Apr 1st and taxes are due in a few days and that is no joke.How did you pray for the President, Governor and elected officials today? I'm going to a tea-party on the APR15th and you can attend if you like. More info to follow from Dawn King soonest.
Deuteronomy 18:1-20:20 The provisions for the Levites, the tribe of Levi, is the responsibility of the other tribes. The LORD continues to warn the children about the dangers of disobedience and getting entangled with the abominations of the nations that are to be destroyed. Verse 13 plainly states that they were to be perfect with the LORD thy God.The Prophet is identified as the future spokesman for God. We consider this promise to have been accomplished when Jesus was born. The LORD makes provision for accidental death incidents and places restrictions on those that claim this provision. We need to observe the commandment of how to handle blood. The kindness of God is extended to some men allowing them to be temporarily excused from service in the army.
Luke 9:28-50 as you read about how Jesus was transfigured when He was talking with Moses and Elias and what God The Father said about Him how does this affect your concept of God? Evidently Peter had a strange concept of Jesus as God because he wanted to build three tabernacles. Peter had not yet concluded that Jesus was the Messiah and greater than the law giver and miracle man. Moses and Elias are not equal to Jesus. If we could grasp the significance of verse 35 it would change our lives for eternity.Hear Him!When you consider verse 50 how does this impact your concept of God and how you serve Him?There are many statements of facts that Jesus makes and these ought to influence our respect and adoration of Him. Let us not think too highly of ourselves just because we serve Him. What is our reasonable service? We are not to be greater than our Master, but as our Master.
Psalm 73 :1-28 Is the sister Psalm for me with Psalm 37. I've found most attitude problems can be traced to these Psalms and the cure is included. Read to know how to get victory over peer pressure, envy, jealousy and greed. Develop a dependence upon the unseen hand of God. Take verse 28 as a model for rest, peace, joy and hope.
Proverbs 12:10 causes us to consider our conduct with humans and animals. Be kind to one another and be first to say please and thank you. Selah. pj
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Mar 31st Time is going by fast. Start a good habit today, be nice to a rude person. We received an advertisement card from a company who treats yards. The picture was of a bright clear green lawn w/o weeds or defects. In the middle of the green grass was a sign "ENVY IS CONTAGIOUS". I read it several times and then a thought occurred, "is this the way I want my neighbors to look at my stewardship efforts of what my God has given me to care for today?", and what do you think I decided? Do you want people to envy you and your blessings?
Deuteronomy 16:1-17:20 How many times will/must the history be retold to the children of Israel? Let us learn the ways of JAH. Let us learn to respect and obey His commandments.If God said there is only one way, one place and one sacrifice then let us do what He tells us.If God warns us to not worship or follow idols then let us do that.Let us learn what it means to testify under oath. The death penalty is proper, timely and applicable to all. We are to be alert, sensitive and willing to stand up for the laws of God.The provisions for a king was set forth, but God wants for all of His to not choose another person to rule them because men will not rule as GOD. When we choose a man as our leader, perhaps God will send us leanness of soul.Watch for those presumptuous sins. All should hear and fear. Read to know Him.
Luke 9:7-27 Jesus ask a personal question of the disciples that echoes through our ears today "But whom say ye that I am"? How do you respond to this questiion? Are you impressed by the feeding miracle? Do you wish that you could have been one of the 12 disciples and been involved in feeding 1/12th of 5000 or 416.67 men with your share of five loaves and two fishes and then picked up 12 baskets of fragments.WOW! How does this impact your concept of Jesus as God in the flesh? He explains the cost of being a disciple. Each of us must choose to follow or go our own way, but what advantage do we gain by forsaking God? Pray, if you want for God to cause you to see the BEST way to live.
Psalm 72:1-20 King David tells us of one day in the future that all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him (V12).He explains who this king is in verses 17-19. Read to know Him and look for His names, traits an attributes.
Proverbs 12:8-9 Did I ever show you my great big award badge for being the most humble missionary? Take time to consider what I ask you to do and then see through my "humility". Pride and being perverse will always be contrary to humility and wisdom. FACT, I did not receive ANY reward for being humble, it was a joke to cause you to think more of me than you should. We must be careful to humble ourselves or we might go hungry. Invite someone to have dinner with you in heaven.(no $$ 2U) pj
Deuteronomy 16:1-17:20 How many times will/must the history be retold to the children of Israel? Let us learn the ways of JAH. Let us learn to respect and obey His commandments.If God said there is only one way, one place and one sacrifice then let us do what He tells us.If God warns us to not worship or follow idols then let us do that.Let us learn what it means to testify under oath. The death penalty is proper, timely and applicable to all. We are to be alert, sensitive and willing to stand up for the laws of God.The provisions for a king was set forth, but God wants for all of His to not choose another person to rule them because men will not rule as GOD. When we choose a man as our leader, perhaps God will send us leanness of soul.Watch for those presumptuous sins. All should hear and fear. Read to know Him.
Luke 9:7-27 Jesus ask a personal question of the disciples that echoes through our ears today "But whom say ye that I am"? How do you respond to this questiion? Are you impressed by the feeding miracle? Do you wish that you could have been one of the 12 disciples and been involved in feeding 1/12th of 5000 or 416.67 men with your share of five loaves and two fishes and then picked up 12 baskets of fragments.WOW! How does this impact your concept of Jesus as God in the flesh? He explains the cost of being a disciple. Each of us must choose to follow or go our own way, but what advantage do we gain by forsaking God? Pray, if you want for God to cause you to see the BEST way to live.
Psalm 72:1-20 King David tells us of one day in the future that all kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him (V12).He explains who this king is in verses 17-19. Read to know Him and look for His names, traits an attributes.
Proverbs 12:8-9 Did I ever show you my great big award badge for being the most humble missionary? Take time to consider what I ask you to do and then see through my "humility". Pride and being perverse will always be contrary to humility and wisdom. FACT, I did not receive ANY reward for being humble, it was a joke to cause you to think more of me than you should. We must be careful to humble ourselves or we might go hungry. Invite someone to have dinner with you in heaven.(no $$ 2U) pj
Mar 30th Where has this year gone? We are about 1/4th of the way through the 365 Bible and I hope you are being challenged by The Word to know Him. I am glad of who I was, am and will be because of my salvation experience from the wrath of GOD. I hope you can say with me that I am a child of God, I am Christ's friend, I have been justified and today I say (ICorn 6:17)that I am joined unto The Lord in one Spirit. It is good to be ACCEPTED!
Deuteronomy 13:1-15:23 gives us many warnings about false prophets, bad friends, how to serve poor people and stewardship. The BEST solution for all situations is given in 15:5" Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day.", but obedience is the demonstration of our true faith, if we believe what we see, read, hear and know. God's promises are true, but the conditions must be met. No exceptions.
Luke 8:41-9:6 What a great picture we have of the Majesty and Humility of our Lord Jesus The Christ of GOD. Recall some of His attributes and see them demonstrated as He teaches the "sick" woman, grieving parents and disciples who He is and why He came to earth. He came to save our souls, heal our bodies and preach the gospel. He is no respecter of person and every thing He does is perfect. Read to know Him.
Psalm 71:1-24 Tells us to say "In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion" and then we ought to remember ALL the benefits that are ours because of His faithfulness and generosity. Take time to underline all the things listed in this Psalm and then offer a prayer of thanksgiving.
Proverbs 121:5-7 Great provisions and protection belong to the saved. Be sure He knows our thoughts, words and deeds and we will give an account and be rewarded according to what we "be and do". Accountability, repentance and faith should be our way of life as we read to know HIM. Selah. pj
Deuteronomy 13:1-15:23 gives us many warnings about false prophets, bad friends, how to serve poor people and stewardship. The BEST solution for all situations is given in 15:5" Only if thou carefully hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all these commandments which I command thee this day.", but obedience is the demonstration of our true faith, if we believe what we see, read, hear and know. God's promises are true, but the conditions must be met. No exceptions.
Luke 8:41-9:6 What a great picture we have of the Majesty and Humility of our Lord Jesus The Christ of GOD. Recall some of His attributes and see them demonstrated as He teaches the "sick" woman, grieving parents and disciples who He is and why He came to earth. He came to save our souls, heal our bodies and preach the gospel. He is no respecter of person and every thing He does is perfect. Read to know Him.
Psalm 71:1-24 Tells us to say "In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion" and then we ought to remember ALL the benefits that are ours because of His faithfulness and generosity. Take time to underline all the things listed in this Psalm and then offer a prayer of thanksgiving.
Proverbs 121:5-7 Great provisions and protection belong to the saved. Be sure He knows our thoughts, words and deeds and we will give an account and be rewarded according to what we "be and do". Accountability, repentance and faith should be our way of life as we read to know HIM. Selah. pj
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Mar 29th What a great day we had in our SS Class. Hope you were where The Lord appointed you to be, because in the center of God's will, even in a disaster is better than to be in a near perfect place away from Him. This week has been strong reading and it allows us to draw neigh to Him so that we might know Him.
Numbers was completed this week and we saw the provisions that The LORD made for the tribes concerning the division of the Promise Land.
Deuteronomy 1:1-12:32 Starts with a review of the history of the children beginning at Mount Sinai/Horeb and not in Egypt.GOD gave a charge, commandments, statues and judgments and told them NOT to add or take away "ought" from the words that had been given to them.The lifestyle prescribed in chapter 6 is valid for us today. GOD set before them a blessing and a curse and made it clear as to the consequences of their choices. Stewardship principals were reviewed and promises were made clear. The children were warned to be aware of false prophets. Hear and obey!
Luke 5:29-8:40 Shows us how Jesus called Levi to follow Him, how miracles affected people, and old traditions were not to be considered more important than the WORD. Jesus gave and explained the parables and recognized the faith of the centurion. After the man possessed of the legion of demons was saved we saw him at the feet of Jesus in his right mind, and then being sent home to glorify God. This is an"extreme makeover". What did God do for you? What was "significant" about your conversion? Will the real ewe stand up. Look at II Corn 5:17-21 to settle the matter.
Psalm 66:1-70:5 Causes us to praise The LORD our Lord with a joyful noise as we worship Him. We got to read about His power, salvation, strength, nearness and were reminded that He is the same today as He was then. Let GOD be magnified!
