31 Dec 2012 Monday! Congrats on reading through the One Year (365) Bible. Take time to be grateful for there are millions of people and language groups that do not have The Gospel in their own language. Pray for those who will begin reading, for the first time, the One Year Bible in 2013. Pray for those who will continue to read - read again their One year Bible. Pray for those who will not read any Bible this year. Pray for the class at VBC, which begins 6 January, that God will draw them to Himself in such a way they will never be the same after reading to know Him.
Malachi is the last prophet to the Jews, the nations, the world. There will 400+ years of silence before the birth of John the Baptist and before Jesus is born according to the scriptures. Yet, God shows Himself to us through His names, traits and attributes with promises and curses. We use the phrase "snap shot" to mark what we perceive as a picture of God. In these 2 chapters we have many "pics" so as to make a mural of the blessings and promises for the believer. Choose a promise for today and see where it appears in your life this coming year. Read 3:11 and marvel at His protection. Read 4:2 and claim this blessing through obedience. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Pray for understanding of 4:5-6 as it relates to The Revelation of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful set of scriptures to complete the reading of the 39 books of the Old Testament.
Revelations 22:1-21 completes the 27 books of the New Testament. What a picture the Spirit of God presents to us of the end of this "old" life and forecasts for the saved children of God their future. Time for the people of this world is closing fast, but with God our life is open and eternal. Feast on the rich promises of life with God. Recall what we read on 9 December at Revelation1:1-3, the blessing for reading and hearing the words of this prophecy. We ought not to overlook the part about "keeping" those things written. Stewardship is the watchword for obedience. Be right, do right and don't quit.
Are you ready? Are you prepared? Do you know that your name is written down in the Lamb's Book of life? If not, please let us share scriptures with you so that you will see yourself undone, Jesus Christ as your only hope and then you may secure the gift of eternal life or reject God's offer for redemption. I pray you be saved.
We have read the 150 Psalms through twice and they are full of blessings, warnings, promises and encouragement. O, that men would praise God. Look at Psalm 1:1 and then 150:6 and determine how many times has God favored you and your family. The key to prosperity is reading to know Him, hearing what thus saith The Spirit and then obeying the truth made plain to you.
Proverbs 31 reminds me ((in my opinion)) of the woman God pictured Eve to be for Adam. O, that every husband thought this highly of his wife. Truly this woman is a "snap shot" of a believer that got right, practiced being right, then did right and then (by God's grace) didn't quit. Hopefully all husbands will appreciate the gift that God put into their hands and honor and respect their wife.
Thanks for spending time with me through the scriptures this year. Read to know God. luvpj
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
29 December 2012 Saturday and Sunday is coming! It is cold here in this part of Texas. I am just about over my love for snow and cold windy weather. If it were 40 in the AM and 60 by noon I think I would be able to enjoy my naps on the patio much more better. Hope you are enjoying the weather in your area, reading your Bible, learning about the love of God, praising The LORD for all of His provisions and sharing your blessings with others.
As you finish reading Zechariah how has your concept of God been refined? We are not close to that "One Day", but we can see the circumstances shape up that warn us to prepare. Do you ever question why the Jews were so hard of hearing, stiff necked and disobedient to the warnings of God's prophets? Are we like the people of 2-3000 years ago, today in America? Why are we not concerned about the lost? When you see the name of God at v14:9, what attribute or trait comes to your mind? Does "all" really mean all? Fact, every nation will be dealt with by God? Does this impact your concept of God?
When John was being instructed by God on the end of time, and you get to read it today, where do you see yourself? Stewardship will be the key and is the process for our accounting for "all" of our life. There are no exceptions!What is your reaction to the promise of a 1000 year reign with God? Where will you be during the great white throne judgment? Where do you expect to be in 100 years?
We ought to be grateful for the psalmist who penned these last Psalms 145-150. Read these and note the names, attributes, traits, promises and blessings recorded that have been provided to us because we read to know God. Read 147:11 and take time to meditate on this truth, SELAH.
Pray for the troops, for the missionaries, for the saved and for the lost. Practice adoring God.
Pray for the leaders in government to be sensitive to God's Spirit. Pray for the pastors to be in the Word and led by The Spirit and that the "churches" hear what The Spirit is saying to the church.
Pray for those inclined to start the 2013 One Year (365) Bible class. Strive to grow in grace and knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ. We are the salt and the light. Be right/do right/don't quit. pj
As you finish reading Zechariah how has your concept of God been refined? We are not close to that "One Day", but we can see the circumstances shape up that warn us to prepare. Do you ever question why the Jews were so hard of hearing, stiff necked and disobedient to the warnings of God's prophets? Are we like the people of 2-3000 years ago, today in America? Why are we not concerned about the lost? When you see the name of God at v14:9, what attribute or trait comes to your mind? Does "all" really mean all? Fact, every nation will be dealt with by God? Does this impact your concept of God?
