Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2 Jan 2013 Wow! Congrats on being here and waiting for the coming of the Lord. Hope your reading has been exciting, informative, enlightening, uplifting and stimulating your interest in knowing God. It is a big deal to be here on day 2. Two is the first number that can be divided and I believe you have made the best choice to continue to read. Each day is a success. We read to know Him. Do not be confused to think that if you do not read or that you fall behind that this affects God's love for you. He loves all of us, all of the time, and His love is not conditional.

Gen 1:1-4:26 covers much ground, the first sin, the first statement about salvation, the promise of The Saviour, the first murder and the first separation from God's presence. As you read I hope you will discover the attributes, traits and names of God. We can begin to develop a journal of promises that will be a comfort for us throughout this year. Focus on God and not just on His deeds that are recorded. Read and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you what you need today.

Matthew 1:1-3:6 demonstrates that the writer "assumes" that the reader knows and is familiar with the Old Testament. What a history lesson is given concerning the 42 generations of families relative to the birth of Jesus. In these two days we span Gen3:15 to Matt 1:16-2:23 and read what happened 6000-2000+ years ago in 15-20 minuets of reading. Enjoy what you read and pray as you read that the Spirit of God will open your eyes to Truth.

Psalms 1:1-6 shows all mankind the will of God. Read to know Him and then hear and obey. As you read through Psalm 2 note how God sees all things and makes provisions for the believers who are wise.

Proverbs 1:1-9 is plain and simple admonishing "all" men to be wise. This instruction must be given by God and men ought not to develop their own rules. All good news begins after a realization of the fear of GOD. Agree now with the LORD that there is no wisdom nor knowledge apart from Him. Read to know him. Get right/be right, do right and don't quit.       luvpj    Pray for the lost.

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