Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I've created a facebook page for our use during the coming years. Please go to www.facebook.com/BarnabasImpact to join.

 31 December 2013 Tuesday, last day to get right with God this year. I've prepared these notes for a review.  Class Notes for The One Year 365 Bible Class 2013, 31 December 2013.

Thank you for participating in our class and reading through the One Year Bible.  This has been a good year.  We have read, seen and heard the Word of God more clearly and by that we have been drawn closer to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I sincerely hope and pray that we will discipline ourselves and continue to read daily through our KJV  Bible from 1 January 2014 until we hear the Voice calling us up into heaven, Maranatha!
Hopefully you will continue to refine and then to write out your personal testimony.  Consider starting with the day your life was CHANGED and brag on how God used scriptures to confront, convince and comfort you unto salvation. 

Read again those verses given during the year to provoke your interest.  Remember: John 3:12, James 4:17, II Corn 5:17-21, II Tim 3:16-17, Col 3:15-17, Phil 3:10, Acts 4:10-12,  John 3:36; 15:5-7,  Psalm 19; 119:9-11 &138:2, Amos 3:3, Hab 2:3, 1stChr 4:9, Jer 29:11, 1stPet 2:17, 2ndPet 1:12, 1stJohn 1:1-10, Rom 3:23;5:8; 6:23 & 10:9-13,  Hebrews 10:22-25 and 9:27.  Discipline yourself to look every day/AM to the East and say Psalm 19.  Walk every day in view of the Rapture and in II Corinthians 13:14.
A thought to consider is "Faith is the ability to feel so sure of God and His Word that no matter how dark the day, there is no doubt as to the outcome."

Each of you will be an asset to the Sunday School class you join and attend. Victory Baptist Church will be strengthened because you are more like Christ now that when we began 1 January 2013. Please remember the military personnel and their families.
Get right, Be right, Do right and don't quit. Sincerely for Christ's sake,
Powell Johnson

Sunday, December 22, 2013

22 December 2013 Sunday PM-Wow what a great day. Hope you read your Bible to know God and attended a God centered church to be taught and edified. You should prepare yourself by reading through the KJV Bible every year and that will allow The Holy Spirit to teach you God's Truth so that you not get led astray. PLEASE read your Bible first before you study any lesson. Learn God's names, attributes, traits, promises and warnings. Hide His Word in your heart and meditate.

Thanks to all of you from the USA, Poland, Russia, India, Panama, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Australia, France, Taiwan, Germany, Greece, Malaysia, Bermuda, Spain, United Kingdom and Singapore who have looked at this blog.  My sincerest hope is that you have been drawn by The Holy Spirit of God to know God's Word thereby coming to salvation by faith in the finished work of The Lord Jesus Christ. I pray you continue to read to know Him and grow in the grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God The Father and have communion with The Holy Ghost.  Look at 1stPeter 3:8-22. I wish for you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holy Days and a blessed time with family.

Lesson # 52 will be the last lesson for this year for the One Year 365 Bible Class  29 December 2013 I'm not sure what you gained from this year of reading the One Year Bible, but I've enjoyed sharing with you God's Truths and watch some of you joy and grow while others were overcome.  Please let us never be to proud to stop and to linger with those who are compassed about with Satan's dart and threats. This is not a new commandment. Read to know God, Get right/Be right/Do right and don't quit.

MON 23  Zechariah 4:1-5:11; Revelation 14:1-20; Psalm 142:1-7; Proverbs 30:21-23; The lesson for today is Psalm 142:4. How does this apply to God? When does a lost man know this? How does a saved man prevent this in his own life?
TUE 24  Zechariah 6:1-7:14; Revelation 15:1-8;Psalm 143:1-12; Proverbs 30:124-28; How do the admonitions of Zechariah 7:8-14 direct your lifestyle? How often do you shout, sing and pray Revelation 15:3-4? Why should God hear even listen to your prayers? *** What story do you tell children about tonight concerning Jesus or santa?
WED 25  Zechariah 8:1-23; Revelation 16:1-21;Psalm 1444:1-15; Proverbs 30:29-31; How often or when is Zechariah 8:16 demonstrated by you? How often do you tell others about GOD demonstrated in Revelation 16:7?Is Psalm 144:1 only for the military? How does it apply to you? How is John 3:12 like Proverbs 30:29-31? Why do you celebrate today as the day of birth of Jesus. What gifts do you bring Him?
THU 26  Zechariah 9:1-17; Revelation 17:1-18;Psalm 145:1-21;Proverbs 30:32; How appropriate is Zechariah 9:9 and 16-17? Take time to give thanks. According to Revelation 17 why will The Lamb win the battle? What discipleship principals did you gain from Psalm 145? Why lay your hand on your mouth?

FRI 27  Zechariah 10:111:17;Revelation 18:1-24; Psalm 146:1-10;Proverbs 30:33; How does Zachariah 10 impact your concept of God? What /how will God treat idol shepherds? Why is the cry of Revelation 18:4 appropriate for us today? Shout aloud Psalm 146. Don't get agitated.
SAT 28  Zechariah 12:1-13:9; Revelation19:1-21; Psalm 147:1-20;Proverbs31:1-7; How is Zechariah 12 similar to Genesis 1-3? What picture of Jesus did you see in chapter 13? Why will people shout Alleluia in Revelation 19? How is John1 shown in this chapter? Do you believe this chapter? Does The LORD refer to you and Psalm 147:11? God respects mothers and deals kindly with husbands and sons who do the same.

SUN 29  Zechariah 14:1-21; Revelation 20:1-15;Psalm 148:1-14;Proverbs 31:8-9; Why do not men act out Zechariah 14:1 & 20? Where will you be when Revelation 20 takes place? How is Psalm 148:13 demonstrated by your conduct? Why do we intercede?
MON 30  Malachi 1:1-2:17; Revelation21:1-27; Psalm 149:1-9;Proverbs 31:10-24;The last Old Testament words given by God to Jews. 400 years will pass until Jesus is born, darkness. What offended God? Recall when Revelation 21:3-7 comes to pass. How does Psalm 149 tells us about honor. Where do men find virtuous women?

TUE 31  Malachi 3:1-4:6; Revelation 22:1-21;Psalm 150:1-6; Proverbs 31:25-31;How is your stewardship? What will be your blessing? From Revelation1 thru 22:21what do we learn about God? How is your faith proved by your works? Look at Psalm 19 and 150 then shout! God wants every woman to be as a Proverbs 31 daughter, woman and mother.   It is possible, there is nothing too hard for God.
This will be the last class session and final lesson for 2013.  Congrats for striving to read each day your One Year 365 KJV Bible to know God and developing a discipline leading to holiness, righteousness and joy unspeakable. My prayer is that you will commit to seeking daily diligently in the scriptures The Lord God Almighty as a lifestyle. May your prayers, praise, life and conversation bring glory to God and your joy be full.          Please accept Johnson's rule: Get right/Be right-Do right and don't quit.

