Monday, December 31, 2012

31 Dec 2012 Monday! Congrats on reading through the One Year (365) Bible. Take time to be grateful for there are millions of people and language groups that do not have The Gospel in their own language. Pray for those who will begin reading, for the first time, the One Year Bible in 2013. Pray for those who will continue to read - read again their One year Bible. Pray for those who will not read any Bible this year. Pray for the class at VBC, which begins 6 January, that God will draw them to Himself in such a way they will never be the same after reading to know Him.

Malachi is the last prophet to the Jews, the nations, the world. There will 400+ years of silence before the birth of John the Baptist and before Jesus is born according to the scriptures. Yet, God shows Himself to us through His names, traits and attributes with promises and curses. We use the phrase "snap shot" to mark what we perceive as a picture of God. In these 2 chapters we have many "pics" so as to make a mural of the blessings and promises for the believer. Choose a promise for today and see where it appears in your life this coming year. Read 3:11 and marvel at His protection. Read 4:2 and claim this blessing through obedience. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Pray for understanding of 4:5-6 as it relates to The Revelation of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful set of scriptures to complete the reading of the 39 books of the Old Testament.

Revelations 22:1-21 completes the 27 books of the New Testament. What a picture the Spirit of God presents to us of the end of this "old" life and forecasts for the saved children of God their future. Time for the people of this world is closing fast, but with God our life is open and eternal. Feast on the rich promises of life with God. Recall what we read on 9 December at Revelation1:1-3, the blessing for reading and hearing the words of this prophecy. We ought not to overlook the part about "keeping" those things written. Stewardship is the watchword for obedience. Be right, do right and don't quit.
 Are you ready? Are you prepared? Do you know that your name is written down in the Lamb's Book of life? If not, please let us share scriptures with you so that you will see yourself undone, Jesus Christ as your only hope and then you may secure the gift of eternal life or reject God's offer for redemption. I pray you be saved.

We have read the 150 Psalms through twice and they are full of blessings, warnings, promises and encouragement. O, that men would praise God. Look at Psalm 1:1 and then 150:6 and determine how many times has God favored you and your family. The key to prosperity is reading to know Him, hearing what thus saith The Spirit and then obeying the truth made plain to you.

Proverbs 31 reminds me ((in my opinion)) of the woman God pictured Eve to be for Adam. O, that every husband thought this highly of his wife. Truly this woman is a "snap shot" of a believer that got right, practiced being right, then did right and then (by God's grace) didn't quit. Hopefully all husbands will appreciate the gift that God put into their hands and honor and respect their wife.

Thanks for spending time with me through the scriptures this year. Read to know God. luvpj

Saturday, December 29, 2012

29 December 2012 Saturday and Sunday is coming! It is cold here in this part of Texas.  I am just about over my love for snow and cold windy weather. If it were 40 in the AM and 60 by noon I think I would be able to enjoy my naps on the patio much more better. Hope you are enjoying the weather in your area, reading your Bible, learning about the love of God, praising The LORD for all of His provisions and sharing your blessings with others.

As you finish reading Zechariah how has your concept of God been refined? We are not close to that "One Day", but we can see the circumstances shape up that warn us to prepare. Do you ever question why the Jews were so hard of hearing, stiff necked and disobedient to the warnings of God's prophets? Are we like the people of 2-3000 years ago, today in America? Why are we not concerned about the lost? When you see the name of God at v14:9, what attribute or trait comes to your mind? Does "all" really mean all? Fact, every nation will be dealt with by God? Does this impact your concept of God?

When John was being instructed by God on the end of time, and you get to read it today, where do you see yourself? Stewardship will be the key and is the process for our accounting for "all" of our life. There are no exceptions!What is your reaction to the promise of a 1000 year reign with God? Where will you be during the great white throne judgment? Where do you expect to be in 100 years?

We ought to be grateful for the psalmist who penned these last Psalms 145-150. Read these and note the names, attributes, traits, promises and blessings recorded that have been provided to us because we read to know God. Read 147:11 and take time to meditate on this truth, SELAH.

