Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sunday-Easter Sunday, 20April 2014, Maranatha! Jesus was alive, was crucified and died, was buried and He was resurrected by God the Father on the third day according to the scriptures and He is ALIVE  just as He said. I hope and pray you are reading your Bible to know God.  We are praying for you, others are praying for you and The Lord Jesus Christ is praying for you to hear, believe and receive His gift of eternal life.

Lesson # 17 One Year Bible Comments  prepared  20 April 2014.  Spend some time this week as you read to know God and develop your prayer of adoration. After you spend time adoring Jehovah as Almighty God  your Heavenly Father and The Lord Jesus Christ your Saviour and also The Holy Spirit  your Comforter then admit your short comings, sins, and acts of disobedience-come clean to Him who sees all. Accept His forgiveness, allow Him to cleanse and repair you as you are thankful, grateful and renewed, made wholly holy. Be thankful. Then if you want to, tell Him what you need. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.  He loves His own ! Enjoy the reality of the gospel. Celebrate the promised resurrection of Jesus. He is ALIVE!
Sun 20   Joshua 21:1-22:20; Luke 20:1-26; Psalm 891-13 & Proverbs 13:15-16. What do we tell our family about how Jehovah has blessed us? Does Psalm 116:65 apply to this situation? Why do you believe that Jesus has the authority to teach and preach the gospel?  What principal of stewardship did you read in Luke 20? Do you sing of the mercies of the LORD? Does Psalm 89 offer any promises? If a man is not prudent, what is he?
Mon 21    Joshua 22:21-23:16; Luke 20:27-47; Psalm 89:14-37 & Proverbs 13:17-19. Do you have an "Ed" in your family? What form of government did The LORD want the Israelites to have and maintain, and how does 23:15-16 apply? Luke 20:38 declares what truth? What ought we to be wary of today? Are you a good judge of people? What will we find when we look into the throne of God? What attributes of God are shown in Psalm 89? How does II Timothy 3:16 relate to Proverbs 13:17-19?

Tue 22  Joshua 24:1-33; Luke 21:1-28; Psalm 89:38-52 & Proverbs 13:20-23. Joshua gives a summary of  God's blessings, warnings and curses, how does this impact your concept of God?  As you read 25:5-15 who do you sense is speaking? What trait did you learn about Elohim at v27?  How does Romans 6:23 apply to this chapter? According to Luke 21 what is the key to stewardship? What promise/condition did you see in this chapter and how is Maranatha (ICor 16:22) expressed? Did you see any attribute of God in Psalm 89? What promise/condition did you learn from Proverbs 13?
Where were you with Jehovah and Adonai this day 2013? We will be reading about the time after the death of Israel's leaders until that of King Saul. Note how the government changes. Pay attention to the cycle of events of good, bad, crying, pleading, good men, prosperity, disobedience, then sin again, again and again. Learn how to be and do right and don't quit.    FIRST, look at Judges 2:13-16 for a "snapshot" of a stark reality of the conduct of God and His people.  Look back to Deuteronomy12:8 and link to Judges17:6 and 21:25 for a book overview. Look to see the traits and attributes of The LORD as the Deliver-Judge and know Him as  Jehovah Sabbaoth.

Wed 23  Judges 1:1-2:10; Luke 21:29-23:13; Psalm 90:1-91:16 & Proverbs 3:24-25. What first did you see at v3? What blessing turned to a curse at v7? What advantage did Judah have that Benjamin did not have? Who appeared in 2:1? What is sad about 2:10? What eternal truth is given in Luke 21? What trait is shown in chap22? What request is made in Psalm 90? What promise is given in Psalm 91? How ought we to train our children?

Thu 24  Judges 2:11-3:31; Luke 22:14-34; Psalm 92:1-93:5 & Proverbs 14:1-2. What 5 things are plain in Judges 2:11-12? Did you see the sin cycle at v16-18? Who was Shamgar? What three events happened in Luke22? What traits and attributes of God did you see in Psalms 92 & 93? How is the walk of a man describe in Proverbs? How is your walk before God?
Fri 25   Judges 4:1-5:31; Luke 22:36-54; Psalm 94:1-23 & Proverbs 14:3-4. Who is the hero in Judges 4? Why did God curse Meroz in chap 5? How did you see God and Jesus in Luke 22? How is Jehovah Elohim described in Psalm 94? Does God see you as wise or foolish?

Sat 26  Judges 6:1-40; Luke 22:55-23:10; Psalm 95:1-96:13 & Proverbs 14:5-6. What history lesson is repeated in Judges 6? How did Gideon respond to the angel of the LORD? What name is used at v22? Who is Jerubbaal? How many times did Peter deny knowing Jesus in Luke 22? Who did Jesus say that he was? What did Pilate not find in Jesus? What does Psalm 95 encourage us to do? Is Psalm 96 a song for the missionary? Are you faithful? Are you a faithful witness?
Do you know Him as your Lord and Saviour? If not, let me guide you in the scriptures. Please post at your comments or questions.  Do you want to hear God?

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