Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday 28 April 2104, Friday will be here soon and then Sunday! Are you ready for Hebrews 9:27 to come to pass? Have you made the ultimate preparation for eternity? There is only one (1) answer that guarantees safety, security, salvation and freedom from the wage of SIN. His name is Jesus! The greatest chapter of Luke you can read is chapter 24 and this is the message for today. According to the scriptures, Jesus in not dead, he has risen, He is alive and He has ascended unto heaven and He is coming back in the clouds for all believers. You will be taken up OR YOU will be left behind to face the wrath of Almighty God for your SIN of unbelief. Read to know Him and believe what you read.

Lesson # 18 One Year Bible Comments ,  28 April 2014.   Where were you with Jehovah and Adonai last week? Spend some time this week as you read to know God and develop your prayer of adoration.   We will be reading about the time after the death of Israel's leaders until that of King Saul. Note how the government changes. Pay attention to the cycle of events of good, bad, crying, pleading, good men, prosperity, disobedience, and then sin, again and again. Learn how to be and do right and don't quit.    FIRST, look at Judges 2:13-16 for a "snapshot" of a stark reality of the conduct of God and His people.  Look back to Deuteronomy12:8 and link to Judges17:6 and 21:25 for a book overview. Look to see the traits and attributes of The LORD as the Deliver-Judge and know Him as Jehovah Sabbaoth.
Sun 27 Judges 7:1-8:16; Luke 23:11-43; Psalm 97:1-98:9 & Proverbs 14:7-8. In Judges 7 why did Jehovah send so many away? What is the key shout for Gideon? What truth did you gain in chap 8? How do you relate to Barabbas? As you read Luke 22 what did you learn about Jehovah, Elohim an Adonai? What does Psalm 98:2 summarize? Do you seek God’s wisdom and are you prudent?
Mon 28 Judges 8:1-9:21; Luke 23:44-24:12; Psalm 99:1-9 & Proverbs 14:9-10. How did the blessing become a curse in Judges 8? Why is Jot ham important? What riddle was used to describe the enemy? How does Luke 23 show the Trinity? What prophecies are fulfilled in Luke 24? How does Psalm 99 describe God? What ought we to know about self? How does this relate to Psalm 1?
Mon 29   What happens when men put their confidence in man? How is Proverbs 6:16-19 shown in today's reading? What happens when men meet The Master along the road? What are we when we are slow of heart to believe the Old Testament? What does v44-52 charge you to be and do? How do you practice Psalm 100? Is there a promise in Proverbs 14?

Tue 30 Why did Jephthah make his vow? How can a "password" be deadly?  The Book of John portrays Jesus as The Christ, the Son of God.  Look for the key word of "believe". How is this Book different from Matthew, Mark and Luke?  How do you use John 1:1-12 to witness? How do you apply Psalm 101 in your home? Are you satisfied from yourself?
Wed 1 How does Judges 13:1 impacts your concept of God? How is the birth of Samson similar to the birth of John the Baptist? How does v14 cause you to see The Hand of God? What statement did John use to identify Jesus? What attribute of Elohim did Jesus display at v1:48? What traits of Jehovah or attributes of Elohim are shown in Psalm 102? Are you considered by God to be prudent?

Thu 2 How did Samson accomplish Judges 15:4? How did God assist Samson in the slaying of 1000 men in chap15? How is "LSD" of James 1 shown in Judges 16? How did Jesus perform the miracle of John 2? What trait of God did Jesus show at v2:24? What promise is given in Psalm 103? Are you really prudent?
Fri 3 Did Micah worship God in Judges 17, if not, how did he worship amiss? What is sad about Judges 18:1 and 30?  How John 3 has:12 changed your daily conversation? How is the Old Testament cross referenced in this chapter? What choices are given at v20-21? According to Psalm 104 what is the world full of today. Do you have many friends and are you happy for the Bible reasons?

Sat 4  Compare Joshua with Judges; if we saw in Joshua " Joy"  what did you see in Judges  s_____, Heavenly vision -E_______, Victory-d________, Progress- de__ _______, Faith-Un __________,  Freedom- se________. How does Judges 19 :1 and 30 relate to the horrible acts recorded in the chapter? How does chapter20 impact your concept of God? How have you used John 3:36 to share the gospel? Do you practice Psalm 104:33-34? What advantage is it to do good?
Spend time this adoring Jehovah as Almighty God your Heavenly Father and The Lord Jesus Christ your Saviour and also The Holy Spirit your Comforter. Admit your sins, and acts of disobedience.  Come clean to Him who sees all.  Accept His forgiveness, allow Him to cleanse and repair you as you are thankful, grateful and renewed, made wholly holy. Be thankful. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.  Enjoy the reality of the gospel. Celebrate the promised resurrection of Jesus. He is ALIVE!

Do you know Him as your Lord and Saviour? If not, let me guide you in the scriptures. Please post at your comments or questions.  Do you want to hear God?

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