Saturday, October 31, 2009

31 October Saturday and getting ready for Sunday. Ate a great meal of fried catfish at Cotton Patch while on a date with my wife. We agreed that this was the BEST catfish (imoaot) in Parker County.Hope to see you tomorrow in SS and church. I'm sure you set your clocks back and that you will be on time ready to be blessed. This year, it is going fast, 305 days gone and 60 remaining in this year.Stay by the stuff and keep on reading to know Him.

Lamentation 4:1-5:22 As you read, take note of how many times you say "oh me", count the snap shots of GOD given and adjust your concept of GOD as you see His hatred for sin, yet mercy and longsuffering for the sinners.Have you ever prayed for any one like this?Have you ever seen something beautiful, good and pleasant self-destruct?We are reading what The LORD is saying about Jerusalem and His children.He is broken hearted because of their sin of unbelief. Is He happy with our attitude about sin?

Hebrews 2:1-18 The scriptures cry out for all to pay attention to GOD. We must realize the wage of sin and consider the consequence of our disobedience.No One can neglect GOD's salvation and live.Jesus is superior to all!Adjust your concept of GOD and His salvation to be in alignment with these scriptures.

Psalm 103:1-22 Accept these promises, enjoy The LORD and be sensitive to the conditions.Adore GOD for His lovingkindness and mercy according to v10-12.Comply with the standard of conduct for GOD's children as shown in v21-22. Bless The LORD.

Proverbs 26:23 There is nothing beautiful about a liar nor his lies.Selah. Amen. pj

*imoaot=in my opinion as of today

Friday, October 30, 2009

30 October Friday, getting ready for Sunday. Betty and I celebrate our 32nd anniversary of The New Birth. We both received forgiveness from GOD The Father of all of our sin/sins and are no longer under His wrath. We have been adopted into His family because we heard, believed, received and trust the GOSPEL.The verses in IICor 5:17-21 are true in our lives and we are grateful and thankful for His Mercy and Grace. We would hope that all men/women/children enjoy GOD's favor of Salvation. This day in 1996 I bought my KJV 365 Bible and started reading as a daily devotion to feed myself.It seemed fresh and new this morning as it did at the first reading.I pray all would take up the habit of reading through The 365 KJV Bible on a daily basis, and be reading when the trumpet sounds are the shadow of death passes over.

Proverbs 26:21-23 Oh that we would not be contentious.We must be careful of our thought life and our conversation, we are GOD's children and we ought to act right.

Hebrews 1:1-14 gives us much proof of who Jesus is and where He was in the beginning. Jesus is GOD! Jesus is GOD-man and as The Son He is the only way to The Father. He is not an angel, but GOD sends angels to minister to the believers.Let v8 be the beginning of your understanding and appreciation that GOD is True. Read to know Him.

Psalm 102:1-28 Each of us ought to write out our prayers, check our grammar and pay attention to how we spell the names of GOD.It is best to relate your prayers to The Word so as to remind The LORD that you know, fear and respect Him. Read His promises for you and your children and thank The LORD for His presence in your life. Selah.

Lamentations 2:20-3:66 ought to cause your heart to break. How do you have pity, compassion and concern for those Jews in Jerusalem and today not be broken hearted for the USA.Try to imagine what GOD was expressing to His prophet that would so influence him to lament for these people.This must influence your concept of GOD. In the midst of these 5 chapters is a truth that we must grasp,believe and trust or when hard times come our way we will be undone.Look at v3:21-23-25 and let these true words not be lost from your memory. Focus on The LORD our Lord! Amen. Amen. pj

Thursday, October 29, 2009

29 October Thursday may be filled with storms and rain, even so there are clouds in the sky, this could be The Day that Jesus comes and calls out His Church/Bride and all those that are saved will be received by The Lord. Are you ready? 32 years ago Betty and I were as lost as could be.Had we died 32 years ago we would have been separated from GOD and been put into the grave in our sin/sins awaiting the judgment. The first verse I heard was Hebrews 9:27 and it is still true today. Since we were saved on the 30th of October,1977 we have been sons of GOD!We will always be sons of GOD!We cannot ever not be the sons of GOD!Look at John 10:27-30. Believe and trust Him,GOD cannot lie.I thank the LORD that on 29 October 1996 I bought my KJV 365Bible while visiting a Logos Boat-book sale and by the grace of GOD have been reading this Bible for myself as a personal devotion since then.I read my 365 Bible to know Him.I do not read it to make Him happy with me. GOD loves me! I sincerely hope you experience the joy of reading to know Him from now to eternity.I pray we continue to read daily and meet often to discuss Him and His attributes.He is GOD.

Lamentations 1:1-2:19 has 5 chapters and we will finish this book in a few days.This is a sad report of a real event, Jerusalem is destroyed.The highest thought in this book may be v3:23b"great is thy faithfulness."The sadness will be more intense when you consider how the penman may have watched this destruction coming for more than 40years and it finally came to pass exactly as GOD had said.What do you mourn over?Read this segment as facts. Count the times you say"oh me" and try to imagine your pain if this had been your home and all your friends have been taken.In all this turmoil you must see GOD.This will impact your concept of GOD and His Holiness.

Philemon 1:1-25 is a wonderful story of intercession by one man to another for another.What a picture of The Lord ever making intercession for us.Have you ever forgiven a repentant offender? Have you ever wished someone to be kind to you and forgive your transgressions?This letter is an excellent example of how to write a letter or petition for relief.How do you appeal to GOD for forgiveness for your sins?GOD uses men to win men.Saving someone may cost you time,money,effort and your life.We are to be like Jesus Christ in mind and deed.May GOD cause us to be true.

Psalm 101:1-8 displays the proper attitude about dealing with GOD and people.All of our actions should be based on the condition of a perfect heart. How is your heart? Perfect relates to being singled minded and committed. Wholly Holy is the goal.

Proverbs 26:20 tells us how to enjoy life, to be at peace with our fellowman and to honor GOD.Speak truth and tell no lies and be led of The Spirit of GOD.Perfect. pj

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

28 October Wednesday and we have an opportunity to meet with our brothers and sisters at the church building and enjoy singing and praising The LORD. We get to be edified by preaching of The word of GOD. It is best for you to read your KJV 365 daily before considering this blog otherwise my thoughts may not edify you.

Proverbs 26:18-19 allows us to see the impact of gossip,lies and false reports. We must be careful to be truthful and timely.Our friends can be influenced by our conduct as well as the enemy may cause them to misunderstand our deeds. Be/Do right.

Psalm 100:1-5 requires us to admit who GOD is and what we think about Him. We should consider this as good advice for our daily activities/conversation. Selah.

Titus 3:1-15 tells the church to pay attention to their concept of GOD. Everything we have is by Jesus Christ from GOD The Father taught by The Holy Spirit. All of the saved are to be fruitful in their works, yet know that we are saved by faith in the finished work of Redemption by Jesus at Calvary. He died,was buried and GOD raised Him from the grave the third according to the Scriptures and whosoever believes this shall be saved.We are justified!!!by His grace for life eternal=without end. Amen.

