Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tuesday, 27 December 2016 and I tell you this could be The Day that Jesus comes in the clouds and calls out the believers according to the scriptures at 1st Thessalonians 4:12-18. Are you a believer? If not, why not? All have sinned, there is none righteous and the only hope for you is to be "Born Again" according to the scriptures at John 3:1-21, lest you doddle, read John 3:36.

We will start our Read through The One Year Bible Class, Sunday 1 January 2017 if we are still on the earth, upright, at room temperature, breathing God's air. Even though you are in
Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam you can follow along and read every day the KJV Bible. The daily reading is at the blog and you are without excuse.
May God bless you in your obedience and response to the calling of The Holy Spirit as you read and by faith expecting to be saved from God's wrath. The invitation is to "WHOSOEVER" will hear, believe and receive the TRUTH, JESUS Saves. Hope to see you in heaven, perhaps today.
Maranatha. Amen.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday 14 December 2016, we are almost through the year and into The book of Jonah, The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Psalm 133 and Proverbs 29:26-27 "Many seek the ruler's favor; but every man's judgment cometh from the LORD. An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked." Now how does this apply to you and your friends?

To all of you that have visited this sight from Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam I hope you read your Bible every day to know God.

As you read Jonah focus on what God does to cause the lost man to repent and return to God by faith receive salvation. God is not willing that any perish. But you must hear the TRUTH (Jesus saves), believe what you hear, admit your sin of unbelief, confess with your mouth as you believe in your heart, the gospel according to John 3:1-36.

As you read the account recorded by John concerning the Truth about Jesus. Chapter 5 is truly a chapter dealing with grace and shows the beauty and majesty of God The Father and The Son as the Lamb that was crucified, died and shed his blood for those that hear and believe.

Take time to read Psalm 130-131-132-133 and note the attributes of God.

Monday, November 28, 2016

28 November 2016, Thanksgiving Day is a great memory of fine fellowship, good food, several choices of deserts, plenty of tea and coffee and comfortable couches to rest in as we reflect on the gifts of God, enjoy His presence and look forward to His soon return, AMEN. Hope you were able to have food, shelter and clothes to wear this week. All of us take too much presumptuously. If we know that we are redeemed and bound for Heaven, what more do we need? Take time to be thankful.

As you read your Bible to know God focus on HIM and not His. We have read the Old Testament prophets accounts of how the Jews heard God's Word of warning, but did not heed nor obey. What did you learn about The LORD? Did you see His attributes of Omnipotence and Omniscience? Did you detect the "promises" given to the people if they would obey? What did you learn that impacted your life? Read to know God.

We have read the letters God had James and Peter pen for the Jews that professed to know The LORD as Lord and Saviour, yet were trying to bring the old traditions of Jewish laws into their faith "mixture" by co-mingling works of man with the finished work of The Lord Jesus Christ. We work because we are saved, NOT TO BE or GET saved. We do not add to God's grace. Read the Bible to know God.

Reading Psalm 119 gives us insight and warnings. Reading and heeding the admonitions from the Proverbs will alert us to danger and guide us to delight. Read to know God. I strongly suggest you take time to fear God with reverence and humble yourself in prayer, admit and confess your sin and sins, claim the promise of 1st John1:9. Believe Isaiah 1:15,16,17,18 and 19. Note verse 20.

Get your heart right before GOD, seek His forgiveness, believe His promises, seek to have fellowship with Almighty God so that you might have fellowship with your Christian brothers and sisters. Fellowship in holiness. Read your Bible to know God. Hide His Word in your heart that you do not sin against HIM. Read again John 3:1-36, James 4:17 and act out II Corinthians 5:17-21. God bless you as you seek to know Him, be diligent, prudent and Christ like. Sincerely in love for the lost for Christ's sake. Maranatha

Friday, November 18, 2016

18 November 2016. How has your reading of your Bible to know God improved your attitude and hope? Those that are reading through the Bible in a year following the daily reading plan of Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs ought to be excited about how God uses prophets to warn people about sin, judgment and things to come. The plan to read daily through the Bible is given in the blog.

The New Testament is strong in the advice and counsel to the believing Jews who have trusted Jesus as Saviour to not co mingle their "old" ways with those of the Truth. Faith comes by hearing the WORD of God. Heeding what you have heard, read, seen and sensed is evidence of your faith and belief that God is so and His ways are to ONLY way for peace therefore you are both hearers and doers. Trust and obey.

Every person needs to be hear the gospel once. Every person is and has been exposed to God by and through the handiwork by His creation. All men have a conscience. All men can sense right from wrong. There is none holy. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. As God did for the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 He will do for those who will seek him diligently and early.

Repent. Turn from yourself and turn to God. Admit that you have sinned. ADMIT THAT YOU ARE NOT CAPABLE OF MAKING YOURSELF HOLY. Call unto to God and ask for mercy, forgiveness of SIN and ask for the gift of eternal life. Hear and believe, receive and be thankful. Call upon the name of Jesus, asking the Father to put your sins to His account and His righteousness to your account. Believe the Truth, you must be born again. Read John 3:1-36.

Read Palm 1 and apply God's counsel as to whom you walk, talk and sit with. Be blessed and read, believe and act out the WORD. There is no prosperity without God. With God all things are possible.
Read your Bible to know God.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

2  November 2016 is the day that God made, let us enjoy this blessing and praise our LORD for His gifts, mercy and grace. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. As we read through the Bible we are exposed to the names, traits, attributes,  promises, provisions and warnings given by our loving heavenly Father. Reading the Old Testament is sufficient warnings for how we ought to be and do today.

Hope you enjoyed reading the account of God's dealing with the Jews as recorded by Jeremiah. The Book of Lamentations gives us insight to the burden God has for His creation. What did you learn about The Lord God?

The record of God's thoughts about Jesus as recorded in Hebrews provides us knowledge about the past, present and the future for those that believe. Last Monday, 31 October, we were challenged at verse 2:3 "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation: which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard HIM;" WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE  TRUTH GIVEN TO YOU?

The Psalms reminds us that God is faithful, true and seeking those who will HEAR and HEED. The Proverbs show evidences of unbelief and the affect lack of faith has on the individual and even his friends and family.

Sunday 30 October, we celebrated our 39th anniversary of being born again, adopted into the family of GOD, forgiven of ALL sins (past, present and future), made to be sons of God, priests, ministers of reconciliation, ambassadors for Christ, light, salt, accepted in the Beloved and soon to be raptured out to be with God forever, according to the scriptures.

What is your future? Are you saved? Have you admitted that you have sinned and offended GOD? Have you neglected His salvation?  REPENT. Turn from yourself, turn to God, hear His offer of forgiveness, believe the scriptures, call on His Name and believe that God raised Jesus from the dead as recorded at Romans 10. Hear and Heed God's Word. Read Ephesians 2:8-10.  Be a whosoever today. God loves you just as you are, so come to Him as a little child and by faith trust Him.

