Tuesday, August 21, 2012

21 Aug-What do you think about God? As we read today there is much opportunity to imagine the conversation going on in heaven today about you and me between God and Satan. As you read consider God's attributes of Omniscience and Omnipotence. I am impressed again how the people that assembled the One year-365-Bible caused the first chapters of Job with the letter to the Corinthians to appear in sync. What if this sort of test was put to you? Would you follow this test with love and obedience in your integrity? Wow, what an example for us today. I often wonder how God talks about me/us and what qualities and traits He sees in us.The proverbs from yesterday helps by advising "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles".Don't forget PJ's rules>Be right, do right and don't quit.
Keep on reading to know God. Make much biblical prayers.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Post 6 of 6: Hints to Read

Congrats on reading The Bible every day from 1 January to 30 June.  July 1st you will start reading II Kings 18. Wow, you have read through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st Kings & 2nd Kings 1-17.You have been exposed to 3500 years of biblical history, from creation to about 40 years after the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of The Lord Jesus Christ. You have read more than 400 names that GOD had recorded in the bible of Himself. In the New Testament you read through the four gospels and up to Acts 20. You have read 149 of the 150 Psalms and 18 of the 31 chapters of Proverbs. CONGRATS!!

            Selah. Look at the reading for August 1st. Read how The LORD deals with King Hezekiah. Read how instructions for worship are given and mark a snap-shot at verses 30:9-13 to see how this impacts your concept of God. Read how the people are to respond to God at verses18-19 and how The LORD hearkened to them. Note how King Hezekiah did at 31:20-21 and choose to be like him in your pursuit of God. Look at Romans 15:4 and apply this instruction in your daily reading. In Psalm 25 look for promises that are recorded and pay attention to the conditions that are conditional. Allow the warnings given in the Proverbs to affect how you pray and live.

            When you get to the 29th of December the only book remaining in the Old Testament is Malachi. You have read 38 of the 39 books, which were prepared more than 400 years before the birth of Jesus. You will be alerted to stewardship principles while reading about promises and conditions given to you as you obey God's instructions.

            Now that you have almost read through the New Testament in these last few days you will finally be shown God's ultimate act that fulfills the promise given at Genesis 3:15, which you read on 2 January. Having read the Psalms twice you have been able to enjoy learning the mind and heart of God. You have read the songs of praise and worshipped at His throne. Proverbs 31 describes the lady Eve could and should have been while prompting every woman to want to abide in God's truth.
            Congratulation on reading through The One Year Bible in 365 days to know God. As you have noted His names, attributes, traits, qualities, promises, curses and have become aware of the key words in the scriptures, plan on doing it again. If you have marked some goal, needs or requests at each day as you read the first time, the second time through you will be able to better see His faithfulness. Hearing the word of God will increase your faith when you apply and put into practice what The LORD your Lord has said. Now, be right as you know Him, do right as you obey Him and don't quit. Congrats and blessings as you determine to read your Bible to know Him!!  

Post 5 of 6: Hints to Read

Jehovah refers to Almighty God or GOD who is the I Am that is one who created all. The various compound names of Jehovah relate to his acts. Some of these are Jehovah Jireh the provider, Jehovah Rapha the healer, Adonai Jehovah The Lord God and Jehovah Shalom The Lord our Peace. El Elohim Jehovah as used in Joshua 22:22 is The Lord God of gods. We need to be careful to worship the El of the Beth-El. Beth-El is the house of God while The EL is the God of the house of God.

            After reading the day's verses I would go back to see what were my notations or snap-shots and look for the phrase "SELAH" and then I would try to just stop and think on these sayings again and let them sink down into my ears. Some time I would try to memorize verses and set them as a meditation goal for a week or so. I have a list of the "Key Words" that I look over from time to time and look for them as I read. The goal is to read to know Him. The goal is not to try to please him because we have read.

            One good reason for making dates and notation is that next year you will be able to look back and see how far God has brought you and how consistent and faithful he has been. Even when it is not easy to understand, read and continue to read the Bible to know Him. Your faith will be increased as you read and obey through the One Year "365" Bible and you will get to know The LORD your Lord. You will see his names, titles, acts and judgments and hopefully the fear of God will be a fresh beginning of your wisdom and knowledge and will lead you to understanding.

            In January beginning with Genesis you can see "Him" demonstrate his attributes that relate to his names.  For example from the creation account you learn about his power and see why he is called Omnipotent.  You will become aware of the genealogy of Jesus as recorded in Matthew and realize that GOD knows every name and every event and we call him Omniscient. As you begin in the Psalms you become aware of the promises of God telling every man how to be blessed and how to live. The Proverbs  gives advice for a wise man to hear what thus saith The LORD.  He urges all men to turn at his reproof and make known his promises and that shows to all his Omnipresence.