Merry Christmas Happy Holy Days. Hope to see you in heaven, get ready, Maranatha!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday 16 December 2013, yea Friday is coming and then Sunday! Hope you are reading your Bible and seeking diligently to know God, enjoy His forgiveness of your SINS and expecting His coming in the clouds to call you to Himself at any moment, Maranatha!!! I've attached Lesson # 51, One Year 365 Bible Class that we will be discussing on 22 December 2013.
We are closer to the end than when we began. Congrats for staying by the STUFF! You are more aware of God, His names and attributes, by reading to know Him than the majority of the penmen used by God. Few people get to hold, read, see, touch and know the mind and will of The Lord God Almighty. 
We are blessed! Read Psalm 1!  NOTE, today at Micah 6:8 the will of God "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?" Read to know Him pay attention to John 3:12, observe Psalm 19 in action and believe what you read.
MON 16  Micah 5:1-7:20;Revelation 7:1-17;Psalm 135:1-21;Proverbs 30:5-6;What a great privilege to read the prophecy of Jesus this day and see how He is central in our worship during this time of year. Appreciate the opportunity to confess sins, be forgiven and to shout to the world how great is GOD! We that are redeemed will watch our God in action during the tribulation. We will get to praise HIM! Shout back to heaven Psalm 135:13. Be thankful for the proverbs Truth.
TUE 17  Nahum 1:1-3;19; Revelation 8:1-13; Psalm 136:1-26; Proverbs 30:7-9; Believe that The God written about in Nahum is our Saviour. How is your fear factor of your Holy Father? We ought to read Revelation 8 and weep in joy for our salvation. Take time to appreciate God's mercy. Consider this proverb for your checkbook monitor.
WED 18  Habakkuk 1:1-3:19; Revelation 9:1-21; Psalm 137:1-9;Proverbs 30:10; Watch for those obstacles that get into your prayer chamber. Look to see Hebrews 9:27 in Habakkuk. Take time to write out your prayer request. Revelation 9 Judgment! Be thankful for your salvation and be motivated to tell others the Truth. How is your song that you got out of Psalm 40,24 Feb & 25 Aug? Be careful with accusations.
THU 19  Zephaniah 1:1-3:20; Revelation 10:1-11; Psalm 138:1-8; Proverbs 30:11-14;What has not yet happened as recorded in Zephaniah? What trait of God did you learn at v2:9-15? How do you practice v3:8-9 &17-20? How did you see God in chapter 10 of Revelation? Have the promises of Psalm 138 changed your life? Proverbs ????
FRI 20  Haggai 1:1-2:23; Revelation 11:1-19; Psalm 139:1-24; Proverbs 30:15-16;How have you considered your stewardship to be in agreement with God's concept of your stewardship? Who is reigning in Revelation11? How long has God known you?
SAT 21  Zechariah 1:1-21; Revelation12:1-17; Psalm140:1-13; Proverbs 30:17; According to Zechariah what does God require of His people? How does God use the 1260 days to show Himself to the world? Why will we rejoice? How do you use Selah after Psalm 140:6-9? How does the proverb relate to the Ten Commandments?
SUN 22  Zechariah 2:1-3:10; Revelation 13:1-18; Psalm 141:1-10; Proverbs 30:18-20; What hope did God give Zechariah for His people? Recall your reading in Daniel about the 10 horn beast and seek to see God's power as written in Revelation 13. Beware of the trinity of man 666. Are your prayers as incense in heaven today? Is v8 of Psalm 140 so in your life? What do you marvel at as respect to the proverb?
Prepare for the Holy Days. Maranatha! Get gifts. Give gifts. Share The Lord Jesus Christ with your family, friends, neighbors and those that despitefully abuse you.  Be grateful for your greatest gift, salvation.  I've heard "Don't trade in what you want most for what you want at the moment." I hope to see you in heaven, perhaps today, perhaps tonight, perhaps

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday 11 December 2013, Friday is on the way and Sunday is coming. Hopefully you have been reading your KJV Bible and paying attention to the truths recorded in the book of Amos. Seven times you will find the word beth-el.  Learn that this refers to the house of God. Beth=house and El refers to God. The concern is that most miss seeking the EL of the bethel. Until you KNOW God as Saviour you are lost and condemned already. Read John 3:1-36. We are taught to honor the builder and not the building. Marvel not, ye must be born again. Read The Bible to know God.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday 9 December 2013 Friday will be here soon and Sunday is coming.  Hope that you have been reading your BIBLE to know God and that The Lord has used some of the question in the lessons to provoke you to consider your preparation for eternity . Hebrews 9:27 is real! The lesson for this week is Lesson # 50, One Year 365 Bible Class for 15 December 2013. 
We did not have services this Sunday due to ice and travel restrictions. We are still stranded (Sat-Mon) in our home and yet the ice on our drive is still 2" thick and the temp is 32. We are safe, secure and waiting for the trumpet, Maranatha.

 We have finished reading the 4 Major Prophets and now begin the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. The minor prophets were designated minor due to the length of the writings. Look to see how the Gentiles are included with the Jews. Look for the Gospel to be presented. Be aware of the signs indicating David's rule, repentance offered to a sinful nation, and announcements of the birth of Jesus.  When you read the Revelation of Jesus Christ focus on Him and not just His. Practice praying back the Psalms and Proverbs.

MON 9  Joel 1:1-3:21;Revelation 1:1-20; Psalm 128:1-6; Proverbs 29:18; How does v15 cause you to tremble? How do you see John 3 similar to chapter 2? Who is in the valley of decisions? What promise did you note in chapter 1 of The Revelation? What promise is similar in Psalm 128? What truth is verified in the proverb for today?

TUE 10  Amos:1:1-3:15; Revelation 2:1-17; Psalm129:1-8; Proverbs 29:19-20;How does God measure transgressions? How does v3:2 of Amos catch your attention? What attributes of God are shown in Revelation chapter 2? What truth is given in Psalm 129:4? What is the result of speaking before thinking?
WED 11  Amos 4:1-6:14; Revelation 2:18-3:6; Psalm 130:1-8;Proverbs 29:21-22;How does Amos 4:2 & 13 encourage you? How do you pray back v5:8-15? What terror do you feel reading Revelation 2:20? What gift has God given to us today as recorded  in these chapters? How is Psalm 130  similar to Psalms 40 & 51? How are you like the master as recorded in the proverbs?

THU 12  Amos 7:1-9:15; Revelation 3:7-22; Psalm 131:1-3;Proverbs 29:23;Like Amos how do you see the plumbline? What did you gain from the object lessons? How did chapter 9 impact your concept of God? How does Revelation 3:20 impact your daily conversation? Do you use Psalm 131 in your prayers? How is your honour today?
FRI 13  Obadiah 1:1-21;Revelation 4:1-11; Psalm 132:1-18; Proverbs 29:24-25;According to Obadiah what/when is that day? When will revelation 4 take place? According to Psalm 132 how does conduct/stewardship influence lineage? How does partnership/bad friends impact believers?

SAT 14  Jonah 1:1-4:11; Revelation 5:1-14; Psalm 133:1-3; Proverbs 29:26-27;What truths about people and about God did you learn from Jonah? What attributes of God did you learn today? How does 3:9 motivate you? How does Revelation 5:5 & 14 encourage you? Do you enjoy Psalm 133? Who do you hate?
SUN 15  Micah 1:1-4:13; Revelation 6:1-17; Psalm 134:1-3; Proverbs 30:1-4;What is the transgression of Jacob? What aspect of God did you see in 3:4? What promise did you gain in chapter 4? Who is riding the horses? What attributes of God did you learn? Who blesses who in Psalm 134? What questions did you see in the proverbs?
*** Look and read to see and know God, The Lord Jesus Christ and get in agreement with HIM!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday 4 December 2013, Friday is near and SUNDAY is coming. Are you ready and prepared to meet GOD? Make sure you have your ticket for the Rapture Express! As you read this week I pray you seek diligently to know God.  This lesson #49 will be discussed in our Sunday School Class at Victory Baptist Church Sunday 8 December 2013. Remember, prepare your heart and confess your sins, ask for The Holy Spirit to teach you as you READ your Bible. Be sensitive, admire God's handiwork while you focus on Him.  What attributes of God are you seeking to find this week as you read to know God?

Consider How God used Daniel to interpret dreams of men and how angels interpreted dreams for Daniel.  Focus on God as you read about the beasts,  Belshazzar, Darius and Cyrus.  Why do you obey God and God's Word?