Pray for the troops, for the missionaries, for the saved and for the lost. Practice adoring God.
Pray for the leaders in government to be sensitive to God's Spirit. Pray for the pastors to be in the Word and led by The Spirit and that the "churches" hear what The Spirit is saying to the church.
Pray for those inclined to start the 2013 One Year (365) Bible class. Strive to grow in grace and knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ. We are the salt and the light. Be right/do right/don't quit. pj

Friday, December 28, 2012

28 December 2012, Friday and Sunday is coming! I've missed you. Hope you have been reading the Bible to know God. We enjoyed a great time with our children and grandchildren celebrating the birth of Jesus in this season we call Christmas.

I am looking forward to the new year and the beginning of the class where we focus on reading through the Bible together, in one year. For some this will be their first adventure in making a commitment to the Lord and to another person. Pray that we all focus on The Word and not the paper, fearing God as we read to know Him and seeking knowledge so as to have godly understanding.

We have had the opportunity to hear God tell His prophets what to tell the people. We have watched when priests prayed for the people. We have seen the people deny God, disobey His commandments, seek false gods and create gods of their own imagination. We have read about the past, looked into the present and have been warned about the future. How many times have you read "In that day"? God has shown Himself clearly in Zechariah 12:1-14. How has this impacted your fear concept of GOD? Go back and read again Zechariah 8:14-23 (25 Dec) and be thankful. Now reflect on the names, attributes, traits, mercies and grace of God to all men and in particular yourself.   Selah.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ!!! Do you stand amaze at His beauty and majesty? Look again at the reading for today and see the continuity from Zechariah thru the book of Revelations. Ponder 19:6 and be awed by your opportunity to read to know this GOD. Spend a few minuets to reflect on Psalms 147:11 and determine where your priorities are. One Day we will be with Him in heaven.

All parents should consider the admonition in Proverbs 31:1-7 and be careful as we teach our sons and daughters. We teach truth or a lie. Where do you get your lesson material from to warn your family? We will give an account of our words, deeds, thoughts and intents of our heart-One Day.

We are near the finish line for this year. Be careful, zealous and hungry for God's Truth. We have a real enemy and he desires to sift and destroy our lives, but we have an Advocate, who is ever making intercession for us, The Lord Jesus Christ, honor Him in prayer and with thanksgiving.   luvpj

Thursday, December 20, 2012

20 December 2012 Thursday, Friday is next and Sunday is coming! We will be on the road for the next few days. We wish you all a Merry Christmas!! Please read to know Him, The LORD of Hosts and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

As you read, apply the truths given by the prophets. We all ought to consider our ways. We all need to reflect on how good and kind God has been to us today. We all need to subject ourselves to His tender care and appreciate His searching out our souls, showing us our sins and allowing us to confess them and then be forgiven and made righteous.

Read, be/get right, then do right and don't quit.  Pray for the lost, all soldiers, missionaries and Maranatha.  luvpj

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

18 December 2012 Tuesday, a day of salvation for Joe!When was the last time The LORD made plain Romans 8:28 in your life? This AM a door of opportunity was made for us in that we had a small problem in our bath that needed attention by our contractor and  they sent Joe to fix it. Joe heard the offer of salvation, according to the scriptures, and by faith received the GIFT! It was an early Christmas for his house and our home. As you continue to read to know God remember to pray for the lost in your area of influence that you also might be able to share The Gift of Life.

Habakkuk is different. During his life Nineveh was to fall, Assyria was defeated and Babylon was to invade Judah. It seems as though God allowed Habakkuk to be an intercessor for the Jews as evidenced by his prayers. Who are you standing in the gap (praying) for today? Pay attention to 4:4 for this truth is repeated several times in the New Testament. How is your lifestyle? Who is your strength? As you pray, how much emphasis do you put into worshipping The LORD?

How do you express to your Lord appreciation for not having to face the tribulation period? We will learn the wrath God has reserved for the unbelievers as it was shown to us today in Revelation 9. We are exposed to the names of God and also the names of the Devil, our enemy. As you read to know God, take time to be thankful, for his mercy endureth for ever.

The Psalmist recalls the sad days of captivity and recognizes the problem of forgetting God.We are in this world temporarily, this is not our home, and yet we look forward to a majestic home in heaven where Jesus is preparing for believers a new home. Do you know you are on the list for this heavenly flight? When was your name written down in The Lamb's book of life? Joe's name was entered today.