Monday, October 17, 2016

13 October 2016, and this could be the Day that we believers are called out and up to be with The Lord Jesus Christ. You have been told how to be saved. You have had the opportunity to hear the good news, to repent, to believe, to receive the gift of eternal life,  so what have you done with this opportunity?

Those of you  from; Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam are without excuse.

I've encouraged you to read your Bible every day to know God. The plan and outline to read the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs referred to as The One Year Bible is linked to this blog. Please consider reading through the entire Bible each year.

Today in Jeremiah 30:1-31:26 God shows Himself to against sin and for the believers. God makes all Truths available to those who seek Him early each day while he may be found. The Bible describes God's attributes, promises and requirements for obedience. Learn to "trust and obey"  for there is no other way to be right with God.

1st Timothy 2:15 teaches that all men should pray for those in authority. You must learn what perquisites God has for those who pray. The LORD will respond to the prayers of His children that are in fellowship with Him, because they have confessed their sins (1st John 1:9), have a broken heart and contrite spirit, and are coming to The Father in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Psalm 87 reminds us that God knows His children and their names are in the Lambs Book of Life.

Proverbs 25:18-19 describes the false and unfaithful man and warns believers to not have confidence in them, but trust God.

Read your Bible to know God.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

1 October 2016. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God.  Are you sure that right now you are free from condemnation as noted in Romans 8? Are you sure that you are in God's hand and you will never be separated from Him? How are you demonstrating Ephesians 2:8-10, particularly that you are God's workmanship? How are you acting out your ministry of reconciliation as per II Corinthians 5:17-21? When did you last prepare  to meet with The Lord God Almighty? Have you a broken heart and a contrite spirit? How is Psalm 1:1-6 true in your life?

If you were sure that you would die in your sleep tonight, what would you do now? If this were so then how would you respond to God's question of "Why should I let you enter into heaven today?"

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

28 September 2016, Wednesday. It has been a long time since my last entry and I am sorry to have not paid more attention to this business. I have hoped and prayed that you would read your Bible every day to know God. If you are following the 365 Day reading plan then we have been in touch as we have been reading to know God. The reading plan is on file at the blog and I strongly suggest you consider reading each day some Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs.

While reading Isaiah I have tried to restate the names of The LORD, GOD, JAH, Lord, God so that they are representative of the position and function in the Trinity. For me I find by doing this I sense so more clearly who is speaking and what they have been doing  for Israel and strangers. Look at Isaiah 54:5-6 "For thy Maker is thy husband; the LORD (Jehovah)of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God (Elohim) of the whole earth shall be called.  For the LORD (Jehovah) hath called thee as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God (Elohim).
                                                             READ TO KNOW HIM
Please read again, Exodus 6:1-8 and consider His name. Then compare His thoughts as they are written in Psalm 138:2 as to what you know about God because you read to know Him. Please consider these compound names, some that I've copied from The Names of God by Nathan Stone and The names of Jesus by Elmer Towns. I have added some other descriptors for joy. Please continue to read to know Jehovah, Elohim and Adonai. There are numerous (600+) other names in the Bible that we might know Him. Read to know Him by His attributes.

The Names and Titles we use when referring to the Deity in English have the same letters in the spelling, they sound alike, however they are referring to different persons. Let us carefully consider to whom we are speaking and address them with the Names they have chosen.

From the book The Names of God, at page 43 "The Names of God we have studied so far have been Elohim, translated "God" in our Bibles; Jehovah, translated "LORD" and "El-Shaddai," translated "God Almighty" or "Almighty God."  These names are related to the Person of God--the power and glory of His Being, as in Elohim (plural); the expression of Himself as a God of righteousness, holiness, love and redemption, as in Jehovah (singular); as a beneficent and bountiful Bestower of powers, gifts, blessings, and fruitfulness for service, as seen in El-Shaddai. "
God,  Lord as Elohim (plural) of infinite power and absolute faithfulness.  We may know them as The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Beware to what is written at Matthew 12:30-37. Verse 31 "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men."
Lord as Adonai-Jesus--God Man - Master/Owner = Lord God-Lord GOD. The Lord (Elohim) (title) Jesus (name) Christ (Messiah) (The Anointed One) (office); Saviour; Prophet, Priest and King.                        

El Elohim Jehovah- The LORD God of gods; Jehovah Elohim - The LORD God;  Jehovah El Elyon - The LORD-The Most High God; Jehovah Elohim Tseba'oth - The LORD God of Hosts
Elhoim Bashamayim-God in Heaven; El(singular) Bethel-The God of the House of God; Elohe Chaseddiy-God of my mercy; El Elohe Yisra'e-God, The God of Israel; El-Elyon as God over us-The Most High God;  El-Roi as God who sees us;  El-Shaddai as God my source, ever-existing, eternal, ever becoming One, continually revealing Himself God Almighty;  El-Olam as God of my today
LORD,  GOD,  Jehovah as I AM, eternal, self-existent One, the God of revelation, the God of moral and spiritual attributes--of righteousness, holiness, love, and therefore redemption, the God who stands in special covenant relation to Israel in contrast to Elohim, the general name of God in relation to all nations.
Jehovah-Jireh as my provider/deliverance--God will provide; Jehovah-Rophe/Rapha as my healer; Jehova-Nissi , my banner as my victory; Jehovah-M'Kaddesh as my sanctifier--holy--separated--spotless;  Jehovah-Shalom as my peace--atonement-peace with God;   Jehovah-Sabaoth as my deliverer;  Jehovah-Rohi  as my shepherd--feeds-leads-pastures; Jehovah-Tsidkenu as my righteousness--righteous Branch--the Holy One;  Jehovah-Kanna The LORD Whose name is Jealous; Jehovah-Shammah as my hope--He is there, in the midst; "For ye are a temple of the living God; even as God said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people", II Cor 6:16b.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday, 30 August 2016, and this could be the DAY!  Every person has the opportunity to be saved, redeemed and taken out from under the wrath of Almighty God, before they die. But if a person will not confess Jesus Christ as Lord, and they die in their sin of UNBELIEF, they will be forever away from God and spend eternity with Satan in the lake of fire. Hebrews 9:27, John 3:36, Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 1:1-17 & 18-32, 3:22-23, 5:8, 6:23, 8:1-2, 10:4-13 & 12:1-2. If a person sees, hears and believes these scriptures and trust what thus saith The LORD, they can be saved.

Read your Bible to know God. This week you may have seen 1st Corinthian16:22 and not understand that verse.  Read it again and know that God knows if you have received His gift of eternal life or that you have not. If a man loves not the Lord Jesus Christ---let him be accursed! YEA, Maranatha, Jesus is coming!  Ready or not, He is coming in the clouds for all believers, 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18.  Read your Bible to know the past, present and future. To fear God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of The Holy is understanding.