Jeremiah 51:54-52:34 records the end the book.We have been given many names for GOD and for His enemy.The attributes of GOD are to be considered by us so that we will be saved/converted. The "snap shots" of GOD in action ought to cause us to tremble as we see the destruction of Jerusalem and the ruin of the children of GOD. We must remember there is a remnant set aside by GOD and protected so that the "God-man" may be born in about 500 years.Pay attention to the consistent manner of care given by GOD to His children while they were selfish and willing to believe and follow false gods and trust in hand made idols. We must read to know Him. We must learn from their sins/mistakes so that we do not repeat their experience and be destroyed.Do you wonder why they did not learn from their sins nor heed the words of Jeremiah?The downward spiral of destruction is all around us, Look UP our Redemption draweth nigh. Maranatha.... pj

Monday, October 26, 2009

27 October Tuesday a good day to be busy. Whom do you share some of your free time with that has not professed to be saved?We may be that person's last opportunity to be saved.We are in the ministry of reconciliation, get busy.

Jeremiah 51:1-53 causes us to consider the effects of a hurricane as we try to imagine GOD's description of what He was to do to these people.Look at v51:5 and rethink your concept of GOD.There was a work for the people of GOD to do in Jerusalem and we have a similar responsibility to pay attention to what is happening and to warn the lost of GOD's pending judgment.Babylon has been destroyed once and one day will be destroyed completely.Even in times of peril and captivity The LORD expects His children to be separate and do right.

Titus 2:1-15 reminds us of what we have in the Bible.We have the revealed will of GOD for men,women and children regardless of our station in life.We have the opportunity to represent The Lord, our Saviour and to be a pattern of good works.We are reminded that we are saved by faith,not works, but works ought to follow as evidence of our faith.We ought to follow The Leader, as He leads His Church.

Psalm 99:1-9 How do you adore The LORD? Do you consider yourself wholly committed to being Holy? He is Holy!!Let this psalm be your benchmark for your conduct. Selah.

Proverbs 26:17 reminds us to keep our hands off other peoples dogs and to mind our own business.We need to be good examples of our Saviour and be Christlike. Amen. pj
26 October Monday is the day we try to recall some of the promises and benefits of being born again into the family of GOD.Do you have a list of your inheritance? When you have the opportunity to share your testimony with a friend it is always good to speak positively of who and what you are now because you have been forgiven and adopted by The LORD.Have you been forgiven of all your sin/sins past,present and future?How did you get this gift of forgiveness and eternal life?Who paid the debt you could not pay?How do you know that you are going to live forever?How does GOD's mercy give you confidence? How does the grace of GOD give you strength to live right in a wrong and dirty world?When did your life change where old things went away and all old things became new?How were you quickened and made alive?What makes you sure?If you know the answer to these questions in your life,go and tell the Gospel. Amen.

Proverbs 26:13-16 this should not be so in our lives.We should not be as a sluggard nor slothful in daily activities.Be right and then do right.

Psalm 97:1-98:9 tells us to rejoice in The LORD. We are to love GOD and hate evil.Love the sinners yet hate the sin!We are not in the dark.We are not ignorant of Him and His promises.He is coming to judge the earth, but we to meet Him in the air.

Titus 1:-16 records a personal admonition for a preacher that has application for all believers.We all ought to desire the highest calling. We need to be aware of the qualifications and use these guidelines for our own lives and personal conduct.We have two eyes to see and two ears to hear and a mind to understand and know right from wrong. If we profess to know GOD our works ought to praise Him so that He gets all the glory. Hear,believe and obey The Truth! Be filled and led by The Holy Spirit.

Jeremiah 49:23-50:46 Jerusalem is the epicenter of the world and all around that city is in turmoil,then and today.Look at v50:17-20 and consider your concept of GOD.One Day there will be a new Jerusalem. There are many "snap shots" of GOD given today and each shows us His attributes and or traits. We need to read to know Him. We/they are foolish to fight against GOD.One Day we will see all this come to pass. pj
25 October Sunday is here and we get to go to church.Hope you are ready to meet The LORD and to be with His people as we worship Him in holiness and reverence.We have a guest speaker today and The LORD will bless us with His truth.

Jeremiah 48:1-19:22 warns the children about their enemies and allows us to see today our enemies.GOD is not willing that any perish, but that all men repent to GOD and have faith in Jesus Christ.We must learn from the sins,errors,mistakes and willful disobedience displayed by all the people and nations in and around Jerusalem lest we/ The USA repeat their conduct and suffer their same destruction.Who will intercede for us?We must be grateful for GOD's mercy and thankful for our advocate, The Lord Jesus Christ.Learn about GOD by paying attention to His names.This destruction has not yet taken place, but One Day it will be so as The LORD has said.

2nd Timothy 4:1-22 God causes Paul to tell Timothy how to please GOD.How does this apply to you?Has GOD put you into the ministry?(If you are saved He has put you in the ministry-II Corn 5:17-21)Do you love His appearing?When you write your next letter be careful to praise your GOD.He is watching over us all.

Psalm 95:1-96:13 reminds us to be careful in our worship.We ought to worship on purpose.We do not want The LORD to be grieved with our worship.We ought to tell everyone about out great GOD and Saviour and tell the heathen that The LORD reigneth.We are His sons and He is our LORD and our heavenly Father. Selah. Amen.

Proverbs 26:9-12 tells us that there is nothing hid from GOD.The LORD sees and takes note when a drunk falls or a dog vomits.What do you hope in today?Trust and believe The LORD. Read His Word and diligently seek Him. He will reward you. Amen. pj
24 October Saturday is here and we are still in this vile body.Are you getting ready for Sunday. Read and pray like this is the last day on earth in this life for we could be gone today.Are you rapture ready?Have you made provisions for eternity? Who will go to heaven with you because you witnessed to them?This could be The Day!

Proverbs 26:6-8 tells us about GOD and His prophets.They speak truth and are favored by GOD.We need to prepare ourselves to know right from wrong and not be fooled.

Psalm 94:1-23 tells us about the LORD. He knows everything, He is Omniscient!We ought to gain confidence in our salvation and trust GOD. Read His Word, see His promises and pay attention to their conditions.We get to know GOD!!

2nd Timothy 2:22-3:17 teaches us about godliness and GOD honoring conduct. We need to be alert to doctrine and obedient to truth.We need not to be surprised if the world hates us. Apply v3:12-15 and believe GOD. Act like you are a child of The King.

Jeremiah 44:24-47:7 tells us that, like the disobedient children that ran from GOD, you can run but you cannot hide,His will will be done.If we have the truth, why will we not believe what we read and obey what we see?We are all stewards of GOD's revelation through creation, conscience and Jesus Christ and it is always best to hear and then to obey.Look at v46:10 and determine if this impacts your concept of GOD?Look at v47:1 and see where GOD is not.There is nothing hid from GOD and there is nothing too hard for The LORD. Read to know Him and refine your concept of him. pj
23 October Friday and I am way behind in posting the blog. We have been reading, but with guest in the house it is not easy to get on line and write. Hope all is well in your place and that you too have been reading to know Him.We all need to check our motive often, so as not to think we must do this or that to get Him to love us.

Jeremiah 42:1-44:23 records that Jeremiah is a good hearer of the petitions from the people as well a good hearer of what thus saith The LORD.The problem with the Jews was that they did not always like what they were being told, does this sound familiar?We are fortunate to have the complete will of GOD available to us today written in our tongue, available to every man, we do not have to be ignorant nor disobedient to GOD's commands.We need to learn from this scripture how to act and what not to do.