            By April you will be reading in Deuteronomy learning how God provides for his people and the compound name is Jehovah Jireh. You will have read through Matthew, Mark and into Luke. You have been exposed to the genealogy of Jesus from both Joseph and Mary's lineages going back to Adam and Abraham.  You have read about how to be saved, become aware of his miracles and have been taught the way to serve. You have read more that 70 of the 150 Psalms causing you to realize what is faith, who to trust and how to declare his works. The Proverbs continue to warn the righteous man to regard his life and how to trust others.

Post 4 of 6 Hints to Read

Using the One Year Bible allows you to read regularly day by day some of the Old and New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. If you will make notes in your Bible each day as to the year, day of the week, temp or weather condition and one goal for the day that you are reading you will be able to see how events have occurred when you read through the next year.

            The very best words you ever will read are the English words recorded in the King James Bible. Because we have diluted, polluted and misused the old English, we all have a problem of reading and understanding the Bible language. Terminology is a real problem. The best suggestion is for you to note words that you are not familiar with on a post-it note and after your reading look at the word in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, and then compare the biblical definition with that of a dictionary, preferably 1990 version, to learn the meaning. Then go back to the original verse and read again with this better understanding so you can enjoy what God is saying.  How can a person talk with God or even pray if they do not know what the words mean? All of your research should be under the watch care of The Holy Spirit. Read and pray and read and pray. How can two walk together except they agree? Amos said "can two walk together except they be agreed."  Strive to agree with The Lord Jesus as he prays.

            I suggest you prepare a journal or reading log for notes. Attributes of God demonstrate how He acts and shows His power. The attributes are considered those of Genuiness because He is Spiritual, Transcendent, Immanent, Independent, Personal and Triune. Greatness refers to His Eternality, Immutability, Glorious, Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. His Goodness is related to that of being True, Holy, Just, Loving, Merciful and Gracious.

            I started out at first by just underlining the attributes/trait when I recognized it and now I put "snap shot" in the margin. When a promise appeared to be universal in nature I would mark "snap shot". Some of the promises related to me individually and some are for my wife, children, grandchildren and friends. When a promise is not written to me or you, read it and then look for the principal that applies to us.

            Some of the names of God are recorded in the book written by Elmer L. Towns called "The Names of Jesus". He identifies over 700 names of Jesus to help you really know the Lord who loves you and that you love. ((The ISBN 0-89636-243-4 was copyright in 1987 and published by Accent Publications.))  For example what is significant about the name "The Lord Jesus Christ"?  Jesus is his name, The Lord is his title and being The Christ is his office. Be sensitive as you read how the title is spelled. For example the title is used as LORD, Lord and lord and when spoken they sound the same, but the written title refers to three different persons.

Post 3 of 6: Hints to Read

Congratulation for the steps of hope that you have taken to get started in reading your One Year-365-Bible to know God. I remember how exciting it was for me to start reading every day "on purpose" to know The LORD. The purpose of this "Hints for prosperity" is to encourage you along the way and alert you  to some ways to enjoy this adventure from now to eternity. Others have shared their experience of getting started in this new habit of reading through The Bible in a year and some of the hints and helps they used to keep on reading.

            The setting aside of 15-20 minutes every day is a big step. Rearranging the daily schedule and reading the first thing requires effort.  The "requirement" to find a quite private space seems almost too much to ask in a busy household that has adults and or children needing your time and attention.  Recognize that in the beginning you may not be able to start the day with 20-30 minutes undisturbed time to read. You may need to divide your reading into parts. Read the Old Testament early in the morning  and the New Testament later in the day. The BEST way to start your day is by reading (some) The Word of God first.

            For those families with small children I suggest you cause your children to sit near you as you read. In the beginning they might sit next to you while you read only The Old Testament. Little children need to hear The Word of God. A child can be taught and disciplined to be quiet for 10-15 minutes. When a child is taught early to obey, this habit may last forever. If a couple were to say to the children "sit and listen for the next few minutes while your father/mother and I read aloud the daily Bible reading, then the whole family is involved in reading and hearing The Word of God." This is almost like Deuteronomy 6 in action. Truly it is by hearing that faith has its birth. If a child started hearing The Word of God from their parents mouth at birth till the first year in school they may have heard the entire Bible six times. I realize children may not be perfectly still as you read, but they can be hearing the parents read even as they play. By reading aloud while seeing, touching, handling the Word of life will cause the experience to become more sensitive. When the reading time is completed and the father prays aloud for the mother and then she for him bonding will be more real between the couple.

            Most of us have found that starting the day with The Bible in hand and reading His Word to know Him is worth the effort of setting the alarm clock and getting up to start the day earlier. Some have found that looking out to the Eastern sky and seeing the sun rising causes them to think of the verses telling about God coming out of His chamber as a strong man ready for the race or as a bridegroom bedecked in all His glory coming to get His bride. Some enjoy, weather permitting, going outside and listen to the birds sing in the trees, feel the gentle breeze, see the sun rising and watching the shadows change colors in the trees. Allow God's creation to minister to you and set your heart's attention to worship and praise God.