Proverbs 11:24-12:4 Reminds us of the stewardship principals and the key to our JOY is giving. Accountability to The LORD is critical and will affect our walk with Him. We ought to desire the good favor of our GOD. Read to know Him. pj
Numbers was completed this week and we saw the provisions that The LORD made for the tribes concerning the division of the Promise Land.
Deuteronomy 1:1-12:32 Starts with a review of the history of the children beginning at Mount Sinai/Horeb and not in Egypt.GOD gave a charge, commandments, statues and judgments and told them NOT to add or take away "ought" from the words that had been given to them.The lifestyle prescribed in chapter 6 is valid for us today. GOD set before them a blessing and a curse and made it clear as to the consequences of their choices. Stewardship principals were reviewed and promises were made clear. The children were warned to be aware of false prophets. Hear and obey!
Luke 5:29-8:40 Shows us how Jesus called Levi to follow Him, how miracles affected people, and old traditions were not to be considered more important than the WORD. Jesus gave and explained the parables and recognized the faith of the centurion. After the man possessed of the legion of demons was saved we saw him at the feet of Jesus in his right mind, and then being sent home to glorify God. This is an"extreme makeover". What did God do for you? What was "significant" about your conversion? Will the real ewe stand up. Look at II Corn 5:17-21 to settle the matter.
Psalm 66:1-70:5 Causes us to praise The LORD our Lord with a joyful noise as we worship Him. We got to read about His power, salvation, strength, nearness and were reminded that He is the same today as He was then. Let GOD be magnified!
Proverbs 11:24-12:4 Reminds us of the stewardship principals and the key to our JOY is giving. Accountability to The LORD is critical and will affect our walk with Him. We ought to desire the good favor of our GOD. Read to know Him. pj
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Mar 28th Thank The LORD for preserving His truth that we might read it today to know Him. Do you ever wonder what it was like to be a part of the children who had spent 40 years wandering because of the sin and unbelief of their parents and friends? How many times has God told, told, told, told and reminded Moses, Joshua, Caleb about His promises? What lesson MUST we learn from reading this history? Are you living Christlike today? Let us, that are saved, be thankful for GOD's faithfulness.
Deuteronomy 9:1-10:22 How many names of God did you take note of today?How many attributes did you see recorded by Moses? Are you convinced that GOD is a covenant keeping God? Do you see that GOD hates sin, yet loves and provides for the sinner?Let us agree, as His children, to hear His commandments, statutes, judgments and do them. Look at 10:16-21 and adore Him, confess sin, be thankful and then ask that His will be done in your life, if you want to. If not look at verse 9:26 and hope someone is praying for you. Do you KNOW who is making intercession for you now?
Luke 8:4-21 allows us to see how The Lord tells the truth. As the master teacher he makes His words relative, known, practical and easy to relate to in the ears of the hearers. Did they not listen or did they not hear?The parable is this: The seed is the word of God(v 11). Jesus exposes the enemy, the devil, and assures his disciples that all heard the word, but did not believe, fell away because of temptation or were choked out because of the cares of the world. None of these came to perfection or full term and whole. The "good heart" is like good ground and by the Grace of God produces good fruit with patience. How is your crop growing today? You should not try to hide your light. You are a child of The King.
Psalm 69:15-36 makes me to say, Oh Me. It would be good that in all of our days, bad or good, we would say(v 30)"I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving". Take time to be Holy and grateful.
Proverbs 12:2-3 tells us about provisions that only God will and can give to a believer. If you claim this promise do you make a vow to seal it? Shouldn't all men pray,"O Father, Thy will be done, cause me to be like Jesus Christ, a good man and righteous"? Let us agree that we may trust Him. pj
Deuteronomy 9:1-10:22 How many names of God did you take note of today?How many attributes did you see recorded by Moses? Are you convinced that GOD is a covenant keeping God? Do you see that GOD hates sin, yet loves and provides for the sinner?Let us agree, as His children, to hear His commandments, statutes, judgments and do them. Look at 10:16-21 and adore Him, confess sin, be thankful and then ask that His will be done in your life, if you want to. If not look at verse 9:26 and hope someone is praying for you. Do you KNOW who is making intercession for you now?
Luke 8:4-21 allows us to see how The Lord tells the truth. As the master teacher he makes His words relative, known, practical and easy to relate to in the ears of the hearers. Did they not listen or did they not hear?The parable is this: The seed is the word of God(v 11). Jesus exposes the enemy, the devil, and assures his disciples that all heard the word, but did not believe, fell away because of temptation or were choked out because of the cares of the world. None of these came to perfection or full term and whole. The "good heart" is like good ground and by the Grace of God produces good fruit with patience. How is your crop growing today? You should not try to hide your light. You are a child of The King.
Psalm 69:15-36 makes me to say, Oh Me. It would be good that in all of our days, bad or good, we would say(v 30)"I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving". Take time to be Holy and grateful.
Proverbs 12:2-3 tells us about provisions that only God will and can give to a believer. If you claim this promise do you make a vow to seal it? Shouldn't all men pray,"O Father, Thy will be done, cause me to be like Jesus Christ, a good man and righteous"? Let us agree that we may trust Him. pj
Friday, March 27, 2009
Mar 27th Hope your day is blessed.As we read to know Him in the Old Testament it may cause us to have difficulties relating the commandments The LORD gave the children to do and observe with our lifestyle today. Don't despair, look for the principals that God teaches for they are not restricted to location, time nor people groups. Seek the leadership of The Holy Spirit to teach you the application. Ask the question of why does God want His people to be separate? Why does God demand that all the idols, groves and graven images be destroyed? Why did God tell the Jews not to marry the gentiles?
Look at Deuteronomy 8:11-20 and see what the results are when people disobey. The LORD has done everything that He is going to do to show Himself as GOD. Now we need to learn what it means to be special people that have been chosen by God to represent Him to the world. Be right and do right. Verse7:21 "Thou shalt not be affrighted at them: for the LORD thy God is among you, a mighty God and terrible." and this should cause us to worship, adore, love and obey HIM.
Luke 7:36-8:3 allows us to see how Jesus responds to humility and self-abasement as compared to pride. The parable of options to respond to favor clearly defines our appreciation and Simon"supposed" right but did wrong. How do you respond to God's favors in your life? Jesus demonstrated that He was no respecter of persons.
Psalm 69:1-14 caused me to think of Jesus and how He was treated. Do you ever try to imagine what God The Father felt as He watched how His Son was received? Selah.
Proverbs 12:1 makes it clear as to the best choice between instruction and reproof. How did you respond to God's instruction yesterday? What will we do with what we have read today? There is a "fine" line that separates obedience from disobedience and each of us choose what we want to do. Allow God to have His way with you. pj
Look at Deuteronomy 8:11-20 and see what the results are when people disobey. The LORD has done everything that He is going to do to show Himself as GOD. Now we need to learn what it means to be special people that have been chosen by God to represent Him to the world. Be right and do right. Verse7:21 "Thou shalt not be affrighted at them: for the LORD thy God is among you, a mighty God and terrible." and this should cause us to worship, adore, love and obey HIM.
Luke 7:36-8:3 allows us to see how Jesus responds to humility and self-abasement as compared to pride. The parable of options to respond to favor clearly defines our appreciation and Simon"supposed" right but did wrong. How do you respond to God's favors in your life? Jesus demonstrated that He was no respecter of persons.
Psalm 69:1-14 caused me to think of Jesus and how He was treated. Do you ever try to imagine what God The Father felt as He watched how His Son was received? Selah.
Proverbs 12:1 makes it clear as to the best choice between instruction and reproof. How did you respond to God's instruction yesterday? What will we do with what we have read today? There is a "fine" line that separates obedience from disobedience and each of us choose what we want to do. Allow God to have His way with you. pj
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Mar 26th Yea, to be accepted in The Beloved!Hope you are having a good day and as you read this morning you were impressed with the beauty of His Holiness. Try to imagine where the children are, how long they have been wandering, warring and waiting to enter the Promise Land. Forty years and they are not there yet.Do you remember that on the 24th we read about Moses being denied entry because of his sin, yet GOD allowed him to see the land from the mountain top.How is your concept of God influenced by how His kids act?
Psalm 68: 19-35 Tells us to be aware of what God is doing for us. Verse 19
"Blessed be the LORD, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah." If we are not depending on God, we are depending on self, other humans or false gods of our own creation. Now stop and think and meditate on that.
Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25 A review of GOD's commandments, statues and judgments is necessary for us to appreciate His mercy and GRACE. Be right first then do right.We need to review these promises and conditions and seek the leadership of The Holy Spirit for our application. Chapter 6 is the example we should follow in teaching our family about God. If every father did this daily our country would be a better place to live. Words that get my attention are:when, then, if, hear, heed, observe, walk and thou shalt. Remember verse 23"He has brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in, to give us the land which he sware unto our fathers." and see the application to your salvation experience and present circumstance.
Luke 7:11-35 allows us to see the Omnipotence of The Lord. Look for His traits, attributes and promises with their conditions. We maybe as this mother helpless, but thanks be to God we are not hopeless! Did you note the names used to ID John?
Proverbs 11:29-31 may be considered as payday is coming. There is and will always be a great gulf of separation between the saved and the unsaved. Let not pride creep into our thinking and we begin to think that The Lord really got a good deal when He redeemed us out of the grip of Satan. Thanks be to GOD for His mercy and grace. pj
Psalm 68: 19-35 Tells us to be aware of what God is doing for us. Verse 19
"Blessed be the LORD, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah." If we are not depending on God, we are depending on self, other humans or false gods of our own creation. Now stop and think and meditate on that.
Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25 A review of GOD's commandments, statues and judgments is necessary for us to appreciate His mercy and GRACE. Be right first then do right.We need to review these promises and conditions and seek the leadership of The Holy Spirit for our application. Chapter 6 is the example we should follow in teaching our family about God. If every father did this daily our country would be a better place to live. Words that get my attention are:when, then, if, hear, heed, observe, walk and thou shalt. Remember verse 23"He has brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in, to give us the land which he sware unto our fathers." and see the application to your salvation experience and present circumstance.
Luke 7:11-35 allows us to see the Omnipotence of The Lord. Look for His traits, attributes and promises with their conditions. We maybe as this mother helpless, but thanks be to God we are not hopeless! Did you note the names used to ID John?
