you used to be, praise GOD for who you are in Christ today.

1st Kings 11:1-12:19 Read this slowly and look for the differences between David and Solomon(as father-son),Solomon and Rehoboam(father-son), David and Rehoboam(grand father and grandson)in their respect for GOD,truth,decency and respect for the people.Conviction>compromise>convenience=greed and selfishness. Oh that Solomon had heeded his own advice given in Proverbs 6:20-26. This was not progress even though it was a change. They did and we have made some bad choices. We can not pray for a crop failure upon the wild oats that we have sown as a nation. Stewardship is that we reap what we sow,later. Read His-story to know GOD. Not all old men give the best advice. Not all young men make wise suggestions.How can you and I keep our selves from being deceived? Learn how to try the spirits(1st John 4:1) and seek GOD's counsel from the Bible. Work at seeking The will of GOD. Had you been a counsellor to King Rehoboam what would you have suggested? Why was The LORD angry? What does GOD hate? Look at what Solomon wrote in Proverbs 6:16-19. It is perhaps better to say GOD had righteous indignation against Solomon and Israel because of their sins.Where is Israel today?There will be no peace in Israel until Jesus comes after the rapture and the tribulation and then He will rule and there will be peace for 1000 years in Jerusalem. Maranatha.Selah.Amen.Read to know Him. pj

Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 12th Friday is here and we get to prepare for Sunday. Plan now for what you are going to wear, take care of things that might cause conflict and read and pray daily. Do your homework and look forward to SS and Church services.

1st Kings 9:1-10:29 What a great experience Solomon had, hearing from the LORD once, and then the second time.GOD gave Solomon a specific answer to his prayer and also make clear the conditions for continued blessings. We need to pay attention to the Lord's promises and their conditions.The queen of Sheba visited King Solomon and gave many gifts and complimented him on his court. With all the pomp and circumstance surrounding King Solomon it becomes apparent that his father David sought The LORD while Solomon sought the things of GOD.Consider than one sought convictions while the other sought compromise.Look at verses 10:23-24 and see the grand opportunity for King Solomon to tell all the earth about Jehovah,The LORD, The GOD of Abraham, Issac and Jacob,The LORD God of Israel, that there is no God like Him,in heaven above,or on earth beneath, who keepeth covenant and mercy with His servants that walk before Him with all their heart. How are we like Solomon?

Acts 8:14-40 records some unique events that happened during the early days of the church. The success of the preaching by Philip in Samaria was evidenced by many getting saved. When Peter and John visited Samaria they "laid hands on them" and they received the Holy Ghost. I'm not sure why this happened this way. This is the only occassion of this type laying on of hands. It was obvious that Simon,who used sorecy and bewitched these people of Samaria thought he could buy this power and continue to have influence, but he was told to repent.People look at the external but GOD looks upon the heart.Philip was given another opportunity to preach down in the desert.It appears that this eunuch was reading a tract that had been given to him while in Jerusalem. Be looking for an opportunity to give out gospel tracts.Be prepared to know and explain the tract and preach Jesus. Expect GOD to bless.I'm not sure of these two men who was the happiest and rejoicing after the baptism.Philip may of shot out of the water like a missile on his way to Azotus because the eunuch saw him no more. It is rumored that the eunuch was instrumental in getting a church started in Ethiopia.Some sow,some water,some gather,but GODS gives the increase.

Psalm 130:1-8 It sounds like a psalm written by Jonah. Where were you when The LORD heard your cry for mercy and salvation? Now who do you HOPE in?One day we will all be redeemed and in His presence and we will come from all corners of the world. Amen.