Read Proverbs 3:1-12 and believe and heed verses5-7.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday 22 August 2016 and we are waiting for the trump of God. It has been a busy two weeks and many good things have happened. I hope you have been reading your Bible to know God and as you believe Him, you see and enjoy the blessings. The key to prosperity is learning and enjoying as you Trust and Obey.  We have completed the 8th chemo treatment, minimal side effects, labs results are in the normal range and the heart is showing routine  patterns of activity, I say carefully, all appears to be well. Thanks be to The LORD for His over watching care, medicines, provisions of great doctors and care givers. 

To all Nations that read Barnabas Blog: Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam, thank you.
I hope you will share what you read in your Bible. I hope you would reach out to others who do not read this blog, both of your country and in other Nations. People need the TRUTH. We are responsible to be ministers of reconciliation ( II Corinthians 5:17-21) and strive to gossip the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ. It may be said that all must sense the need, see the hope in Jesus and secure  the benefit s of God's salvation. Today is the day of salvation, but for some Hebrews 9:27, Maranatha.
We are reading the Book of JOB in the Old Testament and soon you will be able to discern the reality of friends and judges. There is only One True Judge. There is nothing hidden from God. Be careful as you read JOB to maintain separation of each of the three "friends" comments, a they are distinctly different.
As you read the two letters written by Paul under the inspiration of The Holy Spirit to the church members in Corinth focus on why these are required. Take time to read chapter 13 and allow The Holy Spirit to overtake your attitude as you hear hard truths, sad situations and impact of sin in the lives of your family and friends.
As you visit Psalm 30-40, look for the attributes of God and seek those "promises" afforded to practicing believers. Obedience is The Key to Love.
Check your "fear" factor of God. Look for the situations that concern knowledge, wisdom, understanding and learning. All these blessings, benefits and provisions are available to "those that Hear."

Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday 8 August 2016, and we are still watching the cloudy sky, expecting the trump of God to sound and The Lord Jesus Christ to appear in the clouds and call out His bride, the local church to be with Him in heaven.  You may read this as it is recorded in the scriptures at 1st Corinthians 15:23; 51-58; 16:22 and 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18. The option to be saved is given to every person before death. The two thieves  that were crucified  with Jesus had the option to repent and be saved, one did and one did not and now they are living in their choice. One is in heaven with Jesus and one is in hades, forever separated from God. This could be your day of salvation. Read John 3:1-36, Romans 3:23;5:8; 6:23;10:8-13; Ephesians 2:8-10, John 1:1-14, marvel not, ye must be born again. Read your Bible to know God.

Our daily reading in the One Year Bible is Ezra 7:1-8:20. You will be shown the importance of keeping records and proper genealogy. God wants His people to be separate. When God gives a charge to one of His people, God will equip and qualify that person to be and do the work.

1st Corinthians 4:1-21 makes plain what God expects of His people-be faithful.

Psalm 30:1-12 reminds us that God is near and hears and knows our situation. Take verse 5 and build a  faith that believes God, even while you are in the dark and under duress.

Proverbs 20:28-30 demonstrates the concern of God for all ages and stations of life. There is nothing hiding from God and He is able to do all things. God is good, all the time.

I hope you have a Bible and that you read it every day to know God. We all have a future. We all will be somewhere 100 years from today, either with God or separated from Him forever. You have a choice today, choose wisely, choose to hear and believe God and respond to The Holy Spirit as you read God's salvation offer of forgiveness. God loves you regardless.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wednesday, 3 August 2016, reading the Bible to know God. I am getting ready for my 8th chemo session next week and refreshing my soul with scriptures that God has made more clear to me because I read to know Him.

Look at Psalm 119:1-176 and find those verses that mention affliction. Look up the definition of affliction and then read again those verses that have been put before you to consider. For me verses 71-80 are those that speak to me of God's gift of my (cancer) affliction. I am learning to embrace my affliction because what bit has caused me learn about myself and about how God has chosen to express His love and provision to me each time I read or think about these truths.

I am learning to say "it is good for me"; "cancer is better than gold and silver"; "thanks for giving me more understanding of your commandments"; "I know that The LORD deals with me in his faithfulness"; "I sense his tender mercies and merciful kindness"; and I am refreshed when people greet me with kind words of encouragement because I believe The LORD has put them in my path because I hope in God.

I hope you are encouraged by reading your Bible to know God and that He has used this testimony to get your attention so that you will seek to know God. If you read Psalm 19 you will learn about God as Elohim, Creator and Almighty God. If read Exodus you will find that God wants all men to know Him as Jehovah, The God who saves.  In my testimony tract you may follow the Bible verses God used to draw me to Himself for salvation. You can be saved.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Monday, 1 August 2016 and we are still here waiting for the Lord to come for us in the clouds. I hope you are true to yourself by reading your Bible to know God. In our One Year Bible we are reading about the best years of King Hezekiah's reign, a very powerful and encouraging Romans 15, yet being challenged at Psalm 25 while remembering truth and knowledge comes from God.

I've tried to challenge you to discipline yourself by reading your Bible to know God. If you have just a habit of reading, instead of a discipline of reading, you will miss and be uncommitted to live by faith. Many people will then try to read, miss a few days, and then go on a binge read to "catch up". When a person is not consistent in pursuing God, there will be a tendency to read out of guilt. Some will be confronted with thoughts (not from God)  that if I don't read, perhaps God will not love me. God's love for you is constant and not dependent upon your obedience in reading.  The reason we read is to know God.

Learn from 2nd Chronicles 30 how to admit sin, how to get right, be right, know right, do right and don't quit. Take a stand and allow God to use you to influence those in your sphere of influence so that they may know God and enjoy His blessings.

After reading Romans 15, pause and read again verses 13-14 and spend tine being grateful that you know The God of Hope. If you want success, prosperity,  peace, joy hope and a bright future, believe what you read in the Bible.

Take time and go back and read again Psalms 22-23-24 as one continuous story. Jesus is the theme.
Hope you have a good day.  If you do not have a One Year Bible, use the reading plan given at the beginning of the blog to follow the format. Reading in this format causes us to read Old Testament, New Testament, Psalm and Proverb every day. The intent is to read through the Bible every year.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Monday 18 July 2016 and we are still waiting  "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the cloud, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." according to 1st Thessalonians 4:16-18. God wants all men to repent. God has made it plain, the wage of sin is death.

Read Romans chapter 5 and 8, then meditate on what your eyes have seen, your hands have touched and what GOD has said about you and your future. There is only one (1) way to be saved and there is only one (1)  door into heaven and that is through The Lord Jesus Christ. You must be born again. Rush to Romans chapter 10:1-13, be a whosoever, hear the gospel, believe what you have heard and read and agree with God, confess, repent from self and repent to God and believe with your heart, be not ashamed, call upon HIM. I hope this is your day of salvation. Read your Bible to know God.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday 15 July 2016 and it has been a long time since I've posted to you to encourage you to read your Bible every day to know God, please forgive me for being slack. Even though we do not communicate every day we still have the opportunity and obligation to be seeking God diligently early every day, believing the Word of God we read, obeying as led by The Holy Spirit and enjoying life to the fullest for His glory and our joy.

