August 19th If you want to think of the old days, look at the history recorded years ago today. Where was the cell phone, Internet, automobile, credit cards, television, electric toys/gadgets, space travel, local church and The Bible?Now consider what you expect to have or even need in 100 years. Every person will be either still here on earth,or in Hell or Heaven.With what you have at your disposal today, what preparations have you made for eternity.100 years from today, yea even right now there are no atheist in Hell, nor unbelievers in Heaven.Yea or nay, no other way!
Ether 4:1-7:10 Declares to us that GOD is working for our good and His glory.We observe how people go from sight to faith to sight in these verses.Faith demonstrated is believing and acting out truth.What part of your life, goals, dreams, ambitions and expectations is The LORD your Hope?It is GOD that holds the hearts of men, be it a beggar, prince or king. Stewardship is evident in that believers act out well with the gifts and talents that GOD has given them.Please read Psalm 62:5 and compare that, these verses and your hopes.Pride and presumptuous sins always cause hurt. Haman wanted his most hated enemy to hang upon the gallows in his back yard, and sure enough he did.As you read v7:10 a greater truth is revealed in that one day the King's wrath will be pacified, but That King will be GOD and all those who failed to believe will be cast into the lake of fire. Oh ME!
1st Corinthians 12:1-26 speaks of evidence of faith acted out by believers in the church. We have difficulty separating items of unity versus uniformity. It is OK to be different! Get in step! Don't just listen to the music, hear the music.Why does it hurt so much if we let someone else go first? Do you sense that you are in The Family? There is only one Father and our Elder Brother is the first born and v6-7 makes clear the work of The Holy Spirit in our lives.What a blessing to understand the triunity of GOD. Dear LORD for Jesus sake cause us to stop comparing our things to others and to focus upon The Lord Jesus Christ. Cause us to understand that it is not GOD's will to have schisms in the body/church.Teach us honesty and humility.
Psalm 36:1-12 It would appear that this Psalm might apply to and describe Haman from today's reading in Esther. What did you learn about The LORD? He is no respecter of persons.Did you see any traits or promises? Selah. Read to know Him. Be and do right.
Proverbs 21:21-22 Do you have life? How did you get it? Do you honor the Lord Jesus Christ because of His mercy and righteousness? Does GOD, The Father consider you wise?It is a truth,busy people get called on to serve.What are you doing for GOD? pj
PS Hope to see you, my brother, in church tonight.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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