Thursday, December 6, 2012

6 Dec 2012 Thursday, can you imagine the thoughts of the invading forces en route to Germany in 1944??? How easy it is to forget our fathers and brothers daring to do this great war. I'm ashamed of how little I think about those who have gone before me. Pause, take time to be grateful. Pause, and take time to be thankful for God and His love toward us while we were at war with Him, He loved us and sent His Son to die for us!! Our testimony ought to be as real to us as D-Day is to those surviving  veterans. How do you relate to Barabbas?

The writer of Proverbs warns us over and over again-be careful of associating with foolish men. We must judge other to see if they be foolish or not and then be smart about obeying God.  The Psalmist tells us of blessing available to all who know, trust and obey God. Be alert to your opportunities to be right and then do good.

God warns John about the coming of the Antichrist and these truths were shared with you and me. We have been equipped with the written truth and the indwelling Spirit of God to withstand the Devil. Be right and do right and don't quit.

The LORD makes it plain, clear and out in the open that sin offends God! You and I need to learn from the experiences of Hosea that sin will be punished. What is your fear factor of God??? If we do not want to be as Ephraim and Judah we must admit our SINS - each, every, all sins specifically, one at a time and with a broken heart and contrite spirit and hope that God in His mercy will forgive and cleanse. Fear is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy is understanding. America is an offense to God! It appears (in my opinion) that we as Christians have dimmed our lights and our salt has lost it's savor. Except God deal with us in mercy, we are doomed. Thank The LORD for the blessed hope, Maranatha,  luvpj  Pray for those serving in our stead, soldiers and missionaries.

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