When John was being instructed by God on the end of time, and you get to read it today, where do you see yourself? Stewardship will be the key and is the process for our accounting for "all" of our life. There are no exceptions!What is your reaction to the promise of a 1000 year reign with God? Where will you be during the great white throne judgment? Where do you expect to be in 100 years?
We ought to be grateful for the psalmist who penned these last Psalms 145-150. Read these and note the names, attributes, traits, promises and blessings recorded that have been provided to us because we read to know God. Read 147:11 and take time to meditate on this truth, SELAH.
Pray for the troops, for the missionaries, for the saved and for the lost. Practice adoring God.
Pray for the leaders in government to be sensitive to God's Spirit. Pray for the pastors to be in the Word and led by The Spirit and that the "churches" hear what The Spirit is saying to the church.
Pray for those inclined to start the 2013 One Year (365) Bible class. Strive to grow in grace and knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ. We are the salt and the light. Be right/do right/don't quit. pj
Friday, December 28, 2012
28 December 2012, Friday and Sunday is coming! I've missed you. Hope you have been reading the Bible to know God. We enjoyed a great time with our children and grandchildren celebrating the birth of Jesus in this season we call Christmas.
I am looking forward to the new year and the beginning of the class where we focus on reading through the Bible together, in one year. For some this will be their first adventure in making a commitment to the Lord and to another person. Pray that we all focus on The Word and not the paper, fearing God as we read to know Him and seeking knowledge so as to have godly understanding.
We have had the opportunity to hear God tell His prophets what to tell the people. We have watched when priests prayed for the people. We have seen the people deny God, disobey His commandments, seek false gods and create gods of their own imagination. We have read about the past, looked into the present and have been warned about the future. How many times have you read "In that day"? God has shown Himself clearly in Zechariah 12:1-14. How has this impacted your fear concept of GOD? Go back and read again Zechariah 8:14-23 (25 Dec) and be thankful. Now reflect on the names, attributes, traits, mercies and grace of God to all men and in particular yourself. Selah.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ!!! Do you stand amaze at His beauty and majesty? Look again at the reading for today and see the continuity from Zechariah thru the book of Revelations. Ponder 19:6 and be awed by your opportunity to read to know this GOD. Spend a few minuets to reflect on Psalms 147:11 and determine where your priorities are. One Day we will be with Him in heaven.
All parents should consider the admonition in Proverbs 31:1-7 and be careful as we teach our sons and daughters. We teach truth or a lie. Where do you get your lesson material from to warn your family? We will give an account of our words, deeds, thoughts and intents of our heart-One Day.
We are near the finish line for this year. Be careful, zealous and hungry for God's Truth. We have a real enemy and he desires to sift and destroy our lives, but we have an Advocate, who is ever making intercession for us, The Lord Jesus Christ, honor Him in prayer and with thanksgiving. luvpj
I am looking forward to the new year and the beginning of the class where we focus on reading through the Bible together, in one year. For some this will be their first adventure in making a commitment to the Lord and to another person. Pray that we all focus on The Word and not the paper, fearing God as we read to know Him and seeking knowledge so as to have godly understanding.
We have had the opportunity to hear God tell His prophets what to tell the people. We have watched when priests prayed for the people. We have seen the people deny God, disobey His commandments, seek false gods and create gods of their own imagination. We have read about the past, looked into the present and have been warned about the future. How many times have you read "In that day"? God has shown Himself clearly in Zechariah 12:1-14. How has this impacted your fear concept of GOD? Go back and read again Zechariah 8:14-23 (25 Dec) and be thankful. Now reflect on the names, attributes, traits, mercies and grace of God to all men and in particular yourself. Selah.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ!!! Do you stand amaze at His beauty and majesty? Look again at the reading for today and see the continuity from Zechariah thru the book of Revelations. Ponder 19:6 and be awed by your opportunity to read to know this GOD. Spend a few minuets to reflect on Psalms 147:11 and determine where your priorities are. One Day we will be with Him in heaven.
All parents should consider the admonition in Proverbs 31:1-7 and be careful as we teach our sons and daughters. We teach truth or a lie. Where do you get your lesson material from to warn your family? We will give an account of our words, deeds, thoughts and intents of our heart-One Day.
We are near the finish line for this year. Be careful, zealous and hungry for God's Truth. We have a real enemy and he desires to sift and destroy our lives, but we have an Advocate, who is ever making intercession for us, The Lord Jesus Christ, honor Him in prayer and with thanksgiving. luvpj
Thursday, December 20, 2012
20 December 2012 Thursday, Friday is next and Sunday is coming! We will be on the road for the next few days. We wish you all a Merry Christmas!! Please read to know Him, The LORD of Hosts and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
As you read, apply the truths given by the prophets. We all ought to consider our ways. We all need to reflect on how good and kind God has been to us today. We all need to subject ourselves to His tender care and appreciate His searching out our souls, showing us our sins and allowing us to confess them and then be forgiven and made righteous.