2nd Timothy 2:1-21 causes us to be aware of our conduct and that of others. We are to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ.No one wants to be around a bad soldier. Let me define "bad" as any thing short of your best.We have His Spirit and His Word. Remember,1st Be Right and then do right.

Psalm 92:1-93:5 reminds us that we are the agents selected by GOD to represent Him in this world that He might get the glory.Take note of Him and admire an adore Him for who He is, say v5 often.Be encouraged by His conduct and enjoy Him and His Word.

Proverbs 26:3-5 Are you a good listener? Be diligent to pay attention to what you HEAR, note who is speaking and seek to do the will of GOD daily.Be loyal to GOD. pj

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday 22nd October Something funny happened on the display Read to know Him on a regular daily basis and your habit will be sound and worthwhile. Psalm 119:9-11 pj

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Read your 365 KJV Bible 1st; then consider my thoughts and be provoked to know Him.
22 October Thursday A great day for an interview. Rain, rain and more rain, oh that the creeks,ponds,lakes,wells and aquifer get filled.Let us be grateful and thankful that we do not have fires.Went out to play golf this AM and the course was wet and the wind was strong. I may have found wisdom while looking for a tee, I decided it was tooooo cold and going home was wiser, so I went home.Isn't it amazing how much common sense we have as a gift from The LORD.I am now high,dry and warm and the children are coming this PM. This is the good life. Hope you have been blessed today.

Psalm 90:1-91:16 reminds me of my age. I am grateful to be living in the years of my strength, I am numbering my days and looking forward to"fly away",Maranatha.Let us be thankful for the promises given by GOD.It is neat to read key words such as; me, thee,he,my,thy,I and him and realize some of what The LORD has done and will do.Take time to review His attributes of Greatness,Goodness and Genuineness. He is Worthy!!

Proverbs 26:1-2 if things seem odd, they probably are.Everything has a purpose. Let us seek wisdom from GOD to know what to do and how to accomplish His will daily.

2nd Timothy 1:1-18 allows us to know Paul's feeling and concern for Timothy. Focus on how and why GOD moves on men to serve others and then see how GOD is moving circumstances in your life to be used so that you may represent Him today.Put v7 into practice daily.We are not our own, we belong to our Saviour,act like it is so.

Jeremiah 39:1-41-18 shows us how GOD intervenes in the life of His children when they appear to be overcome by the enemy. Read to know Him and concentrate on what The LORD does and look past the blessings to see His hand and heart.Be amazed at what GOD did to protect and save His prophet.We have been reading about this day for almost 40 chapters, why should we be surprised at the manner of GOD in dealing with rebellious children who are bent on lying and deception. The wage of sin is death!Pay attention to the names of GOD and watch how He shows His attributes. He is GOD!pj

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

21 October Wednesday and raining on the garden that The LORD has given us to be caretakers in for His glory and our joy. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to burn some pinon wood in our fire pit as we read early in the AM.The aroma,vista and company I get to keep is a little heaven on earth.Hope you are enjoying the company you get to keep.Love your freedom, Thank your military! Care for others first.

Proverbs 25:28 Read and heed!This is a GREAT Principal for living.Read/believe/obey.

1st Timothy 6:1-21 This concludes the first letter to Timothy. GOD caused Paul to have a burden for this young man and he wanted to help him. Paul wanted Timothy to be used by GOD to help the people of Ephesus. This is happening in the local churches today.Paul stressed that Godliness should be Timothy's mantel. This is appropriate for all believers today. We are the Church. We ought to act like GOD's children.

Psalm 89:38-52 This concludes the psalm. What have you learned about The LORD? What have you learned about yourself? Read to know Him.GOD has not and will not change!!What He has said He will perform.Time does not limit nor restrain GOD.Remember what you have in GOD because of The Lord Jesus Christ.Are you IN Christ? Be grateful.

Jeremiah 37:1-38:28 records many sad and hard events in the life of Jeremiah.We must remember WHO controls ALL events and be attentive to the voice of GOD. The LORD uses men to serve men. What an exciting event, we get to observe the world's very first"extraction" out of the pit. GOD always has the solution/answer to every question/ and provides a means of escape-GOD never leaves us alone. Let us accept the admonition of v38:20 and obey the voice of The LORD. Amen. pj
20 October Tuesday windy and warm, what a day.Finally got my truck back under my control and I am tired of driving rentals that have been used by smokers. Forgive me, but 2nd hand smoke is dangerous. Pray for those people are controlled by drugs(nicotine) and booze of any kind.It is NOT a sickness, it is a bad habit.GOD is the answer and GOD alone.It always starts with "just one ...." Go by the entrance to any hospital and watch for people(old) standing near the door with their oxygen bottles in tow smoking.This is dangerous,fire and oxygen don't care who gets burned. This is a hobby horse for me. What bothers you, no one getting saved or toooo long a sermon?

Jeremiah 35:1-36:32 Jeremiah was used by The LORD to tell truth to a lost and dying people who were bent on backsliding.Is this where we of The USA are today?We need to be thankful for door keepers.What is the price to pay for obedience to The LORD and His Word as compared with the cost of just simple disobedience? Look at Hebrews 9:27 How is your concept of GOD affected by your reading today? Can you see the call and ministry of those called missionaries in v36:6-7? Man may cut up or even burn the bible, but GOD's Word is not made untrue or impotent by the acts of disregard by silly people who choose to be willfully ignorant.Who have you shared this wonderful truth-Salvation-Gospel good news with today?

1st Timothy 5:1-25 Paul gives advice to Timothy and GOD allows us in the church to overhear the instruction so that we may be obedient and be co-laborers with the pastor and Jesus Christ our Lord,as the church obeys the great commission. We ought to work and be good stewards and be aware of those who WILL NOT work.

Psalm 89:14-37 provides for us several "snap shots" of Jesus Christ.Read to know Him and then believe His promises. Increase your faith(read)daily and then trust GOD.

Proverbs 25:25-27 warns us about being prompt and obedient. What good is good news if it is tooooo late?Watch your plate, toooo much of a good thing is bad. Amen pj

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19 Monday and a lot can be accomplished, for example Betty and I get to read our 365 together and pray, have breakfast, get the AC repair/winter preparation check-up, get my GMC into the body shop for repair, mow/fertilize the yard, shop for a new rose bush, lunch on the patio, build a natural rock elevated plant yard art, haul rocks to line the gift tree bed and then crash/wow what a day. Hopefully the golf game tomorrow will help ease the kinks out of my back. We need to pray for old people to have more wisdom about projects. Tomorrow may come and we might opt out of an opportunity to serve some one in need. We have The LORD and He has each of us in His Hand. We are accepted in The Beloved! We are redeemed and forgiven,justified.

Psalm 89:1-13 reminds us of who we are in The LORD.Look at His Names and consider what He has and is doing in your personal life.He is Omnipotent and All Knowing.

Proverbs 25:23-24 If you are a husband and GOD has given you a help mate that is a not a brawling woman and you have not thanked GOD today, even right now, shame on you.If you are a woman, how does The LORD consider your ways at home?Be angry, but sin not and do not gossip nor cause GOD to consider you a backbiter. Amen

1st Timothy 4:1-16 calls us to account for our conduct before during and after marriage.Doctrine ALWAYS comes FIRST before conduct.Be right and then do right.

