Wednesday, December 5, 2012

5 Dec 2012 Wednesday We all read to know God. Sometimes what we read in the Bible is not easy to understand. How do you pray when you do not know the application of what you are reading? I suggest you focus on what you do know and understand, always looking for the LORD and not just the circumstances. What attributes of God being genuine, good and great did you see these last few days?  Read to know Him.

Reading Psalms 120-124 provides a solid basis for believing God even though we cannot see, control or understand the circumstances. We can develop a model for living.  We can pray with confidence. We can have joy.We can fear God, praise His name and know that Our God, The LORD, did make heaven and earth.

1st John 1-5 makes a clear distinction as to who is saved and who is not. The evidence(s) declared by John of a believer, provides the best guide for you and me today of choosing our mates, friends, confidants and co-workers. Our lifestyle is projected in these verses and this model "may be" the outline used by our Judge to reward us in Heaven. We are not saved by works, but works are a result of our salvation. Be right, do right and don't quit.

Daniel demonstrates how a believer lives in captivity to cause lost men to see God. We may very well be required to undergo similar "bad" circumstances soon.How are you prepared to have your life turned upside down, your Bible taken from you and  your family deny you? Yes, we have the blessed hope of Maranatha, but before the rapture some things must happen to set up the world to be apt to accept the Antichrist.

We equip ourselves by reading to know God, hiding the Word in our hearts, allowing what we read to seep down into our ears, praying to know the will of God and following The Spirit daily. Who have you invited to go to heaven with you? Pray for the troops and missionaries. Pray for the families who lost their children in the war. Strive to agree with the Lord Jesus Christ as you pray.  luvpj

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