Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21st Tuesday morning and it is raining,YEA! Where ever you are I hope you are happy.If you are not involved in some project that helps others, please consider being a volunteer. A good way to start is"O LORD, here I am and what ever you want me to be and do, I am ready. Use me for your glory and I know my joy will be full. I will prepare myself by confessing my sins, repenting to Thee, reading my Bible and praying while I wait on Thee.Please cause me to hear your voice. Amen". Now do it!

2nd Chronicles 4:1-6:23 ;Romans 7:1-14 ;Psalm 17:1-15 and Proverbs 19:22-23. How would you summarize all of these verses into a one sentence comment? Try to read to know Him and then say back to GOD what you have gained from reading about Him and how He cares for His creation. We call this meditating. The word "Selah" calls us to read, stop, think on this that you have read and then keep on keeping on.

Please consider the word desire. What does this word cause you to think about? What do you really want? If money were no object, what would you be and do for the glory of GOD? We all are impressed by Solomon's request for wisdom and knowledge and doubly impressed that the LORD gave all of that and blessings beside.How would you respond if GOD were to bless you like He blessed Solomon?What was Solomon's desire? Saul/Paul was saved, what was his desire?The psalmist was attended to by The LORD, what was his desire? NOW, are you satisfied with what and how GOD, The LORD, your Lord has dealt with you? If not, why not? He is no respecter of persons. He has not changed.What do you desire of Him? Perhaps a good question may be,What doe He desire of you? Think about GOD and dream about seeing Him face to face and then ask yourself, what do I desire more than this.Maranatha!Selah. Amen. pj

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