Jeremiah 33:1-34:22 shares with us a verse that is generally taken out of context.Consider v33:3 in light of what has been happening in Jeremiah's life for the last several chapters, then believe and trust this verse and The LORD who said the verse to His child.The Lord Jesus is being foretold to the Jews of Jerusalem, One Day He will come as Messiah to the Jews and they will reject Him.We must see that Jesus is GOD-man! He is The LORD our righteousness!Read to know Him. Amen. pj
October 18 Sunday all day long. We are fortunate to have a patio where we can read and see "The Sun" enter into our garden.We get to listen to the 1st Baptist Church of Dallas as we dress and prepare each Sunday AM.We had a fair number for SS Class and our AM service was biblical and edifying. The senior saints shared lunch and this is always a easy and comfortable time with good food and fellowship.The PM service was plain and challenging making each of us to consider why we act the way we do.It is neat to see young people grow up in the church, get engaged and prepare for their wedding day and we get to enjoy a "shower of blessings" time with them. It was a busy and exciting Sunday and I'm looking forward to next week already, hoping that Jesus will come in the clouds. Let us continue to read to know Him until He does.

Jeremiah 31:27-32:44 tells all of us the TRUTH.We need to learn from these scriptures how to hear and heed our Father's instruction.When you pray next, spend a lot of time reminding GOD of His Promises.We need to understand that GOD as shown in the Old Testament is the "SAME" GOD of the New Testament and today AND He does not lie nor change.Take and believe v32:27 as it reads! One day The LORD will accomplish v32:39but between now and that One Day there must be the rapture of the church and the 7 years of tribulation. Are you ready for the rapture? If not,why not?

1st timothy 3:1-16 all must hear the Gospel in order to be saved and then some will be called to lead others in their walk with The LORD. All of us need to act right in the church and The LORD puts a man in charge to act in His behalf. Follow the leader.

Psalm 88:1-18 allows us to see how GOD deals with His children.Be careful as or when you cry unto GOD that you look for His mercy and lovingkindness. He is near. Selah.

Proverbs 25:20-22 tells us to be led of The LORD as we deal with others.It is good to check your motive before you act, but we need to act/follow GOD. Amen. pj
October 17 Saturday and Sunday in coming. Read to know Him is a heart matter and not a matter of getting The LORD to love us because we read daily. Increase your faith and express your confidence through your trust in what GOD has said. Believe Him!

Proverbs 25:18-19 tells us to be truthful and careful who we trust.If you have ever had a broken tooth it will cause you pain, now choose your "friends" by The Book.

1st Timothy 2:1-15 sets the standard for the(young)preacher. We can learn what GOD expects of His ministers and then we may be more apt to pray and support the work in and through the church.TRUTH,v5, there is only one(1) mediator;the man Christ Jesus.

Psalm 87:1-7 reminds us to focus on the builder and not the building.GOD is and will continue to keep records of all the deeds,thoughts,intents and words of His children.

Jeremiah 30:1-31:26 allows us to see many "snapshots" of The LORD at work that day in Jerusalem and He tells of the restoration that the Jews will enjoy "one day" and also projects there will a Messiah to come to save and be their King. The promises are specific for the Jews, yet it shows the desire of GOD's heart that all be saved, so these apply to us in principal.Look at v31:1-11 and re-evaluate your concept of GOD. But until then, be right and do right as you set markers for others to see. pj

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 16 Friday and Sunday is coming. I am grateful for a day with Sun Shine and a light breeze.Hope you are planning for Sunday. It would be a great surprise if all the students were on time and prepared, but the teacher decided to take care of some other business and just did not show up for class. We all are accountable to GOD for our faithfulness and James 4:17 is the rule to determine right or wrong. Remember we do not encourage anyone to read their 365 Bible just to please GOD so that He will love them, we read so that we might know Him. He loves us regardless!Learn Truth.

Psalm 86:1-17 may be used to set the tone for the reading today.We have the divine opportunity to pray. GOD is Holy and only wholly Holy people enter into His presence.Jeremiah,Paul,Timothy,Solomon,David and you and me may make the same request as it is written in v11-13 and expect the same divine response that was given in Psalm 78:72 "So that He fed them according to the integrity of His heart; and guided them with the skillfulness of His hands".GOD is Omnipresent!!!

Jeremiah 28:1-29:32 Who is telling the truth? It started in the garden and is still going on today,what is truth? We are allowed to overhear some heavenly conversation and The LORD declares what is truth. What do you use as the RULE and GUIDE for truth and honesty?If you are not using the Holy KJV Bible as the truth, what are you using?We need to understand that we are responsible to GOD as stewards of His WORD.If we are not attentive to what is being said from the Bible, we may be misled by a man.In the days of Jeremiah there were prophets speaking that were not from GOD. They will give an account of their faith and actions.Look at the sins of the people of Judah and compare them to the conduct of America today and be warned.GOD is listening.

1st Timothy 1:-20 allows us to know the charge given to Timothy about pastoral care and see the emphasis on GOD places on godliness in His servants.Timothy was warned about his conduct as well as the conduct of others that might influence him. The LAW is good and it will always show man his sinfulness.We need to be thankful for GOD's mercy and The GOSPEL.How is your conscience?Did you increase your faith today? Be aware of who you were, who you are today and who you will be in 100 years. Amen

Proverbs 25:17 advises us to not overstay our welcome. We are to be wise and respectful of others privacy and space. Be specific in your prayers. Selah. Amen. pj
October 15 mid month and we are still here.We are grateful for the rain and are confident that it is for our good.How much water did GOD create in the beginning? In your opinion has GOD lost a drop since ALL of the water was created?What does that tell you about The LORD? Do you really believe that GOD knows everything? That He keeps records of every word, thought, intent and deed we have done and will do after our salvation?How does this affect your respect and fear of The LORD? Selah.

Jeremiah 26:1-27:22 Jeremiah was influential in Judah under King Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiachin and Zedekiah. The commandments and instructions given to the Jews were plain and specific. The general theme of the book deals with the judgement of GOD towards the Jews in Jerusalem and their sin/sins.GOD is not a respecter of persons and He expects His people to hear and obey. GOD's promises are always true and the Jews as well as you and I misunderstand His mercy and long suffering for tolerance of our inattention to Him. The LORD is a jealous GOD and we ought to fear Him.It is each person's responsibility to know Truth and to obey.We can not blame our lack of knowledge on the pastors. We have the full,complete,revealed an inerrant Word of GOD.

2nd Thessalonians 3:1-18 teaches us to appreciate our teachers and pastors, yet reminds us that we have The Word of GOD and we have the BEST teacher, The Holy Spirit.We have the opportunity to learn and know the mind of GOD and are equipped to deal with people.I find a truth in v12 in that busy and tired people serving The LORD don't get involved in gossip. We know how to make friends and how to avoid those who are contrary to truth, then we stay away from trouble. Judge righteously.