MON 2  Daniel 9:1-10:21; 1stJohn 2:18-3:6; Psalm 121:1-8; Proverbs 28:27-28;How do you pray after you read v9:3-23? What did you learn about your lifestyle from v10:11-15? What promises did you gain in John's letter and the psalm? Does the proverb impact your attitude about stewardship today?
TUE 3 Daniel 11:1-34; 1st John 3:7-24; Psalm122:1-9; Proverbs29:1;How is the vile person of Daniel v21 showing himself today? How does v17 of John impact your stewardship? How do you pray in agreement with Psalm 122? How do you respond to reproof from God and also from man?
WED 4 Daniel 11:35-12:13;1st John 4:1-21;Psalm 123:1-4; Proverbs 29:2-4;How does God's description of Satan help you in facing adversity? What did Daniel learn about the time of tribulation? How do you apply the instruction given in John 4?Did the Psalm make you feel guilty? Is the proverb applicable today?
As we read Hosea, know that he was first of the 12 minor prophets and he was a prophet unto the Northern kingdom following Elijah, Elisha, Jonah and Amos. We will read about Israel's' idolatry, wickedness, captivity and the future restoration. God hates sin but loves sinners. How did God use Hosea's family life to show Israel's sin?

THU 5  Hosea 1:1-3:5;1st John 5:1-21; Psalm 124:1-8;Proverbs 29:5-8;Is it always easy to obey God? How is this similar to the parable of the prodigal son? Do you believe john v5:5?Did you see eternal security at v11? How do you praise God because of Psalm 124:8? Why do you sing after reading the proverb?
FRI 6 Hosea 4:1-5:15; 2nd John 1:1-13; Psalm 125:1-5; Proverbs 29:9-11;How does Hosea 4:6 apply to "us/USA" today? What attribute of God is shown at v5:15? What restriction did you note in 2ndJohn? How do you pray for others using Psalm v4? How may the wicked influence our lifestyle?

SAT 7 Hosea 6:1-9:17; 3rd John 1:1-14; Psalm 126:1-6; Proverbs 29:12-14; What did God discover in Ephraim? What did you learn about God at v8:14? How did God use John to instruct the church? How is stewardship shown in the psalm? How does God judge the king?

SUN 8  Hosea 10:1-14:9; Jude 1:1-25;Psalm 127:1-5;Proverbs 29:15-17;How does Hosea 10:12 influence your conduct? How does God judge Israel in chapter 12? How is Jehovah shown in chapter 13? Why did Jude want his people to earnestly contend for the faith? Do you believe Psalm 127? Do you enjoy rest and peace in your soul?
Pray for the lost. Apply 1Peter 2:17. If you are SAVED, waiting for the RAPTURE, read 1stJohn 1-5 and believe these Truths are for you today.  Maranatha.                              Remember: Get right/Be right-DO right and don't quit. pj  see you in heaven any day now.

Friday, November 29, 2013

29 November 2013 Friday and Sunday is coming!  This lesson # 48  One Year 365 Bible Class will be conducted 1 December 2013. Hope you are enjoying God and gaining confidence in Him whom you have believed. As you read Daniel remember he was taken captive from Jerusalem and was in  Babylon 605-536 B.C.  God made many prophecies through visions for Daniel concerning the Gentile Nations and for the Jews while in captivity concerning the world's events prior to the Messianic Kingdom and of the end of the world. A key verse is 4:17 and unfolds as God is shown ruling the world.
 ** Remember read your Bible FIRST, then consider the lesson questions and comments. We are to Read to KNOW God, not just the Truths about Him.

Mon 25  Daniel1:1-2:23; 1st Peter 3:10-4:6; Psalm 119:71-80; Proverbs28:14; Watch for how God deals with man  through dreams. How have/do you sanctify God in your heart? How does Psalm 119:71 & 77 relate to Daniel? Are you fearfully happy?
Tue 26  Daniel 2:24-3:30; 1st Peter 4:7-5:14; Psalm 119:81-95; Proverbs 28:15-16; What caused Daniel to intercede for others? What did you learn about God from  Daniel 3:29? How does Maranatha relate to 1st Peter 4,5? How does Psalm 119:89 impact your hope? Why do you hate covetousness?

Wed 27  Daniel 4:1-37; 2nd Peter 1:1-21; Psalm 119:96-112; Proverbs 28:17-18; Why was this written in Aramaic? What names of God did you discover today?  Because you read Peters letter how have you added to your faith? How was the triunity of God shown today?  Do you boldly state Psalm 119:102? How ought the saved to walk?
Thu 28  Happy Thanksgiving Day   Daniel 5:1-31; 2nd Peter 2:1-22; Psalm 119:113-131; Proverbs 28:19-20; What did you learn about man and how are we different from God? What does God hate? How did Peter record the acts of lost man to a dog? How were you warned by 2Peter 2:3? What is similar about Psalm 119:90, 121-122 & 132? How is stewardship shown in the proverb for today?

Fri 29  Daniel 6:1-28; 2nd Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:132-155; Proverbs 28:21-22;How may blessings/promotions from God cause people to hate you? How did God favor Daniel? How does Psalm 119:8-12 relate to Peter's admonition of remembrance? Does your zeal for the LORD and His Word  consume you?  How is your eye?
               1st John is written to the believer. This letter was an encouragement to believers to remember Jesus as God. Learn from the warnings about people you encounter. Note the similarity with 2Corninthians 5:17-21.  Note what you learn and know from these verses.

Sat 30  Daniel 7:1-28; 1st John 1:1-10; Psalm 119:156-176; Proverbs 28:23-24;How has God used Daniel's vision of these beast to impacted your faith? How many times have you used 1stJohn to get right with God since you have been saved? How do you express your longing for God's  salvation? How do you rebuke another believer?
Sun 1Dec  Daniel 8:1-27; 1st John 2:1-17; Psalm 120:1-7; Proverbs 28:25-26; Why did God record this dream of Daniel? How did you gain confidence in your eternal security by reading 1stJohn? Who is the psalmist praying for in v2? Who do you trust?

We read to know God!  The world, nations and people may know God as Elohim, The Creator and Sustaining God yet never come to the saving knowledge of God as Jehovah. There is only ONE (1) God and He has ONLY (1) Son and His name is Jesus and He is the way, the truth, and the life and NO man cometh unto the Father except by Him. The Jews drew nigh to Elohim with their lips but their hearts were far from Him as Jehovah.  Jehovah, The Lord God Almighty, wants you to come to Him by faith, believing that He IS and will forgive you your sin and give you HIS righteousness as a gift of eternal life. Hear, believe and receive Him today. pj

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday 25 November 2013, the summer is gone and some are not yet saved, Friday is closer AND Sunday is coming. Yea, are you ready to answer God's greatest question??--- Why should I let you into heaven?? Look at Hebrews 9:27. At the door when this question will be asked there will be no other opportunity to prepare. You will know and have the ONLY right response or you WILL NOT. Prepare to meet The Lord God Almighty!

Please read your Bible first each day to know God before you consider the lesson. Lesson # 47,One Year 365 Bible Class was presented at Victory Baptist Church, Weatherford, TX, 24 November 2013.
HINT:  Thanksgiving Day will be later this year on Thursday the 28th. Spend some time and prepare a list of your blessings that God has bestowed on you and your family since last year.  List them in columns as "yesterday", "last week", "last month" and even since the day you were born again into the family of God, then count your blessings and name them 1 by1. Take time to be grateful as you practice YOUR stewardship. Bless someone who you think does not deserve to be blessed. Read to know God.  If you are a son of God, act right.
Mon 18 Ezekiel 37:1-38:23;How is God's grace manifested in this chapter? What promise did God make using the stick parable? How does chapter 38 compare to Revelation 20:7-10? How did God describe himself at v18-23? James 1:19-2:17;How does v25 direct your conversation? How do you practice chapter 2 in church each Sunday? Psalm 117:1-2;Why do you praise The LORD? Proverbs 28:1;How are you bold as a lion?
Tue 19 Ezekiel 39:1-40:27;How did you see God preparing for Israel's restoration? Has God's glory returned to earth? What attribute of God did you note today? James 2:18-3:18;How is v2:17-20 misunderstood? How do you pursue wisdom? Psalm118:1-18;What fact and promise did you gain today? Proverbs 28:2;How do you impact decisions of others?