Read, be/get right, then do right and don't quit. Pray for the lost, all soldiers, missionaries and Maranatha. luvpj
As you read, apply the truths given by the prophets. We all ought to consider our ways. We all need to reflect on how good and kind God has been to us today. We all need to subject ourselves to His tender care and appreciate His searching out our souls, showing us our sins and allowing us to confess them and then be forgiven and made righteous.
Read, be/get right, then do right and don't quit. Pray for the lost, all soldiers, missionaries and Maranatha. luvpj
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
18 December 2012 Tuesday, a day of salvation for Joe!When was the last time The LORD made plain Romans 8:28 in your life? This AM a door of opportunity was made for us in that we had a small problem in our bath that needed attention by our contractor and they sent Joe to fix it. Joe heard the offer of salvation, according to the scriptures, and by faith received the GIFT! It was an early Christmas for his house and our home. As you continue to read to know God remember to pray for the lost in your area of influence that you also might be able to share The Gift of Life.
Habakkuk is different. During his life Nineveh was to fall, Assyria was defeated and Babylon was to invade Judah. It seems as though God allowed Habakkuk to be an intercessor for the Jews as evidenced by his prayers. Who are you standing in the gap (praying) for today? Pay attention to 4:4 for this truth is repeated several times in the New Testament. How is your lifestyle? Who is your strength? As you pray, how much emphasis do you put into worshipping The LORD?
How do you express to your Lord appreciation for not having to face the tribulation period? We will learn the wrath God has reserved for the unbelievers as it was shown to us today in Revelation 9. We are exposed to the names of God and also the names of the Devil, our enemy. As you read to know God, take time to be thankful, for his mercy endureth for ever.
The Psalmist recalls the sad days of captivity and recognizes the problem of forgetting God.We are in this world temporarily, this is not our home, and yet we look forward to a majestic home in heaven where Jesus is preparing for believers a new home. Do you know you are on the list for this heavenly flight? When was your name written down in The Lamb's book of life? Joe's name was entered today.
Read to be right /get right then do right and by God's grace don't quit. Pray for the lost, the military, the missionaries, the pastors and churches and strive to be in agreement with the prayers of the Lord Jesus Christ. lupj
Habakkuk is different. During his life Nineveh was to fall, Assyria was defeated and Babylon was to invade Judah. It seems as though God allowed Habakkuk to be an intercessor for the Jews as evidenced by his prayers. Who are you standing in the gap (praying) for today? Pay attention to 4:4 for this truth is repeated several times in the New Testament. How is your lifestyle? Who is your strength? As you pray, how much emphasis do you put into worshipping The LORD?
How do you express to your Lord appreciation for not having to face the tribulation period? We will learn the wrath God has reserved for the unbelievers as it was shown to us today in Revelation 9. We are exposed to the names of God and also the names of the Devil, our enemy. As you read to know God, take time to be thankful, for his mercy endureth for ever.
The Psalmist recalls the sad days of captivity and recognizes the problem of forgetting God.We are in this world temporarily, this is not our home, and yet we look forward to a majestic home in heaven where Jesus is preparing for believers a new home. Do you know you are on the list for this heavenly flight? When was your name written down in The Lamb's book of life? Joe's name was entered today.
Read to be right /get right then do right and by God's grace don't quit. Pray for the lost, the military, the missionaries, the pastors and churches and strive to be in agreement with the prayers of the Lord Jesus Christ. lupj
Monday, December 17, 2012
17 December 2012, Monday and Sunday is coming! What has been your greatest gift received in all your life? Do you remember who gave you this gift? When was the last time you said, thanks, again?If you are a Christian there is nothing secular in your life. If you are "just" saved and not following your Lord then you will have a blend of secular and Christianity.As you prepare for the holiday season celebrating the birth of Jesus how do you explain your worldly conversation in your prayers?
As you read Nahum do you come under any conviction of any sin in your life that is similar to those of the Jews? As you read these Old Testament Prophets has your concept of God changed and become more refined? How is your fear of GOD? How many traits and or attributes have you noted?We read to KNOW God. We must appreciate the promises given to the Jews and anticipate their application to us today for a curse or a blessing. Woe to those who The LORD is against! Do you remember what happened to Nineveh after the preaching by Jonah? Accountability and stewardship .
The Revelation of Jesus Christ warns the world what will happen to it in the very near future. After the "Rapture" of the believers in/on Jesus Christ as Saviour, the seven year of tribulation will begin. We, the redeemed, will watch these events from heaven and look forward to the victory celebration .