Proverbs 11:29-31 may be considered as payday is coming. There is and will always be a great gulf of separation between the saved and the unsaved. Let not pride creep into our thinking and we begin to think that The Lord really got a good deal when He redeemed us out of the grip of Satan. Thanks be to GOD for His mercy and grace. pj
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Mar 25th This may be one of the strongest day of reading we will have for several weeks. If we read to know Him, then today we get to KNOW HIM. Please take time to be thankful for what you see, handle, touch, hear, sense, feel, smell and learn about GOD. Take the opportunity to claim His promises and secure the benefits that are before us as real today as they were when they were first spoken by GOD. Our faith will be increased because of reading every day. I saw a quote from Aristotle that may be applicable today, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit". What did you do yesterday that you are doing today? Read!
Deuteronomy 4:1-49 shows us God's will for His children. We are responsible to be good parents and obey God. We are to be good students to hear the truth and to share the truth WITHOUT change by adding or taking away ought. We are to be diligent in all the things of God.We are to be thankful for the Word of God.We are to fear God for He is as a consuming fire, even a jealous God.We are to believe the verse(29) that tells us to seek The LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. What are you going to do tomorrow?
Luke 6:39-7:10 continues the instruction of The Master Teacher and He reminds us that we are not above our master as disciples, but we are to be as our Master. What are we doing today that is like Jesus, if He is our Master? I love the story of the centurion and wish every military man was as he was. How is your faith?
Psalm 68:1-18 describes the majesty of God. The name of JAH fascinates me. Have you found the meaning and significance of this name? Selah. I am glad that I was a captive and have been set free! I am a son of God!Where are you today? If you know anyone that is a captive please tell them about GOD and Jesus and how to be freed from the wrath of God and to receive the gift of eternal life.
Proverbs 11:28 I have the blessed hope, Maranatha! One day this statement of truth in this proverb will be evident to the whole world. The question may be do you know Him or might it be does He know you? Be and do.Believe what you read in the Bible. Act upon what you read today. Let us strive to be as our Master. pj
Deuteronomy 4:1-49 shows us God's will for His children. We are responsible to be good parents and obey God. We are to be good students to hear the truth and to share the truth WITHOUT change by adding or taking away ought. We are to be diligent in all the things of God.We are to be thankful for the Word of God.We are to fear God for He is as a consuming fire, even a jealous God.We are to believe the verse(29) that tells us to seek The LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. What are you going to do tomorrow?
Luke 6:39-7:10 continues the instruction of The Master Teacher and He reminds us that we are not above our master as disciples, but we are to be as our Master. What are we doing today that is like Jesus, if He is our Master? I love the story of the centurion and wish every military man was as he was. How is your faith?
Psalm 68:1-18 describes the majesty of God. The name of JAH fascinates me. Have you found the meaning and significance of this name? Selah. I am glad that I was a captive and have been set free! I am a son of God!Where are you today? If you know anyone that is a captive please tell them about GOD and Jesus and how to be freed from the wrath of God and to receive the gift of eternal life.
Proverbs 11:28 I have the blessed hope, Maranatha! One day this statement of truth in this proverb will be evident to the whole world. The question may be do you know Him or might it be does He know you? Be and do.Believe what you read in the Bible. Act upon what you read today. Let us strive to be as our Master. pj
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Mar 24th This good reading will cause us to check your concept of God. Hopefully you read to know Him. Each day of reading will affect your "faith factor" because you are hearing from The LORD by His Word. As your faith is increased your concept of God will be more defined so that you will be more Christlike.
Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29 How many traits of God did you find today? Moses reminds the children that God has been faithful, consistent, protective and orderly. Moses is denied the opportunity to enter the Promise Land but is given a charge to be an example for Joshua and to mentor him so that he can lead wisely.
Luke 6:12-38 It appears that The LORD met with The Lord and selected the 12 men to be apostles. Busy men were given greater opportunity to live with, learn from Jesus and serve in the first church. What Moses was charged to do for Joshua in Deut 3:28, Jesus did for these men. Jesus gave to the apostles and disciples the "code of conduct" for them to follow.Stewardship is the central theme of this code and the doctrine of preferring others is how it is best demonstrated. The best way to spell joy may be Jesus, others and then yourself.
Psalm 67:1-7 Verse 1 may well be the theme song for the children as they begin their journey into the Promise Land. We can claim the promises in verses 6-7.
Proverbs 11:27 Tells the truth about what we seek and what we get. Suggest you pray to The LORD that The Lord "cause you" to be right and then you choose to do right.
Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29 How many traits of God did you find today? Moses reminds the children that God has been faithful, consistent, protective and orderly. Moses is denied the opportunity to enter the Promise Land but is given a charge to be an example for Joshua and to mentor him so that he can lead wisely.
Luke 6:12-38 It appears that The LORD met with The Lord and selected the 12 men to be apostles. Busy men were given greater opportunity to live with, learn from Jesus and serve in the first church. What Moses was charged to do for Joshua in Deut 3:28, Jesus did for these men. Jesus gave to the apostles and disciples the "code of conduct" for them to follow.Stewardship is the central theme of this code and the doctrine of preferring others is how it is best demonstrated. The best way to spell joy may be Jesus, others and then yourself.
Psalm 67:1-7 Verse 1 may well be the theme song for the children as they begin their journey into the Promise Land. We can claim the promises in verses 6-7.
Proverbs 11:27 Tells the truth about what we seek and what we get. Suggest you pray to The LORD that The Lord "cause you" to be right and then you choose to do right.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Mar 23rd Can you say that you know GOD? Have you been redeemed from the wrath of God? When did you get the assurance that all of your sins had been committed to Jesus Christ and that His righteousness had been credited to your account by God The Father? Now we can say I am glad for who I was yesterday, I have hope for who I am in Christ today, I am looking forward to what I will be in Eternity with The LORD, I am God's child,I am Christ friend and I have been justified according to Romans 5:1. Yea, we are ACCEPTED!
Numbers 36:1-13 final provisions are made for the families so that there would not be conflict later concerning borders and land disputes. Marriage restrictions were established and tribal unity was the rule for these were the commandments and judgments which The LORD commanded.
Deuteronomy 1:1-46 We will spend about two weeks reading what will take more than two months for the children to accomplish. Moses reminds the children AGAIN how close their fathers had been forty years earlier to entering the Promise Land. This time Moses starts the history lesson at Mount Horeb and not in Egypt. The children heard the promises that had been made and were reminded that all had died that did not believe totaling 600,000 men of war plus others.
Luke 5:29-6:14 allows us to see Jesus and how He interacts with His new converts, publicans, scribes and Pharisees concerning the traditions of the fathers. Jesus declares Himself to be The Son of Man and Lord of the sabbath. Because He knew their thoughts, He did good deeds on the sabbath and it made them mad. How does this affect your concept of Jesus Christ as God in the flesh?
Psalm 66:1-20 tells us to make a joyful sound of praise, yet warns us to be pure in our thought life first. Take a good long look at verses 16-20 and meditate on verse 18 and determine what is "iniquity in my heart" and then do the right thing. Confess!
Proverbs 11:24-26 tells us of how The Lord wants us to practice stewardship. Give and be blessed. What do we have that GOD did not give us? Selah. pj
Numbers 36:1-13 final provisions are made for the families so that there would not be conflict later concerning borders and land disputes. Marriage restrictions were established and tribal unity was the rule for these were the commandments and judgments which The LORD commanded.
Deuteronomy 1:1-46 We will spend about two weeks reading what will take more than two months for the children to accomplish. Moses reminds the children AGAIN how close their fathers had been forty years earlier to entering the Promise Land. This time Moses starts the history lesson at Mount Horeb and not in Egypt. The children heard the promises that had been made and were reminded that all had died that did not believe totaling 600,000 men of war plus others.
Luke 5:29-6:14 allows us to see Jesus and how He interacts with His new converts, publicans, scribes and Pharisees concerning the traditions of the fathers. Jesus declares Himself to be The Son of Man and Lord of the sabbath. Because He knew their thoughts, He did good deeds on the sabbath and it made them mad. How does this affect your concept of Jesus Christ as God in the flesh?
Psalm 66:1-20 tells us to make a joyful sound of praise, yet warns us to be pure in our thought life first. Take a good long look at verses 16-20 and meditate on verse 18 and determine what is "iniquity in my heart" and then do the right thing. Confess!
Proverbs 11:24-26 tells us of how The Lord wants us to practice stewardship. Give and be blessed. What do we have that GOD did not give us? Selah. pj
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Mar 22nd Hope you had a great day in your assembly of believers at the local New Testament Church that is a copy of the Church that Jesus started in the Gospels. We had some members occupied with other things and didn't come to class today. We spent a lot of time talking about prayer, reading some verses in Luke 4 and identifying traits and names of Jesus. I am very pleased that many members participate in our table discussions. We need to remember that we read to know HIM!
Numbers 33:40-35:34 tells us the history of the wandering, specifies the work for the children and clearly lays out the benefits and consequences of doing God's will. God tells the children how to divide the land in Canaan, assigns judges for setting territorial lines and lays out a plan for the political and stewardship matters. The legal question concerning murder or death by accident was made clear with responsibility of the offended family specified. The priest were to choose six cities of refuge for persons guilty of an accidental death and the charged party was to stay in that city safely and be freed from any guilt upon the death of the High Priest. God placed requirements for the number of witnesses in cases of murder. Blood is life. Life is precious. Murder is deserving of death and the avenging family will execute this justice. God provides a way of closure for all. We need to look closely at 35:33-34 and see how this impacts our concept of GOD.
Luke 5:12-28 allows us to see up close and personal Jesus, The Son of God , as He heals the lame and forgives sins so that all might know that He had power to do the will of God. Look at verse 24 and be amazed! What has He done for you?
Psalm 65:1-13 seems to be a song of a servant of The LORD. Let us praise Him.
Proverbs 11:23 is very similar to Psalm 62:5 and begs the question " what are my expectations?" from God. pj Selah.
Numbers 33:40-35:34 tells us the history of the wandering, specifies the work for the children and clearly lays out the benefits and consequences of doing God's will. God tells the children how to divide the land in Canaan, assigns judges for setting territorial lines and lays out a plan for the political and stewardship matters. The legal question concerning murder or death by accident was made clear with responsibility of the offended family specified. The priest were to choose six cities of refuge for persons guilty of an accidental death and the charged party was to stay in that city safely and be freed from any guilt upon the death of the High Priest. God placed requirements for the number of witnesses in cases of murder. Blood is life. Life is precious. Murder is deserving of death and the avenging family will execute this justice. God provides a way of closure for all. We need to look closely at 35:33-34 and see how this impacts our concept of GOD.
