Lesson #17 VBC 365 Bible Class Main Bldg-BB Class 1 May 11
Please let us know if you are NOT going to be in class. If you have missed and are not up to date on your reading-COME ON. We need your encouragement.
Some of the "key" events we have read about that were in prophesy concerning the betrayal, rejection, scorning and mocking of Jesus, yet He prayed for His friends and His enemies during these events. Look at Isa 53:3, Psalm 41:9, 22:7,8 and 109:4. Soon we will see Isa 53:3 come to fruition as we read John 1:11also as in John 15:24,25 we get to see Psalm 35:19 come alive. While we complete the Book of Luke we will be reminded that we have already read about Jesus and His burial, resurrection an ascension in Matthew 27:57//Isaiah 53:9, Mark 16:6,7//Psalm 16:10 and Mark 16:19//Psalm 68:18.
Is there one(1) thing / thought / idea / concept that impressed you because of your reading that has impacted your life this week? Can you say "this one " thing" I know...” Did you discover a "jewel" this week? If not, why not?
This week we have read through:
Judges 4:1-14:20 What caused the children to sin and do evil in the sight of The LORD? What was Jeph-thah known for doing? What is significant about 14:4?
Luke 22:35-24:53 Discuss Jesus' prayer time at the mount of Olives 22:39-46. What caused Peter to weep bitterly? Discuss the "snap shot" of Jesus based on 23:39-47. Discuss the events on the road to Emmaus? Review 24:44-53 for application for us.
John 1:51 What is the "most" significant verse you read in John vs1-51?
Psalm 94:1-102:28 Why does vengeance belong to GOD? How do you practice Psalm 96? What impact has Psalm 97:10 had in your life? What trait did you note at 101:7?
Proverbs 14:3-16 Discuss the difference of the faithful -vs-false witness. Discuss v9.
The goal is for us to read and think at the same time about truth and its application for our lives. We read to KNOW Him, not to make GOD happy because we read.
Some things to consider: Who is the scripture written to? Who is speaking? What is your favorite verse? What is the main idea of the passage/chapter? Is there an example for me to follow? Is there an error/sin for me to avoid? Is there a duty to perform? Is there a promise for me? Is there a sin to confess? Are you confident about how to "get right" scripturally with The LORD?
Memory verse for class "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding", Proverbs 9:10. "Choice >>> consequence"
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
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