What did you learn about God because you read the Psalms and Proverbs? How long does the mercy of God endure? We put the Proverbs 30:7-9 verses in our check book in 1977 when we got saved and they have been a consistent and constant reminder of The LORD's provision, protection, watch care and love every time we write a check or add in a deposit. Truly His mercy endures forever. luvpj
As you read Nahum do you come under any conviction of any sin in your life that is similar to those of the Jews? As you read these Old Testament Prophets has your concept of God changed and become more refined? How is your fear of GOD? How many traits and or attributes have you noted?We read to KNOW God. We must appreciate the promises given to the Jews and anticipate their application to us today for a curse or a blessing. Woe to those who The LORD is against! Do you remember what happened to Nineveh after the preaching by Jonah? Accountability and stewardship .
The Revelation of Jesus Christ warns the world what will happen to it in the very near future. After the "Rapture" of the believers in/on Jesus Christ as Saviour, the seven year of tribulation will begin. We, the redeemed, will watch these events from heaven and look forward to the victory celebration .
What did you learn about God because you read the Psalms and Proverbs? How long does the mercy of God endure? We put the Proverbs 30:7-9 verses in our check book in 1977 when we got saved and they have been a consistent and constant reminder of The LORD's provision, protection, watch care and love every time we write a check or add in a deposit. Truly His mercy endures forever. luvpj
Friday, December 14, 2012
14 December 2012 Friday-Sunday is coming! Hope you are enjoying the reading of God's Word. Hope you are gaining confidence in applying these sayings into your lifestyle as these verses sink down into your ears. Today, the thrill of reading is real, as it was the first time! When was the first time you read through the Bible? I hope the LORD will influence some people this year in the class to get in and stay in The Book and read to know Him.
Reading the Old Testament is going to be fast and furious. December 1-31 we will have been exposed to Daniel,Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. What have you learned about God? How many different names have you noted? Has your attitude about sin changed because you've read? Has your concept of God been expanded? Jonah is a harsh reminder of how not to act when God blesses our friends or enemies. We are warned to hear and to heed what the LORD says to us!
As you read The Revelation of Jesus Christ you are being exposed to events occurring in heaven that show what is to happen and what is to come. These events we will be a part of as observers. Today we are reminded of what holiness is required to open and read the Word of God. We ought to be grateful for the great hope we have because Jesus is our Saviour. Read carefully verse 5:10 and meditate on our future. WOW!! Can you say/shout AMEN???
Psalms 133-150 ought to cause us to pray differently. We will have read through the 150 Psalms twice this year and surely, we have been changed. Is not 133:1 true and so in your life? If not, why not? Are you an abomination to the wicked? If not why not? O, that we would love what God loves and hate what God hates. We, the saved, are blessed. Pray for the opportunity to share the Gospel with the lost, love the brethren, hate sin and love the sinners. Be right, do right and don't quit. luvpj
Reading the Old Testament is going to be fast and furious. December 1-31 we will have been exposed to Daniel,Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. What have you learned about God? How many different names have you noted? Has your attitude about sin changed because you've read? Has your concept of God been expanded? Jonah is a harsh reminder of how not to act when God blesses our friends or enemies. We are warned to hear and to heed what the LORD says to us!
As you read The Revelation of Jesus Christ you are being exposed to events occurring in heaven that show what is to happen and what is to come. These events we will be a part of as observers. Today we are reminded of what holiness is required to open and read the Word of God. We ought to be grateful for the great hope we have because Jesus is our Saviour. Read carefully verse 5:10 and meditate on our future. WOW!! Can you say/shout AMEN???
Psalms 133-150 ought to cause us to pray differently. We will have read through the 150 Psalms twice this year and surely, we have been changed. Is not 133:1 true and so in your life? If not, why not? Are you an abomination to the wicked? If not why not? O, that we would love what God loves and hate what God hates. We, the saved, are blessed. Pray for the opportunity to share the Gospel with the lost, love the brethren, hate sin and love the sinners. Be right, do right and don't quit. luvpj
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
12 Dec 2012 Wednesday and Sunday is coming! What a day to be alive, free from sin debt, a new name written down in glory, waiting to hear the trumpet and those words..., apt to read and share the Gospel, loving life-my wife-my kids-my grand kids-my adopted family while enjoying the loving of God on me. How is your reading to know Him?
Amos records the truth about what happens when children disobey the Father. The object lessons used by The Holy Spirit makes truth very plain to us, consequence always follows acts. The history lesson in Amos may be considered as a prophesy lesson for us in the world today, God knows everything and nothing is hid from Him. They did and we will reap what we sow! Beware! How is the fear of God best demonstrated in your life?
Please look again at Revelation 1:19-20; 2:1-29 and 3:1-22 and note who is speaking and what The Spirit is saying to the churches. How do you understand who are "the churches"? Do you have any responsibility today? Why ought we to read?
