Thursday, October 29, 2009

29 October Thursday may be filled with storms and rain, even so there are clouds in the sky, this could be The Day that Jesus comes and calls out His Church/Bride and all those that are saved will be received by The Lord. Are you ready? 32 years ago Betty and I were as lost as could be.Had we died 32 years ago we would have been separated from GOD and been put into the grave in our sin/sins awaiting the judgment. The first verse I heard was Hebrews 9:27 and it is still true today. Since we were saved on the 30th of October,1977 we have been sons of GOD!We will always be sons of GOD!We cannot ever not be the sons of GOD!Look at John 10:27-30. Believe and trust Him,GOD cannot lie.I thank the LORD that on 29 October 1996 I bought my KJV 365Bible while visiting a Logos Boat-book sale and by the grace of GOD have been reading this Bible for myself as a personal devotion since then.I read my 365 Bible to know Him.I do not read it to make Him happy with me. GOD loves me! I sincerely hope you experience the joy of reading to know Him from now to eternity.I pray we continue to read daily and meet often to discuss Him and His attributes.He is GOD.

Lamentations 1:1-2:19 has 5 chapters and we will finish this book in a few days.This is a sad report of a real event, Jerusalem is destroyed.The highest thought in this book may be v3:23b"great is thy faithfulness."The sadness will be more intense when you consider how the penman may have watched this destruction coming for more than 40years and it finally came to pass exactly as GOD had said.What do you mourn over?Read this segment as facts. Count the times you say"oh me" and try to imagine your pain if this had been your home and all your friends have been taken.In all this turmoil you must see GOD.This will impact your concept of GOD and His Holiness.

Philemon 1:1-25 is a wonderful story of intercession by one man to another for another.What a picture of The Lord ever making intercession for us.Have you ever forgiven a repentant offender? Have you ever wished someone to be kind to you and forgive your transgressions?This letter is an excellent example of how to write a letter or petition for relief.How do you appeal to GOD for forgiveness for your sins?GOD uses men to win men.Saving someone may cost you time,money,effort and your life.We are to be like Jesus Christ in mind and deed.May GOD cause us to be true.

Psalm 101:1-8 displays the proper attitude about dealing with GOD and people.All of our actions should be based on the condition of a perfect heart. How is your heart? Perfect relates to being singled minded and committed. Wholly Holy is the goal.

Proverbs 26:20 tells us how to enjoy life, to be at peace with our fellowman and to honor GOD.Speak truth and tell no lies and be led of The Spirit of GOD.Perfect. pj

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