 Read to be right /get right then do right and by God's grace don't quit. Pray for the lost, the military, the missionaries, the pastors and churches and strive to be in agreement with the prayers of the Lord Jesus Christ.  lupj

Monday, December 17, 2012

17 December 2012, Monday and Sunday is coming! What has been your greatest gift received in all your life?  Do you remember who gave you this gift? When was the last time you said, thanks, again?If you are a Christian there is nothing secular in your life. If you are "just" saved and not following your Lord then you will have a blend of secular and Christianity.As you prepare for the holiday season celebrating the birth of Jesus how do you explain your worldly conversation in your prayers?

As you read Nahum do you come under any conviction of any sin in your life that is similar to those of the Jews? As you read these Old Testament Prophets has your concept of God changed and become more refined? How is your fear of GOD? How many traits and or attributes have you noted?We read to KNOW God. We must appreciate the promises given to the Jews and anticipate their application to us today for a curse or a blessing. Woe to those who The LORD is against! Do you remember what happened to Nineveh after the preaching by Jonah? Accountability and stewardship .

The Revelation of Jesus Christ warns the world what will happen to it in the very near future. After the "Rapture" of the believers in/on Jesus Christ as Saviour, the seven year of tribulation will begin. We, the redeemed, will watch these events from heaven and look forward to the victory celebration .

What did you learn about God because you read the Psalms and Proverbs? How long does the mercy of God endure? We put the Proverbs 30:7-9 verses in our check book in 1977 when we got saved and they have been a consistent and constant reminder of The LORD's provision, protection, watch care and love every time we write a check or add in a deposit. Truly His mercy endures forever. luvpj

Friday, December 14, 2012

14 December 2012 Friday-Sunday is coming! Hope you are enjoying the reading of God's Word. Hope you are gaining confidence in applying these sayings into your lifestyle as these verses sink down into your ears. Today, the thrill of reading is real, as it was the first time! When was the first time you read through the Bible? I hope the LORD will influence some people this year in the class to get in and stay in The Book and read to know Him.

Reading the Old Testament is going to be fast and furious. December 1-31 we will have been exposed to Daniel,Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. What have you learned about God? How many different names have you noted? Has your attitude about sin changed because you've read? Has your concept of God been expanded? Jonah is a harsh reminder of how not to act when God blesses our friends or enemies. We are warned to hear and to heed what the LORD says to us!

As you read The Revelation of Jesus Christ you are being exposed to events occurring in heaven that  show what is to happen and what is to come. These events we will be a part of as observers. Today we are reminded of what holiness is required to open and read the Word of God. We ought to be grateful for the great hope we have because Jesus is our Saviour. Read carefully verse 5:10 and meditate on our future. WOW!! Can you say/shout AMEN???

Psalms 133-150 ought to cause us to pray differently. We will have read through the 150 Psalms twice this year and surely, we have been changed. Is not 133:1 true and so in your life? If not, why not? Are you an abomination to the wicked? If not why not? O, that we would love what God loves and hate what God hates. We, the saved, are blessed. Pray for the opportunity to share the Gospel with the lost, love the brethren, hate sin and love the sinners. Be right, do right and don't quit. luvpj

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 Dec 2012 Wednesday and Sunday is coming! What a day to be alive, free from sin debt, a new name written down in glory, waiting to hear the trumpet and those words..., apt to read and share the Gospel, loving life-my wife-my kids-my grand kids-my adopted family while enjoying the loving of God on me. How is your reading to know Him?

Amos records the truth about what happens when children disobey the Father. The object lessons used by The Holy Spirit makes truth very plain to us, consequence always follows acts. The history lesson in Amos may be considered as a prophesy lesson for us in the world today, God knows everything and nothing is hid from Him. They did and we will reap what we sow! Beware! How is the fear of God best demonstrated  in your life?

Please look again at Revelation 1:19-20; 2:1-29 and 3:1-22 and note who is speaking and what The Spirit is saying to the churches. How do you understand who are "the churches"? Do you have any responsibility today? Why ought we to read?
*Please consider this warning that you will not know if you are being told the truth in church if you have not read/heard/know the truth at home. You and I are responsible and accountable--- IF -- we are saved.
We may relate the problem as recorded in Amos to "Beth-El"to what we read in these chapters in The Revelation of Jesus Christ to the church. God tells us to worship he who builds not the building so we ought to worship The EL of Beth-El, The God of the house of God. We read to know God.