*Please consider this warning that you will not know if you are being told the truth in church if you have not read/heard/know the truth at home. You and I are responsible and accountable--- IF -- we are saved.
We may relate the problem as recorded in Amos to "Beth-El"to what we read in these chapters in The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the church. God tells us to worship he who builds not the building so we ought to worship The EL of Beth-El, The God of the house of God. We read to know God.
Let us consider Psalm 130:3,4 "If thou LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared." Why did you read today? Has your fear of The LORD your Lord changed your life? If not, why not? Look again at Psalm 128 (Sep12) and count your blessings or confess your sin. We cannot have it both ways as per Revelation 3:16.
Pray for yourself to get right and then do right as you pray for others and don't quit. luvpj
Amos records the truth about what happens when children disobey the Father. The object lessons used by The Holy Spirit makes truth very plain to us, consequence always follows acts. The history lesson in Amos may be considered as a prophesy lesson for us in the world today, God knows everything and nothing is hid from Him. They did and we will reap what we sow! Beware! How is the fear of God best demonstrated in your life?
Please look again at Revelation 1:19-20; 2:1-29 and 3:1-22 and note who is speaking and what The Spirit is saying to the churches. How do you understand who are "the churches"? Do you have any responsibility today? Why ought we to read?
*Please consider this warning that you will not know if you are being told the truth in church if you have not read/heard/know the truth at home. You and I are responsible and accountable--- IF -- we are saved.
We may relate the problem as recorded in Amos to "Beth-El"to what we read in these chapters in The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the church. God tells us to worship he who builds not the building so we ought to worship The EL of Beth-El, The God of the house of God. We read to know God.
Let us consider Psalm 130:3,4 "If thou LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared." Why did you read today? Has your fear of The LORD your Lord changed your life? If not, why not? Look again at Psalm 128 (Sep12) and count your blessings or confess your sin. We cannot have it both ways as per Revelation 3:16.
Pray for yourself to get right and then do right as you pray for others and don't quit. luvpj
Monday, December 10, 2012
10 Dec 2012 Yea, cold winter weather and Sunday is coming. Hope you had a good time in church yesterday being blessed and edified. The year is near over and we are getting near to the end of the Book. Take some time and ponder what you have read. What name of God did you learn that has encouraged you most? Is there an attribute of The LORD that you have noticed keeps occurring in your reading? Is there a theme in the Psalms that causes you to have more joy? Have you changed your attitude about sin? Is there a new lifestyle that you have started because you have read to know Him? Have you decided to read through the One Year Bible again in 2013? Are you going to be involved in the "365" class at VBC? Has your time of prayer improved this year? Have you been blessed?
The Revelation of Jesus Christ as recorded by John will warm, warn, wound and woo us as we seek to know Him. Pay attention to who the target audience is and how they are being addressed. There are three levels of activities going on at the same time, on earth, in hell and in Heaven. Focus on God. Be careful as you read because the events and circumstances are dramatic. Pray for the pastor of the churches that they be true, godly, saved, and hearing what saith The Spirit. Each member ought to be inclined to hear what the Spirit is saying and there should not be conflict on the purpose and direction of the church. The Word and The Spirit never contradict each other. Pay attention, hear distinctly and on purpose, be diligent as you seek the Lord early each day.
Amos is true to God. Nations may have prosperity and be heathen in their worship and lifestyle. Consequence will always follow conduct. Stewardship is being played out and for sure what "we" sow we will reap. Look for the provisions of God and the abuse of the people. God has sent prophets to warn Judah, Israel and their neighbors about their sin and warned them that "one day"they would reap in sorrow while in captivity. How many times should we be warned before the mercy runs out and the punishment begins? What is a presumptuous sin? This night, thou fool.
Psalms 128:1 "Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways." How does this impact your conversation and concept of God? Is there only ONE way? Do you agree with God? Look back to 5 Sep and read again Ecclesiastes 12:13 and then apply verse 14 to the reading in Amos. God makes provision for us to know Him and then He provides grace so that we may obey, if we choose. I recommend that we get right, be right, stay right, do good and don't quit. luvpj
Pray for the lost, our troops, grieving families, sick people in need of care and the opportunity to share the Gospel with the lost today/every day. Pray that the class will be God pleasing.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ as recorded by John will warm, warn, wound and woo us as we seek to know Him. Pay attention to who the target audience is and how they are being addressed. There are three levels of activities going on at the same time, on earth, in hell and in Heaven. Focus on God. Be careful as you read because the events and circumstances are dramatic. Pray for the pastor of the churches that they be true, godly, saved, and hearing what saith The Spirit. Each member ought to be inclined to hear what the Spirit is saying and there should not be conflict on the purpose and direction of the church. The Word and The Spirit never contradict each other. Pay attention, hear distinctly and on purpose, be diligent as you seek the Lord early each day.