To all of you in  Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam please pray for peace for all people and faith in the One and Only True Almighty God, known both as Elohim and Jehovah. Read chapter 3:1-36 of the Gospel of John in the Holy Bible for instruction for eternal life.

As we are reading the history of the Jews and their kings it appears that had they obeyed God and what the prophets and judges had told them they would have been prosperous in the promised land. There is a phrase used often that applied then as now " There was no king,  and every man did that which was right in his own eyes". If we are not subordinate to our LORD, King and Saviour, we are stiffnecked, disobedient and living in sin. Each of us have a choice of actions, not the consequence. Get right, be right, know right, do right and don't quit.

Read carefully Romans chapter 1. As you see the choice many make be aware of the wage of sin, unbelief. Apply the truths given in the Psalms as you read the history of these people and learn to praise God for His mercy, blessings and grace. Jesus died for all men. His blood is sufficient to wash away the sin debt of all, yet only efficient for those who believe and receive Him as their Saviour. I hope and pray you will read The Holy King James Version of the Bible and believe God for salvation, Maranatha.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday,26 June 2016, and God is still waiting for your response to His free gift of salvation. I have been getting treatment and the reaction this time has been more difficult than all others. I believe that this affliction is a gift from God and I am not alone in this journey. I hope that you have been reading your Bible and getting to know God, learning His attributes, traits, promises and learning , like a little child, to trust and obey what you read. God wants us to read the Word of God, get right, be right, know right, do right and not to quit.

As you read today in the One Year Bible 2 Kings 9:16-10:31 God reminds us that He is GOD and what He says will come to pass. We read and learn the depravity of man, the sinfulness of sinners, that the promises of God are true and in God's perfect timing will come to pass just as God has said as recorded in the scriptures. Pay attention to 10:31 and mend your ways, fear God, repent and turn to God, do it now.

In Acts 17:1-34 we see how Truth will be rejected by unbelievers, but God will send another witness, until your heart becomes so hardened that God will give you over to Satan.  A great warning is made plain concerning the object of men's faith. Be careful what and whom you worship. Read your Bible to know God. Seek Him early.

Psalm 144 1:15 is plain and simple, just read and believe. Seek to have verse 15 your beacon of faith that your friends may know your hope is centered on The LORD. Allow Proverbs 17:27-28 to be your testimony. God loves you and me unconditionally. This does not save you. As a steward of God's gift of life, we have the opportunity to be saved.

To be a man of knowledge, with an excellent Spirit, aware of John3:12 & 3:36, we agree with God according to the scriptures, and trust and obey The Holy Spirit as we read the Holy Bible. Get right, be right, know right, do right and don't quit.

Take time and be thankful and grateful that God has not given you and I what we deserve, but He has redeemed us from the pit of Hell and empowered us to believe and be made sons of God according to John 1:1-14.
PS:  I hope to stronger soon and hope to be more active in sharing my thoughts about our daily reading of our One Year Bible TO KNOW GOD.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tuesday,14 June 2016 and am glad, happy, satisfied and full of joy to be saved, secure, on my way to heaven and hoping some of you will see this blog, read your Bible to know God and believe the scriptures unto salvation. All of us have a choice of concepts of God. Some will read the news, books and periodicals and form ideas THEN peek at Bible to see how the world presents God and say  "O my god wouldn't do that". Some read the Bible FIRST and being led of The Spirit of God can look at man's thoughts and realize with man there is no hope, yet with GOD all things are possible. Read John 3:12 and then apply James 4:17. You are either the light and salt for God or you are not. You are a watchman and minister of reconciliation or you are not, and you ...  KNOW the TRUTH.

All fathers should strive to be the glory for the children according to Proverbs 17:6.
All kings ought to strive to keep God's covenant and his testimonies and teach them to their children according to Psalm 132:12
All new Christians should have a friend like a Barnabas as recorded in Acts 9. Before being a giver of advice we ought to be a student and receiver of Truth
According to 1st Kings12:20-13:34  we should learn to know God, His Word and voice and OBEY. God is causing havoc in Jerusalem and throughout Israel because of disobedience, when will we learn to obey? Be careful from whom you get or take advice.

The ONLY True and sound advice about life, death and eternity is the Bible. The Only teacher that is NEVER contrary to The Word of God is The Holy Spirit. The ONLY way any man gets this advantage is by the NEW BIRTH. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to The Father except by HIM. Read John 3:1-36.

There have been more than 6000 visits to this blog from people from 26 nations and no one knows, but God if it has been influential in getting some to open and read the Bible and be drawn by God unto salvation.  I hope to meet some of you in heaven one day. Read the Bible, King James Version, to know God. You may follow the scriptures used in my personal testimony to come to a sure knowledge of what God has called the Gospel so that any person reading and believing these may be saved.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Saturday, 11 June 2016, congrats on your being able to read this report, still alive and hopefully capable of being saved before you die. When man dies physically he goes into eternity separated from God. His only hope is that "one day" he will be resurrected from hell and brought before The LORD God Almighty and judged for all of his sins and then go into the 2nd death in the lake of fire with Satan and all unbelievers for ever, dying, yet never dying.

You-whosoever- may choose today to hear and believe the gospel, admit your sin(s) against God, confess and agree with the Word of God (John 3:1-36), repent from your sin unto God, call upon the name of The Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 10), accept the free gift (Ephesians 2:8-10) of salvation (John 1:1-14) and be born again (the 2nd birth), free from the wrath of Almighty God and know that your name is written in The Lamb's book of life. This is the day of salvation for whosoever believes.

Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Netherlands,  Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caico's Islands,Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam.

Hopefully you are reading your One Year Bible and learning the traits, attributes, names of God and hiding the Word in your heart that you do not sin against The LORD. Learn from the prayer of Solomon how to approach God with praise and adoration. Realize the great offering The Lord Jesus Christ made for all seekers and believers in God by his death and resurrection according to the scriptures, for in His Name we may enter in to the holy place.

Consider Stephen as a great example and role model to follow as you serve The Lord. You may be the only "Bible" a person may see and read and your Christ like example may cause them to repent and be saved. Be prepared to give an account of your salvation using the Bible and scriptures while filled and led by God's Holy Spirit. God bless you today.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tuesday, 7 June 2016 and there are many that have not heard the Gospel. Be a watchman. Accept the responsibility of II Corinthians 5: 17-21and share Truth. All of you that are reading the One Year Bible and are excited to see how Solomon, King David's heir, will be responsible to be a good king, read carefully the fine print. In all aspects of our lives, God knows and regardless of how we act or disappoint, He loves us unconditionally.

As you read through the acts of the apostles  focus on the message and not the messenger. Note the advice given at Acts 5:34-40 and believe what God did for these men He will do for you and me. As you read the Psalms allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to greater faith in God. Proverbs 16:25 gives clarity to daily living when walking with God and clear warnings for those opposed to The LORD "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."