Part 2 of 6, Hints to Read


             This guide will give hints on how to read your Bible. This guide will be "most" useful for the person who is reading the One Year (365) Bible.  This guide will provide hints on how to read the Bible to know God. This guide will alert the reader to the meanings of some of the nearly 700 names of God. This guide will be useful for any and all that read their Bible to know God.

            Suggestions will be made on what to look for as you are exposed to the attributes of God. Methods of identifying the promises of God with their condition will be useful as you apply them to your situation. This guide will suggest how to set meditation goals using key words you will have discovered. Key Words that are recorded in the Bible informs us as to what God expects to occur when his will is being done. These key words have been taught at Victory Baptist Church and provide guidance for the believer and warns all men everywhere to repent. We read to know Him. The key words are: Law, Sin, Righteousness, Love, Holy, Mercy, Grace, Faith, Hope, Heart, Glory and Joy. Even when it is not easy to understand, read and continue to read the Bible to know Him and thereby your faith will be increased.

            Reading, in my opinion, is not the same as trying to study the Bible. The desire to study ought to be the result of your consistent reading. If you choose to read your bible or through The One Year Bible,  then this booklet identifies some of the conflicts you will face as you read and some suggestion on how to overcome them.

            Let each of us determine in our own heart if we want to read the Bible every day from now to eternity. If and when we decide to read, determine that you will read to know God and not try to make Him happy with us because we have read. Read the Bible to see The LORD.  Focus on who God is and he does things and not so much on how the creation acts or how people respond to God. Keep in your mind the goal is to know Him. It is Him and not his creation. Read John 3:6.

             Each of us get to choose what we are about, where we go, who we associate with, why we don't do certain deeds and why we act towards other as we do. Any person can make a decision. Only wise people gather the facts and search out a matter before making a decision. Even with much effort, it is still possible to make a bad decision if they dismiss what thus saith The Lord. What follows is the consequence of the decision. All people will have to deal with the consequences of their choices. Please be careful, diligent and seek The LORD early each day and before every decision. Read to know Him. He loves you.
August 6: Over the next few days, I want to share with you a document on how to read the 365 Bible. I will start out today by giving you the Forward. Each day, I will post an additional page. There will be a total of 6 posts.

            This booklet is the result of being saved, in the scriptures, being trained, in church, in the ministry since 1980, sharing the Gospel and making disciples. The terms used in this booklet are common terms that I have been exposed to since 30 October 1977 and they have been used in preaching and teaching Sunday School. It is my intent to suggest to you some of the habits, practices and goals of my life that have changed me to be more like Jesus. Hopefully you will be encouraged to press toward the mark.

            The LORD caused me to visit a sailing vessel in the Caribbean in 1996 and I was introduced to the One Year Bible.  This One Year Bible God has used to show Himself to me so that I might develop the habit of reading through the One Year Bible each year to know Him. This Bible I use to feed myself, the daily bread and hope to do that till The Rapture. I have several other types of Bibles, hundreds of commentaries and study helps that God allows me to use to study to feed others.

This booklet of hints for prosperity, reading to know Him and a consistent prayer life is for all the children of The LORD. This is for all who call Jesus their Lord and pray to GOD in His name in the Holy Spirit, hopefully to be encouraged and challenged. Please continue to feed at His table, to dine on the daily bread, drink the water of life and to read His Truth so that you may know Him.

Proverbs 9:10 records "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:  and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." Read your Bible daily to know Him so that you may know, according to 2 Corinthians 13:14,  " The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,  and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. A'-men."

Let God love on you and then love him back. Read to know Him. Believe what you read.  Believe that He is with you and that He will do as He has said.  God bless you.

Sincerely, Powell Johnson

Hebrews 9:27
Sunday 5 Aug Hope you have been reading and refining your concept of God. Please watch what happens to the creation, but focus on Him who makes and holds everything. Calculate the number of years the Jews have operated without searching the book of the law. We ought to learn that when we put the Word of God out of our daily activities we operate like the Jews, every man doing what he thought was right in his own eyes. Hope to get back to posting daily. Don't allow me to cause you to not read. Keep fresh and current and allow what you read to sink down into your ears. Look for those words that are strange and look them up in the concordance as well as a good dictionary. Read to know God. I expect to see some of you in church tomorrow and the rest of you get involved with a good Baptist Bible centered church. luvpj

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hope you have been reading to know The Lord. I can't post all the past highlights of the past readings, but as you read the truths of the past are true today. Hopefully you have caught the snap shots concerning King Hezekiah. It is good to see some of the kings to do right. Some of the warnings are harsh yet the promises are worth the effort to be right and then do right. Have you ever been "stiffnecked" not yielding to truth and God? How did you resolve the issue. Check out James 4:17. Look carefully at chap 30:18-20 and wonder at who is praying for you.Do you want to pay the price of a revival like this? Please consider setting a goal of getting a record like King Hezekia that The LORD would write about you as he did at verse31:20-21. As you read Psalm 25 spend some time praying back this to The LORD your Lord. Remember, seek the true riches. luvpj