Amos is true to God. Nations may have prosperity and be heathen in their worship and lifestyle. Consequence will always follow conduct. Stewardship is being played out and for sure what "we" sow we will reap. Look for the provisions of God and the abuse of the people. God has sent prophets to warn Judah, Israel and their neighbors about their sin and warned them that "one day"they would reap in sorrow while in captivity. How many times should we be warned before the mercy runs out and the punishment begins? What is a presumptuous sin? This night, thou fool.
Psalms 128:1 "Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways." How does this impact your conversation and concept of God? Is there only ONE way? Do you agree with God? Look back to 5 Sep and read again Ecclesiastes 12:13 and then apply verse 14 to the reading in Amos. God makes provision for us to know Him and then He provides grace so that we may obey, if we choose. I recommend that we get right, be right, stay right, do good and don't quit. luvpj
Pray for the lost, our troops, grieving families, sick people in need of care and the opportunity to share the Gospel with the lost today/every day. Pray that the class will be God pleasing.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
8 Dec 2012 Saturday PM-Sunday is coming. Are your clothes all laid out, stuff arranged, alarm clock set,shoes shined and are you mentally and spiritually prepared for tomorrow? What happens if you pass in the night and wake up in eternity, where will you be?? Hope you read today.
Fathers, "correct thy son and he shall give the rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul." Proverbs 29:17
Fathers, "Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." Psalm 127:1
Fathers, "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." Jude 20-21.
Fathers, " Who is wise, and he shall understand these things?prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein." Hosea 14:9
Read to know Him, believe what you read, get right and be right, then do right and by God's grace don't quit. Tell some one what great things God has done for you and start at home. Pray for our troops, missionaries, families, churches and the lost. luvpj
Fathers, "correct thy son and he shall give the rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul." Proverbs 29:17
Fathers, "Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." Psalm 127:1
Fathers, "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." Jude 20-21.
Fathers, " Who is wise, and he shall understand these things?prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein." Hosea 14:9
Read to know Him, believe what you read, get right and be right, then do right and by God's grace don't quit. Tell some one what great things God has done for you and start at home. Pray for our troops, missionaries, families, churches and the lost. luvpj
Friday, December 7, 2012
7 Dec 2012 Friday and Sunday is coming! What were you doing today in 1941?? I was a barefoot kid living on a small farm(dry land farming)outside Petersburg, Texas. We had already lost our cows to hoof and mouth disease and now war. Our next crops were hailed out. My father had served in WWI, my left to serve brother in WW II and my sister left home to go build ships in Boston. Somehow we kept it together and moved on to higher ground. I don't remember God being against us nor that it was discussed that He was for us. When I look back on those days now, I know, God was for us. I am grateful for my salvation. I am grateful for the salvation of my wife, our children and our grandchildren. 1941-2012, God knows all. Spend some time reflecting on where you have been since birth and take time to thank God for His care for you. Read to know Him.
Hosea is blessed. God speaks to Hosea about the Jews and their conduct. As you have read chapters 1-9 what attributes, traits or acts of God have you recorded? Have you recorded the names that God has assigned to Himself? Have you discovered some stewardship principals that were given to us during our stewardship revival? If not, why not?
John records the conduct of his co-workers so that all might know and be warned. How would you react if your pastor or deacon were to be so "honest" about your service? All of our acts are open to view by the world. We need to be careful what we do in secret. We need to be active and serve God and one another. God is recording our thoughts, intents, deeds, words and sins.
Have you been given any precious seeds? Just as the Christian is not made for this world, neither is the seed to be kept in a bin/sack in the barn. Seeds die, yet thrives when planted, watered and made warm, and then produces fruit. Who have you invested your life into?? Pray for the troops, missionaries, wounded warriors, grieving families, students, families and churches. luvpj
Hosea is blessed. God speaks to Hosea about the Jews and their conduct. As you have read chapters 1-9 what attributes, traits or acts of God have you recorded? Have you recorded the names that God has assigned to Himself? Have you discovered some stewardship principals that were given to us during our stewardship revival? If not, why not?
John records the conduct of his co-workers so that all might know and be warned. How would you react if your pastor or deacon were to be so "honest" about your service? All of our acts are open to view by the world. We need to be careful what we do in secret. We need to be active and serve God and one another. God is recording our thoughts, intents, deeds, words and sins.
Have you been given any precious seeds? Just as the Christian is not made for this world, neither is the seed to be kept in a bin/sack in the barn. Seeds die, yet thrives when planted, watered and made warm, and then produces fruit. Who have you invested your life into?? Pray for the troops, missionaries, wounded warriors, grieving families, students, families and churches. luvpj
Thursday, December 6, 2012
6 Dec 2012 Thursday, can you imagine the thoughts of the invading forces en route to Germany in 1944??? How easy it is to forget our fathers and brothers daring to do this great war. I'm ashamed of how little I think about those who have gone before me. Pause, take time to be grateful. Pause, and take time to be thankful for God and His love toward us while we were at war with Him, He loved us and sent His Son to die for us!! Our testimony ought to be as real to us as D-Day is to those surviving veterans. How do you relate to Barabbas?