Proverbs 17:2-3 Where the LORD tries us may be dependent upon how we respond to His leadership. Let us be good and faithful parents and rule over our children so that there is no shame. GOD wants purity, holiness, obedience, love, reverance, respect, honor,kindness,honesty and trust from His children.We can only give back to Him what He has given to us,unless we hold back something for ourselves or others.Selah. pj

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 11th Can you pray with confidence? May I encourage you to pause and read a great chapter concerning Grace;1st Thessalonians 5:1-28, then pray and be grateful. You will sense a great deal of comfort in this chapter and see a lot of similarity with the events going on today. Be right through salvation then do right by choice. In today's reading we get to see men choose to worship and serve GOD some even to death. After you read the proverbs,pause and think on where you are and then praise God for what you have and where you are and that you are not being stoned.

How to pray.Get all things in order,confess your sins and remind The LORD of what He has said to and for you and your family.Why do we read our bible? Why do we memorize scriptures? Why do we hide the Word of GOD in our heart? Today wwe get to see how Solomon put the things of GOD in their proper place. Let us prepare to pray, work at making your altar/prayer closet clean and in order. Search your own heart, admit to GOD your sins, confess and make yourself submissive and comitted to GOD in the name of His Son Jesus Christ.Shut out the things that are not of GOD.Prepare to meet The LORD an expect to come into His presence boldly speaking softly Abba. Wait upon GOD.

1st Kings 8:1-66 Solomon had put all things in order and then God's Glory was present in the form of the cloud that filled the house, WOW!! King Solomon spoke to Israel of the promises of GOD. King Solomon prayed to The LORD God of Israel asking Him to remember His promises to King David and that He would attend to the prayers of His people.The sacrifices of King Solomon were enormous. The declared motive for this prayer,offerings and temple was that "all the people of the earth may know that The LORD is God, and that there is none else".This is a good picture of revival and the people were joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that The LORD had done for David His servant, and for Israel His people.

Acts7:51-8:13 What a way to leave this life and enter Heaven.As Stephen is being called home, Saul is being prepared for his enounter with the same God and The Lord Jesus that blessed Stephen and received his spirit. YEA, GOD's Grace is always present for the dying saint and there is much cheering in Heaven. Read verse 59 very carefully. How does this stoning affect your concept of GOD? We are all called to suffer and may all be called upon to die as Stephen, but we do not choose when,how or where.Take note to the names of God. Conflict may be the process required to cause believers to act right.How would you like to be used like Philip as a witness.This account rules out all/any discrimination by GOD. He is not willing that any be lost.

Psalm 129:1-8 For every time you have suffered and were cast away, who nursed and cared for you? Be grateful for your LORD and Protector.

Proverbs 17:1 Do you believe and agree with this verse? What is the noise level in your house?Who sets the tone and does most of the food preparation in your family?Please take time to show some appreciation for the "homemaker". She deserves it. pj

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 10th affords us another day to live for the glory of our Saviour.Who do you love the most? Who loves you so much that they would give their life for yours? Who are you willing to die for? Who are you living for today?

Proverbs 16:31-33 Take up this attitude;if you are old enough:" I am old and I will,by GOD's Grace, be BOLD". As you age, be quick to listen and learn, slow to speak and be angry, be Spirit filled and be led of The LORD.

Acts 7:30-50 What a history lesson given by this young man!Are you ready and prepared to be as Stephen?Are you familiar with the critical events?When you read this testimony of Stephen, how does it inpact your concept of GOD?

1st Kings7:1-51 What a magnificant house.What has The LORD qualified you, you alone to do for His glory?What would you do for your GOD if money was no object?

Psalm128:1-6 Are you blessed? Where have you been walking? Where did you get what you are eating?Are these promises applicable to you today? Do you know and believe GOD and His written Word? Selah. Amen. pj
June 9th Hope you are in love. Hope you are enjoying your reading and making your daily habit more solid.Read and pray. Remember who breathed on who and what happened.We have the full,complete,revealed,inerrant and understandable Will and Word of Almighty GOD whose name is Jehovah declaring to the world Jesus is His only begotten Son who is GOD in the flesh.Read to know Him. Love Him and obey Him.