Luke 5:12-28 allows us to see up close and personal Jesus, The Son of God , as He heals the lame and forgives sins so that all might know that He had power to do the will of God. Look at verse 24 and be amazed! What has He done for you?
Psalm 65:1-13 seems to be a song of a servant of The LORD. Let us praise Him.
Proverbs 11:23 is very similar to Psalm 62:5 and begs the question " what are my expectations?" from God. pj Selah.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Mar 21st Hope you are enjoying this wonderful spring like weather. I'm sure your reading causes you to appreciate what a great life we have as children of The King. As I read these last few chapters of Numbers, seeing the review of forty years of wandering, I'm amazed at the patience and long suffering of Almighty God. How similar are we to these rebellious people that complain, murmur, worship false idols, disobey God's commandments and still expect Him to be at their beckon call when trouble arises. When will we learn? I hope you refine your concept of GOD as you read to know Him. Our prayer life should improve because of what we have read and have learned about God and His stewardship principals.
Reading about The Lord Jesus and His tender care with the people that Luke records encourages me to keep on keeping on. Remember our goal this side of eternity is to be Christlike. I still wonder what it must have been like for Peter, Andrew, James, John and Levi to looked into His eyes and heard Him say "follow me". To forsake all and follow when you don't know the way or the cost is mind boggling, but it is the only way if we want to walk with Jesus and do The Father's will while living by faith. Wow! Is He asking too much? Each person must face the choice alone, yet as sons of God we are never alone. Stop and evaluate how much you have learned since 1 Jan 09 because you chose to read daily to know Him. We know faith cometh by hearing the word of God. This very moment, if you are saved, ought to remind us of our Blessed Hope, Maranatha. Selah. Hope to see some of you in SS and church tomorrow and please start the day early by reading God's Word to know Him. pj
PS Get a promise verse and share with some one your hope.
Reading about The Lord Jesus and His tender care with the people that Luke records encourages me to keep on keeping on. Remember our goal this side of eternity is to be Christlike. I still wonder what it must have been like for Peter, Andrew, James, John and Levi to looked into His eyes and heard Him say "follow me". To forsake all and follow when you don't know the way or the cost is mind boggling, but it is the only way if we want to walk with Jesus and do The Father's will while living by faith. Wow! Is He asking too much? Each person must face the choice alone, yet as sons of God we are never alone. Stop and evaluate how much you have learned since 1 Jan 09 because you chose to read daily to know Him. We know faith cometh by hearing the word of God. This very moment, if you are saved, ought to remind us of our Blessed Hope, Maranatha. Selah. Hope to see some of you in SS and church tomorrow and please start the day early by reading God's Word to know Him. pj
PS Get a promise verse and share with some one your hope.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Mar 20th What a great day to read. Hope all is well in your space and all you have is in order, neat, tidy, clean and appreciated. It is good to take time to be Holy and grateful for all we have from The Lord.
Numbers30:1-31:54 tells us about being careful what we say about what we are going to do for God. Emphasis is placed on family unity, authority and responsability. We learn that the enemies of God and His people are destined for destruction. God hates SIN but loves the sinner. God's plan of stewardship is fair,just and applicable in all circumstances. What makes strewardship a joy is when the participants do it freely and from a willing heart. He gives that we may give.
Luke 4:1-32 tells us that"they" were astonished at his doctrine. Consider that no man saw Jesus being tempted, yet GOD breathed on (inspired) and caused holy men of God to speak as they were moved of God to write the truth that you and I read and believe.When we see how Satan, the Devil, tempted Jesus and how He used the Scriptures from Deuteronomy in the Old Testament. We can learn survival techneques and the proper use of God's promises and truth when we are tempted. It is good for us to see this temptation event because it gives us assurances that Jesus was tempted in all circunstances as we are, but He sinned not. When Jesus preached in the synagogue in Nazareth His style and mannerism I want to copy in that He read the Scriptures, sat down and began to teach. Look at verse 21 and let this truth impact your concept of God. He is always kind, truthful and honest with His audience.
Psalm 63:1-11 What do you look for when you seek GOD early? Selah. What makes you praise The Lord? When you meditate, what do you meditate upon? Why do you read?
Proverbs 11:20-21 tells us how to be pleasing to God and what happens to the unjust. Hopefully we will pay attention to these remarks made by God and walk with Him daily. When we read to know Him it will cause a change in our conversation. pj
Numbers30:1-31:54 tells us about being careful what we say about what we are going to do for God. Emphasis is placed on family unity, authority and responsability. We learn that the enemies of God and His people are destined for destruction. God hates SIN but loves the sinner. God's plan of stewardship is fair,just and applicable in all circumstances. What makes strewardship a joy is when the participants do it freely and from a willing heart. He gives that we may give.
Luke 4:1-32 tells us that"they" were astonished at his doctrine. Consider that no man saw Jesus being tempted, yet GOD breathed on (inspired) and caused holy men of God to speak as they were moved of God to write the truth that you and I read and believe.When we see how Satan, the Devil, tempted Jesus and how He used the Scriptures from Deuteronomy in the Old Testament. We can learn survival techneques and the proper use of God's promises and truth when we are tempted. It is good for us to see this temptation event because it gives us assurances that Jesus was tempted in all circunstances as we are, but He sinned not. When Jesus preached in the synagogue in Nazareth His style and mannerism I want to copy in that He read the Scriptures, sat down and began to teach. Look at verse 21 and let this truth impact your concept of God. He is always kind, truthful and honest with His audience.
Psalm 63:1-11 What do you look for when you seek GOD early? Selah. What makes you praise The Lord? When you meditate, what do you meditate upon? Why do you read?
Proverbs 11:20-21 tells us how to be pleasing to God and what happens to the unjust. Hopefully we will pay attention to these remarks made by God and walk with Him daily. When we read to know Him it will cause a change in our conversation. pj
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Mar 19th We had a great time with two of our grandchildren for a few days and returned them to their parents today. Lest you forget, The USA is the best place to live and raise a family. We have TOO many privileges of liberty and it appears that some of these have become a RIGHT that we selfishly demand. Where did the idea of responsibility go? We, that are saved, are not our own and when we act like we are redeemed children of Almighty GOD the lost will see and wonder why we are not acting like the rest of the world. Read to know Him. Be right and then do right.
Numbers28:15-29:40 is clear as the opportunity for the children to worship, they would follow a plan and offer the very best of what they had been given. Why should they obey? Why should we do our BEST? Be grateful that we get to offer freely a sacrifice of thanksgiving to our GOD. Did you today? Did He hear and accept your offering? What makes you confident that He hears your prayers?
Luke 3:23-38 declares the genealogy of Jesus back to Adam through Seth, the line of faith and is called the son of God. You can compare this with the genealogy as recorded in Matthew and see the linkage with David and Abraham where Jesus is called the Christ. Read to know Him.
Psalm 62:1-12 has a great promise verse for me in verse 5, "My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him". When you combined what we have read today and ask the questions "where do I go, whom do I seek and what do I need?" the answer is clear, wait on God. It has been said that if you seek any thing apart from The LORD, you seek vanity and it will disappoint you every time. Know and follow Him.
Proverbs 11:18-19 defines our conduct to be unselfish or selfish. When we act in a righteous manner we glorify our Heavenly Father. Be right and then do right. pj
Numbers28:15-29:40 is clear as the opportunity for the children to worship, they would follow a plan and offer the very best of what they had been given. Why should they obey? Why should we do our BEST? Be grateful that we get to offer freely a sacrifice of thanksgiving to our GOD. Did you today? Did He hear and accept your offering? What makes you confident that He hears your prayers?
Luke 3:23-38 declares the genealogy of Jesus back to Adam through Seth, the line of faith and is called the son of God. You can compare this with the genealogy as recorded in Matthew and see the linkage with David and Abraham where Jesus is called the Christ. Read to know Him.
Psalm 62:1-12 has a great promise verse for me in verse 5, "My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him". When you combined what we have read today and ask the questions "where do I go, whom do I seek and what do I need?" the answer is clear, wait on God. It has been said that if you seek any thing apart from The LORD, you seek vanity and it will disappoint you every time. Know and follow Him.
Proverbs 11:18-19 defines our conduct to be unselfish or selfish. When we act in a righteous manner we glorify our Heavenly Father. Be right and then do right. pj
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Mar 18th Congrats to my wife in celebration for 52 years of marriage! As we read of how The LORD blessed the children of Israel we can see how we have been blesed with long life, each other, wonderful children, super sweet grandchildren, extended families of our in-laws, caring church family, many good friends, good health, prosperity, tribulations and the blessed hope of eternal life.Thanks be unto GOD!
Numbers 26:52-28:14 describes the last days of Moses. He lays out The Lord's stewardship plan, reminds all the children of why many died short of the promised land and allows provisions for the families who had no sons. Because of the faithfulness of Caleb and Joshua they entered as heads of their families. Moses is to die and Joshua is annointed to be the leader. Final commandments are given by God concerning worship. I hope your concept of God has been influenced by how He dealt with the children of obedience and disobedience. Prompt obedience and strict discipline. Be right and do right.
Luke 3:1-22 reveals the false concept of God by the priest and government. Do you find much similarity of this concept today? We are aware of the law of proper conduct and it is best to obey what we know.John takes no credit for himself and defers all glory to Him who is to come.
Psalm 61:1-8 causes us to say and look up to the rock that is higher than I. Selah. Let us practice "hallowing" His name.
Proverbs 11:16-17 uses the colon carefully. Be kind, strong, do good and expect The Lord to notice your conduct. Be right first then do right. Read to know Him. pj
Numbers 26:52-28:14 describes the last days of Moses. He lays out The Lord's stewardship plan, reminds all the children of why many died short of the promised land and allows provisions for the families who had no sons. Because of the faithfulness of Caleb and Joshua they entered as heads of their families. Moses is to die and Joshua is annointed to be the leader. Final commandments are given by God concerning worship. I hope your concept of God has been influenced by how He dealt with the children of obedience and disobedience. Prompt obedience and strict discipline. Be right and do right.
