Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mar 24th This good reading will cause us to check your concept of God. Hopefully you read to know Him. Each day of reading will affect your "faith factor" because you are hearing from The LORD by His Word. As your faith is increased your concept of God will be more defined so that you will be more Christlike.
Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29 How many traits of God did you find today? Moses reminds the children that God has been faithful, consistent, protective and orderly. Moses is denied the opportunity to enter the Promise Land but is given a charge to be an example for Joshua and to mentor him so that he can lead wisely.
Luke 6:12-38 It appears that The LORD met with The Lord and selected the 12 men to be apostles. Busy men were given greater opportunity to live with, learn from Jesus and serve in the first church. What Moses was charged to do for Joshua in Deut 3:28, Jesus did for these men. Jesus gave to the apostles and disciples the "code of conduct" for them to follow.Stewardship is the central theme of this code and the doctrine of preferring others is how it is best demonstrated. The best way to spell joy may be Jesus, others and then yourself.
Psalm 67:1-7 Verse 1 may well be the theme song for the children as they begin their journey into the Promise Land. We can claim the promises in verses 6-7.
Proverbs 11:27 Tells the truth about what we seek and what we get. Suggest you pray to The LORD that The Lord "cause you" to be right and then you choose to do right.

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