Pay attention to circumstances, consider John 3:12 and seek The LORD early while He may be found. Enjoy the indwelling of The Holy Spirit and walk at liberty as you are filled. Get right, be right, know right, do right and don't quit. Read your Bible to know God.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday, Memorial Day, 30 May 2016.  For those who have never been associated with the U.S.A. and it's respect for the military men and women who died as the result of combat actions during a war, you have been ill served. It is a privilege to be an American. What ever country you call home and you are willing to give all you have that others of your brothers may be better, you are privileged to be important to your homeland. Regardless of where you call home or place of birth, God loves you unconditionally and wants you to be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ The Lord.

Please read your Bible to know God.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

26 May 2016, Thursday and Sunday is coming, perhaps the rapture will be today, Maranatha. Are you ready to be translated into heaven to meet King Jesus and The father? It will be too late if you are not prepared and pre-booked. To be pre-booked your name must be written down in the "Book of Life"  This applies to all Nations that read Barnabas Blog  from Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turks & Caicos Islands, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam, there will be no exceptions. I hope you are prepared to give your account of what you did when The Holy Spirit confronted you with your sin issue and The Father offered you the free gift of salvation. You, all must be born again. Read your Bible to know God.

If you are reading the One Year Bible or at least following the schedule, you are encouraged by John's account of the promises given by Jesus today at chapter 15. This abiding principle was explained to me in 1978 and has been a sure source of pleasure and joy every time I consider where my strength, power and hope come from. Trust and obey.

Reading the life of King David gives clarity that in every person there is the ability to do good and the ability to do bad, we make our choices. After reading about King David and Uriah the Hittite and then John 15 we wish King David had been abiding in the Lord, led by The Holy Spirit, we then assume he would have gone to war, and not committed this terrible sin. Be careful what you look at, think about and want regardless of the known cost, the wage of sin is death.

Read and enjoy Psalm 119. Pay attention to the verbs and the words that describe the Word of God. The Proverb at 15:33 "The fear of the LORD is instruction of wisdom; and before honor there is humility."  came so in King David's life. Observe Proverbs 16:1-3 and commit thy work and your ways unto the LORD. My advice to all is: Get right, stay right, know right, do right and don't quit. Read your Bible to know God. He loves you unconditionally and is not willing that any be lost, but you must be holy to live forever with God. The way to holiness is by the new birth, forgiveness of sin and the wrath of Almighty GOD. Read John 3:1-36. Hope to see you in heaven, perhaps today.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

19 May 2016, Thursday and Sunday is coming. Hope you have been reading  your One Year Bible to know God every day. We have been given the opportunity to see how God provides for His children and this should give  us  confidence that  He's the same and He will do for us today as we are faithful.

I suggest that you read again the "sermon on the mount" from Matthew 5 and see beatitudes recorded lived out in the life of King David. You can gain more encouragement if you will read again Psalm 18 and correspond these songs of prayer and praise by David to the events he is facing today with King Saul.

I hope you are excited when reading the life of Jesus  according to the writing of John particularly when He heals the lame and blind. We may not have the same type of circumstances as these people, but if you and I are saved, we have been healed of our eternal sin debt. For us, Jesus paid a debt He did not owe while we owed a debt we could not pay. Take time to be thankful and grateful for the great salvation the LORD has bestowed on us.

I am midterm in my chemo treatment cycle and excited to see how God is blessing now with the expectation of positive results of remission by 1 August 2016. If you are saved, please pray that God The Father through Jesus,The only Begotten Son, get glory and all that seek Him have their joy full.

All men should be given the opportunity to hear the gospel. You may be some "whosoever" only hope, let your light shine. If you do not have that light of The Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you need to be saved today. Read  the New Testament book of John, chapter1:1-14, chapter 3:1-36, chapter  5:24, also Romans chapters 1,3 and 10. Ephesians 2:8,9 & 10 will encourage you and II Corinthians 5:17-21 will tell you the facts related to your expressed faith. May you be saved today.

Monday, May 9, 2016

9 May, 2016, Monday and some are still doubting. Take time to read John 5 and the read again from verse 24 to the end to gain confidence in the Truths of The Word of God that you may KNOW that you have eternal life. John 3:36 and 5:24 are plain, you are  or you are not saved. Please trust God. There are NO OPTIONS after death. Hebrews 9:27 is plain clear and true.

Hear His calling, believes His promises, admit your sinfulness, confess your unbelief, trust His calling, accept His offer, believe His hand, call to The Father in the name of The Son, receive His Spirit and become a son of God. Ephesians 2:8-10. John1 :1-14. Romans 10

Saturday, May 7, 2016

7 May 2016 and we have eternity before us. It is amazing to think that every soul born will be alive, either in heaven with the LORD or in hell with their father, Satan 100 years-1000-10,000+++ from now. Every soul has the opportunity to be saved. God has made it plain that the wage of SIN is death. God has made it plain that Jesus came to seek and to save those that were lost (you and me). The Old Testament previewed the coming anointed One and the New Testament declares Him. We are without excuse, reads Hebrews 9:27.

Tomorrow, Sunday,  many will go to a facility to have a religious service and many will focus on the words taken from Hebrews 10:25a without the discipline of reading the sentence that begins at verse 19. Take time to read your Bible to know God and The Holy Spirit will, if you are saved, make Truth  known to you for your edification.

As sons of God, brothers and co-laborers with The Lord Jesus Christ, priest and ministers of reconciliation, salt and light having The Word of reconciliation in our Bible we ought to know the mind and will of our Heavenly father as we act out as His ambassadors in these last days. Who have you provoked unto love and to good works? Seek them out, share the Gospel, depend on The Holy Spirit to draw them to confession, repentance and faith unto salvation according to the scriptures. Tell them to follow you as you take them to your assembly of born again believers who have been  baptized and covenanting together to do the will of God and so that they may be taught and trained.

Sunday is a Big Day! Read your Bible from Genesis 1:1 thru Revelation 22:21 every year. Use the One Year Bible or follow that format of reading every day the word of God to know Him. I am provoking you to love and good works.

Get right, stay right, be right, know right, do right and don't quit. Eternity is just a heart beat from now.

Friday, May 6, 2016

6 May 2016, How is your reading for today? I hope and pray that you will develop a discipline of reading every day your One Year Bible to know God. Today we are reminded to "fear God" and to not put confidence in our flesh. As we finished reading the Book of Judges, yea even the last verse, warns of the danger of doing what is right in our own eyes. Who is your King?

If you do not read the One Year Bible nor follow the reading outline while using the regular print King James Bible, read the Bible you can and follow the leadership of The Holy Spirit. Learn to pray for agreement with God. Admit your sin (s), confess your transgressions, strive for a broken heart and contrite spirit, repent and give your all to God The Father in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ. Believe that he will be reasonable with you and will forgive, cleanse and heal you instantly. It is a privilege to be clean and acceptable in The Beloved, having fellowship with the LORD.

