Monday, August 20, 2012

Post 4 of 6 Hints to Read

Using the One Year Bible allows you to read regularly day by day some of the Old and New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. If you will make notes in your Bible each day as to the year, day of the week, temp or weather condition and one goal for the day that you are reading you will be able to see how events have occurred when you read through the next year.

            The very best words you ever will read are the English words recorded in the King James Bible. Because we have diluted, polluted and misused the old English, we all have a problem of reading and understanding the Bible language. Terminology is a real problem. The best suggestion is for you to note words that you are not familiar with on a post-it note and after your reading look at the word in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, and then compare the biblical definition with that of a dictionary, preferably 1990 version, to learn the meaning. Then go back to the original verse and read again with this better understanding so you can enjoy what God is saying.  How can a person talk with God or even pray if they do not know what the words mean? All of your research should be under the watch care of The Holy Spirit. Read and pray and read and pray. How can two walk together except they agree? Amos said "can two walk together except they be agreed."  Strive to agree with The Lord Jesus as he prays.

            I suggest you prepare a journal or reading log for notes. Attributes of God demonstrate how He acts and shows His power. The attributes are considered those of Genuiness because He is Spiritual, Transcendent, Immanent, Independent, Personal and Triune. Greatness refers to His Eternality, Immutability, Glorious, Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. His Goodness is related to that of being True, Holy, Just, Loving, Merciful and Gracious.

            I started out at first by just underlining the attributes/trait when I recognized it and now I put "snap shot" in the margin. When a promise appeared to be universal in nature I would mark "snap shot". Some of the promises related to me individually and some are for my wife, children, grandchildren and friends. When a promise is not written to me or you, read it and then look for the principal that applies to us.

            Some of the names of God are recorded in the book written by Elmer L. Towns called "The Names of Jesus". He identifies over 700 names of Jesus to help you really know the Lord who loves you and that you love. ((The ISBN 0-89636-243-4 was copyright in 1987 and published by Accent Publications.))  For example what is significant about the name "The Lord Jesus Christ"?  Jesus is his name, The Lord is his title and being The Christ is his office. Be sensitive as you read how the title is spelled. For example the title is used as LORD, Lord and lord and when spoken they sound the same, but the written title refers to three different persons.

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