Wed 20 Ezekiel 40:28-41:26;What trait, characteristic and attribute did you see in these chapters? James 4:1-17;How do people ask amiss of God? What admonition did you take from these verses? Psalm 118:19-29;Do we always use the blessings we ask for and receive for God's glory only? How has v17 impacted your concept of God? Proverbs 28:3-5;How/why are you able to understand all things?
Thu 21 Ezekiel 42:1-43:27;What was to happen on the eight day? James 5:1-20;How does this relate to 1stCorinthians 16:22?What promise did you undertake from these verses? Psalm119:1-16;Why do you want to walk in God's ways? How do you strive to keep His commandments? Proverbs 28:6-7;Does God consider you a law-keeper?

Extra notes:  1st and 2nd Peter should cause us to want to live our life, even in horrible trials, in view of the second coming of The Lord Jesus Christ, Maranatha.  Focus on 1st Peter 5:10 and  2nd Peter 1:16 as you meditate on 3:18 "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen."    This is the day, please prepare yourself to meet GOD.
Fri 22 Ezekiel 44:1-45:12;How did God order the worship to be accomplished? 1st Peter 1:1-13;Why do believers lose their joy? Psalm 119:17-35;How do you pray these verses back to God? Proverbs 28:8-10;How does this relate to Psalm 1, James 4:17 and Psalm 119:165?

Sat 23 Ezekiel 45:13-46:24;Why does God dictate that an animal being used for an offering must be without blemish? What aspect of worship did you gain in v46:9?  1st Peter 1:14-2:10;How do you comply with v15? As one of the chosen generation how should we shew God's glory? Psalm 119:36-52;Has your trust of God and His Word increased because you read? Proverbs 28:11;How does this explain your stewardship?
Sun 24 Ezekiel 47:1-48:35;Who will serve the city? What separates the Sons of Zadok from the sons of Levi? What does v35 indicate? 1st Peter2:11-3:9;How do you live out v2:17? How does chapter 3 dictate conduct in the family? Psalm 119:53-70;What vow or promise have you made to God? How do you delight in God's Word? Proverbs 28:12-13;Is there glory when righteous men rejoice? How is your prosperity?  Are you prepared to meet with God today?  Does 1st John 1:1-10 bring you peace and joy?

Congrats to those reading who live in the USA, Poland, Russia, India, Panama, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Australia, France, Taiwan, Germany, Greece, Malaysia, Bermuda and places that I'm not aware of today, READ to know God, get right, Be saved, do right and don't quit.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

13 November 2013 Wednesday, Friday is a big day and Sunday is coming. Hope your reading has been exciting and you are getting to know God. Oh, to have the mind of Jesus Christ. To all the veterans around the world, salute. To all the born again, Maranatha. To all the unbelievers, Anathema. Read 1st Corinthians 16:22 and weep or shout for joy. I pray all that have not turned to God for salvation do so before it is too late. Read John chapter 3 and believe and act upon the promise of God's Word.

This is Lesson #46 for the days 11-17 November. Please read your Bible FIRST, then consider the lesson's comments and questions.
FACT: What God did for Saul of Tarsus He has done for every believer. How did you demonstrate God's gift traits this week?

Mon 11  Ezekiel 23:1-49;Why did God record this ugly genealogy? What did you learn about God and yourself from v35, 38 & 49? Hebrews 10:18-39;How did you apply v22-24 today? What are your plans to comply with v25? Psalm109:1-31;How do you pray back v21-27? Proverbs 27:13; look at v12-14 for context.
Tue  12  Ezekiel 24:1-26:21;What did you learn from the object lesson in the parable? Will/can God use you as a sign today to the world? What attribute of God did you see in chapter 25? What did God promise in chapter 26?  Hebrews 11:1-16;Can a person have understanding without faith? Does God consider you diligent in seeking Him?  Psalm 110:1-7;Who is speaking? How did you see Jesus? Proverbs 27:14;How do you apply this to your life?
Wed  13  Ezekiel 27:1-28:26;What attribute of God did you learn from v2 & 32? How does Proverbs 6:16-19 compare to chapter 28? Hebrews 11:17-31;How does v19 impact your concept of God? Psalm 111:1-10;How does v4 &10 impact your prayers? Proverbs 27:15-16;How  does this relate to stewardship?
Thu  14  Ezekiel 29:1-30:26;What attribute of God is given in v29:3 & 10Why did God judge Egypt? Hebrews 11:32-12:13;Why did so many suffer? How is Jesus described in chapter 12? Psalm112:1-10;What conditions are associated with the promises? Proverbs 27:17;How do your friends sharpen you for the ministry?
Fri  15  Ezekiel 31:1-32:32;What did you learn about God from v31:1 & 32:1? Hebrews 12:14-29;What is significant about v24?  Psalm113:1-114:8;How long ought men to praise God? How often do you tremble at the presence of the LORD? Proverbs 27:18-20:Did these verses impact you stewardship concept?
Sat  16 Ezekiel 33:1- 34:31;Does God consider you an able/qualified watchman? How is God shown as not having respect of persons? What promise did The Lord GOD make in chapter 34?  Hebrews 13:1-25;How is your hospitality? What promise did you learn today? What attributes of God did you note at v 20-21?  Psalm115:1-18;Have you evaluated your trust items because of this psalm?  Proverbs 27:21-22;How does this impact your conversation?
James will cause us to consider our faith as we face our trials. James was half brother to Jesus, converted after the death/resurrection of Jesus and was one of the leaders in the Jerusalem church. Some have suggested James to be a practical guide to Christians life and conduct (Jensen's Survey of the New Testament, pg427). Look for how faith is at work, 1:22 & 2:26.
Sun 17  Ezekiel 35:1-36:38; James 1:1-18;How do  you practice v5?  How is LSD  described in these verses?  Psalm 116:1-19;Why do you love the LORD?  Proverbs 27:23-27; Does God consider you to be diligent in your stewardship?

Every soul is created in the image of God. Every soul will die. God died for every soul so that they might be redeemed. Those souls that are "born again by faith according to the scriptures" will NEVER die. There is ONLY One(1) Son of God and his name is Jesus. He is the Christ of Jehovah and the soon coming King of kings and He is Lord! Maranatha in love.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

12 November  2013, Tuesday, soon it will be Friday and Sunday is coming, summer is over and all are not saved. I've missed sharing with you the blessings of God because we have read to know HIM! WOW, reading Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentation , Psalms, Proverbs and now Ezekiel is like setting at the 50 yard line of the championship game watching the give and take in the greatest/last game of life on earth. Players are giving all to win a prize that will fade, fail, deceive and never satisfy.

We read to know The TRUTH! Please look again to read Proverbs 3:1-12 and then re-read v5-6-7, stop to confess your sins, claim 1stJohn 1:9, accept God's forgiveness/cleansing and THEN act like your are (if you are) a child of The King of Glory.  Johnson's rule: Get/Be right, Do right and don't quit. We read to know God.

I very strongly suggest you read through the KJV Bible in a year(One Year Bible format) and then read through the KJV Bible (One Year Bible format) again, again, again until you have the mind of Jesus Christ, know the perfect will of God and are walking in agreement with God being led by your right hand in constant fellowship enjoying the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God The Father and having communion with the Holy Ghost. We can have this and then heaven to come!!! Maranatha!!

