Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8th Monday is here again and so are we.Maybe today He comes and we fly away.I am glad of who I was, am and will be because for me and my wife 30 Oct 1977 was our day of salvation.Ever since that moment, we have been born of GOD and the evil one cannot touch us. We have lived in His mercy, enjoyed His GRACE,free of condemnation and complete in Jesus Christ.Can you say the same for yourself? If not, let us know and we will share with you scriptures so that The Holy Spirit may draw you to GOD in repentance and by faith in Jesus Christ so that you may know that you have been forgiven and are not under the wrath of GOD.The LORD will put your sin to Jesus' account and will credit your account with His righteousness.Then you will be given the power to become a son of GOD because you believed on His name. You can be SAVED forever and know it! Be a whosoever today.Your salvation is the perfect will of GOD.

Please remember to read your Bible first. This blog is to be used to provoke you to consider your concept of GOD based on what you read each day. Let GOD teach you.

Proverbs 16:26-27 ask a hard question, what are you working for today? If we just satisfy our belly, woe is me, for tomorrow we will be hungry and must struggle to satisfy again a temporary need.Work on eternal matters that matter and satisfy.

Combine 1st Kings 3:3-4:34, Acts 6:1-15 and Psalm 126:1-6 and then answer the questions, What are you working for and are you satisfied? Today we get to listen in on a prayer exchange between GOD and his sons/servants/followers.How is your prayer life? What do you ask of GOD the most?What does He make available to you that you did not ask for and when you realize the blessing what do you say? Read the Psalm as an answer to Solomon's request for understanding/wisdom. Consider the resolution to the problem of the early church at Jerusalem as what GOD gave to Solomon, a wise and understanding heart. Perhaps he who is wise and has an understanding heart will go forth weeping bearing precious seed and come again rejoicing bringing his shaves with him.What does this cause you to want to ask The LORD to give you today? Read to know HIM. Pray to adore Him. Confess your sins, repent and receive His cleansing and forgiveness.Ask for His will to be done through you today. Wait and see what He will do with you and others today.Trust and obey! Be right then do right. Consider that The LORD is no respecter of persons and then expect to be treated as a favorite son of GOD.HE will always do that what is right and best.Practice the doctrine of others first,be a servant,say truth in love and remember that The LORD hath done great things for us;whereof we are glad. Say back to Him what He has said to you. I love you with all my heart. Amen. Selah. Maranatha. pj

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