Let us consider Psalm 130:3,4 "If thou LORD, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared." Why did you read today? Has your fear of The LORD your Lord changed your life? If not, why not?  Look again at Psalm 128 (Sep12) and count your blessings or confess your sin. We cannot have it both ways as per Revelation 3:16.
Pray for yourself to get right and then do right as you pray for others and don't quit.  luvpj

Monday, December 10, 2012

10 Dec 2012 Yea, cold winter weather and Sunday is coming. Hope you had a good time in church yesterday being blessed and edified. The year is near over and we are getting near to the end of the Book. Take some time and ponder what you have read.  What name of God did you learn that has encouraged you most? Is there an attribute of The LORD that you have noticed keeps occurring in your reading? Is there a theme in the Psalms that causes you to have more joy? Have you changed your attitude about sin? Is there a new lifestyle that you have started because you have read to know Him? Have you decided to read through the One Year Bible again in 2013? Are you going to be involved in the "365" class at VBC? Has your time of prayer improved this year? Have you been blessed?

The Revelation of Jesus Christ as recorded by John will warm, warn, wound and woo us as we seek to know Him. Pay attention to who the target audience is and how they are being addressed. There are three levels of activities going on at the same time, on earth, in hell and in Heaven. Focus on God.  Be careful as you read because the events and circumstances are dramatic. Pray for the pastor of the churches that they be true, godly, saved, and hearing what saith The Spirit. Each member ought to be inclined to hear what the Spirit is saying and there should not be conflict on the purpose and direction of the church. The Word and The Spirit never contradict each other. Pay attention, hear distinctly and on purpose, be diligent as you seek the Lord early each day.

Amos is true to God. Nations may have prosperity and be heathen in their worship and lifestyle. Consequence will always follow conduct. Stewardship is being played out and for sure what "we" sow we will reap. Look for the provisions of God and the abuse of the people. God has sent prophets to warn Judah, Israel and their neighbors about their sin and warned them that "one day"they would reap in sorrow while in captivity. How many times should we be warned before the mercy runs out and the punishment begins? What is a presumptuous sin? This night, thou fool.

Psalms 128:1 "Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways." How does this impact your conversation and concept of God? Is there only ONE way? Do you agree with God? Look back to 5 Sep and read again Ecclesiastes 12:13 and then apply verse 14 to the reading in Amos. God makes provision for us to know Him and then He provides grace so that we may obey, if we choose. I recommend that we get right, be right, stay right, do good and don't quit.  luvpj

Pray for the lost, our troops, grieving families, sick people in need of care and the opportunity to share the Gospel with the lost today/every day. Pray that the class will be God pleasing.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

8 Dec 2012 Saturday PM-Sunday is coming. Are your clothes all laid out, stuff arranged, alarm clock set,shoes shined and are you mentally and spiritually prepared for tomorrow? What happens if you pass in the night and wake up in eternity, where will you be?? Hope you read today.

Fathers, "correct thy son and he shall give the rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul." Proverbs 29:17
Fathers, "Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." Psalm 127:1
Fathers, "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life." Jude 20-21.
Fathers, " Who is wise, and he shall understand these things?prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein." Hosea 14:9

Read to know Him, believe what you read, get right and be right, then do right and by God's grace don't quit. Tell some one what great things God has done for you and start at home. Pray for our troops, missionaries, families, churches and the lost. luvpj

Friday, December 7, 2012

7 Dec 2012 Friday and Sunday is coming! What were you doing today in 1941?? I was a barefoot kid living on a small farm(dry land farming)outside Petersburg, Texas. We had already lost our cows to hoof and mouth disease and now war. Our next crops were hailed out. My father had served in WWI, my left to serve brother in WW II and my sister left home to go build ships in Boston. Somehow we kept it together and moved on to higher ground. I don't remember God being against us nor that it was discussed that He was for us. When I look back on those days now, I know, God was for us. I am grateful for my salvation. I am grateful for the salvation of my wife, our children and our grandchildren. 1941-2012, God knows all. Spend some time reflecting on where you have been since birth and take time to thank God for His care for you. Read to know Him.

Hosea is blessed.  God speaks to Hosea about the Jews and their conduct. As you have read  chapters 1-9 what attributes, traits or acts of God have you recorded? Have you recorded the names that God has assigned to Himself? Have you discovered  some stewardship principals that were given to us during our stewardship revival? If not, why not?