Enjoy Psalm 19 and John 3:12 each and every day. Share your blessings with others. Develop a Bible friendship with a sure strong Christian and allow iron to sharpen iron as you grow in grace and knowledge of God and your Saviour The Lord Jesus Christ. The ONLY true, tested and proven Teacher is The Holy Spirit. Read to know God and believe what you read in the Bible. luvpj

To all those of the USA, Poland, Russia, India, Panama, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, Australia, France, Taiwan, Germany, Greece and Malaysia thanks for reading the blog and keep on reading your Bible.

Monday, October 14, 2013

14 October 2013 Monday. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God as Jehovah. We believe all those who have have been saved from the wrath of The LORD will be called out at any moment now when The Lord Jesus Christ comes in the clouds and calls us out. Are you prepared to meet God?
The lesson attached is for the week of 14-20 Oct. PLEASE read your Bible for each day BEFORE you look at the questions. Lesson # 42,One Year-365-Bible Class: How did you magnify The Lord Jesus Christ in  your daily conversation these last 7 days? Can we please God if or when Christ is not our life, our pattern, our goal and our sufficiency? Did you read and then believe God. What goal,  hope,  dream and prayer came to pass because you read these last few days? What are  your expectations?

++Read your Bible before reading the lesson. You do not need to answer all of the questions.

Mon 14  Jeremiah 23:21-25:38;How can you know who is speaking the Truth? How do you determine what is very good and that that is naughty? What attributes of God did you see in chapter 24? What flexibility did God allow for Jeremiah in chapter 25? How did these verses impact your concept of God? 2Thessalonians 2:1-17;How do you share v3-7? How do you comfort yourself?  Psalm 84:1-12;How does v8 get into your prayers? Proverbs 25:15;Who are you forebearing with today?
Tue 15  Jeremiah 26:1-27:22;What happened at Shiloh? How does v26:13 impact your concept of God? How is God's testimony involved in chapter 27? 2Thessalonians 3:1-18;How ought we to pray for the pastors/teachers? Psalm 85:1-13;How/why is v8 critical to praying and living for God? Proverbs25:16; How is this a part of stewardship?

**1Timothy will focus on Godliness and Pastoral Care (6:20). Timothy was half Jew probably converted, circumcised and called at Derbe(Acts 14:6-7,20-21, Acts 16:1-5). He served with Paul at Corinth and Ephesus.

Wed  16  Jeremiah 28:1-29:32;How does v1-2 affect your concept of God? What attributes of God did you see? How does v28:11-14 give you comfort?  1Timothy 1:1-20;When did you write a letter like this to your son? If not why not? Psalm 86:1-17;How does this psalm show adoration of God? Proverbs25:17;How does this relate to Psalm 1?
Thu 17  Jeremiah 30:1-31:26;As you read chapter 30 how do you visualize The LORD? What promises are given in this reading? What prophecy did you see in chapter 31?How do you "hear" the word of the LORD? 1Timothy2:1-15;How are you edified by reading today? What lifestyle is suggested for believers? Psalm 87:1-7;What attribute of God did you focus on in this psalm? Proverbs 25:18-19;Where is your confidence? Whom do you trust to deliver you?

Fri 18  Jeremiah 31:27-32:44;What prophecy and history did you learn in chapter 31? What prayer example did you learn in chapter 32 AND have you used it to pray today? What is God's plan for his people? 1Timothy3:1-16;How is Timothy's admonishment applicable to you today?  Psalm 88:1-18;How does this confession affect your prayer? Proverbs25:20-22;how is benevolence in our stewardship?

Sat  19 Jeremiah 33:1-34:22; What attribute of God is shown in v1? What is the condition involved in the promise of v2-3? Who is described at v15? How is God affected by his covenant(s)? 1Timothy 4:1-16;How is this appropriate to us today? How critical is doctrine?  Psalm 89:1-13;How do you "greatly fear the LORD" in the assembly? Proverbs25:23-24;When is a wide house not an asset?
Sun 20 Jeremiah 35:1-36:32;Has your father charged you to be right-do right and not quit? What "picture" of God did you see at v35:17-19? How is 2Timothy 3:16-17 shown in these chapters? 1Timothy 5:1-25;What principals of courtesy and stewardship are given in this chapter? Psalm 89:14-37;If we walk in the light of His countenance what do we enjoy? Proverbs 25:25-27; Now, how ought we to act?


Sunday, October 6, 2013

6 October 2013 SUNDAY-Yea! What a wonderful time in class this AM. All of us need to read to know God and we need to take time to be thankful and grateful for the Bible.
We read all about God's creation in the first three chapters of Genesis and then we read about God's plan of redemption from Genesis 3:15 through Revelation 22:21.  The Lord Jesus Christ is the Way, The only WAY.  If anyone preaches another gospel, let them be cursed by God, Amen.
If  2Corinthians 5:17-21 is not so in your life you are not saved. You can be saved. Read your Bible to know God. The lesson for this week follows: Lesson # 41  One Year 365 Bible Class VBC;

How do we / can we or may we magnify The Lord Jesus Christ in and by our daily conversation? How can any believer please God  when Christ is not our life, our pattern, our goal and our sufficiency? Read and believe God. What is your goal /hope /dream and or prayer because you read these next few days? What have you prayed?
Mon 7  Jeremiah 8:8-9:26;How did you see the similarity of Revelation 3:14-22 today? How many "woes" did you say/see today? What promise did you hear at v9:15-16? What admonition did you learn from v9:23-26?  Colossians 3:1-17;How did this support 2Corinthians 5:17-21?  Psalm 78:26-58;How does the heart dictate the conduct of man?  Proverbs 24:27;How does this teach stewardship?
Tue 8  Jeremiah 10:1-11:23;How does hearing or not hearing and not obeying impact our conduct before man and God? How did you see Isaiah 59:1-2 today? What attribute of God is shown at v11:20? Colossians 3:18-4:18;Do these verses apply only to parents? How is your vocation shown at v4:17? Psalm 78:59-72;How does God show "tough love" to His children? How do you apply v72 in your life? Proverbs 24:28-29;Why and when do we forgive?

****  Christ  first coming to earth was a crucial event in the world history; His second coming will be a climatic event. He came the first time to die and be raised to life.  When He comes again, it will be to gather to Himself those saved by His death.  Paul sums up all the joys and glories of this ingathering by saying simply, "And thus shall we be with the Lord (1Thess.4:17).  It had to be a thrilling experience for the apostle to write the Thessalonians letters' and share such a message.    1Thessalonians: The Lord Jesus is coming again.   2Thessalonians: He has not come yet.    Copied  from chapter 17 The Thessalonians Epistles, Jensen's Survey of the New Testament, pg143
Wed 9  Jeremiah 12:1-14:10;What attributes of God did you see again today? Why did Jeremiah weep at v13:17? What deadline did God declare today? 1Thessalonians 1:1-2:8;What are we to be thankful for today? How do you respond to exhortation? Psalm 79:1-13;What attribute of God did you read about today? Proverbs 24:30-34;What instruction did you receive because you read today?
Thu 10  Jeremiah 14:11-16:15;Who are we not to pray for and why? What did God note about the life of Moses and Samuel? How does God provide for those in captivity? What is significant about the "IF" at v15:19? Why did God pronounce a great evil against His people? 1Thessaloians 2:9-3:13;How does the conduct of others impact our beliefs? Is your heart established?  Psalm 80:1-19;How often do you pray this psalm back to God? Proverbs 25:1-15;What are we to do with our silver? How does God get glory by concealing things from His people?
Fri 11  Jeremiah 16:16-18:23;What attribute of God did you discover this day? What promise(Psm1) did you revisit today? How do we comply with the restrictions of God given in chapter 17 today? What happens when men forget God? 1Thessalouians4:1-5:3;What is the will of God for your life today? When should you and how do you comfort others?  Psalm 81:1-16;Can anyone walk in His way that does not hear His voice? Proverbs 25:6-7;wait to be seated.
Sat 12  Jeremiah 19:1-21:14;What did you see and learn from this object lesson directed by God? Do we get frustrated because we watch others and not God, why? What attribute(s) of God did you learn in chapter 21?1Thessalonians 5:4-28;What facts did you learn about The Lord Jesus Christ today? Until Jesus comes how are we to be and do? Psalm 82:1-8;How is "That Day" described today? Proverbs 25:8-10;How are we to act in trials?
Sun 13  Jeremiah 22:1-23:20; How is judgment  related to righteousness when directed by God and when directed by man/government? What is the cost of disobedience? How do these prophecies impact your concept of God?  When will chapter 23 come to pass? How does v20 shape the fear factor in your concept of God? 2Thessalonians 1:-12;How does patience impact your faith? Do these verses describe the rapture or the revelation of Jesus Christ?  Psalm 83:1-18;How did the psalmist recall the history of God is his prayer as he extolled and glorified God? Proverbs 25:11-14;How do you respond to reproof? Are you considered a faithful messenger of/for God by God?