1st Kings 5:1-6:38 Solomon had a friend. Who considers you their best friend? Spend some extra time after reading to determine the skill required to accomplish this building of the temple,as a modular,portable and "easily" assembled"kit"on site. Now consider the Psalm 127:1- and think about the seven years of constant labor. Think of what we consider new and modern methods of upgrading our homes with flooring w/o nails or glue or other "drop-in" kits that require no assembly.We ought to learn a great stewardship lesson of pay as you build.If The LORD guides, He provides. Amen.

Acts 7:1-29 Are you prepared to stand and give your testimony? What more do we need to learn about GOD's dealings with the Jews? We have more knowledge // information that Stephen had about GOD's acts, we are indwelt // filled with GOD's Holy Spirit, so we ought to be ready to give an answer to any one about our faith and our Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ, on call. Do you know His story?Pray that when given the opportunity to speak for GOD, we will speak and not flee. Amen.

Psalm 127:1-5 Tells us to get out of GOD's way and let Him have His way with us.If we get ahead of The LORD we will make a mess of all things.We can be the best parents when we follow GOD's plan for ourselves and our children.Are you happy?

Proverbs 16:28-30 suggest to us that we must be careful when we pick our friends.What kind of friend are you? Who is your best friend, and how muck time do you spend together?Jesus should be our first choice as friend. Do you tell your friend that you love them? Learn what GOD hates as well as to what He loves.Do it. pj

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8th Monday is here again and so are we.Maybe today He comes and we fly away.I am glad of who I was, am and will be because for me and my wife 30 Oct 1977 was our day of salvation.Ever since that moment, we have been born of GOD and the evil one cannot touch us. We have lived in His mercy, enjoyed His GRACE,free of condemnation and complete in Jesus Christ.Can you say the same for yourself? If not, let us know and we will share with you scriptures so that The Holy Spirit may draw you to GOD in repentance and by faith in Jesus Christ so that you may know that you have been forgiven and are not under the wrath of GOD.The LORD will put your sin to Jesus' account and will credit your account with His righteousness.Then you will be given the power to become a son of GOD because you believed on His name. You can be SAVED forever and know it! Be a whosoever today.Your salvation is the perfect will of GOD.

Please remember to read your Bible first. This blog is to be used to provoke you to consider your concept of GOD based on what you read each day. Let GOD teach you.

Proverbs 16:26-27 ask a hard question, what are you working for today? If we just satisfy our belly, woe is me, for tomorrow we will be hungry and must struggle to satisfy again a temporary need.Work on eternal matters that matter and satisfy.

Combine 1st Kings 3:3-4:34, Acts 6:1-15 and Psalm 126:1-6 and then answer the questions, What are you working for and are you satisfied? Today we get to listen in on a prayer exchange between GOD and his sons/servants/followers.How is your prayer life? What do you ask of GOD the most?What does He make available to you that you did not ask for and when you realize the blessing what do you say? Read the Psalm as an answer to Solomon's request for understanding/wisdom. Consider the resolution to the problem of the early church at Jerusalem as what GOD gave to Solomon, a wise and understanding heart. Perhaps he who is wise and has an understanding heart will go forth weeping bearing precious seed and come again rejoicing bringing his shaves with him.What does this cause you to want to ask The LORD to give you today? Read to know HIM. Pray to adore Him. Confess your sins, repent and receive His cleansing and forgiveness.Ask for His will to be done through you today. Wait and see what He will do with you and others today.Trust and obey! Be right then do right. Consider that The LORD is no respecter of persons and then expect to be treated as a favorite son of GOD.HE will always do that what is right and best.Practice the doctrine of others first,be a servant,say truth in love and remember that The LORD hath done great things for us;whereof we are glad. Say back to Him what He has said to you. I love you with all my heart. Amen. Selah. Maranatha. pj

Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7th Do we forget so easily history? Yesterday,65 years ago,was D-Day!How many in your family served during WWII? Let us not forget those who were killed,wounded and changed.Of all the people in America, we, who call ourselves sons of GOD should be the most vocal about honoring and appreciating the men and women who have worn and are wearing the uniform of military service.May GOD cause us to be thankful and respectful for those who are willing to die that we might go to church on Sunday and worship our GOD.I would hope that every person in uniform today knows Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, but if they don't who is to blame?Who sits at ease while others bear the burden?May The LORD have mercy on us for our apathy and selfishness.