Luke 3:1-22 reveals the false concept of God by the priest and government. Do you find much similarity of this concept today? We are aware of the law of proper conduct and it is best to obey what we know.John takes no credit for himself and defers all glory to Him who is to come.
Psalm 61:1-8 causes us to say and look up to the rock that is higher than I. Selah. Let us practice "hallowing" His name.
Proverbs 11:16-17 uses the colon carefully. Be kind, strong, do good and expect The Lord to notice your conduct. Be right first then do right. Read to know Him. pj
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Mar 17th and a great day to you all. Let us start each day with a prayer of thanksgiving recalling who we were, are and will be in Christ. Thanks be to God because we are accepted as sons of God and friends of Jesus.
Psalms 60:1-12 declares much of GOD. Perhaps verse 3 explains the reading of today in that how GOD dealt with the children of Israel was hard(but He is not hard), many learned men in Jerusalem were astonished with Jesus and we do not understand all the truth of the Psalms and Proverbs. But thanks be to God for causing the Word to be preserved for us today, The Holy Spirit to indwell us as believers and the knowledge that the help of man is vain. Look at the promise of verse 12.
Numbers26;1-51 demonstrates some of the greatness of God. The children had started with 603,550 men of war, many had died from plagues and wars and now they had 601,730 getting ready to enter the promise land. How big is GOD?
Luke 2:36-52 spans many years in the life of Jesus and verse 40 explains that He grew and was divinely enabled by His Father. Jesus was not ever not God! Yet,He was as much man as you and me! He was, is and will forever be God-Man! He came to us, as us, for us. We know where He is right now and what He is doing for all believers. May we take up His work as He said in verse 49 and be about our Father's business. Ask The Lord to increase your wisdom, stature and favour with God. Learn to pray. Pray to learn. Live as you have been taught. Be right then do right. pj
Psalms 60:1-12 declares much of GOD. Perhaps verse 3 explains the reading of today in that how GOD dealt with the children of Israel was hard(but He is not hard), many learned men in Jerusalem were astonished with Jesus and we do not understand all the truth of the Psalms and Proverbs. But thanks be to God for causing the Word to be preserved for us today, The Holy Spirit to indwell us as believers and the knowledge that the help of man is vain. Look at the promise of verse 12.
Numbers26;1-51 demonstrates some of the greatness of God. The children had started with 603,550 men of war, many had died from plagues and wars and now they had 601,730 getting ready to enter the promise land. How big is GOD?
Luke 2:36-52 spans many years in the life of Jesus and verse 40 explains that He grew and was divinely enabled by His Father. Jesus was not ever not God! Yet,He was as much man as you and me! He was, is and will forever be God-Man! He came to us, as us, for us. We know where He is right now and what He is doing for all believers. May we take up His work as He said in verse 49 and be about our Father's business. Ask The Lord to increase your wisdom, stature and favour with God. Learn to pray. Pray to learn. Live as you have been taught. Be right then do right. pj
Monday, March 16, 2009
Mar16th Welcome to the last of this week. Hope you had a great time in church Sunday. We had many people absent, but we had some first time visitors to the class. Some were starting spring break and others were in travel to far away places and we expect that The LORD protected and provided in all aspects of these trips. Hope all of our regulars will be in class next week so that we can harmonize our training on the important matter of prayer. I pray you are "happy" in The Lord, remembering that you are a child of The King and now adding the truth of John 15:15 that you are a "friend" of Christ. Let us act like our Father and walk with our Brother.
Numbers 24:1-25 continues the saga of Balaam and Barak concerning the blessing or cursing of Israel. Note the names given to our God, look for His attributes and be aware of t.he prophecy concerning a Star and a Sceptre. Numbers 25:1-18 records the sad fact of the idolatry that the children of Israel got involved with as they joined with Baal-peor. Check your concept of GOD and make sure you know what He hates, the consequence of sin and how He is "jealous"about His children. 24,000 people did not pay attention to the commandments given to them and they died from the plague. How "zealous" are you concerning the ways of GOD?
Luke 2:1-35 Tells the wonderful story of the birth of Jesus. Read this with a sense of awe in that we get the inside scoop on the story that has been proclaimed every year for 2000 years. Look at His names, titles, attributes and realize that all this truth came down from Heaven to man. Yea, good tidings, great joy, peace on earth and good will toward men and Glory in the highest.These truths are not just for the holidays, but for you and me they are for every day of our life on earth.
Psalm 59:1-17 Let us be mindful of how we pray.
Proverbs 11:14 cautions us to be careful when choosing friends and advisers.
Please remember to read to know Him, seek to be right and then do right joyfully. pj
Numbers 24:1-25 continues the saga of Balaam and Barak concerning the blessing or cursing of Israel. Note the names given to our God, look for His attributes and be aware of t.he prophecy concerning a Star and a Sceptre. Numbers 25:1-18 records the sad fact of the idolatry that the children of Israel got involved with as they joined with Baal-peor. Check your concept of GOD and make sure you know what He hates, the consequence of sin and how He is "jealous"about His children. 24,000 people did not pay attention to the commandments given to them and they died from the plague. How "zealous" are you concerning the ways of GOD?
Luke 2:1-35 Tells the wonderful story of the birth of Jesus. Read this with a sense of awe in that we get the inside scoop on the story that has been proclaimed every year for 2000 years. Look at His names, titles, attributes and realize that all this truth came down from Heaven to man. Yea, good tidings, great joy, peace on earth and good will toward men and Glory in the highest.These truths are not just for the holidays, but for you and me they are for every day of our life on earth.
Psalm 59:1-17 Let us be mindful of how we pray.
Proverbs 11:14 cautions us to be careful when choosing friends and advisers.
Please remember to read to know Him, seek to be right and then do right joyfully. pj
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Mar 15th Sunday and all the Saints ought to be in assembly in the local church to worship The Lord, sing His praises, give an offering of thanksgiving freely and be edified by the preaching of The Word of GOD. We read to know Him. We choose to obey.
Numbers22:21-23:30 records many miracles. How many did you notice involving man, beast an angel? Balaam and Baalak have much conflict in trying to bless and or curse the children of God and this demonstrates the tenacity of the enemy of God's people. We can learn some great truths here by reading what Balaam said that God said and what attributes Balaam ascribed to God concerning truth an accountability.
Luke 1:57-80 records the birth of John and his parents explain why they called him John. His father told what he would do for God and how prophecy would be accomplished by his son, the prophet of the Highest. Verse 79 is a sample of the message John would tell. There are many traits, attributes and names of God given in the book of Luke. Read to know Him.
Psalm 58:1-11 The writer of these verses seems to be angry. It may not be best to ask Almighty God to destroy your enemies and then seek a reward for being righteous.I suggest we be careful in what we ask for in the name of God. Selah.
Proverbs 11:12-13 tells us that our speech tells more than what we say. Ask The Lord to cause you to be quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to wrath. Perhaps you can find a verse to back this up. Have a great day, be right and do right. pj
Numbers22:21-23:30 records many miracles. How many did you notice involving man, beast an angel? Balaam and Baalak have much conflict in trying to bless and or curse the children of God and this demonstrates the tenacity of the enemy of God's people. We can learn some great truths here by reading what Balaam said that God said and what attributes Balaam ascribed to God concerning truth an accountability.
Luke 1:57-80 records the birth of John and his parents explain why they called him John. His father told what he would do for God and how prophecy would be accomplished by his son, the prophet of the Highest. Verse 79 is a sample of the message John would tell. There are many traits, attributes and names of God given in the book of Luke. Read to know Him.
Psalm 58:1-11 The writer of these verses seems to be angry. It may not be best to ask Almighty God to destroy your enemies and then seek a reward for being righteous.I suggest we be careful in what we ask for in the name of God. Selah.
Proverbs 11:12-13 tells us that our speech tells more than what we say. Ask The Lord to cause you to be quick to listen and slow to speak and slow to wrath. Perhaps you can find a verse to back this up. Have a great day, be right and do right. pj
Mar 14th I am glad to be a child of The King.There are many questions to be asked today concerning the "serpent of brass" and how it was used by God to provide salvation for the children and to represent the future salvation for you and me in the person of Jesus.Please look again at verses 6-9. When we read of the story of Mary as the mother of Jesus we are faced with the option to believe this to be true or not. Each person either accepts it all to be Truth and True or none of the Bible to be true. Let those of us who believe start at verses 1-4 of Psalm 57 and be thankful and grateful that GOD has favored us with wisdom. Read to know Him and believe The Bible. pj
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Mar13th I will be on the road today and will try to add more later tonight. When you read about the red heifer please look at the "why" of this special sacrifice; it is a purification for sin for touching a dead body. How do you see God in this requirement? As you watch Moses being overtaken in a fault because of the acts of the children read verse 20:10 and see his sin. Do you see his mistake,error,sin? GOD will not share His glory with any man. How does the response from GOD in verse 12 to Moses affect your concept of GOD? The future for the children of Israel is wars and wandering, dying and death for 37 more years and God will always be overwatching and providing food, clothing and protection. How does this affect your concept of GOD?
Luke 1:1-25 will make a declaration of those things that have been delivered so that we might know with certainty those things we have been taught. We will see in the days to come that Jesus will be known as The Son of Man. What a grand start to this history lesson by beginning with Zacharias, Elisabeth and the angel Gabriel and the prophecy of the birth of their son John. John is a name that means "The Lord is gracious" and we will see that in him as he meets and bows before the Lord Jesus. We should continue to shape our concept of God as we read the book of Luke and look for His names, titles, traits and attributes. Read to know Him.
Psalm 56 should give us much confidence because we can say with the writer "GOD is for me." Accept the facts and promises of verses 10-13. Selah.
Proverbs 11:8 makes me to want to shout! Jehovah Sabaoth. Thanks be to God my Deliverer. PS; Is He yours? He wants to be. pj
Luke 1:1-25 will make a declaration of those things that have been delivered so that we might know with certainty those things we have been taught. We will see in the days to come that Jesus will be known as The Son of Man. What a grand start to this history lesson by beginning with Zacharias, Elisabeth and the angel Gabriel and the prophecy of the birth of their son John. John is a name that means "The Lord is gracious" and we will see that in him as he meets and bows before the Lord Jesus. We should continue to shape our concept of God as we read the book of Luke and look for His names, titles, traits and attributes. Read to know Him.
