Monday, June 15, 2009

June 16th Tuesday is here and where did all those hours go?What is on your agenda?Do you ever wonder what The LORD is expecting you to do with His grace and mercy that has been put into your daily account? We are accountable in our stewardship for all of His gifts,actually, everything we have received since that instant of salvation.As to money, that first 10% should not be considered optional. The 90%balance allows each of us a great opportunity to show our God what we believe is important.We get to choose!Do you say thank you Lord for teaching me right from wrong?Say, I am grateful for the mercy you extend to me when I make the wrong choice. Respond to the prompting of The Holy Spirit causing us to confess our sins and repent.Thank you LORD. Now,who is the love of your life? Act like it is so.

1st Kings 15:23-17:24 This is the record that The LORD chose to record of the acts, choices,deeds of kings.As you read don't forget who is over all.Do you remember LSD? Do you remember the warning about how you choose your friends?Do you remember we have as they had the responsibility to pray for and respect those in authority?Remember that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.Take time to read and know GOD and allow truth to strengthen your concept of GOD. Appreciate the provisions and protection GOD provided Elijah and determine if there is a trait or attribute of The LORD that applies to your life.How many times did you read that kings did evil in the eyes of The LORD? Does GOD make exceptions for "sinners"?Does The LORD treat all men and kings equally and fairly?How does the judgement executed by GOD's people impact your concept of His mercy,long suffering,love,holiness,truth and Omniscience? Have you learned how better to pray?Do you recognize the difference of sight/faith?

Proverbs 17:9-11 How do you now apply the truth of covering an other's sin?What causes you not to gossip?How do you react/respond/appreciate reproof? When King Solomon was writing the proverbs do you imagine that he was thinking about his grandchildren? Look at Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 for encouragement. Selah.

Psalm 134:1-3 Do you know where Zion is located? Do you consider yourself a servant of The LORD? What is significant about lifting up your hands to bless The LORD?

Acts 10:24-48 Shows us the acts of the Apostles/church/disciples/converted Jews when GOD demonstrated His desire for ALL men to hear the GOSPEL, and that included the gentile. FACT, verse 34 said God is no respecter of persons.Now what should our attitude be about giving out The Gospel? What is the will of God concerning truth to every man? If we know to do right and we do it not, what is that?When we do not following The Holy Spirit's leadership concerning witnessing,we are not ignorant, but rebellious.Where would Cornelius be today if Peter had not gone to his home?Who did GOD use in your life to present the scriptures to you? Tell them thanks. AMEN.


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