Proverbs 16:25 is to plain to misunderstand.Repent! Return to your Saviour!Flee evil!

Psalm 125:1-5 Eternal security is of The LORD.

Acts 5:1-42 We discussed these verses in SS class this morning and are grateful for GOD's mercy to us. Stewardship is a real serious matter with GOD. Accountabilty is requuired from all who have received "any thing" from The LORD. Truth will always cut to the heart and all men must hear "The Truth"or they will not be saved.If we have "The Truth" and hide it or do not share it what kind of a son of GOD are we?What really makes you rejoice? Do you see yourself in these verses?

1st Kings 2:1-3:2 Hebrews 9:27 is a good verse to read and memorize. As a son of GOD what advice/charge do you give to others?What charge did you receive from your parents? As you are reading these history books of the kings scan the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes and remember Solomon was the penman chosen by GOD to receive and give advice. We use these lessons that we learn and we read to know Him so that we do not dishonor our Heanenly King. Be careful to know GOD and then see how He caused men to be guided and guarded by The Holy Spirit.He cares for you! pj
June 6th Glad to have been there, but we are happy to be home. We thank The LORD for His protection our travel both going and coming and the watch care over our residence,yard,fish and birds.It is great to be in our spot.
Proverbs 16:24 seem to become alive as we talked with our relatives at the family reunion. The bar-b-que/brisket/jalapeno sausage and "fixins" were good,but hearing soft words from them old people was soothing. Thank the Lord for my ancestors.

Psalm 124:1-8 is so strong as it reminds us that we are helped by GOD. If you know Him, be thankful for what you have today. Bless His Holy Name. Amen. Selah.

Acts 4:1-37 records the conflict that the early church encountered from the Jews. It also tells us of the great success and victory The LORD caused to happen for His glory.We also can be an effective witness when we know,trust and obey The Lord.One of the men I greatly admire, Joses surnamed Barnabas,comes on the scene today and will be influential in the life of Saul of Tarsus.

1st Kings 1:1-53 continues the saga of the sons of King David"assuming" kingship being in rebellion.Do you remember what GOD thinks of rebellion?Look at Proverbs 6:16-19,1 Feb, and evaluate the chance for success.HE has not changed.Solomon will be the king used by GOD to show the Jews and the world what might be, if GOD were their GOD.Focus on The LORD,read to know Him,learn His ways and live. pj

Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5th What a day to be on the high plains of Texas. We watch a glorious display of GOD's handiwork in the thunderstorm with flashing lightening, loud thunder and rain.Only a foolish person would say there is no GOD.

Proverbs 16:21-23 outlines a godly model of conduct.It would be foolishness to try to do right and not to know Him who judges all men.Yet, for those of us who say we know Him and do not do right, it is also foolishness.Seek to be prudent,seek understanding,get instruction,keep your heart pure and love GOD supremely. Amen.

Psalm 123:1-4 serves as an attitude check.Where are you looking,who are you serving,what are you confessing,how is your thought life and are you praising The LORD for His mercy?Look up and see GOD!It is our choice where we look. Be prudent.

Acts 3:1-26 The acts of the Apostles reflects their faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How is our faith demonstrated? It is marvelous to touch another person and they be healed, but what do you call "it" when a persons hears the good news from your lips and they believe and are saved?WOW!!!Peter tells that day all of the sin issue must be settled with GOD and that Jesus was,is and will be the ONLY way for salvation from the wrath of GOD. How many names of GOD did you underline? Let us learn to give GOD the glory.Pray to be used, prepare and know the Gospel and expect The Holy Spirit to lead you to a certain lame and lost person so that they may be saved. Silver and gold is not the answer, GOSPEL is the only solution to sin.