John records the conduct of his co-workers so that all might know and be warned. How would you react if your pastor or deacon were to be so "honest" about your service? All of our acts are open to view by the world. We need to be careful what we do in secret. We need to be active and serve God and one another. God is recording our thoughts, intents, deeds, words and sins.

Have you been given any precious seeds? Just as the Christian is not made for this world, neither is the seed to be kept in a bin/sack in the barn. Seeds die, yet thrives when planted, watered and made warm, and then produces fruit. Who have you invested your life into?? Pray for the troops, missionaries, wounded warriors, grieving families, students, families and churches.  luvpj

Thursday, December 6, 2012

6 Dec 2012 Thursday, can you imagine the thoughts of the invading forces en route to Germany in 1944??? How easy it is to forget our fathers and brothers daring to do this great war. I'm ashamed of how little I think about those who have gone before me. Pause, take time to be grateful. Pause, and take time to be thankful for God and His love toward us while we were at war with Him, He loved us and sent His Son to die for us!! Our testimony ought to be as real to us as D-Day is to those surviving  veterans. How do you relate to Barabbas?

The writer of Proverbs warns us over and over again-be careful of associating with foolish men. We must judge other to see if they be foolish or not and then be smart about obeying God.  The Psalmist tells us of blessing available to all who know, trust and obey God. Be alert to your opportunities to be right and then do good.

God warns John about the coming of the Antichrist and these truths were shared with you and me. We have been equipped with the written truth and the indwelling Spirit of God to withstand the Devil. Be right and do right and don't quit.

The LORD makes it plain, clear and out in the open that sin offends God! You and I need to learn from the experiences of Hosea that sin will be punished. What is your fear factor of God??? If we do not want to be as Ephraim and Judah we must admit our SINS - each, every, all sins specifically, one at a time and with a broken heart and contrite spirit and hope that God in His mercy will forgive and cleanse. Fear is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy is understanding. America is an offense to God! It appears (in my opinion) that we as Christians have dimmed our lights and our salt has lost it's savor. Except God deal with us in mercy, we are doomed. Thank The LORD for the blessed hope, Maranatha,  luvpj  Pray for those serving in our stead, soldiers and missionaries.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

5 Dec 2012 Wednesday We all read to know God. Sometimes what we read in the Bible is not easy to understand. How do you pray when you do not know the application of what you are reading? I suggest you focus on what you do know and understand, always looking for the LORD and not just the circumstances. What attributes of God being genuine, good and great did you see these last few days?  Read to know Him.

Reading Psalms 120-124 provides a solid basis for believing God even though we cannot see, control or understand the circumstances. We can develop a model for living.  We can pray with confidence. We can have joy.We can fear God, praise His name and know that Our God, The LORD, did make heaven and earth.

1st John 1-5 makes a clear distinction as to who is saved and who is not. The evidence(s) declared by John of a believer, provides the best guide for you and me today of choosing our mates, friends, confidants and co-workers. Our lifestyle is projected in these verses and this model "may be" the outline used by our Judge to reward us in Heaven. We are not saved by works, but works are a result of our salvation. Be right, do right and don't quit.

Daniel demonstrates how a believer lives in captivity to cause lost men to see God. We may very well be required to undergo similar "bad" circumstances soon.How are you prepared to have your life turned upside down, your Bible taken from you and  your family deny you? Yes, we have the blessed hope of Maranatha, but before the rapture some things must happen to set up the world to be apt to accept the Antichrist.

We equip ourselves by reading to know God, hiding the Word in our hearts, allowing what we read to seep down into our ears, praying to know the will of God and following The Spirit daily. Who have you invited to go to heaven with you? Pray for the troops and missionaries. Pray for the families who lost their children in the war. Strive to agree with the Lord Jesus Christ as you pray.  luvpj

Monday, December 3, 2012

3 Dec 2012 Monday and a great day to be alive. Mr David Parker said "you would believe in pioneer missions if your family were a part of an unevangelized people group." Who did you tell this past week about your salvation experience? Who did you tell in the month of November? Who did you tell this year? What kind of "watchmen" have we been? James 4:17!