Read John  1:1-14, 3:1-36 and 14:1-10. Are you ready to give your account of what you have done with the talents that God has given to you, today?  Maranatha, this could be The Day that you see clouds in the sky where you are and hear Him call the redeemed to glory. Get right, stay right, know right, do right and don't quit.

Do all for the glory of God, for Christ's sake and for the lost so that your joy may be full.
Read your Bible to know God, He loves you unconditionally.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday, 25 April 2016, and we are still here on earth and at the brink of Eternity. Are there any clouds in the sky where you are today? Read again Acts chapter 1 and consider that today may be the Day.

As you read through your One Year Bible or as you follow the schedule for daily reading, remember, we read to know God. Learn from the acts of the Jewish people as recorded in the book of The Judges how not to rebel against God, yet how to cry out, repent and do right.

As you read through the last days of Jesus with his disciples in Jerusalem where do you see yourself? Are you willing to sell out Jesus for a few pieces of silver? I say very carefully that it is better to follow Jesus, even from afar, than to deny him. Where are you today as a witness declaring what God did for you through the gospel and the Holy Spirit?

Look for the traits and attributes of God in the Psalms and Proverbs. As you pray strive to focus on adoring God. Spend more time being grateful and thankful for what you know. Remember, read your Bible to know God. God's love for you is unconditional!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sunday, 17 April 2016, and some are expecting to be able to go to work in the AM and have absolutely no fear of God. Take time to read Luke 16 and find the verses that deal with living the good and high life but dying hard while neighbors live a very demanding hard life yet die  easy and enjoy eternity. Don't let circumstances fool you, Hebrews 9:27 is true and so for all men. Those with the most toys at the end don't win. Compare your mode of kindness to those expressed at Matthew 25:31-46.  The choice is simple, choose you today whom you will serve, but you can have only one Master, God or mammon/money/world/Satan.

Hope you are reading the One Year Bible again. Hope you are reading The Bible cover to cover. No man can know the absolute will of God for himself until he reads, reads again and then re-reads every Word in a King James Version of the Holy Bible from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21. When you are confident answer these directions from James 4:17, Amos 3:3, Micah 6:8, Malachi 1:1-4:6. Write in your bankbook this lifestyle "Proverbs 30:5-9"  and then practice the presence of The Lord Jesus Christ at your side. Ecclesiastes12:13-14 warns all men, judgment is coming and all men will give an account of everything. Take time to get right, stay right, be right, know right, do right and don't quit because you are saved, a child of the King and on your way to heaven.  No man can do good deeds that qualifies him for heaven, it is a gift of God according to Ephesians :8,9,10.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday, 14 APRIL 2016, Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. I have had some unusual reactions to the chemo treatment and have become slack in trying to encourage you to read your Bible to know God. Please forgive me. If you are reading the One year Bible and are current you have been exposed to a wonderful review of how the LORD cares for his people. It seems as though all of us face a similar fate, either believe God's Word and be blessed or not believe and be cursed.
All men need to decide who is in charge. If you decide to believe God, then discipline yourself to read His Word every day, believe what you read and depend on the promise of The Holy Spirit as Comforter to teach and guide you.

As you read about the Jews and how they fight their battles, learn the lesson to obey. Do not trust man. Seek the wisdom and counsel of God. When you/we wait on The LORD we will never be late. Learn Prompt Obedience and Strict Discipline. Our suggestion is to get right, stay right, be right, know right, do right and don't quit.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday, 31 March 2016 and many of you are waiting for the Rapture and many are still in unbelief.   Do you know the difference? Are you prepared to meet Jehovah and give an account of all your days, words, deeds, thoughts and intents of your heart? Note Hebrews 9:27 and consider your ways. Read your Bible to know God. If you doubt that there is a God then look at Psalm 19. We are without excuse! All of us have sinned and come short of His glory. " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23.

Take time to read your Bible at Acts 2:29-47 and admit to yourself and to Almighty God who and what you are. You are a sinner that has not believed or a sinner forgiven who has believed.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Sunday 27 March 2016 and we have not seen the end of sin, the forgetfulness of man nor the fullness of the love of God until we look again to the empty tomb near Calvary. Up from the grave The Lord Jesus Christ arose! Do you know and believe the Gospel? Have you been reconciled to God?

Around the world this day all people will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. It is dark here in Texas at 12:24 AM, but East of here there are many hours before the rising of the sun, Our Dayspring will show Himself in His glory o/a 7:24 AM and in 24 hours we will be getting ready for work.. How does the celebration of this Day impact your life?

I hope and pray you will read the account of the past three days as they have been recorded in the Bible by God as He caused Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to write about Jesus entering Jerusalem, confronting the Jews in the temple. Note the special time with the disciples as they ate the last supper and went out to pray. Look at John chapter 17 and then concentrate on verses 20-26 to know that 2000 years ago God in the flesh, Jesus was praying for people like you and me.

This is the day we celebrate the Gospel of God The Father raising His Son the Lord Jesus Christ from the grave and if you will believe this,  you shall be saved according to the scriptures of Romans 10.

I pray for all of you from  Australia, Belarus, Bermuda, Canada, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Latvia, Malaysia, Panama, Philippians, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Vietnam that have looked at this blog to be saved.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday, 18 March 1957-2016 marriage to the same woman, YEA! As we celebrate this marker in time we stop to thank The Lord Jesus Christ for His birth, life, death & burial, resurrection and ascension into heaven to be our High Priest and Saviour.  The Father  saw the travail of his soul and was satisfied and took our sins and gave us His righteousness as a gift. We heard the Truth, believed what we heard and received the gift of forgiveness unto eternal life according to the scriptures, John 1:1-12.

What do you celebrate today? Are you in the hand of God? Why do you resist His love? Roman 5 tells us that while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us. Please consider God's offer of pardon for your sin of unbelief and receive His forgiveness, be born again. I pray the time you spend reading your Bible to know God will cause you to sense The Holy Spirit calling you, yet except God calls you will not be saved. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of The Holy is understanding. Read Psalm 1. It describes you today, one way or the other. There is no middle ground. Choose wisely today whom you will follow. I pray you be saved today.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wednesday, 16 March 2016, and the world is spinning and turning and is in turmoil. We are far past the time when we read Exodus 6. Luke is given to the readers a clear report of the time of preparation for the days of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the last paschal supper and the first Lord's Supper, Judas' betrayal, Peter's denial, Jesus' trial and crucifixion, His death and burial. The whole world is aware of these events that happened 2000+ years ago and they are waiting to celebrate His resurrection, Maranatha.

Jump ahead to Romans 1:1-17 and read of the God given desire of the Apostle Paul to encourage the scattered Jewish believers living in Rome. Are you a saint? Have you heard, believed and received the Gospel unto salvation? If not, I pray you be saved today. If you have not been redeemed or will not believe the Gospel sit down and read the pending dilemma facing all unbelievers.

Read, confess your sin of unbelief, hear the Truth, believe and receive forgiveness, full pardon from the wrath of God, agree that you have sinned against God in spirit, deed, word and acts and repent. Look at John 1:1-12 and believe and receive eternal life.

