Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mar12th hope you are in good spirits as you remember who you are in Christ.
Numbers 16:41-18:32 allows us to see God doing a miracle with a stick, an almond rod. He is kind in dealing with unbelief but firm in showing His will. How is your concept of God impacted when you read about 14,700 people dying from the plague sent by GOD because of the matter of Korah? Let us be people of prayer at the very "hint" of unbelief, murmuring and rebellion. God demonstrates His concept of stewardship for all the children that was fair and equal for all. The tithe is the generous financial plan instituted by God that works for the glory of GOD and is easy to be accomplished through the Grace of God by all the children of God.
Mark 16:1-20 we have read about Friday but Sunday is coming. Let me take some liberty and call it SONday. Please don't turn me in for rewriting the Bible. Yea for the stone being rolled away, not so that Jesus could get out, but they might be able to look in to see that He who was crucified is risen. It is good to tell the truth. As reported in verse 14 some told the truth and even the eleven were reported to be in unbelief. As we do The Father's will of going to every creature and preach the Gospel, let us tell them, The Lord working with us, and then depend on GOD to draw them unto salvation.

Psalm 55:1-23 tells of a sad situation that has happened between supposed friends. Let all of us who name the name of Christ do right by Him and all others. We will not enjoy our walk with our Heavenly Father if we have "ought" against a brother. In fact He will not hear our prayer if we regard iniquity in our heart. Get right before you begin to pray. Plan to be right and then do right for Christ's sake.
Proverbs 11:7 makes a clear explanation of the difference between the good and bad and the end result. We have a choice, choose wisely daily. pj

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