Psalm 85:1-13 allows us to know the way to act and v9 should be a benchmark for our conversation. If we want revival then we should seek direction from GOD. If we say we are in revival then we will have joy.There is a beautiful picture of The Lord Jesus Christ written in v10. Read to know Him. Amen

Proverbs 25:16 warns us about too much sweets. It is not wrong to eat honey, but don't be a glutton.We are GOD's representative in our area of influence. Act right.pj

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

14 October We have sunshine and clouds, this could be the day that Jesus comes to take His bride to heaven. Are you ready? Do you have your wedding garment? Is there oil in your lamp? Who is going to be with The Lord because you told them the gospel and they received Jesus Christ as their Saviour? We are the light in this world.

Psalm 84:1-12 causes us to be thankful and waiting for His will to be done. Selah causes us to read to know Him and then to stop and think about what we know and believe.Let us go beyond admiring GOD unto the level of Adoring Him and His Names.A job as doorkeeper in heaven will be just fine.Accept His promises for you today.

Proverbs 25:15 be consistent,courteous and speak softly the best words.We are His!

2nd Thessalonians 2:1-17 reminds us to "know" truth and to be led by The Holy Spirit. We have an Enemy and he has many helpers that want to cause confusion, doubt,fear and unrest.Let v15 be your anchor and comfort yourself in the Truths that are written in your 365KJV Bible.Jesus will come for His Church and the saints in the clouds! LATER Jesus will come to Earth One Day in The Revelation and then He will rule and reign for 1000 years in Jerusalem.Read to know Him and be informed about His second coming. Be thankful and be expecting Him. Selah. Amen.

Jeremiah23:21-25:38 declares how GOD feels about His Word and His Truths. Look for His traits, attributes and names. Judah is under siege, will soon be destroyed and many will go into captivity. Sin. Sin. Sin. What does The LORD say about sin? What is mans obligation to GOD?Where and when does "obey" change our lives?We have two ears to hear, but we do not hear. How is your concept of GOD affected by your reading today? Isaiah and Jeremiah both prophesy of the coming Messiah as well as the coming destruction, but the children do not hear/heed/hearken nor obey. Consequence is coming because of disobedience. We need to consider WHO the children were "not" hearing and THEN learn the lesson on "how to pay attention to GOD". If you are not feeding yourself the Word of GOD daily and regularly then what are you consuming and how will you know right from wrong? We need to renew our FEAR of GOD.pj

Monday, October 12, 2009

13 October Tuesday and looking forward to the meeting tonight concerning the Brett Wolf family.It is easy to assume all will be well today and that no tragedy will befall me are any one that I know.I've asked to be forgiven of this sin. Hope you enjoy reading your 365 to know Him and sharing these truth with others.

Jeremiah 22:1-23:20 makes clear the message for the Jews. If we learn from their example then the message applies to us today, be right and do right. GOD expects all to hear and heed His Words. Take note of the word WOE. Be aware of the names of GOD and pay attention to how The LORD causes His name to direct our thoughts to our ways. Therefore is used often to link verses,thoughts and commands. Where do you look to verify what people say to you about GOD? As individuals we are accountable to know GOD and His Word. We are to be edified by teaching and preaching.

2nd Thessalonians 1:1-12 will tell the readers that Jesus has not yet come-stand fast!!! It is always good to get a letter of encouragement with instructions on how to stay by the stuff. We all should remember that GOD knows what is happening and He will make all things right in His perfect timing.Read to know Him and watch how He accomplishes His will. We ALL need to exalt the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Psalm 83:1-18 Have you ever wanted GOD to hurry and do your will? Let us check our motive for praying and always focus on how He may be glorified. Selah.

Proverbs 25:11-14 Plan to be a blessing and not a blot/blank/empty cloud. Choose your words wisely for they are being recorded and will be replayed in Heaven. pj
12 October Monday, Holiday, A day to remember what we have in Jesus as our Christ and Lord from The LORD.We ought to be able to give our testimony based upon what He had done to,for and because of us.GOD has given us the power to become the sons of GOD.We have been forgiven of all sins! Yea, past,present and future!Please take time to thank The LORD for The Lord and The Holy Spirit and the Word of GOD. Focus on Him and don't spend time seeking only His blessings.Act like a grateful child of The King. We are joint heirs with The Lord Jesus Christ and soon to be with Him. Selah.

Proverbs 25:8-10 warns us to count the cost.It will be worth it all to be fair,true, honest,just,observant,wise,prudent,diligent regardless of who is watching. Integrity!

Psalm 82:1-8 corresponds with the proverb, act right!GOD sees and will judge all men.We have an opportunity to be right and to do right every day.God knows our heart.

1st Thessalonians 5:4-28 advises us to be alert,sensitive to the Word of GOD and The Holy Spirit and to do right.Accept v9-22 as a way of life, practice Holiness.Believe the Gospel and be faithful.The LORD will be and do all that He has said in scripture.

Jeremiah 19:1-21:14 we are to learn through the object lessons truths about GOD as He demonstrates His attributes. Don't focus on the vessel, focus on Him who made the earthen bottle and instructed His prophet to speak and then to break the vessel in front of the people. What attributes,traits and characteristics do you see and learn about GOD? Sin is a reproach to GOD!GOD sets before all men the way of evil and the way of good=the way of life and the way of death. We choose our fate. The LORD always makes the options clear and distinct. We are all influenced by events and our old carnal nature, yet GOD causes The Holy Spirit to illumine our choices and will always advise us to follow GOD along the narrow way.We are not in the dark, for we know the wage of sin is death, we are not ignorant and we have no excuse.Selah. pj
11 October Sunday. What a day for sharing, preparing and enjoying our GOD.

Proverbs 25:6-7 suggest we be careful where we set. What happens when we think too highly of ourselves? Where do pride and destruction meet? Let GOD make the promotion.

Psalm 81:1-16 reminds us to be careful and not move ahead of Te LORD lest v12-13 enter into our lives and overtake us. We must be careful to observe GOD and His ways or we may miss being fed and blessed.As per v1,"Return unto The LORD and sing aloud unto GOD our strength: make a joyful noise unto the GOD of Jacob." Amen

Jeremiah 16:16-18:23 We need to be careful to recognize who is speaking and try and determine the application of what is said for our lives today. There are sins that we need to avoid.There are attributes of GOD that we need to recall. There are promise that are appropriate for us to claim. The key to our success will be dependent upon our ability to "HEAR" the Words of The LORD.Hear, believe, receive and apply Biblical truth is essential to the Christ like conversation.Stand alone if required and if you stand for The LORD you will never be alone. Selah. Amen.

1st Thessalonians 4:1-5:3 informs us of at least ten(10) different aspects of our Christian life in v3-13. We have the blessed hope of the imminent return of The Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds and we should live in view of this event every day. Act like you are saved and ready to go to be with The Lord. Maranatha-anathema!!! pj
10 October Are you busy today doing the things of The LORD or just busy? It is easy to become preoccupied with the things of the world and forget those less fortunate, sick and abed or just lost.I need to check my priorities.Hope to see you Sunday.

Jeremiah 14:11-16:15 allows us to hear how men of GOD pray and how GOD instructs His prophets to speak. Pay attention to the different voices so that you may be able to discern who is speaking and learn why The LORD allows us to become aware of His words,moods and feelings. How can you determine who is speaking truth? Do you believe that we have the honest, complete, perfect, inerrant, inspired Word of GOD? Have we forsaken GOD? Has The LORD forsaken the USA?Are we waiting for His deliverance? How are you praying for GOD's will to be done?