The writer of Proverbs warns us over and over again-be careful of associating with foolish men. We must judge other to see if they be foolish or not and then be smart about obeying God. The Psalmist tells us of blessing available to all who know, trust and obey God. Be alert to your opportunities to be right and then do good.
God warns John about the coming of the Antichrist and these truths were shared with you and me. We have been equipped with the written truth and the indwelling Spirit of God to withstand the Devil. Be right and do right and don't quit.
The LORD makes it plain, clear and out in the open that sin offends God! You and I need to learn from the experiences of Hosea that sin will be punished. What is your fear factor of God??? If we do not want to be as Ephraim and Judah we must admit our SINS - each, every, all sins specifically, one at a time and with a broken heart and contrite spirit and hope that God in His mercy will forgive and cleanse. Fear is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy is understanding. America is an offense to God! It appears (in my opinion) that we as Christians have dimmed our lights and our salt has lost it's savor. Except God deal with us in mercy, we are doomed. Thank The LORD for the blessed hope, Maranatha, luvpj Pray for those serving in our stead, soldiers and missionaries.
The writer of Proverbs warns us over and over again-be careful of associating with foolish men. We must judge other to see if they be foolish or not and then be smart about obeying God. The Psalmist tells us of blessing available to all who know, trust and obey God. Be alert to your opportunities to be right and then do good.
God warns John about the coming of the Antichrist and these truths were shared with you and me. We have been equipped with the written truth and the indwelling Spirit of God to withstand the Devil. Be right and do right and don't quit.
The LORD makes it plain, clear and out in the open that sin offends God! You and I need to learn from the experiences of Hosea that sin will be punished. What is your fear factor of God??? If we do not want to be as Ephraim and Judah we must admit our SINS - each, every, all sins specifically, one at a time and with a broken heart and contrite spirit and hope that God in His mercy will forgive and cleanse. Fear is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy is understanding. America is an offense to God! It appears (in my opinion) that we as Christians have dimmed our lights and our salt has lost it's savor. Except God deal with us in mercy, we are doomed. Thank The LORD for the blessed hope, Maranatha, luvpj Pray for those serving in our stead, soldiers and missionaries.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
5 Dec 2012 Wednesday We all read to know God. Sometimes what we read in the Bible is not easy to understand. How do you pray when you do not know the application of what you are reading? I suggest you focus on what you do know and understand, always looking for the LORD and not just the circumstances. What attributes of God being genuine, good and great did you see these last few days? Read to know Him.
Reading Psalms 120-124 provides a solid basis for believing God even though we cannot see, control or understand the circumstances. We can develop a model for living. We can pray with confidence. We can have joy.We can fear God, praise His name and know that Our God, The LORD, did make heaven and earth.
1st John 1-5 makes a clear distinction as to who is saved and who is not. The evidence(s) declared by John of a believer, provides the best guide for you and me today of choosing our mates, friends, confidants and co-workers. Our lifestyle is projected in these verses and this model "may be" the outline used by our Judge to reward us in Heaven. We are not saved by works, but works are a result of our salvation. Be right, do right and don't quit.
Daniel demonstrates how a believer lives in captivity to cause lost men to see God. We may very well be required to undergo similar "bad" circumstances soon.How are you prepared to have your life turned upside down, your Bible taken from you and your family deny you? Yes, we have the blessed hope of Maranatha, but before the rapture some things must happen to set up the world to be apt to accept the Antichrist.
We equip ourselves by reading to know God, hiding the Word in our hearts, allowing what we read to seep down into our ears, praying to know the will of God and following The Spirit daily. Who have you invited to go to heaven with you? Pray for the troops and missionaries. Pray for the families who lost their children in the war. Strive to agree with the Lord Jesus Christ as you pray. luvpj
Reading Psalms 120-124 provides a solid basis for believing God even though we cannot see, control or understand the circumstances. We can develop a model for living. We can pray with confidence. We can have joy.We can fear God, praise His name and know that Our God, The LORD, did make heaven and earth.
1st John 1-5 makes a clear distinction as to who is saved and who is not. The evidence(s) declared by John of a believer, provides the best guide for you and me today of choosing our mates, friends, confidants and co-workers. Our lifestyle is projected in these verses and this model "may be" the outline used by our Judge to reward us in Heaven. We are not saved by works, but works are a result of our salvation. Be right, do right and don't quit.
Daniel demonstrates how a believer lives in captivity to cause lost men to see God. We may very well be required to undergo similar "bad" circumstances soon.How are you prepared to have your life turned upside down, your Bible taken from you and your family deny you? Yes, we have the blessed hope of Maranatha, but before the rapture some things must happen to set up the world to be apt to accept the Antichrist.
