Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mar 4th Hope you are glad today. I suggest that you review the time line that the Book of Numbers covers and look at a map to see the space and territory they would be living in and moving through. We know about the size of the army and how they are organized and we can see there will be approximately 38 1/2 years of wandering.
Numbers 2:1-3:51 provides us much insight to the mind of GOD. We can see His provisions, organizational skills, camp layout and security measures in the instructions He gives to Moses for the children. NOW what does that mean to you and me today? Let us agree that our GOD is a God of details. He is interested in the names, tribes, ages, and family genealogy of ALL His children. When He asked Adam where he was, it was plain that God knew, yet He wanted Adam to know that He knew that Adam knew. GOD is Omniscient! God is Omnipotent! The LORD is Omnipresent! The Lord is real, genuine and great! Look for these attributes as you watch his care for His children and then believe He cares for you. He has not and will not changed.
Mark 11:27-33 allows us to see His kindness in His dealing with unbelievers. He is not being tricky nor slick as some men, but He requires a honest confession from the heart when He ask any questions. What other trait did you see?
Mark 12:1-17 lays out a parable that shows the history of the how the children of GOD respect God. Jesus is foretelling what and how He will be treated by the men He is talking to at this time. What attributes of God do see in this parable? We have heard that the writers of the New Testament assumed that the readers would have knowledge and be familiar with the Old. Perhaps we will appreciate Grace more when we remember The Law.
Psalm 47:1-9 reminds us to sing our praise unto our God who is our King for He is to be greatly exalted. We have a great opportunity to know Him.
Proverbs 10:24-25 explains how fear applies to the wise and the wicked. When we read what He has in store for them that love Him we ought to be amazed! Know Him.Selah. pj

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