Psalm 56 should give us much confidence because we can say with the writer "GOD is for me." Accept the facts and promises of verses 10-13. Selah.
Proverbs 11:8 makes me to want to shout! Jehovah Sabaoth. Thanks be to God my Deliverer. PS; Is He yours? He wants to be. pj
Mar12th hope you are in good spirits as you remember who you are in Christ.
Numbers 16:41-18:32 allows us to see God doing a miracle with a stick, an almond rod. He is kind in dealing with unbelief but firm in showing His will. How is your concept of God impacted when you read about 14,700 people dying from the plague sent by GOD because of the matter of Korah? Let us be people of prayer at the very "hint" of unbelief, murmuring and rebellion. God demonstrates His concept of stewardship for all the children that was fair and equal for all. The tithe is the generous financial plan instituted by God that works for the glory of GOD and is easy to be accomplished through the Grace of God by all the children of God.
Mark 16:1-20 we have read about Friday but Sunday is coming. Let me take some liberty and call it SONday. Please don't turn me in for rewriting the Bible. Yea for the stone being rolled away, not so that Jesus could get out, but they might be able to look in to see that He who was crucified is risen. It is good to tell the truth. As reported in verse 14 some told the truth and even the eleven were reported to be in unbelief. As we do The Father's will of going to every creature and preach the Gospel, let us tell them, The Lord working with us, and then depend on GOD to draw them unto salvation.
Psalm 55:1-23 tells of a sad situation that has happened between supposed friends. Let all of us who name the name of Christ do right by Him and all others. We will not enjoy our walk with our Heavenly Father if we have "ought" against a brother. In fact He will not hear our prayer if we regard iniquity in our heart. Get right before you begin to pray. Plan to be right and then do right for Christ's sake.
Proverbs 11:7 makes a clear explanation of the difference between the good and bad and the end result. We have a choice, choose wisely daily. pj
Numbers 16:41-18:32 allows us to see God doing a miracle with a stick, an almond rod. He is kind in dealing with unbelief but firm in showing His will. How is your concept of God impacted when you read about 14,700 people dying from the plague sent by GOD because of the matter of Korah? Let us be people of prayer at the very "hint" of unbelief, murmuring and rebellion. God demonstrates His concept of stewardship for all the children that was fair and equal for all. The tithe is the generous financial plan instituted by God that works for the glory of GOD and is easy to be accomplished through the Grace of God by all the children of God.
Mark 16:1-20 we have read about Friday but Sunday is coming. Let me take some liberty and call it SONday. Please don't turn me in for rewriting the Bible. Yea for the stone being rolled away, not so that Jesus could get out, but they might be able to look in to see that He who was crucified is risen. It is good to tell the truth. As reported in verse 14 some told the truth and even the eleven were reported to be in unbelief. As we do The Father's will of going to every creature and preach the Gospel, let us tell them, The Lord working with us, and then depend on GOD to draw them unto salvation.
Psalm 55:1-23 tells of a sad situation that has happened between supposed friends. Let all of us who name the name of Christ do right by Him and all others. We will not enjoy our walk with our Heavenly Father if we have "ought" against a brother. In fact He will not hear our prayer if we regard iniquity in our heart. Get right before you begin to pray. Plan to be right and then do right for Christ's sake.
Proverbs 11:7 makes a clear explanation of the difference between the good and bad and the end result. We have a choice, choose wisely daily. pj
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Mar11th Wow what a hard day for my computer. I am glad that you read today. Even when things go contrary we still need to pray and remember who we are today, recall yesterday and be joyful about tomorrow. Let us be careful and do things ignorantly.
Numbers 15:17-16:40 demonstrates His consistent awareness of all events and makes the "playing field" level for all players. The law is uniform, true, just, fair and applicable to all. God declares the proper response for those that commit sins "ignorantly". He also is as specific for those who sin"knowingly". It our responsibility to know how and what to be and do. Sometime it maybe as simple as putting a blue fringe on the bottom of the robe to remind of all of God's children the opportunity they have to be obedient to GOD. We can learn the fiery results of disobedience to God's law and commandments by reading about Korah and his friends. It is sad but true that others suffer for our sins. God is no respecter of persons, but He makes some people responsible for a work that He assigns for them and them alone. His will be done. Let us learn to mind our own business! If you don't know, ask Him. How is your concept of God affected by your reading today?
Mark 15:1-47 Records some of the saddest verses written concerning the handling of The Word of God by His creation. In verses 29-32 we can see an ungodly concept of GOD. Look at verse 28 and grasp the thought that He did it all according to scripture. We can better understand the New Testament when we know the Old Testament, Law before Grace. Consider all of the traits of God demonstrated by Jesus as He was mishandled by the Jews, Pilate and the soldiers at the trial and at Golgotha. Let us be amazed at what we read. Perhaps we need to confess our ease of service with our lips and repent from our selfishness when we see Joseph of Arimathaea craving the opportunity to carry the body of Jesus and to prepare for burial. Why do we say we serve Him?
Psalm 54:1-7 ought to be our prayer of thanksgiving for He "hath delivered me out of all trouble". Can you say He is your deliverer?
Proverbs 11:5-6 states there is a "BIG" difference between the perfect and the wicked. GOD knows and I suspect we know where we stand with The LORD. pj
Numbers 15:17-16:40 demonstrates His consistent awareness of all events and makes the "playing field" level for all players. The law is uniform, true, just, fair and applicable to all. God declares the proper response for those that commit sins "ignorantly". He also is as specific for those who sin"knowingly". It our responsibility to know how and what to be and do. Sometime it maybe as simple as putting a blue fringe on the bottom of the robe to remind of all of God's children the opportunity they have to be obedient to GOD. We can learn the fiery results of disobedience to God's law and commandments by reading about Korah and his friends. It is sad but true that others suffer for our sins. God is no respecter of persons, but He makes some people responsible for a work that He assigns for them and them alone. His will be done. Let us learn to mind our own business! If you don't know, ask Him. How is your concept of God affected by your reading today?
Mark 15:1-47 Records some of the saddest verses written concerning the handling of The Word of God by His creation. In verses 29-32 we can see an ungodly concept of GOD. Look at verse 28 and grasp the thought that He did it all according to scripture. We can better understand the New Testament when we know the Old Testament, Law before Grace. Consider all of the traits of God demonstrated by Jesus as He was mishandled by the Jews, Pilate and the soldiers at the trial and at Golgotha. Let us be amazed at what we read. Perhaps we need to confess our ease of service with our lips and repent from our selfishness when we see Joseph of Arimathaea craving the opportunity to carry the body of Jesus and to prepare for burial. Why do we say we serve Him?
Psalm 54:1-7 ought to be our prayer of thanksgiving for He "hath delivered me out of all trouble". Can you say He is your deliverer?
Proverbs 11:5-6 states there is a "BIG" difference between the perfect and the wicked. GOD knows and I suspect we know where we stand with The LORD. pj
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Mar 10th What a great day to be an American, alive, a child of The King and expecting The Son of GOD to appear in the clouds today. We can say with much JOY that we will not face nor suffer the wrath of GOD. We read to know Him and ought to be able to develop a biblical concept of God that brings Him glory. As you read today you should see the impact of murmuring against GOD. Do the math about 2/12 or all that would not enter the land of promise as compared to those that do. Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction... As you renew your "fear factor" of The LORD look at His promises and see what He requires of His own children and try to find any commandment that is grievous. Where He leads He guides and provides!
Proverbs 11:4 "Riches profit not in the day of wrath:but righteousness delivereth from death". As we look back at the other scriptures in today's reading we can see clearly the great truth of Salvation from the wrath of GOD by The Lord Jesus Christ. We, as children of God by faith in Jesus, will not suffer!Do you know and are you sure of this fact in your life?
Numbers14:1-15:16 tells of a very sad predicament for the children of Israel in verse 14:44 in that they "presumed" to go perhaps thinking to meet with God , but instead met the enemy. In all their acts of rebellion God was ready to forgive. I wonder what happened to the 70 men that GOD gifted with the spirit of Moses? The Jews should be grateful for the intercession of Moses with God and as they relook the prayer in verse 13-19.
Mark 14:53-72 how different the reaction are to Jesus as demonstrated by Judas and Peter. One wept and the other hanged himself. Consider the proverb for today. How do you "feel" when you read what happened today? Do you get angry? Do you pray for the lost? Do you say a prayer of thanksgiving for your salvation? Do you wonder how you would have acted had you been one of the disciples? Remember we read to know Him and look for His names, traits and attributes.
Psalm 53:1-6 tells a truth that many do not want to hear. What kind of person tells God no? What kind of person says that there is no God? Perhaps the answer is given in verses 3-5. Be encouraged for there is hope for all men and we know what that hope is, now we need to tell them, before it is too late. pj
Proverbs 11:4 "Riches profit not in the day of wrath:but righteousness delivereth from death". As we look back at the other scriptures in today's reading we can see clearly the great truth of Salvation from the wrath of GOD by The Lord Jesus Christ. We, as children of God by faith in Jesus, will not suffer!Do you know and are you sure of this fact in your life?
Numbers14:1-15:16 tells of a very sad predicament for the children of Israel in verse 14:44 in that they "presumed" to go perhaps thinking to meet with God , but instead met the enemy. In all their acts of rebellion God was ready to forgive. I wonder what happened to the 70 men that GOD gifted with the spirit of Moses? The Jews should be grateful for the intercession of Moses with God and as they relook the prayer in verse 13-19.
Mark 14:53-72 how different the reaction are to Jesus as demonstrated by Judas and Peter. One wept and the other hanged himself. Consider the proverb for today. How do you "feel" when you read what happened today? Do you get angry? Do you pray for the lost? Do you say a prayer of thanksgiving for your salvation? Do you wonder how you would have acted had you been one of the disciples? Remember we read to know Him and look for His names, traits and attributes.
Psalm 53:1-6 tells a truth that many do not want to hear. What kind of person tells God no? What kind of person says that there is no God? Perhaps the answer is given in verses 3-5. Be encouraged for there is hope for all men and we know what that hope is, now we need to tell them, before it is too late. pj
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Mar 9th This is a good start for the rest of the work week. Be grateful. The thought for today and this week is"I am accepted in The Lord Jesus Christ and according to John 1:12 I am a God's child." Please don't get over being a King's kid. Hope you read today to know Him and grow in grace and knowledge.
