Monday, August 20, 2012

Post 6 of 6: Hints to Read

Congrats on reading The Bible every day from 1 January to 30 June.  July 1st you will start reading II Kings 18. Wow, you have read through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st Kings & 2nd Kings 1-17.You have been exposed to 3500 years of biblical history, from creation to about 40 years after the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of The Lord Jesus Christ. You have read more than 400 names that GOD had recorded in the bible of Himself. In the New Testament you read through the four gospels and up to Acts 20. You have read 149 of the 150 Psalms and 18 of the 31 chapters of Proverbs. CONGRATS!!

            Selah. Look at the reading for August 1st. Read how The LORD deals with King Hezekiah. Read how instructions for worship are given and mark a snap-shot at verses 30:9-13 to see how this impacts your concept of God. Read how the people are to respond to God at verses18-19 and how The LORD hearkened to them. Note how King Hezekiah did at 31:20-21 and choose to be like him in your pursuit of God. Look at Romans 15:4 and apply this instruction in your daily reading. In Psalm 25 look for promises that are recorded and pay attention to the conditions that are conditional. Allow the warnings given in the Proverbs to affect how you pray and live.

            When you get to the 29th of December the only book remaining in the Old Testament is Malachi. You have read 38 of the 39 books, which were prepared more than 400 years before the birth of Jesus. You will be alerted to stewardship principles while reading about promises and conditions given to you as you obey God's instructions.

            Now that you have almost read through the New Testament in these last few days you will finally be shown God's ultimate act that fulfills the promise given at Genesis 3:15, which you read on 2 January. Having read the Psalms twice you have been able to enjoy learning the mind and heart of God. You have read the songs of praise and worshipped at His throne. Proverbs 31 describes the lady Eve could and should have been while prompting every woman to want to abide in God's truth.
            Congratulation on reading through The One Year Bible in 365 days to know God. As you have noted His names, attributes, traits, qualities, promises, curses and have become aware of the key words in the scriptures, plan on doing it again. If you have marked some goal, needs or requests at each day as you read the first time, the second time through you will be able to better see His faithfulness. Hearing the word of God will increase your faith when you apply and put into practice what The LORD your Lord has said. Now, be right as you know Him, do right as you obey Him and don't quit. Congrats and blessings as you determine to read your Bible to know Him!!  

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