2nd Samuel 23:24-24:25 Oh to be a man of valor.Not than man would notice, but that The LORD would write your name is His book of truth.Hopefully you have connected verses 34 and 39 and realized the impact of one of the worst moments of King David's life. Bath-sheba was the daughter of Eliam.One of David's lapse of character that The LORD records is the matter of Uriah the Hittite. Now King David, without seeking The LORD's direction and refusing the advice and counsel of his staff, directs them to commit the sin of numbering Israel.How does verse 24:1 help you to better understand your concept of GOD?One sin may cause a baby to die or 70,000 men to die. David makes a wise choice to trust God in the matter of judgment.Take note of the attitude of worship of David in verse 24:17-25 and consider how you give an offering.We are blessed to "say" 1st John 1:9 when we sin, what does it cost us?Pray, as a son of GOD, to appreciate more seriously/sincerely all that Jesus Christ, our Saviour, has done for us.Will you use this stewardship principal? Selah. pj

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June 4th,Isn't it good news to know that you have eternal life, that you are in the hand of GOD and that right now you are as close to hell as you will ever be. Selah. Please read your Bible first. This blog is written to provoke you to think. As you consider The Scriptures you read, seek God's leadership for truth and understanding. Remember Psalm 119:165 and allow me to encourage you and share my opinion.

2nd Samuel 22:21-23:23 Have you started your prayer like verse 21 records? Can you declare to GOD The Father through Jesus The Son by the power of The Holy Spirit verse 22? If not, why not?What did we learn from reading Psalm 119? Do you agree with verse 31-51? Is your last will and testament written and made official? Do you have recorded in your will your salvation experience? Do you wonder what it was like to be a mighty man of valor and serving with King David?One day all of our deeds that are recorded in the books will be read out loud and published by GOD. Duty, honor,respect,responsibility and demonstrated faithfulness are essential elements of service for The King.Whose army are you in?Are you present and fit for duty? Amen.

Acts 2:1-47 The (First Baptist)Church (of Jerusalem)that was started in the Gospels was together and in one accord, what are we in today? Where do you fit in the Church today?The sequence is clear, they(the Church) were together and then there came the Holy Spirit and filled them. Please read carefully this chapter. Note the promise given in verse 23 followed by the good news and GOD blessed the preaching and 3000 souls "were added" to the Church. We must be busy about our Father's business.What are you doing in your local Church?Stewardship time is coming.

Psalm 122:1-9 Are you really glad today?When you offer your sacrifice of praise to Almighty GOD, what do you say to Him?Who and what are you praying for earnestly and diligently?Do you believe that The Lord Jesus agrees with your prayer? If not, why pray?Do we strive to pray according to the revealed will of GOD according to the scripture that we have in our hand? If not, why not? When you say lord, Lord or LORD to whom are you speaking? When you ask god,God or GOD to whom are you praying?Selah.He knows our voice, but do we know His? read to know Him.

Proverbs 16:19-20 Are you really happy?I'm sure, if you are saved your joy is full, but are you happy? When you think about someone you think is happy, what makes you sure that they are trusting in The LORD? Is there evidence in our lives that speaks louder than words?What happens when we become proud of our humility? Selah.Ask The LORD,in your Lord's name,to allow you to come into His presence and worship Him. pj

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 3rd
2nd Samuel 20:14-22:20 How many times are we going to read about rebellion? When will we learn to respect authority? It is OK to complain, even to The LORD, but it is NOT OK to murmur,disobey and rebel. Remenber, the wage of sin is death. It may not be worth it to lose your head over a dislike or whatever.When you read about David's prayer and GOD's response, how does this impact your concept of GOD? Do you find it interesting that those brothers of Goliath are finally slain. How many smooth stones did David pick up?When you read David's song do you recall the Psalms that have similiar woerds?Use your concordance and find key words to search out thir use in other verses. We mark some verses as "snap shots", well what do you call 22:13-20,a giant mural? Do you want GOD to be delighted in you and your family?