We equip ourselves by reading to know God, hiding the Word in our hearts, allowing what we read to seep down into our ears, praying to know the will of God and following The Spirit daily. Who have you invited to go to heaven with you? Pray for the troops and missionaries. Pray for the families who lost their children in the war. Strive to agree with the Lord Jesus Christ as you pray. luvpj
Monday, December 3, 2012
3 Dec 2012 Monday and a great day to be alive. Mr David Parker said "you would believe in pioneer missions if your family were a part of an unevangelized people group." Who did you tell this past week about your salvation experience? Who did you tell in the month of November? Who did you tell this year? What kind of "watchmen" have we been? James 4:17!
How is your reading? What do you tell your family about your reading? Do you read the Bible before the newspaper or other means of world news? When you read do you sense that the events as recorded by Daniel are being played out today? Daniel gives us a good history lesson and warns us about events that may occur in our lifetime. How do you sense "frustration" when you read Daniel 11:20-25? Do you know how to recognize the "abomination that makes desolate"? Are you one of those people as described in verse 32-34?
When you consider your "love life" how do you read 1st John 3? Were you glad for your opportunity yesterday as per Psalm 122:1? In reality it is good to be reproved, but how we respond to that correction will impact our life. How is your prayer life in view of the Proverbs?
Pray for the troops and those that know truth to have the courage to speak in love with salt. luvpj
How is your reading? What do you tell your family about your reading? Do you read the Bible before the newspaper or other means of world news? When you read do you sense that the events as recorded by Daniel are being played out today? Daniel gives us a good history lesson and warns us about events that may occur in our lifetime. How do you sense "frustration" when you read Daniel 11:20-25? Do you know how to recognize the "abomination that makes desolate"? Are you one of those people as described in verse 32-34?
When you consider your "love life" how do you read 1st John 3? Were you glad for your opportunity yesterday as per Psalm 122:1? In reality it is good to be reproved, but how we respond to that correction will impact our life. How is your prayer life in view of the Proverbs?
Pray for the troops and those that know truth to have the courage to speak in love with salt. luvpj
Saturday, December 1, 2012
1 Dec 2012- Saturday and Sunday is coming and it could be The Day! For the saved we are as close to hell right now as we will ever be. For the lost unbeliever this is as close to heaven as they will ever be, except they be forgiven and receive God's gift of salvation. Shout out the word LOST and you will be terrified. Shout the word SAVED and gratitude will flood your soul and the inner man will rejoice and be glad.
Please read Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I have toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Now read 29:10-14 and determine where you are in light of these verses. He knows all about you and me, what do we know about Him? We get to read to know Him. Even if we do not read, He knows.
Question generated in today's reading are; is my heart trustworthy? , Who do I cry to in my distress? and am I for peace? If God were to ask you to respond to these question, what would your answers be?
God used John to pen letters to the Christians admonishing them to not sin. There are evidences of our faith in our daily conduct and conversation. We are told to not love the world, neither the things of the world. How is your love life? James 4:17. Maranatha.
Daniel is given insight to the future by a vision. Daniel is given an explanation and he has shared the truth with us. These events have passed, yet there remains an event to come that will occur during the tribulation period concerning the Antichrist. Today there is a spirit of the Antichrist in our country/world and many are deceived by his generosity. Read your Bible to know God. The Holy Spirit will teach you truth so that you will be able to discern good from evil, remember the proverb said "he that trustest in his own heart is a fool."
Take time to be holy then do good things and don't quit. Be first!!!Pray for our troops and missionaries. Thanks to those who read this blog. I pray that you be encouraged and edified. luvpj
Please read Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I have toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Now read 29:10-14 and determine where you are in light of these verses. He knows all about you and me, what do we know about Him? We get to read to know Him. Even if we do not read, He knows.
Question generated in today's reading are; is my heart trustworthy? , Who do I cry to in my distress? and am I for peace? If God were to ask you to respond to these question, what would your answers be?
God used John to pen letters to the Christians admonishing them to not sin. There are evidences of our faith in our daily conduct and conversation. We are told to not love the world, neither the things of the world. How is your love life? James 4:17. Maranatha.
Daniel is given insight to the future by a vision. Daniel is given an explanation and he has shared the truth with us. These events have passed, yet there remains an event to come that will occur during the tribulation period concerning the Antichrist. Today there is a spirit of the Antichrist in our country/world and many are deceived by his generosity. Read your Bible to know God. The Holy Spirit will teach you truth so that you will be able to discern good from evil, remember the proverb said "he that trustest in his own heart is a fool."
Take time to be holy then do good things and don't quit. Be first!!!Pray for our troops and missionaries. Thanks to those who read this blog. I pray that you be encouraged and edified. luvpj
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