Monday, September 30, 2013

30 September 2013-Monday, soon it will Friday and then Sunday. Hope all of you have been able to read your Bible each day to know God. The lesson for this week is #40 and covers the days of 30 Sept-6 October   Why should we consider Proverbs 24:9-10 as an admonition for our thought life? Will we apply Psalm 78:1 as we read each day? Have we heard the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war  and not responded? How do you salute every saint in Christ Jesus? What do we expect, if we do not our best?

Mon 30  Isaiah 60:1-62:7;How many names of God did you read? How do these promises for the Jews impact your concept of God?  Philippians 1:27-2:18;What prophecy did you consider from chapter 1? How does our conversation cause others to have joy? How do you relate to v13? Psalm72:1-20;How do you practice v18-20? Proverbs 24:11-12;Does this describe stewardship?
Tue 1  Isaiah 62:8-65:25;What truth did you learn about God in chapter 62? How did God describe himself in chapter 63? How does chapter 64 affect your prayers? What promise(s) did you see in chapter 65? Philippians 2:19-3:3;What warning is given here to believers? Psalm 73:1-28;What is the condition for the first promise mentioned? When did you first believe v24-28? Proverbs 24:13-14;How does this relate to Psalm 62:5?
Wed 2  Isaiah 66:1-24;How does God describe God? How do you see His attributes in the reading and in your life?  Philippians 3:4-2;Have you written out your "Personal Testimony"? Husbands, men have you said v17 to your family? Don't go to the church, get right at home FIRST, then tell someone else. Psalms 74:1-123;When you pray how often do you adore God before you confess your sins?  Proverbs 24:15-16;All will fall. Who will pick you up?

** Jeremiah; Halley's Bible Handbook, Classic Edition, pg 307, God's Final Effort to Save Jerusalem. Jeremiah lived about a hundred years after Isaiah. Isaiah had saved Jerusalem from Assyria. Jeremiah tried to save it from Babylon, but failed.  "Jeremiah was called to the prophetic office (626B.C.), Jerusalem was partly destroyed (606), further devastated (597); finally burned and desolated (586).  Jeremiah lived through these terrible forty years, "the close of the monarchy," "the death agony of a nation"; a pathetic , lonely figure, God's last measure to the Holy City which had become hopelessly and fanatically attached to Idols; carelessly crying that if they would repent God would save them from Babylon.  Thus, as Assyria had been the background of Isaiah's ministry, so Babylon was the background of Jeremiah's ministry."
Thu 3  Jeremiah 1:1-2:30; What traits, attributes and promises  of God did you see today?  How is John 3:12 demonstrated today? What evils have you committed today? Philippians 4:1-23;What advice did you take away from these verses? Psalm 75:1-10;How is stewardship described today? Proverbs 24:17-20;How is Psalm 73 & 37 shown today? What promise did God make to the lost man?
Fri 4  Jeremiah 2:31-4:18;How did Judah forget God? How does this impact your concept of God? What promises did God offer? What conditions did God outline to be followed? Colossians 1:-19; Have you ever written a letter like this? If not, why not? Have you prayed this as a prayer to your Lord? Psalm 76:1-12;How does this remind you of Noah? What present(s) have you brought to God? Proverbs 24:21-22;How ought man to mind his business?
                 Colossians is one of the four epistles penned by Paul while in prison and the accepted theme is given at verse 3:11 "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all." Some key words are: mystery, knowledge, wisdom, fulness, perfect, all, faith , body, love and prayer. Consider v2:20 and 3:1 and meditate on these facts.
Sat 5  Jeremiah 4:19-6:14;How does what you hear bother you, that you pray as did Jeremiah? What impact did v5:30 have on your prayer life? How did God describe His feelings at v6:9-14? Colossians 1:20-2:7;What favor did Jesus do for you? Is v2:6-7 so in your life? Psalm 77:1-20; Do you read, stop, pause and re-read when you see Selah? Proverbs 24:23-25;Do you have these things in your daily life?
Sun 6  Jeremiah 6:15-8:7;When was the last time you were ashamed and blushed because of your sins? How have you amended your ways because you have read to know God? How sad to you are v7:16 and v23-24? Colossians 2:8-23;What protects you from being spoiled by vain deceit? How did the operation of God changed your life? Psalm 78:1-25;What did your father tell you about God? What have you told others about God and His ways? Proverbs 24:26;How do you respond to this directive?
Because you have read, do you consider yourself to be a "servant" of Jehovah co-laboring with Jesus Christ? Are you acting as a minister of reconcilation (2Cor 5:17-21) using God's Word of reconcilation with sincereity and love?  Salute to all of you who read to know God in the USA, Poland, Russia, India, Panama, Turkey, Ukraine, Australia, France, Taiwan, Germany, Greece and Malasia. Maranatha (1Corinthians 16:21-24) and prosperity as per 2Corinthians13:11-14.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

24 September 2013 Tuesday, closer to being called out than ever before-Maranatha! Hope you have been reading your Holy Bible to know God.  remember, read your Bible then look at the lessom.
The lesson for this week is Lesson # 39.   Consider Proverbs 24:9-10 as an admonition for our thought life?  Believe what you read(faith), Be what you are capable of being(by grace), Do what you know to do as the path is made plain before you(obedience) so that God is glorified(disciplined), then the book of Ephesians (gift) will be easier to understand as your source for joy(Jesus-others-yourself).