** Please be careful as you read because this will affect your concept of GOD.**
Numbers 11:24-13:33 shows many aspects of how GOD cares for His creation. It is OK to ask The LORD questions. It is amazing to see how God puts "the spirit" that was upon Moses into 70 men and they prophesied and Moses said in verse 29 that he wished all men would do that. GOD is swift to provide for the children.God shows His anger with Aaron and Miriam even to the point of leaving. Now He causes Moses to choose out 12 men to be spies and sends them to look at the land of promise. Why do we forget the promises that God has made when we are required to put forth some effort to secure the reality of the spoken word? I love the spirit, faith and courage demonstrated by Jehoshua and Caleb.If you had been there what would you have said? Fear is caused by watching the circumstances and forgetting whose hand they are in! They are two years out of Egypt, days from the promise land and 38 years from getting there. What happened?
Mark14:22-52 we are privileged to listen to and watch how Jesus conducts the first communion service for His church. Judas has gone and "only" the true members of the church participate and soon they will fail and flee from His person. Why does The Lord allow us to be a part of His ministry? O' Lord help thou my unbelief. The only person reported to have kissed Jesus betrays Him for money. Let us be careful and not forget what GOD hates and what He expects from His own children.
Psalm 52:1-9 reads"Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man"? Let us apply the truth given and ask God to cause us to see Him more clearly so that we may follow more nearly. SELAH! Claim the provision of verse 9 and be satisfied.
Proverbs 11:1-3 allows us to take a snap shot of GOD. Note the use of the colon.
PS; some of you should be very grateful that the "time change" came on Sunday and not Monday or else you may have been docked for being late to work. pj
** Please be careful as you read because this will affect your concept of GOD.**
Numbers 11:24-13:33 shows many aspects of how GOD cares for His creation. It is OK to ask The LORD questions. It is amazing to see how God puts "the spirit" that was upon Moses into 70 men and they prophesied and Moses said in verse 29 that he wished all men would do that. GOD is swift to provide for the children.God shows His anger with Aaron and Miriam even to the point of leaving. Now He causes Moses to choose out 12 men to be spies and sends them to look at the land of promise. Why do we forget the promises that God has made when we are required to put forth some effort to secure the reality of the spoken word? I love the spirit, faith and courage demonstrated by Jehoshua and Caleb.If you had been there what would you have said? Fear is caused by watching the circumstances and forgetting whose hand they are in! They are two years out of Egypt, days from the promise land and 38 years from getting there. What happened?
Mark14:22-52 we are privileged to listen to and watch how Jesus conducts the first communion service for His church. Judas has gone and "only" the true members of the church participate and soon they will fail and flee from His person. Why does The Lord allow us to be a part of His ministry? O' Lord help thou my unbelief. The only person reported to have kissed Jesus betrays Him for money. Let us be careful and not forget what GOD hates and what He expects from His own children.
Psalm 52:1-9 reads"Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man"? Let us apply the truth given and ask God to cause us to see Him more clearly so that we may follow more nearly. SELAH! Claim the provision of verse 9 and be satisfied.
Proverbs 11:1-3 allows us to take a snap shot of GOD. Note the use of the colon.
PS; some of you should be very grateful that the "time change" came on Sunday and not Monday or else you may have been docked for being late to work. pj
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Mar 8th Hope you read early this AM and I hope to see you in SS. There are some great lessons we can earn today about obedience. Be sure you understand the differnce betwen complaining and murmuring. We ought to practice sanctfication and separation daily. When you read Mark's account of the events in the upper room do you see why we practice closed communion? See you after church. pj
Mar 7th What a great day to read! The proverbs said "The way of the LORD is strength to the upright: but destruction shall be to the workers of iniquity. The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth." If you use the grammatical guide that the : is there to guide the reader to consider that what came before the colon was explained in other words after the colon. We can now say that there is a "fixed" difference between the upright and the wicked as much as is the difference between the righteous and the wicked. This is God's doing!
Numbers 8:1-9:23 reminds us of how the business of GOD should be performed. The older are experienced and will be used to guide and teach the younger and stronger. Did you notice how many times "The children of Israel" phrase is used today? GOD makes a way for all of those that come to Him so that they worship Him properly. Look at the provisions of God for the keeping of the passover in the second year in the wilderness of Sinai and note His traits and attributes. When we read today about the cloud and or the fire that covered the tabernacle we can learn that GOD wants all men to look to Him before doing anything.
Mark 13:14-37 seems to flow from the Book of Numbers when Jesus is foretelling about the time of tribulation. He said for them to "watch" and verse 32 said "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." How do you consider this truth? Should we not learn that GOD knows and that we should believe Him. When Jesus uses the term "Son of man as a man" in verse 34 He demonstrates a great truth about eternal security. Watch! Watch! One day, perhaps today, Jesus is coming in the clouds for His saints, watch. OT/NT the command is watch.This only applies to the saints.
Psalm 50:1-23 affirms that we, as saints, are to be gathered to Him because of the covenant that we have made by sacrifice. Read and ponder God and His promises. Selah. Let us offer today onto our GOD thanksgiving. He said in verse 23 "Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me : and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God". I love to see those colons. pj
Numbers 8:1-9:23 reminds us of how the business of GOD should be performed. The older are experienced and will be used to guide and teach the younger and stronger. Did you notice how many times "The children of Israel" phrase is used today? GOD makes a way for all of those that come to Him so that they worship Him properly. Look at the provisions of God for the keeping of the passover in the second year in the wilderness of Sinai and note His traits and attributes. When we read today about the cloud and or the fire that covered the tabernacle we can learn that GOD wants all men to look to Him before doing anything.
Mark 13:14-37 seems to flow from the Book of Numbers when Jesus is foretelling about the time of tribulation. He said for them to "watch" and verse 32 said "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." How do you consider this truth? Should we not learn that GOD knows and that we should believe Him. When Jesus uses the term "Son of man as a man" in verse 34 He demonstrates a great truth about eternal security. Watch! Watch! One day, perhaps today, Jesus is coming in the clouds for His saints, watch. OT/NT the command is watch.This only applies to the saints.
Psalm 50:1-23 affirms that we, as saints, are to be gathered to Him because of the covenant that we have made by sacrifice. Read and ponder God and His promises. Selah. Let us offer today onto our GOD thanksgiving. He said in verse 23 "Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me : and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God". I love to see those colons. pj
Friday, March 6, 2009
Mar 6th Hopefully you are marking in your 365 Bible each day that you read the yr-09,temp and some of your plans for the day. You will enjoy reading next year what you did this year and hopefully see how The LORD favored you and yours. My desire is for each of you to accept the challenge to read to know Him from now(09)to eternity.
Numbers 6:1-7:89 Please read verse7:5and note the priority and sequence of service. Each of us has the option to make a vow to GOD. When you consider your choice, I recommend you look at the directive given in Romans 12:1-2 and then do what we read in Numbers 7:5. The strong statement made in verse 6:3 is bound by the first four words. Pray that you make the best choice and that it be to put God in His rightful place of FIRST, Him and Him alone! I am fascinated by the offerings of the twelve princes, yet encouraged in that as the record was so carefully made in detail it shows that GOD knows ALL. How many traits of God did you notice in today's reading?
Mark 12:38-13:13 Jesus takes note of the attitude of the giver and the amount of each offering. We can learn from what we have read so far today (Num and up to Mark12:38) that the books of GOD will be full of accurate details about each and every person and will be opened one day. How do you see GOD now? Jesus explains the past, present and future of His life for the disciples and uses the scriptures as the authority. The warning concerning the Spirit of the Anti-Christ was given for them and is applicable for us today. Yet even when we do our very best there will be conflict, even in our families. What ought to motivate us to stay by the Book is for "His name's sake". We are Saved, Sealed, Secure, Satisfied and Sent! His part has been done, now it is our time.
Psalm 49:1-20 How many times have we heard"Hear this"? Please note the promises given in this Psalm that apply to the saved and to the lost and see how that relate to money. I was amused at verse 17 and how it speaks of those that descend, but does not address those that ascend.
Proverbs 10:27-28 makes a stark difference between good and evil. Let us not be convinced that "works" or "good deeds" make us acceptable to GOD. Num 7:5 applies here also in that every man must "Be" right first. Then out of love for his Saviour "Do" right. To know Him is to serve Him and to serve Him is to love Him. We can read in John 14:15 Jesus said "If you love me keep my commandments." pj
Numbers 6:1-7:89 Please read verse7:5and note the priority and sequence of service. Each of us has the option to make a vow to GOD. When you consider your choice, I recommend you look at the directive given in Romans 12:1-2 and then do what we read in Numbers 7:5. The strong statement made in verse 6:3 is bound by the first four words. Pray that you make the best choice and that it be to put God in His rightful place of FIRST, Him and Him alone! I am fascinated by the offerings of the twelve princes, yet encouraged in that as the record was so carefully made in detail it shows that GOD knows ALL. How many traits of God did you notice in today's reading?
Mark 12:38-13:13 Jesus takes note of the attitude of the giver and the amount of each offering. We can learn from what we have read so far today (Num and up to Mark12:38) that the books of GOD will be full of accurate details about each and every person and will be opened one day. How do you see GOD now? Jesus explains the past, present and future of His life for the disciples and uses the scriptures as the authority. The warning concerning the Spirit of the Anti-Christ was given for them and is applicable for us today. Yet even when we do our very best there will be conflict, even in our families. What ought to motivate us to stay by the Book is for "His name's sake". We are Saved, Sealed, Secure, Satisfied and Sent! His part has been done, now it is our time.
Psalm 49:1-20 How many times have we heard"Hear this"? Please note the promises given in this Psalm that apply to the saved and to the lost and see how that relate to money. I was amused at verse 17 and how it speaks of those that descend, but does not address those that ascend.
Proverbs 10:27-28 makes a stark difference between good and evil. Let us not be convinced that "works" or "good deeds" make us acceptable to GOD. Num 7:5 applies here also in that every man must "Be" right first. Then out of love for his Saviour "Do" right. To know Him is to serve Him and to serve Him is to love Him. We can read in John 14:15 Jesus said "If you love me keep my commandments." pj
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Mar 5th Wow, this is some good reading. Do you ever wonder how so many people got organized and moved so efficiently so often? Is it a big deal when GOD gives a man a little thing to do? The duties assigned to the sons of Aaron and Levi were important. Did you notice the three items that covered the Ark of Testimony? Why did GOD tell them to cover the ark? Why is the ark of testimony hidden?