1st Thessalonians 2:9-3:13 Who are you most interested in, yourself or others? GOD moves upon men to serve men. Now who are you serving and persuading to follow Jesus Christ? If you can't go who are you sending to tell them about The LORD,our Lord?

Psalm 80:1-19 How does v4 apply to your prayer life? Have you asked for revival? Does v14 make you want to pray? Have you sought GOD to turn again to you? Selah.

Proverbs 25:1-5 Are we part of the problem or part of the solution? If you want Him, His success, blessings and prosperity ask to be refined and for GOD to take away the dross from your life. Selah. Amen. pj

Thursday, October 8, 2009

9 October Friday, Sunday is coming, now is the time to choose your priorities so that early on Sunday AM all will be neat and ready to go.

Jeremiah 12:1-14:10 as you read these verse how many times to see yourself and the USA? GOD uses the man to teach lessons through object lessons such as the girdle. What can we learn from this lesson? Consider how personal and private our clothing is to us and to have this defiled is bad. But to have to put on a spoiled dirty item next to our body is revolting. What lesson do we learn?Is The LORD our hope? Do we see ourselves as disobedient and rebellious children?What do you do with your sins?

1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8 The first of two letters to the people of Thessalonica warning them to be true to the truth they had received.Have you received the Gospel and have you shared what you received, as you received it? If not, why not?

Psalm 79:1-13 When you pray, what is your burden and how do you pray for the lost people in your family? Have you asked The LORD to bring v9 to pass in your life?

Proverbs 24:30-34 Who,besides The LORD, is looking at your yard? Our conversation is open to GOD and all men.Who will follow us to heaven? We can make a difference. pj
8 October Rainy,foggy,chilly and we are still looking for the clouds. One Day Jesus is coming to get ALL the Redeemed of His Church, are you ready? Who will go to heaven because of you? Who will NOT go to heaven because of us?Let us make Him our focus and VIP and get our eyes and dreams off of the things of the world.We need to practice sanctification daily. Let us be wholly Holy and committed to righteousness.

Proverbs 24:28-29 warns us to be careful what we say, willing to turn the cheek and to depend on The LORD for the best results. We are to be Christlike! Amen.

Psalm 78:59-72 describes the original "tough love" in action between GOD and His creation. We ought to do the same with others.Let all be said and done and then rest in the truth and promise that describes The LORD in v72 that will give you joy.This Psalm seems to be written for the children that Jeremiah is serving.

Colossians 3:18-4:18 Obedience can not be separated from love. Fearing GOD applies to all men,women and children.We will all give an account of our stewardship and good advice for us is given in v4:8 and that is a demonstration of your faith. If every person would "walk in wisdom" where would we be today/tomorrow? GOD has given each of us a ministry and we must take heed to be faithful. Selah.

Jeremiah 10:1-11:23 Pay attention to what GOD says to the prophet, to the children and to us.Pray for The Holy Spirit to teach you what application you must make in your life because of this record.There is an eternal difference between a lie and the truth. There is only ONE(1) true GOD as per v10.We must be careful to not create a god of our own imagination made by hand and covered with gold or silver. We need to remember that v10:23 describes us. We must be sensitive to the written Word and seek for unction and leadership to hear, learn, know and apply truth in our life.Remember Psalm 78:72 and pray for The LORD's blessing on your life. Amen. pj

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

7 October Hope to see you in church this PM. Enjoyed a good day talking about the Brett Wolf project. There will be a meeting Tuesday 13 Oct,7PM in the Fellowship Hall. There are several young men and families here in Parker County who have served overseas and are having a difficult time adjusting to civilian life. Be grateful for their service and pray God's blessing on them.

Jeremiah 8:8-9:26 Be careful who and what you brag about. We ALL have sinned, get over it we are guilty.We don't want GOD to be angry with the us of the USA. We need to tell the truth and know when truth is not being spoken by our leaders.We can read our BIBLE and know GOD and we can read our constitution and know our rights and responsibilities.Read v9:15-16 and see if this is what you want for our country today?We are guilty of sin,sin,sin.

Colossians 3:1-17 Are you risen with Christ? If not, why not? There is evidence and proof required. If we are saved, we must obey GOD. We need to know what The LORD said He would do in our life, and we need to do what He tells us to do. How can you say you don't need to obey GOD?Read v38-55 and understand your responsibility as it is demonstrated by these people.The LORD does not need lip service.Don't turn back.

Psalm 78:26-58 Our concept of GOD should be pliable as we read to know Him so that we may know and fear GOD. We need to see the sinful conduct of the Jews and seek to walk after The LORD regardless of what our fathers did. We must obey truth. Is there no fear of GOD?Stewardship and judgment are always how GOD treats His children.

Proverbs 24:27 Keep things in order and do the first work.Be right and do right. pj
6 October We are still here! What opportunities will we have today? As we read we try to imagine what we would have done if we were in the situation that we are reading. Would we have been used by GOD to speak out? Would we have only listened to the prophets and then did what we wanted to do for ourselves? These words of history are given to us as examples and we must learn from them or we may be doomed to repeat them. We have The Old Testament, The New Testament, the indwelling Holy Spirit and all of creation with our conscience to hear,know and obey GOD. Do we?

Jeremiah 6:15-8:7Are you embarrassed when you read this report? Have your sins made you ashamed? GOD expects all people to be aware of their sins and to admit,confess, have a broken and contrite heart, receive forgiveness and to walk in holiness before GOD.When we know The Truth we should act like it and warn others. These truths have an application to us today.How do these Words affect your concept of The LORD? Be careful as you make your "snapshots"of The LORD at work,always consider the circumstance and conditions that He has provided and explained such as v7:23-28.How similar is the conduct of the USA today to that of Judah in the reading today?

Colossians 2:8-23 Warns the people to hear what is being said and to be led by The Holy Spirit to discern right from wrong.Our confidence MUST Be in what "Thus saith The LORD".Our conduct is important and it must be based on Truth so that we honor our GOD and not to be bound by traditions of man. Read to know him.

Psalm 78:1-25 Provides the best advice for all believers in v1. Be careful to know the history of The LORD's involvement with the children of GOD.Take notice of His attributes and provisions and be grateful for His kindness to them and to us. Now, why do we sin against our GOD? What do you believe about GOD?

Proverbs 24:20 We all are responsible for our conduct. Amen.pj
5 October What do you have this Monday that you did not have last week? Where were you last year at this time?What will you be doing 100 years from today? Each Monday I want to remind you of some of the Truths that are in believers, based upon the provisions provided by GOD. Are you saved? Are you sure that GOD has forgiven you of ALL your sins,past,present and future? What assurance do you have that your name is written down in The Lamb's Book of Life? Are you a son/daughter of GOD? Are you indwelt with the Holy Spirit?Can you prove to someone that you will not suffer the wrath of GOD? Have you told anyone the Gospel? Have you offered to serve The LORD any where, anytime, with anyone, at any cost? If not,why not?Are you accepted in The Beloved? Can you tell someone how you were saved and why you needed to be saved?

Proverbs 24:23-25 Have you been a blessing to some one today? Have you acted wisely today? If not, why not?What makes people and nations curse and abhor one another?