Many will show their understanding of the resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ early on Sunday morning, the first day of the week, even celebrate the day, yet perhaps not yet been Born Again according to the scriptures. Knowledge about God is not the same as knowing God as personal Saviour. Look at II Corinthians 5:17-21 to see if you are reconciled, if not do so today for Jesus' sake and your only hope.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday 8 March 2016, we have storms, rain, hail and the good possibility for tornados, The news tell us of politicians and their promises, War is in the promise land: from Ethiopia, along the Kings highway, past the Euphrates River to the border of India. There is sickness, crime and riots and sick people are starving while many are dying without the GOOD NEWS. What are you doing to tell the TRUTH and what has the LORD done for you that you have not shared?

My advice is GET right, be and stay right, then Do right and don't quit. Read your Bible to know God. Trust what you read and obey what The Holy Spirit leads you to believe and act upon.

Today in the One Year Bible we get to see how God instructs Moses to lead. Numbers 10 & 11 are full of obedience and leadership. Learn how to pray from 10:35-36. Stand amazed at how Jesus makes all men to be at ease while his enemy takes food from his hand. Mark 14:1-21 is uncomplicated and to the point, God is Omniscient. Take time to read Psalm 51 and then take time to apply these truths to your sprit as you read it again, now how is your heart and spirit?

Take the warning given by the LORD at Proverbs 10:31-32 and connect your acts with those of Psalm 1 and beware of your friends, and as a friend speak TRUTH so as to edify others. Read your Bible to know God.    There are clouds in the sky and this may be The Day, Maranatha. Amen

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday 2 March 2016 and it is sad that we are losing visitors to the blog and fewer people are reading their Bibles to know God. There have been viewers from more than 22 different countries visit this site, yet the numbers are decreasing. Will you help promote this blog? Call a friend and share a truth you gained by reading your Bible to know God. If you do not have knowledge, then seek it early every day by reading the Holy Bible and submitting yourself to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. God wants ALL MEN TO KNOW HIM AS ELOHIM AND then AS JEHOVAH. You may start your learning by reading Psalm 19 while looking toward the East, first thing in the AM when the Sun is rising. Read it in a clear distinct and  loud voice as if God were listening to you read.

Pay attention to the commandments given by God to Moses for the Jews as recorded at the Book of Leviticus as they prepared to enter the promise land. God is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY! Learn the names and titles given for the Lord Jesus Christ and attend to His instructions as if you were one of the disciples walking with Jesus as recorded in MARK.

Allow the truth shared at Psalm 45 thrill your soul as you accept the responsibility to obey God's will for your life. God id generous in His blessings, but He is not slack in whom He blesses. Take time to Get Right, then BE right, then DO right and don't quit. If you are a child of the King of KINGS then act like you are! Read your Bible, if you don't have a Bible, shame on you for not asking.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Saturday, 27 February 2016 and I'm back again to encourage you to read your Bible every day, early and first so that you start with The LORD and His Word. I wish that all of you were reading the One Year Bible so that as we read, here and around the world, 23 nations, we would be seeing and reading the same scriptures in harmony. If you do not have a One Year Bible the schedule is posted in the blog for daily reading.

For example today we read Leviticus 20:22-22:20 and learn about God's ways being obedient; Mark 9:1-29 Jesus teaches about faith and prayer;  Psalm 43:1-5 tells all men about JOY and Proverbs 10:18 warns about lying and being foolish. There are many other nuggets of truth given today for those who seek to find them.

In this blog I've posted many times the scriptures involved in God's plan of salvation. Learn truths and believe what God says to all men, Ye must be born again! If you want to review the scriptures God used to draw me to Himself, read MY TESTIMONY AND BELIEVE HE IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSON FOR WHAT HE DID FOR me HE WILL DO FOR ANY THAT ARE BROKEN OF HEART AND HAVE A CONTGRITE SPIRIT. It is as plain as John 3:12. You are a whosoever. Whosoever will call upon the Name of The LORD can be/will be/shall be saved.

Hope to see you in heaven for Psalm 119:74 " They that fear thee will be glad when they see me; because I have hoped in thy word."  Maranatha, Amen.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Fruiday26 March 2016 and I'm back. We have had a journey deep in the valley of the shadow and The Lord guided us through to green grass and still water. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. We have been on our daily reading target every day this year even in some pain, but always gaining insight and knowledge. Remember Knowledge of the Holy and understanding the Scriptures direct our paths and make pain the will of God.

Since we were diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and reacting to the news, The Lord directed me to Psalm 119:71-80. Please read these verses we me daily and pray for you to have a better understanding of how the Lord is dealing with you and me. One of my dreams is that one day you will be glad to see me because we have hoped in his word. Each day we get to seek God's face and ask for the merciful kindness be our comfort because we are his servant. Yea, thank God for his tender mercies so that we might live and that his law would be our delight. When in doubt or in the dark, recall what "you KNOW" about God.

As we have been reading through the Book of Leviticus and concentrating on the presentation of the animal for sacrifice, how much care is taken in selecting the animal before it is slain. Review the work required by the priest in catching the blood and then cutting up the parts for use and those for burning as waste outside the camp. Now compare that to what we as sons of God get to say as we approach our Heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus as our High Priest. Please be grateful for the finished work of Jesus as our suitable and acceptable sacrifice for our sins. Today we read in Proverbs 10:17 "He is in the way of life that keepeth instruction: but he that refuseth reproof erreth."

Read your Bible to know God. I pray you be saved to Be right, then obey and love the LORD to do right and then don't quit.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Thursday, 4 February 20126 AND I AM GLAD TO BE ABLE TO POST. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. We have selected Psalm 119:71-80 as our verses for extra reading each day as we undergo this time of affliction. I realize there are many people who have faced bad news and walked through the valley of the shadow of death and some have to walk alone into the valley of death and separation from God forever. Please prepare for eternity.

In reading today the story of God's rescue and salvation of the Jews from Egypt we ought to be amazed. The generosity and blessings God gave to them are available for every person today. Yes you can be saved even standing at the brink of the sea of death and destruction. Hear what God says, believe, repent, confess and trust. Trust and obey for there is no other way! Read again Matthew 23:13-29 and consider verses 34-39 carefully. God will not be mocked.

Take time to cry out unto the LORD Psalm 28:1-9 and put into practice the advice given in Proverbs 7:1-5. It is you that God is seeking. Jesus has paid the penalty for your sin (s) and the gift of salvation is free for "whosoever" will read, believe and receive The Lord Jesus Christ as their saviour according to the scriptures. Ye must be born again, read  John 3:1-36. I hope and pray for your salvation today.

If you want any more information contact us through the facebook at BarnabasImpactMinistry.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday, 27 January, 2016 and still there are many of you who have not believed unto salvation. We are grateful that some have read, believed what they read and have responded to the Holy Spirit to salvation. There is only ONE Way to be saved from the wrath of GOD, Jesus said that he was the way, the truth, and the life. Read Matthew 7:13-29 and learn the Truths given about the strait gate and the good tree.