Acts 1:1-26 This is the beginning of the full blown church age recording daring deeds of men and women who believe The Lord Jesus is The christ. It will become obvious to us as we read that the authors of the New Testament "assumed" that the readers were very familiar with the Old Testament.We need to read to know Him and His full complete revealed counsel and will. The Fathers wants us,as sons, to have the mind of Christ. He expects us to be fruitful and multiply as we abide in Jesus. Now the disciples will better understand those truths spoken by Jesus to His disciples because of the indwelling and filling of The Holy Spirit. Pay attention to verse 5.Please don't misunderstand, we are "ENABLED" to be witnesses. This is not an option.If we are "saved" and say so, then we will obey scripture, be baptized, as Jesus was baptized,and in the local church diligently seek to know Him and to do His will of winning the lost, and do this ministry until Jesus comes back in the clouds. Now I suggest we get busy and in the morning right after you read your 365 KJV Bible to know Him, look and if there are any clouds in the sky, say to yourself, this could be the day.Maranatha!Seek diligently for those things you get to do for GOD. pj

Psalm 121:1-8 This psalm suggest a lifestyle for the believer and reminds us of our Great GOD.Take these promises to heart and meditate on them all the day long.Selah.

Proverbs 16:18 How does this statement impact your concept of GOD? What is pride? What is destruction? Will every one that has an haughty spirit fall?Are you familiar with those things that GOD hate?Look at Proverbs 6:12-19 and be wise. Amen. pj
June 2nd Have you determined what you are responsible for in this life that only you can do? Have you learned what GOD will do? Have you prayed for wisdom to know the difference? I don't want to frustrate the Grace of GOD by trying to do His part and leave my part undone while living in disobedience. Let us pray"O LORD cause me to be right and guide me to do right, allow me to hear your still small voice and be gentle if you have to prod me to stay close and cause me to be thankful, hear my confession and as you forgive and cleanse me, accept my praise. I want to do Thy will. I believe you will hear my prayer because I ask it of the Father in the name of Jesus my Saviour by the power of The Holy Spirit for your Glory and my joy will be full because this is the will of GOD".
Proverbs 17:16-17 tells us to do the best thing, seek GOD more than things, even gold.If we follow this advice we will be on the "high way" walking in wisdom. Amen.

Psalm 120:1-7 alerts us to the conflicts brought about because we or others speak out of turn or untruths.We must be careful who we listen to and what they say. Re-visit Psalm 1 and choose your friends carefully. Be a good listener. Hear GOD first.

John 21:1-25 "Follow me."Is that enough for Jesus to say to Peter? Should he obey and forsake all? How should His disciples respond today?How do you see yourself in this story? What should happen to one who knows to do right and does not?Is putting Jesus first only for those "special" people who are "anointed" or does this order/command apply to each and every soul that has been redeemed?How does this impact your life's goal and impact your concept of GOD and Christianity?How do we separate obedience from love? Which comes first?Do you agree that a person who says they love GOD and will not obey, being willfully disobedient, is not being truthful?Let us pray for good hearing and sight so that we obey and follow our GOD and saviour with all of our heart. Are you amazed at the last verse 21:25? Let us read the one book that we have with an intense desire to know Him.Maranatha.

2nd Samuel l9:11-20:13 Who is for the king or who is on the king's side while things are easy and all are being fed and cared for in ease?It is a wonder that any thing gets accomplished because of all the bickering, envy and jealousy between the tribes.Perhaps this is why so much emphasis is put into the proverbs by Solomon about who your friends are and how they say one thing and do another. We should learn there is only One who does not lie.Read to know Him. Hear Him and obey. Amen.pj