Psalm77:1-20 GOD uses men to serve men.How often do you seek GOD? Do you intercede for others so that your prayers are in agreement with those of Jesus Christ for them?

Colossians 1:20-2:7 reminds us of our great salvation.We are blessed to be saved and we should pray often prayers of thanksgiving. We need to be rooted, grounded and established in the faith as per v2:6-7. We ought to read to know Him. We are saints.

Jeremiah 4:19-6:14 allows us to know the mind of GOD.We need to continually update our concept of GOD when we read. Be careful as you read the Old Testament so that you do not miss seeing The Son of GOD.Jeremiah was warning the Jews that because of their sins judgment was coming and Jerusalem would be destroyed and they would go into captivity. How many times have we been warned about our sins? Please do not confuse The LORD's mercy and longsuffering for weakness. The wage of sin is death. pj
4 October Sunday is here and we have the opportunity to fellowship with other believers, be encouraged, edified and share our joy. Attendance was down. Betty was under the weather as were many other with flu and flu like symptoms. We reviewed the highlights of the Books that we have completed such as Isaiah, Ephesians, Philippians and noted the introduction to Jeremiah and Colossians while we continue to read the Psalms and Proverbs. This is the 277th day of this year and we will have read through The 365 Bible in less than 100 more days. We may be in heaven today. Please remember to read to know Him.

Jeremiah 2:31-4:18 allows us to hear comments that The LORD makes, comments that the prophet relays to to the JEWS and to observe how they reacted to these instructions. Jeremiah is aggressive in his comparisons of the conduct of animals to the conduct of the children of GOD.We need to seek the teaching of The Holy Spirit when we make the transition from historical events to our life time. The principals set out by The LORD are timeless and are not limited to the Jews only, and the most forward requirement established is of obedience. We life by faith, and faith is hearing GOD's Word and then obeying, be right and then do right. Stewardship and accountability are equal and just for all persons. Repentance to GOD.GOD makes the requirements clear and men are without excuse, we know what is expected,yet we choose to disobey. Read to know Him and fear GOD for He is Holy. Amen.

Colossians 1:1-19 reminds us of the beauty of His Holiness and the simplicity of His salvation. The lifestyle suggested by The LORD through Paul is uncomplicated and profitable to all who heed theses instructions. Hear, receive, believe the Words spoken and put then put them into practice and be joyful while focusing on Jesus Christ.Learn what it means for Him to have the preeminence.Do what please the Father.

Psalm 76:1-12 suggest that v11 should be our lifestyle. Selah. Is GOD known in your home? How do you show forth His love to men? We are responsible to share the Gospel.

Proverbs 24:21-22 It is a good thing to mind your own business. Don't meddle in the affairs of others.Act like a son of GOD. pj

Friday, October 2, 2009

3 October Saturday, A big day for HFOT and The Brett Wolf family. The build brigade built and completed this home in 60 days using both professional and volunteers using donated supplies so that it is free to the Wolf family. Brett Wolf is a severely injured veteran, wounded 9-11-07 in Iraq.He and Kelly, his wife will be presented the keys to their new house today. They do not want for us to feel sorry for them, they expect us to accept them. Pray for their salvation and bless The LORD!!!

Jeremiah 1:1-2:30 will begin the story written by GOD about His love for His children and how they would not respond to His provisions as demonstrated by His servant prophet Jeremiah.I find a tender father dealing with a shy son who does not want to put out front picture being drawn by GOD in v7-19. I urge you to look at the circumstances presented as facts, but focus on He who controls all circumstances, GOD. Be aware of where this is taking place and stay sensitive to our reading of Isaiah, for the Jews are facing captivity in Babylon because they will not repent and believe what they are being told.What do you learn about yourself as you read how these rebellious children act? Stewardship, accountability and consequences.

Philippians 4:1-23 How is your joy meter reading? Let v4-7 cause you to reset your attitude checker for today. We all should pray without ceasing, however as we pray let v8-9 filter your thoughts so that you may rejoice as you pray. The truth that God can do all things is wonderful, but can He do all things through you? Who did you salute today?

Psalm 75:1-10 causes me to wonder how GOD can be so tolerant of us. Selah.

Proverbs 24:17-20 tells us how to act and react. We need to be joyful for the right reasons. Stewardship an accountability for all of our thoughts and deeds. He knows.pj

Hope you are prepared to be in SS and Church tomorrow,on time, read and prayed up, prepared to participate and expecting The LORD to show up and be pleased and glorified by our songs, psalms, hymns, offerings and the preaching of His Words.
2 October Friday and Sunday is coming, are you ready? This could be the day.How many times did you speak the Name of Jesus to another living soul today? How many times did you thank The Father for His Son today? Let us focus on HIM and not His. Take time to be wholly consumed with thinking about Jesus Christ. It is a good work. This is something that you must choose to do on purpose. What is He doing for you and me all of the time? Let us be thankful and grateful that He is making intercession for us to The Father.

Isaiah 66:1-24 The last chapter of Isaiah is full of promises for the children of GOD, The Jews. This book was prepared about 750 years before Jesus was born and the prophecies concerning the revelation of The Messiah in Jerusalem has not yet been accomplished.We will get to see this chapter come to pass One Day! Let this Truth influence your concept of GOD. Some of the attributes of GOD are clearly explained and demonstrated and these apply to you and me. GOD know everything! GOD is True and His Truth will come to pass. The LORD is Just and His judgments are sure and perfect. He is no respecter of persons and He expects all men to repent to GOD and have faith in Jesus Christ.Read Isa 1:16-19 and comply. The opportunity is yours.

Philippians 3:4-21 what and where is your confidence?What is MOST important to you?Do you know Him? Do you want to be made conformable to His death? How did you press towards the "mark" that GOD has chosen for you today? Have you forgotten yesterday and it's failures and successes? We are to be godly examples of Jesus Christ and we ought to expect others to follow us. Who are you following and who is following you? We have The Blessed Hope and we must share that Truth with others. Amen.

Psalm 74:1-23 When you pray, what Truths do you remind The LORD of that He has said?

Proverbs 24:15-16 reminds us to play hurt. We have the perfect security system about our homes and we need to be alert to the Devil and his angels. We need to be careful and not fall into mischief. Watch your step.Watch out for the little ones. Selah. pj
1 October Thursday and we are still here.Maybe today? What are your plans for Sunday? Put someone else first and serve them. Husbands. Wives. Children. If you have doubt, who is your neighbor? Jesus,others and then yourself(JOY). Selah.

Isaiah 62:8-65:25 should influence your concept of The LORD. How have you mentioned the lovingkindness of The LORD to your friends, family and foes? Are you waiting on GOD(v64:4)? Have you considered the promises made to the Jews applicable to your life? These last few chapters of Isaiah are similar to the Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ in that the End is in sight and The Messiah is coming soon, One Day. Do you consider yourself a servant of The LORD God? If not,why not? What do you hope?

Philippians 2:19-3:3 When you do all you can do, do you still hope in The LORD? Who do you trust? Who can The LORD trust? Who are you a co-laborer with? Are you alert to the enemies of Christ? Do you have a sensitive spiritual antenna? Be alert. Amen

Psalm 73:1-28 Consider using this chapter with Chapter 37 as good verses for security, right thinking and good advice. Get your eyes off of the creation and focus on the Creator. Read to know Him. Look for His promises and be aware of the conditions. GOD is no respecter of persons. Selah. Where is your trust?