As we read this week, take extra time to re-read Psalms 22-23-24 as one. What will you say to God when he ask you why he should let you enter into heaven. Consider Hebrews 9:27 as a start for your journey of life and hope you are led to II Corinthians 5:17-21 before it is eternally too late. John 3:1-36 is there for your reading and belief. If you are interested in knowing "more" about God's plan for your salvation, look at my testimony at the blog. What He did for me is what He will do for you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday, 19 January 2015, and no one has sent a note that they had read their Bible and believed what God had said about sin and salvation. If you did read John 3:1-36 you got Truth. I like to start my day by considering John3:12 and striving to learn what God is showing me today/each day. Due to this time of testing the LORD made Himself known in Palms 119:71-80 that I am not alone and that in times of distress He wants me/you to seek Him and trust His WORD.

Hope you will read your Bible today and each day to know God. No man will know the full will of God until he has read every word said by God at least once. I strongly suggest you start at the beginning; Genesis 1:1-; Matthew 1:1-; Psalm 1:1- and Proverbs 1:1- and read every day till December 31 ending at Malachi 4:6, Revelation 22:21, Psalm 150:6 and Proverbs 31:31. Read to know God. If you want assistance in getting to know God consider the papers at the blog dealing with how to pray and how to read the Bible. If you need a Bible contact at facebook.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday, 16 January 2016, and I hope you are enjoying the blessings of God. I had several days of testing to determine my health status. I've found that "not knowing" and speculating do not satisfy. I've also learned that when specialist tells you it will take time, he is always right. The principles given to all men is to wait on the LORD. Look at Proverbs 3 and re-read before you pray for understanding. Hope you are reading your Bible to know God.

It would be great if we all were reading the One Year Bible and meditating on the same scriptures each day so that our prayers would be pleasing unto the LORD. While I was being sedated for testing I had recalled what we read the 4th of January at verse 8 of Psalm 4 "I will both lay me down in peace and sleep: for thou, LORD, only maketh me dwell in safety." I would start to say that when the meds were starting to take effect and snap, I was in recovery room. Trust in The LORD.

You can follow the read through the Bible in one year when you return to the blog. If you don't read THE BIBLE, GOD LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY. God made provision that all men might be saved, but only if they did what He said to do and it is recorded in the Bible. Read, believe, obey, confess, repent from self unto God by faith and receive His gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. The shed blood of Jesus Christ is sufficient for all of the world, BUT only efficient for those who believe and receive. Read John 3:1-36.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Saturday, 9 January 2016, celebrate for this is the day that The LORD has made. Hope you are up to date on reading your One Year Bible. Read your Bible to know God. God loves you unconditionally and he will not love you more or less if you do or do not read your Bible.

As you read today re-read Genesis 22 and meditate on God's Omniscience and Omnipotence.  Genesis is "BIG LEAGUE" Christianity! This may be referred to as the ACID TEST of OBEDIENCE. Meditate on the phrase given at Genesis 22:7-8 ....My son, God will provide himself (my pause) a lamb for a burnt offering.... All men need to hear the Truth, God so loves the world! 

Read to know, hear to obey, believe to receive God's gift of eternal life. Admit your sin of unbelief, repent. Read John 3:1-36, Ephesians 2:8-10 and rest in 1stJohn 1:1-10.

I pray you believe God and be saved. I pray that you believe God and do His will.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thursday, 7 January 2016 and this could be the day! No man has a guarantee that he will have tomorrow. All men will be somewhere 100 years from today, with God or separated from God because of unbelief. This is the day! Hope you are reading your Bible to know God. If you are following the One Year schedule then we are reading the same verses  and The Holy Spirit of God will cause us to learn today what we need to be in fellowship with God The Father and to be more like the Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN. Maranatha.

Read, believe and practice Psalm 7. Accept the admonition at Proverbs 2:1-5.Pray as Jesus Christ did in Matthew 6. Be amazed at the Omnipotence, Omniscience, mercy and grace demonstrated by God for his people in Genesis16-18. Grace= God's riches at Christ expense = divine enablement. You have it or you don't. God's salvation is a gift.

Friday, January 1, 2016

1 January 2016 Happy New Year. Congrats for your efforts to read your Bible every day to know God. Start your new year with a review of some of the benefits you enjoy because you are saved, a child of the King, forgiven, your name is written down in the Lamb's Book of Life and you are expecting the call of God to come up hither at any moment, Maranatha! If this is not your case, please be saved today.

I shared this info with the people of the local nursing home last month about some of the events in the life of Jesus Christ that reminded me of how far it is from heaven to earth. God did all men a favor when Jesus came to where we were, as us, for us, so that we might be reconciled to God by faith.

How far did The Lord Jesus Christ come? ….An eternal being stepped into our world, our realm, into our time, our space and reality to reconcile you and me, all men, back to God the Father.  LUKE 2:1-20 (An illustration of  a missionary in Africa)              
According to the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible it is recorded in Exodus 6:3-5 the manner in which The Lord Elohim was known to all men by creation and conscious Psalm 19,  He wanted all know Him as Jehovah-The Almighty God-The Saviour, So He came:……
He came as a baby—Genesis 3:15 according to the scriptures

He became a man__ He was / is and will forever be God The God/Man    John 1”1-

He came to a lowly couple- Joseph & the virgin Mary, Isaiah 7:14- of the royal line of King David

He came to a people of long time captivity-The Jews-from Egypt, From Babylon –From  SIN

He came to the little village of Bethlehem according to scripture  Micah 5:2

He came to a manger, a trough for cattle; seen by the shepherds (Luke 2) sought by wise men

He grew up in Nazareth, worked in carpentry shop

He came to what was to Him a leprosy colony—He chose us     Isaiah 57:15

He came to be among us    Isaiah 9:6-7 

He came with no set place for His head

He came and lived for 33 ½ years

He came to be forever the God-Man--The Saviour of all men who believe accept

He came to be rejected  sold for thirty pieces of silver-mutilated-crown with thorns

He came to His own people and they rejected Him as Messiah     John19:1-7

He came to the cross--to be crucified with malefactors--to be pierced-- to die ((for sinners))

He came to be buried-- to be raised from the dead on the third day according to scriptures

He came from the grave, appeared to his disciples and ascended to heaven   Mark 16:19

He came to me at the time of  “my” salvation—He chose me—He saved me

He came to live inside me as the Holy Spirit –The Comforter according to scriptures

He comes to me in times of great need for fellowship in His word

He is coming to take me to be with Him forever, Maranatha according to scriptures  Heb 9:27. He is coming to judge the world, to open the books and to separate sheep from goats
I pray you set a goal of reading through every word in the Bible this year, starting today. I pray the Holy Spirit of God be your Teacher. I hope you believe what you read, share what you know and walk as you should. Get right, Be right, stay right and don't quit. By God's grace I will help you.