Friday, February 6, 2009

Feb 6th Hope you are enjoying the history lesson. Remember the reason we read is to Know Him. I pray we are grateful for the "indwelling" of The Holy Spirit and that we appreciate His guidance in all matters when we listen. When you read about The Angel that GOD The LORD sent to His people what attribute of God do you think about? When we read about all of the "I will" that God said and all the "thou shall" that his people were to be and do what concept of God do you sense? I hope we listen to the detail instructions that God gave concerning the tabernacle. I just realized that Moses had a "book of covenant" before he had the tablets of stone. When you imagine the set up, take down and transport of the tabernacle what aspect of God do you dwell on? As we read the NT and about Jesus and the "last days" what do you appreciate about your salvation experience? When we consider the days of Noe it is very easy to see the revelance of the NT and realize how similar things are today. Let us be concerned about those who do not profess/posess Jesus as Lord and tell them the Goepel. Do you know and can you tell the Gospel? If not, please let me know so thatI may serve you the truth. Psalm 30 gives us several vivid pictures of the might, power and glory of our God and we ought to pray verse 10 daily/hourly. Proverbs 7:24- enjoins us to know Him and to believe His words. How can anyone separate love from obedience? What does He expect of you? A question to consider for discussionis is "what is the difference beween an avocation and your vocation"? Hope to see you Sunday AM. pj

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