Monday, March 16, 2009

Mar16th Welcome to the last of this week. Hope you had a great time in church Sunday. We had many people absent, but we had some first time visitors to the class. Some were starting spring break and others were in travel to far away places and we expect that The LORD protected and provided in all aspects of these trips. Hope all of our regulars will be in class next week so that we can harmonize our training on the important matter of prayer. I pray you are "happy" in The Lord, remembering that you are a child of The King and now adding the truth of John 15:15 that you are a "friend" of Christ. Let us act like our Father and walk with our Brother.
Numbers 24:1-25 continues the saga of Balaam and Barak concerning the blessing or cursing of Israel. Note the names given to our God, look for His attributes and be aware of t.he prophecy concerning a Star and a Sceptre. Numbers 25:1-18 records the sad fact of the idolatry that the children of Israel got involved with as they joined with Baal-peor. Check your concept of GOD and make sure you know what He hates, the consequence of sin and how He is "jealous"about His children. 24,000 people did not pay attention to the commandments given to them and they died from the plague. How "zealous" are you concerning the ways of GOD?
Luke 2:1-35 Tells the wonderful story of the birth of Jesus. Read this with a sense of awe in that we get the inside scoop on the story that has been proclaimed every year for 2000 years. Look at His names, titles, attributes and realize that all this truth came down from Heaven to man. Yea, good tidings, great joy, peace on earth and good will toward men and Glory in the highest.These truths are not just for the holidays, but for you and me they are for every day of our life on earth.
Psalm 59:1-17 Let us be mindful of how we pray.
Proverbs 11:14 cautions us to be careful when choosing friends and advisers.
Please remember to read to know Him, seek to be right and then do right joyfully. pj

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