Monday, February 9, 2009

Feb 9th Thank The Lord for some rain and light winds in our area. I hope you note the date/yr and some information on each daily reading because a year from now you will be able to say "Thank you Lord for doing me a great favor last year." My desire is that you will plan on and commit to read His word daily from now to eternity. The our faith will become sight for we shall see The Word face to face. It is not easy for me to see how Moses could maintain a good/positive attitude as he served GOD. Moses had/got to oversee the preparation for all the priest and the sacrifices. He got bloody and had to let others get all the nicest robes and for Aaron to enter behind the blue vail, yet I don't want to forget that Mose talked with GOD and was the first to hear the news. The doctrine of "others first" is hard, until we see Jesus and what He did for us in His death. It is very interesting to see that the touch by the priest on the sacrifices demonstrated both a relationship and fellowship aspect of the priest for the sins of their own and for the people with the offering. Let us be grateful for our High Priest who is ever making intercession for us now. The blood, the blood, the blood must be applied!! Knowing all this and having seen Jesus live and show Himself as God in the flesh, Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver. All the disciples had said "Lord,is it I" when Jesus said one would betray Him. What sense of awe comes to your mind when you put yourself into to this dramatic story? We all should let our imagination loose and say "O,I wish I had been there." What attributes of GOD did you discovered in today's reading? Psalm 31 demonstrates some of the provisions of GOD for the faithful. Proverbs 8 is full of "gems" for your joy jar and is handy when you just want to stop and think about HIM. "Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD." Where did you see this verse today?

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, Psalm 31:20......One of my favorite verses of all. There is a safe and secret place for me when I rightly fear and trust in Him.
