Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 15th is a great date to remember. Where were you1. years ago and what was your great problem and or grand blessing? We have been reading the history of the children of GOD and we complain about them not obeying GOD or for forgetting His promises and His provisions. Well, let us take a short memory exam. CAN YOU REMEMBER WHEN YOU GOT SAVED? Since your salvation experience how many days consecutively have you read and prayed first thing in the AM? Have you done all of the biding of GOD? Have we walked in His footprints as we followed Him? Have we complained about His gifts? Have we forgot Him? and had interest only in His blessings? Now, let us read today and see if we see ourselves acting very similar to those who Nehemiah and Paul labored with and prayed for.We need to learn from these ensamples. Read to know Him.

Nehemiah 9:22-10:39 and the rebuke, reproof, correction and instruction continues for the children of GOD. Have you ever prayed like this? Have you ever wanted to pray like this?Let us agree to pray that The LORD will send a man of GOD to confront the President and political leaders of the USA of their sins, our sins and speak like Nehemiah and Ezra so that we stop our rebellion and confess our sins. Our day of accountability is coming, and could be today.We are stewards of GOD's handiwork.It would be godly and wonderful if we would vow to and obey GOD.

1st Corinthians 9:20-10:14 brings us to the brink of a confession.What will you be/do for GOD?Do you really believe v13? Let us learn from these ensamples.If we try really hard to please GOD, what do we more than the Pharisees?Be right and do right.

Psalm 34:1-10 Have you blessed The LORD at all times? If not,why not? He is worthy!Have you ever asked anyone to magnify and exalt The LORD with you? Pray together. How does v7 impact your concept of GOD? Selah. Amen.

Proverbs 21:13 Stewardship, what you sow, ye shall reap, the same, more and later.How do you support benevolence? We must hear their cry and serve them. AMEN. PJ
**Hope to see you all in the AM for SS and church. Prepare to be ready and on time now.

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