Mark 12:18-37 relates a story of a man who ask the right question of the right person, got the right answer and received instruction for joy and satisfaction, but we are not sure what he did with the truth. For you and me we ought to relate to this and then be able to give an affirmative answer as to what we did with the TRUTH. Please note the names of GOD in verses 35-37 and be confident of and in the Word of God as did the common people of that day.
Psalm 48 ought to sung by every believer.
Proverbs 10:26 gives a harsh description of a sluggard and we ought to be careful as to who we walk with, stand with or sit with. Read to know Him. pj
Mark 12:18-37 relates a story of a man who ask the right question of the right person, got the right answer and received instruction for joy and satisfaction, but we are not sure what he did with the truth. For you and me we ought to relate to this and then be able to give an affirmative answer as to what we did with the TRUTH. Please note the names of GOD in verses 35-37 and be confident of and in the Word of God as did the common people of that day.
Psalm 48 ought to sung by every believer.
Proverbs 10:26 gives a harsh description of a sluggard and we ought to be careful as to who we walk with, stand with or sit with. Read to know Him. pj
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Mar 4th Hope you are glad today. I suggest that you review the time line that the Book of Numbers covers and look at a map to see the space and territory they would be living in and moving through. We know about the size of the army and how they are organized and we can see there will be approximately 38 1/2 years of wandering.
Numbers 2:1-3:51 provides us much insight to the mind of GOD. We can see His provisions, organizational skills, camp layout and security measures in the instructions He gives to Moses for the children. NOW what does that mean to you and me today? Let us agree that our GOD is a God of details. He is interested in the names, tribes, ages, and family genealogy of ALL His children. When He asked Adam where he was, it was plain that God knew, yet He wanted Adam to know that He knew that Adam knew. GOD is Omniscient! God is Omnipotent! The LORD is Omnipresent! The Lord is real, genuine and great! Look for these attributes as you watch his care for His children and then believe He cares for you. He has not and will not changed.
Mark 11:27-33 allows us to see His kindness in His dealing with unbelievers. He is not being tricky nor slick as some men, but He requires a honest confession from the heart when He ask any questions. What other trait did you see?
Mark 12:1-17 lays out a parable that shows the history of the how the children of GOD respect God. Jesus is foretelling what and how He will be treated by the men He is talking to at this time. What attributes of God do see in this parable? We have heard that the writers of the New Testament assumed that the readers would have knowledge and be familiar with the Old. Perhaps we will appreciate Grace more when we remember The Law.
Psalm 47:1-9 reminds us to sing our praise unto our God who is our King for He is to be greatly exalted. We have a great opportunity to know Him.
Proverbs 10:24-25 explains how fear applies to the wise and the wicked. When we read what He has in store for them that love Him we ought to be amazed! Know Him.Selah. pj
Numbers 2:1-3:51 provides us much insight to the mind of GOD. We can see His provisions, organizational skills, camp layout and security measures in the instructions He gives to Moses for the children. NOW what does that mean to you and me today? Let us agree that our GOD is a God of details. He is interested in the names, tribes, ages, and family genealogy of ALL His children. When He asked Adam where he was, it was plain that God knew, yet He wanted Adam to know that He knew that Adam knew. GOD is Omniscient! God is Omnipotent! The LORD is Omnipresent! The Lord is real, genuine and great! Look for these attributes as you watch his care for His children and then believe He cares for you. He has not and will not changed.
Mark 11:27-33 allows us to see His kindness in His dealing with unbelievers. He is not being tricky nor slick as some men, but He requires a honest confession from the heart when He ask any questions. What other trait did you see?
Mark 12:1-17 lays out a parable that shows the history of the how the children of GOD respect God. Jesus is foretelling what and how He will be treated by the men He is talking to at this time. What attributes of God do see in this parable? We have heard that the writers of the New Testament assumed that the readers would have knowledge and be familiar with the Old. Perhaps we will appreciate Grace more when we remember The Law.
Psalm 47:1-9 reminds us to sing our praise unto our God who is our King for He is to be greatly exalted. We have a great opportunity to know Him.
Proverbs 10:24-25 explains how fear applies to the wise and the wicked. When we read what He has in store for them that love Him we ought to be amazed! Know Him.Selah. pj
Monday, March 2, 2009
Mar 3rd Leviticus 27:14-34 O that every man would do today what is said in verse 14 and sanctify his house. If we were to do an asset inventory today what part of all that we have would we consider "devoted and most holy unto The LORD"? Leviticus has exposed us to the qualifications, responsibilities and duties of the priests. The instruction about the offerings, sacrifices, feasts and the lifestyle for the children was made plain. Now what does this mean for us and what ought our conversation be today?
Numbers 1:1-53 Numbers will expose us to the land, the trials, the test, the wanderings, the battles, the provisions, the spies, the rebellion, the numbering of the tribes and the details of the wilderness journey. We can see GOD in great detail and observe His relationship with His people. We will need to be careful and not become so involved with the circumstances that we miss Him and His majesty.
Mark 11:1-26 shows that obedience is profitable. Just to hear the command and "do it" and then see it come to pass as you were told is exciting! No wonder they cried out " Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the LORD" in verses 5-6. Then what picture comes to your mind as you visualize the "righteous indignation" of The God-man as you read of His dealings with the fig tree and the people in the temple? Jesus issues two proclamations, have faith and forgive!
Psalm 46:1-11 uses the phrase "Selah" 3 times. Selah "means to me" a command to stop, listen, consider and heed what you are hearing and being told then to learn and meditate on that truth before you advance farther. To admit an agree with GOD that He is my "refuge" causes me to be confident in Him and His Word.
Proverbs 10:23 ought to cause us to not be playing around. Let us be right, careful, delibirate, diligent, prudent and wise children of God on purpose. pj
Numbers 1:1-53 Numbers will expose us to the land, the trials, the test, the wanderings, the battles, the provisions, the spies, the rebellion, the numbering of the tribes and the details of the wilderness journey. We can see GOD in great detail and observe His relationship with His people. We will need to be careful and not become so involved with the circumstances that we miss Him and His majesty.
Mark 11:1-26 shows that obedience is profitable. Just to hear the command and "do it" and then see it come to pass as you were told is exciting! No wonder they cried out " Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the LORD" in verses 5-6. Then what picture comes to your mind as you visualize the "righteous indignation" of The God-man as you read of His dealings with the fig tree and the people in the temple? Jesus issues two proclamations, have faith and forgive!
Psalm 46:1-11 uses the phrase "Selah" 3 times. Selah "means to me" a command to stop, listen, consider and heed what you are hearing and being told then to learn and meditate on that truth before you advance farther. To admit an agree with GOD that He is my "refuge" causes me to be confident in Him and His Word.
Proverbs 10:23 ought to cause us to not be playing around. Let us be right, careful, delibirate, diligent, prudent and wise children of God on purpose. pj
Mar 2nd Hope you are having the best day of your life. I've decided to try to share a goal from my thought life. Today I am grateful for who I am, who I was and who I will be becasuse of my salvation experience 30 Oct 77. What I am going to try to do 1st thing every AM this week is to say this thought and then try to be "more" grateful to GOD. Each Monday from now to Dec 29 I hope to have a good godly thought to share with you and that thought will encourage you to be more grateful to The LORD. Let us read to know Him (better).
Leviticus 25:47-27:13 demonstrates many attributes of The LORD. These attributes should "cause us" to see more clearly who He is and what He likes and what He abhors. If our "fear factor" is at work these verses ought to get our attetion. Words that caught my eye were: if, then, I will, if ye will not, contrary, chastise you seven times, sabbath, destroy, desolate, perish, enjoy, rest and pine away. I am grateful for 1st John 1:9 as those people should have been for "If they shall confess their iniquity... and the rest of verses 40-42 of 26th Chapter. We can see that God is just and fair and provide for equality for His people. When I read these verse I thought about my mother and her obsession of saving green stamps from the grocery store so she could fill up those books and then go to the S&H redemtion center to trade for a desirable "free" gift. What a "snapshot" came to my mind of the LORD's concern to redeem us back to Himself.
Mark 10"32-52 shows contrast of the disciples from being amazed to being afraid. The GOSPEL is made plain and at hand. What more must He do to "win" our affection, devotion and obedience? Even when our prayer request are not answered immediately, let us say "The Father knows best". When was the last time you begged GOD to let you be a servant to the mean and lowly? Blind Bartimaeus exercised his faith after hearing from The LORD, "go thy way" and not only could he see, he followed. That is a good example for us to follow.
Psalm 45:1-17 demonstrates devotion and admiration of the king. Do you recall the last verses of Psalm 24? Check and compare who is the king.
Proverbs 10:22 is a blessing and gives us hope in the "facts" of God. pj
Leviticus 25:47-27:13 demonstrates many attributes of The LORD. These attributes should "cause us" to see more clearly who He is and what He likes and what He abhors. If our "fear factor" is at work these verses ought to get our attetion. Words that caught my eye were: if, then, I will, if ye will not, contrary, chastise you seven times, sabbath, destroy, desolate, perish, enjoy, rest and pine away. I am grateful for 1st John 1:9 as those people should have been for "If they shall confess their iniquity... and the rest of verses 40-42 of 26th Chapter. We can see that God is just and fair and provide for equality for His people. When I read these verse I thought about my mother and her obsession of saving green stamps from the grocery store so she could fill up those books and then go to the S&H redemtion center to trade for a desirable "free" gift. What a "snapshot" came to my mind of the LORD's concern to redeem us back to Himself.
Mark 10"32-52 shows contrast of the disciples from being amazed to being afraid. The GOSPEL is made plain and at hand. What more must He do to "win" our affection, devotion and obedience? Even when our prayer request are not answered immediately, let us say "The Father knows best". When was the last time you begged GOD to let you be a servant to the mean and lowly? Blind Bartimaeus exercised his faith after hearing from The LORD, "go thy way" and not only could he see, he followed. That is a good example for us to follow.
Psalm 45:1-17 demonstrates devotion and admiration of the king. Do you recall the last verses of Psalm 24? Check and compare who is the king.
Proverbs 10:22 is a blessing and gives us hope in the "facts" of God. pj
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