Mon23  Isaiah 41:17-43:13;How did you see redemption promised? Who is the servant in chapter 42? What attributes of God did you learn in chapter 43? Ephesians 2:1-11;Have you been quickened?  When did you first appreciate v2:8-10? How do you use v13 in your testimony? Psalm67:1-7;Did you pause and read again this psalm? Selah.  Proverbs 23:29-35;How can one drink be so dangerous?
Tue 24  Isaiah 43:14-45:10;How/where did you see comfort promised by God? What history and prophecy did you learn in chapter 44? What did you learn from God's testimony in chapter 45?  Ephesians 3:1-21;What is God's desire for you as expressed in v14-19?  Psalm 68:1-18;What new name did you discover? How is v11 so today? Proverbs 24:1-2;Why is separation good insurance?
Wed 25  Isaiah 45:11-48:11;How were you reassured that God is True? What challenge did God give in chapter 46? How did you respond to 48:11? Ephesians 4:1-16;What is your vocation? How is v11-13 affecting your life today? Psalm 68:19-35;What did Elohim put on you today? Proverbs 24:3-4;Will this keep you from building on the sand?
Thu 26  Isaiah48:12-50:11;Is 48:12 a command? How did you see God's redemption provided in your reading today? How is John 10 similar to chapter  49?   Ephesians 4:17-32;Why are the "saved" to not walk in the vanity of their mind? How is repentance similar to putting off and putting on?  Psalm 69:1-14;When you  are overcome do you mimic this prayer? Proverbs 24:5;How is your training program for mental fitness?
Fri 27  Isaiah 51:1-53:12;What promise(s) did you gain today? Who did you discover in chapter 53? How did God show His grace and compassion today? Ephesians 5:1-33;Why is grace essential to following Christ? Does v6-21guide your daily decisions? Psalm 69:15-36;How is v36 a promise?  Proverbs 24:6-7;How do you choose your counsellors? Are you willing to separate from those who believe differently than yourself?
Sat 28  Isaiah 54:1-57:14;What did you learn/apply to your conservation because of 54:2-3? What promise/condition  did you learn from chapter 55? How do these chapters impact/change your concept of God?  Ephesians 6:1-24;Does v1-8 apply to "saved" adults? How often do you put on the whole armour of God? Is v24 for you? Psalm 70:1-5;Is God ever too late to solve your problems?  Proverbs 24:8;Does God consider you to be mischievous?
        Ephesians, One of the Prison Epistles.  Extracted from the book written by Henrietta C. Mears called, What The Bible is All About, The Living Bible Edition,1987, chapter 38,pg443, Understanding Philippians, Philippians Portrays Jesus Christ, Our Joy.    "The letter to the Philippians was written to the first church founded in Europe.  Paul was called there by the vision of the man in Macedonia, Come over here and help us (Acts 16:9). Paul urged the church to have Christian unity and joy. This letter shows how unity among Christians can be broken.  Christ is the secret of joy. Be glad in the Lord (3:1)."
Sun 29  Isaiah 57:15-59:21;What name, attribute, trait of God did you see? What promise(s) did you gain because you read? Philippians 1:1-26;How does this impact your prayer manners? What is your favorite verse of these 26?  Psalm 71:1-24;How long has God been for you? Is v18 one of your prayer verses? Proverbs 24:9-10;How does this affect your thought life?

Friday, September 20, 2013

20 September 2013-Friday and Sunday is coming! Hope you are reading your KJV Bible. Reading this AM to know God it was made plain in Proverbs 23:23 "Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.", that we are to be stewards of all that we have received.

The question is what have you and I been and done this AM to glorify God? If not, why not? All the TRUTH we need to know is at our disposal in and from the KJV Bible. If a person lacks wisdom and then seeks instruction from one other than The Lord God Almighty, they will not have true understanding. The Lord Jesus Christ said He was The Light. Please don't walk in darkness. If you have been saved and have this Light, don't walk apart from Him. Walk in agreement with God  and enjoy the fruits of the Spirit as promised at Galatians 5:22-26. Read your Bible to know God. Allow the Holy Spirit to show you the Lord Jesus Christ, seek Him early, while He may be found.

PJ's rule: get right, BE right, Do right and don't quit. We have all this and heaven to look forward to-Maranatha. Hope to see you in heaven today, luvpj

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

18 September 2013, Wednesday, Friday will be here soon and then Sunday. Hope you have been reading your Bible to know God. Remember, read the Bible before the lesson. The thoughts and question in the lesson are there to provoke you to consider when, how, why God demonstrated that He cares for you. It has been said "that what you think about God is the most important thing you think."
I've attached Lesson # 38,One Year-365  Bible Class, as we read 16-22 September.
Why should we consider Proverbs 23:24-25 as an admonition for King Hezekiah or ourselves?  Makes notes of remembrance as you read and hear the names of God this week. Believe what you read.
Mon 16  Isaiah 22:1-24:23;How are you impressed by the titles God as recorded by Isaiah? What impressions did you take from prophecy at v20-25? What attributes of Elohim did you find in chapter 24?  Galatians 2:17-3:7;How real is v19-20 to your conversation? How may any one protect himself from being fooled? How do you separate your faith from your works? Psalm 60:1-12;How do you pray when you sense God is apart from you? How do you praise when you sense His presence? Proverbs 23:15-16;How may a child encourage his parent?
Tue 17  Isaiah 25:1-28:13;How has your prayer life been changed because you read? What name did you discover of God in chapter 26?How does chapter 27 change your concept of God? How is God described at chapter 28? Galatians 3:8-22;How does this reading impact your concept of justification with God? How does v22 give you confidence?  Psalm 61:1-8;What is the plea, promise and condition for this prayer? Proverbs 23:17-18;How does envy of others impact your fellowship with God?
Wed 18  Isaiah 28:14-30:11; Has your "hearing" improved because you have read? What p[prophecy did you see at v16-28? What promise(s) did God make in chapter 29?How did you see Adam & Eve in chapter 30? Galatians 3:23-4:31;What promise(s) did you see in chapter 3? How does chapter 4 cause you to have joy? What warning is given at v22-32? Psalm 62:1-12;What do you mean when you pray back v5 to God? Proverbs 23:19-21;How do you employ this matter of separation from people described in this saying?
Thu 19  Isaiah 30:12-33:12;How is Psalm 62 similar to chapter 30? What picture did you make of God because of v25-28? How is God going to defend Jerusalem? What is the impact of man's greed in chapter 33? Galatians 5:1-12;How did you apply these verses? Psalm 63:1-11;What happens when we forget God and do not seek Him early each day? Proverbs 23:22;How does this relate to God's  commandments?
Fri 20  Isaiah 33:13-36:22;What admonition did God give in this chapter? How is chapter 34 similar to Revelation 3? What assurance did you gain at v34:16?How can you use chapter 35 to witness? What form of warfare was used against the Jews? Galatians 5:13-26;How do we keep from misusing our liberty in Christ? What Psalm 64:1-10;How has God protected you today? Proverbs 23:23;How does this stewardship impact your life?
Sat  21  Isaiah 37:1-38:22;What Truth(s) did you learn about God today? Galatians 6:1-18;How do you comply with this given responsibility in your life? Are you a good steward of the gospel? What truth(s) did you learn in this reading? Psalm 65:1-13;What is the first promise/condition mentioned in this psalm? What attributes of Elohim did you see? Proverbs 23:24-25;How does a child make his parents glad?
                *Paul conducted his three missionary trips o/a 47-56AD. While imprisoned at Rome (58-61AD)he penned the prison epistles: Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon and Philippians. Ephesians focuses on Christ and the Church, our heritage(1:4) and our life(3:20). Consider chapter 2:8-10 in the matter of salvation.
Sun  22  Isaiah 39:1-41:16;How does the misuse of a blessing bring a curse? How is chapter 40 similar to the appearance of John The Baptist? How is the Alpha and the Omega described in chapter 41? Ephesians 1:1-23;How ought we to be and do because of our redemption by Jesus Christ through His blood? How are you thankful  as you apply v8, 17-23? Psalm 66:1-20;Do you "really" believe v18? If so, how do you pray differently?Proverbs 23:26-28;Whose hand do you see in this saying?
The critical issue before all people is when they die and stand before Elohim, Creator God and He ask the,"Why should I let you enter into heaven?" what will your reply be?
Read Hebrews 9:27 and admit/agree that you will die and you will be called into account for what you did in response to Jehovah's offer of salvation in view of Jesus' birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven. Read Ephesians 2:8-10, Romans 5:5, 6:23, 10:8-13 and John 1:12. Read to know God. Believe what you read from the King James Bible.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

8 September 2013, Monday and we are on our way to Friday and then Sunday will be here, yea! Hope you were able to attend your church this past Sunday to hear biblical preaching that glorified God as Jesus was lifted up and you were edified.  Read to know God. In reality you can never hear or learn any Bible Truth apart from the Bible. Seek the leadership of The Holy Spirit as you read so that when ANY person speaks to you about how God works YOU will be edified or warned. It is your opportunity to know Elohim as your creator and Jehovah as your Saviour.
Read and believe II Timothy 3:16-17. Read and believe John chapters 1, 3 & 10.

