Friday, October 30, 2009

30 October Friday, getting ready for Sunday. Betty and I celebrate our 32nd anniversary of The New Birth. We both received forgiveness from GOD The Father of all of our sin/sins and are no longer under His wrath. We have been adopted into His family because we heard, believed, received and trust the GOSPEL.The verses in IICor 5:17-21 are true in our lives and we are grateful and thankful for His Mercy and Grace. We would hope that all men/women/children enjoy GOD's favor of Salvation. This day in 1996 I bought my KJV 365 Bible and started reading as a daily devotion to feed myself.It seemed fresh and new this morning as it did at the first reading.I pray all would take up the habit of reading through The 365 KJV Bible on a daily basis, and be reading when the trumpet sounds are the shadow of death passes over.

Proverbs 26:21-23 Oh that we would not be contentious.We must be careful of our thought life and our conversation, we are GOD's children and we ought to act right.

Hebrews 1:1-14 gives us much proof of who Jesus is and where He was in the beginning. Jesus is GOD! Jesus is GOD-man and as The Son He is the only way to The Father. He is not an angel, but GOD sends angels to minister to the believers.Let v8 be the beginning of your understanding and appreciation that GOD is True. Read to know Him.

Psalm 102:1-28 Each of us ought to write out our prayers, check our grammar and pay attention to how we spell the names of GOD.It is best to relate your prayers to The Word so as to remind The LORD that you know, fear and respect Him. Read His promises for you and your children and thank The LORD for His presence in your life. Selah.

Lamentations 2:20-3:66 ought to cause your heart to break. How do you have pity, compassion and concern for those Jews in Jerusalem and today not be broken hearted for the USA.Try to imagine what GOD was expressing to His prophet that would so influence him to lament for these people.This must influence your concept of GOD. In the midst of these 5 chapters is a truth that we must grasp,believe and trust or when hard times come our way we will be undone.Look at v3:21-23-25 and let these true words not be lost from your memory. Focus on The LORD our Lord! Amen. Amen. pj

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