Proverbs 24:13-14 what taste good to you? How/where do you get you daily bread? Take a moment and hear what your Heavenly Father is saying to you. Be warned. Amen. pj
30 September what were you doing last year at this time? Please consider noting in your 365 Bible something about the day so that you can look at your activity levels and take note of your growth.We can look back and see where The LORD has caused us to prosper and be thankful.This Bible may be a real jewel of your legacy for your children and their children to read when you are gone. You can speak from the grave and have influence on your family. Where is Isaiah today? Where will you be tomorrow?

Proverbs 24:11-12 our influence will make a difference for eternity.Everything we do of don't do is recorded and we will be accountable to GOD. We can make a difference.

Psalm 72:1-20 Let v18 impact your concept of GOD. We have work to do and we can bring glory to our GOD.Our work is not ended.Be careful as you pray and seek GOD's direction for all your thoughts,deeds and intentions. Seek the mind of Christ. Selah

Philippians 1:27-2:18 warns us to be prepared to enjoy Him as we believe Him and to be prepared to suffer for His sake. We are in a crooked and perverse nation, yet we ought to be the light that brings glory to Christ and affords us the opportunity to witness to the lost and dying world. Read to know Him and learn to enjoy His Words.

Isaiah 60:1-62:7 Is v1 true in your life? One Day it all will be revealed and the truth will be known.The same truth applies to us today in that we will see The Messiah rule and reign in Jerusalem. Isaiah was foretelling the sure restoration of Jerusalem, the coming of the Messiah and His rejection by the Jews and the One Day when The Messiah would rule in Zion. The emphasis is on The Messiah! We, today have a hope that our Saviour came in time past, was rejected, died and was buried and arose on the third day according to Scripture. He appeared to many and then ascended into Heaven with the promise that He would come back in the clouds and snatch us, the believers out of this world so that we would be with Him for ever. We are to tell The GOSPEL to every man. One Day The Messiah, The Lord Jesus Christ, will come to Earth to rule and reign in Jerusalem and for 1000years the Jews will have peace in their land an enjoy their Saviour. We are blessed to be a blessing. pj
29 September Can you pray any time and any where?Do you? What is your greatest need? Can you get it fixed without getting The LORD involved? These thoughts cause me to consider my priorities and confess my sins. Let us consider it might be better to be a "dependent" child of GOD instead of being "so blessed" and being independent of our GOD. Take time to be wholly Holy and in love with The LORD. Selah.

Isaiah 57:15-59:21 Check you concept of GOD against v15-21. We need to be respectful of Whom we are praying to and Who is hearing our prayers.Pay attention to how The LORD ask questions and makes statements using if,then or when.Take the promises GOD gives to the Jews, as recorded by Isaiah and see if they are applicable to you, but don't forget the conditions. Pay attention to 59:1-2. Apply this Truth to your daily life and walk carefully before your GOD. Are you an intercessor? If not,why not? One Day this all will come to pass and we will see it all from Heaven. Are ye saved?

Psalm 71:1-24 How long will The LORD be True to His promises? How long have you been trusting in His Word? How often do you talk about His righteousness? Enjoy His Names and consider His presence. Let your mouth be filled with His praise. Selah.

Proverbs 24:9-10 GOD will save you if you believe Him and act on His Truths. But foolish men do not consider GOD. Be wise. Amen.

Philippians 1:1-26 A new letter written to the saints and it's focus is on JOY. Check you levels of Joy factors in your life as you read this letter. Take a serious look at v21 and see if you practice this statement. Who is encouraging you? Who are you encouraging? Share your JOY with someone daily and be a pipeline of GOD's love.pj

Thursday, October 1, 2009

28 September Monday is here and some are not yet saved.Does this bother you? In your circle of influence, how have you given your testimony? How is your confidence level of the assurance of your salvation? ** Home work for this week is to write down the verses in Ephesians that you can relate to concerning "Who You Are in Christ." Do you remember the event of your salvation? Why did you need to be/get saved?What/when did all things become NEW in your life?What changed the day you were rescued from the wrath of GOD?Do you "KNOW" that The Holy Spirit is resident in your body?This MOST Significant Event in any persons life must be memorable! If you do not have this SURE confidence, PLEASE let me know ASAP.One old man use to say,"if you are not here for the same reason I'm here, then you will be here after I'm gone." Get it settled, fixed and based on the True Word of The LORD. GOD will not make exceptions.

Proverbs 24:8 describes what causes confusion, deception and defeat. Be careful who you listen to and be careful to HEAR /SEEK Truth and be saved. You are accountable for your choices and responsible for your actions. Be right, do right.

Ephesians 6:1-24 provides sound advice, ask your parents about salvation. Check your motive for your actions. Be strong in The LORD!!! WE cannot be full of GOD's Holy Spirit and full of ourselves at the same time. The LORD provides all we need to be safe,secure,of a sound mind and serving Him in joy. We MUST put off self reliance and put on the whole armour of GOD. We can not pick and choose parts, all or none. It is always better to obey. If you want peace, be right and do right. Amen.

Psalm 70:1-5 causes us to sense timing is important. When was the last time you had to wait on The LORD? Have you ever prayed "Lord, please hear me speedily"? When He seems to be not listening, what do you do? Where do you turn and how do you act?

Isaiah 54:1-57:14 As The LORD looks towards the "End Time", how do you prepare? Isaiah is telling the Jews what to expect in regards to restoration, the coming of The Messiah and the DAY that GOD will rule in Jerusalem with His children. Please don't misunderstand the kindness and mercy of GOD to be a sign of forgetting and overlooking sin. The Jews, each person, will give an account! GOD's Salvation for the Jews is the same as His Salvation for the Gentiles, the saved believers will not suffer the wrath of GOD for their sins. Seek ye The LORD(v55:6)while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. Each person must choose.Choose GOD!Amen.pj
27 September Is the 1st Day of this week. Where will you be in 100 years? Hope to see you in class and church. We drove to Conroe in the PM and spent a few days with our son, his wife and our two little grandchildren.

Isaiah 51:1-53:12 Spend time reading and meditating on the Truths given in Chapter 53This is the centerpiece of the prophecy given by GOD through Isaiah to the Jews.This is the foretelling, 750 years before Christ is born, of how the Jews will not receive their Messiah and how they will cause His death. GOD wants Israel to admit their sins, confess their sins and turn in repentance to GOD. There is a DAY coming.

Ephesians 5:1-33 Tells us that we can live in GOD's GRACE and prosper. Separation and sanctification are works performed by GOD and by the saved sinner. Submission is a choice and it will be a required work every day. How do you apply v33 in your marriage? This is a great demonstration of your preference factor, self or others.

Psalm 69:15-36 ask a hard question"Do you love His Name?" Do you seek for The LORD to bless and forgive your enemies or do you want them to be destroyed? Do you check your motives before you pray? Be angry but sin not. Pray for The LORD to be pleased.

Proverbs 24:6-7 Be wise and get good advice, study your problem/opportunity, pray and apply Proverbs 3 as a sifter for the answer, be right and then do right.