I've included Lesson # 37 from our One Year-365-Bible Class for your encouragement as you read this week. Believe what you read (BE) and then live (DO) as a "saved" child of The King, as a priest, a minister, ambassador and son of God. You are salt and light. 

According to Jensen's Survey of The Old Testament, chapter 20,pg 319, Isaiah: The Glorious Throne of Jehovah The Holy One, "of all the writing prophets, Isaiah is justly accounted the greatest. His prophecy is one of the longest, is quoted more frequently than any other in the New Testament, and he more often than any other prophet tell of the coming Messiah. Isaiah prophesied for about fifty years during very critical times of both kingdoms, Israel and Judah." Suggest we note verses1:4 and 6:3. Passages from this book are quoted by Jesus, Matthew, John The Baptist, the Apostle John, the Ethiopian treasurer and Paul.

Mon 9  Isaiah 3:1-5:30;What attribute(s) of Elohim did you see in this reading? How did you see His promises to the children? How does this correspond to the Song of Solon? 2Corinthians 11:1-15;How do you sense godly jealousy in your daily conversation? Psalm 53:1-6;How does this apply to your witnessing? Proverbs 22:2829;What is required to stand before kings? Are you a diligent doer? 
Tue 10  Isaiah 6:1-7:25;How does this remind you of Job? How have you experienced this in your life? How do you enjoy v7:14-25? 2Corinthians 11:16-33;What attributes did Paul refer to? Psalm 54:1-7;What motivates you to pray? For what do you pray? Proverbs 23:1-3;How/what is your diet?

Wed 11  Isaiah 8:1-9:21;What does this name mean? How do parents choose the names for their children? What names of God  did you see? What promises did you see today? 2 Corinthians 12:1-10;Are you satisfied with God's grace? Psalm 55:1-23;Why does/should God/Jehovah answer your prayer? Proverbs 23:4-5;From where do all riches come and go?
Thu 12  Isaiah 10:1-11:16;How does this apply to our families, government and churches? How do verses 11-21 impact your concept of God? How does chapter 11 affect your "want to"? 2Corinthians 12:11-21; How does v15 impact your conversation? Psalm 56:1-13;What facts about God apply to you today? Who is your confidence? Proverbs 23:6-8;Which host do you trust? What diet should you follow?

Fri 13  Isaiah 12:1-14:32;How does chapter 12 impact your concept of God? How has these truths affect your lifestyle? Do you enjoy/have the three qualities required in chapter 13? How is Elohim Jehovah portrayed in chapter 14? 2Corinthians 13:1-14;How/what do you require of sayings in order to be accepted? What "how to" did you learn today? Psalm 57:1-11;How are you in agreement with this psalm? Proverbs 23:9-11;What warning did you take from this today that you have used?
Sat  14  Isaiah 15:1-18:7;How is Moab connected to Jerusalem by the life of Ruth? How is chapter 17 in the news today? What did God say in chapter 18? Galatians 1:1-24; How does Elohim describe Himself? How is your testimony similar to Paul's as given today? Psalm 58:1-11; How is genealogy described? Proverbs 23:12;How ought we to mind our own business?

*Extra Biblical thought;  The Galatians that accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation as preached by Paul were later infiltrated by some Jewish teachers teaching the requirement for circumcision- a form of legalism. Paul reminds them they are saved by grace through faith and not by the law.
Sun 15  Isaiah 19:1-21:17;How does v19:22-24 impact your concept of God? What should a watchman declare? Galatians 2:1-16;How does peer pressure, works and faith  impact man's conduct? Psalm 59:1-17;How should we pray for the lost? Proverbs 23:13-14;How do you accept/apply this saying?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

5 September 2013 Thursday, Friday will be here quickly and Sunday is coming. Are you ready to meet God? I am late posting the reading for this week, however this should encourage you as you have been reading to know God.  Lesson # 36, One Year 365 Bible Class,  September 2013.

During these 7 days take time to seek God early while He may be found. Seek to be amazed at His handiwork as you read Psalm 19. Recall the promises that you  sense that are applicable in your life. Be quick to confess, repent and allow The Holy Spirit to expose your most intimate thoughts, desires and deeds. Believe what you read (BE) and then live (DO) as a child of The King, as a priest, a minister, ambassador and son of God. You are salt and light.   We all need to read to know Him as our Jehovah.
*Ecclesiastes: Vanity Under The Sun, But Hope in God, Jensen's Survey of The Old Testament pg 295; "Ecclesiastes is a book that investigates life and tells what kind of life is worth living.  It is the quest of a soul who sees only vanity all about him until his eyes are opened to the hope offered by God. The book has been described as a confession of failure and pessimism when God is excluded."
Mon 2-Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:22; How did you separate the works of God from the works of man? How does Proverbs 3: 5-8 relate to these chapters? Where ought man to get his wisdom? How does 3:17 impact your concept of God? 2Corinthians 6:1-13;How ought a minister of reconciliation act? Psalm 46: 1-11;What fact(s) did you learn about God? Proverbs 22:15;How does God deal with foolishness?
Tue 3- Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12;Why do some men have no comforter? How ought men to act in Beth-El/church? What promise did you gain today? What conditions are connected to the promise? 2Corinthians 6:14-7:7;What standard of conduct is given for believers? How do you comply with the 7:1?Why does God send tribulation(s)? Psalm 47: 1-9;How do you see Jericho in this Psalm? Proverbs 22:16;So what?
Wed 4- Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18;What name did you choose? What stewardship principal did you gain today? How is Psalm 1 similar to chapter 8?  How did you see Hebrews 9:27?  2Corinthians 7:8-16;How does our stewardship impact others lives and bring glory to God? Psalm 48: 1-14;What attributes of God are shown? Proverbs 22:17-19;How may one get knowledge?
Thu 5- Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14;How is this similar to John 3:12 and James 4:17? How does 11:9 impact your concept of God? What truth about God did you gain in chapter 12? 2Corinthians 8:1-15;What principals did you gain at v5 and 10-15?  Psalm 49: 1-20;How is the "Blessed Hope" demonstrated? Proverbs 22:20-21;Why ought men to read their Bible?
*INFO-- According to Jensen's Survey of The Old Testament, chapter 19, Song of Solomon: Union and Communion, pg 305; "A healthy balance in Bible study is maintained when the Son of Solomon is studied along with Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes focuses on the intellect of man-his mental outlook on life.  The Song of Solomon is a book about the emotions of man-in particular, the emotion of love."
Fri 6-Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16;Look for Solomon(as a type of Christ), the Shulamite woman and the daughters of Jerusalem in a love song.  2Corinthians 8:16-24;What are the perquisites for your love for others? Psalm 50:1-23;Compare with Psalm 19 and check your want to. Proverbs 22:22-23;How does this impact your benevolence/stewardship?
Sat 7- Song of Solomon 5:1-8:14;How does v7:10 impact your concept of God? How is you hunger to see God face to face?  2Corinthians 9:1-15;How does this impact your stewardship concept?  Psalm 51:1-19;What do you ask for when you pray this back to God? Proverbs 22:24-25;How do you choose your friends and co-laborers?
Sun 8-Isaiah 1:1-2:22;Isaiah is 1 of 9 prophets God sent to these Jews. Do you sense any guilt  about your loyalty to God because of this reading? What snapshot of God did you gain from 1:8-22? How do you see the USA in this reading? Corinthians 10:1-18;How does v5 impact your prayer life? Psalm 52:1-9;What is the psalmist asking us to think about? Proverbs 22:26-27;Why should we be careful about co-signing notes?       ***What do you find common about Psalm 138:3, Ephesians 3:16 and Philippians 4:13?
Please remember, read to know God and be careful to not be overcome by the circumstances. God loves you if you read or not. God wants ALL men Everywhere to be saved.  luvpj