How is your reading? What do you tell your family about your reading? Do you read the Bible before the newspaper or other means of world news? When you read do you sense that the events as recorded by Daniel are being played out today? Daniel gives us a good history lesson and warns us about events that may occur in our lifetime. How do you sense "frustration" when you read Daniel 11:20-25?  Do you know how to recognize the "abomination  that makes desolate"? Are you one of those people as described in verse 32-34?

When you consider your "love life" how do you read 1st John 3? Were you glad for your opportunity yesterday as per  Psalm 122:1? In reality it is good to be reproved, but how we respond to that correction will impact our life. How is your prayer life in view of the Proverbs?
Pray for the troops and those that know truth to have the courage to speak in love with salt. luvpj       

Saturday, December 1, 2012

1 Dec 2012- Saturday and Sunday is coming and it could be The Day! For the saved we are as close to hell right now as we will ever be. For the lost unbeliever this is as close to heaven as they will ever be, except they be forgiven and receive God's gift of salvation. Shout out the word LOST and you will be terrified. Shout the word SAVED and gratitude will flood your soul and the inner man will rejoice and be glad.

Please read Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I have toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Now read 29:10-14 and determine where you are in light of these verses. He knows all about you and me, what do we know about Him? We get to read to know Him. Even if we do not read, He knows.

Question generated in today's reading are; is my heart trustworthy? , Who do I cry to in my distress? and am I for peace? If God were to ask you to respond to these question, what would your answers be?

God used John to pen letters to the Christians admonishing them to not sin. There are evidences of our faith in our daily conduct and conversation. We are told to not love the world, neither the things of the world. How is your love life? James 4:17. Maranatha.

Daniel is given insight to the future by a vision. Daniel is given an explanation and he has shared the truth with us. These events have passed, yet there remains an event to come that will occur during the tribulation period concerning the Antichrist. Today there is a spirit of the Antichrist in our country/world and many are deceived by his generosity. Read your Bible to know God. The Holy Spirit will teach you truth so that you will be able to discern good from evil, remember the proverb said "he that trustest in his own heart is a fool."

Take time to be holy then do good things and don't quit. Be first!!!Pray for our troops and missionaries. Thanks to those who read this blog. I pray that you be encouraged and edified. luvpj

Friday, November 30, 2012

30 Nov 2012- Friday and Sunday is coming!! What great day to be alive. What a great opportunity to read the Bible to know God. What an opportunity to be nice to strangers and donate to the Salvation Army's Red Kettle. What have you enjoyed today? Spend some time to count your blessings. It has been a long time since I've heard shots fired in anger. I sense the days are coming where it may not be so in America.

My big hangup is that of expecting "lost" people to do right and for "saved" people to not do wrong. The last verse of Daniel (7:28) expressed his concern for the conditions in the palace, the world and the future. How are you concerned? What do you love? What do you hate? How are your thoughts similar to those of God? The future may not be clear, but the God of Heaven, The LORD, He knows the end and the beginning and all will be good. When you pray  do you use the names of God that Daniel used? I am thankful that we (saved) will not participate in those seven (7) years of tribulation! Time is getting short, Maranatha is next.

1st John- 3rdJohn is written unto the saved and the Christian. Saved and Christian are not the same. Read 1-10, see where you are and take action now. Express thanksgiving for your relationship by salvation. As you walk in the Light, obey the commandments, enjoy fellowship with God and let Him love on you.

Use Psalm 119:165 as a rule and guide for fellowship with other believers and Christians.
Pray for the people who will participate in the upcoming 365 class that they are blessed. luvpj
Pray for the troops. Get ready to sign up.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

29 Nov 2012 Thursday and Sunday is coming. Hope you are able to be/stay current with your reading learning about God and getting to know Him. The word picture given in Proverbs causes me to read, to Selah and pray back to The Lord my hope of being right and doing right. We all need to be careful every day as to how we view what other humans do or don't do , lest their conduct have a strong influence on our goals for the day. Look again at Psalm 37 and 73 and check who you are paying attention to most.

Psalms 119 reminds us to pay attention to what is said, written, recorded and taught by The Holy Spirit. I enjoy seeing the promises proclaimed as well as the stern warnings and I am thrilled at the blessed hope in our salvation, today and for eternity. I do hope men get saved.

Daniel and Peter are used by God to record history and prophesy that are related,  yet they are separated by hundred of years. At the time of Daniel the world knew the Gospel as it was proclaimed by a heathen king, all the way from India to Ethiopia. Daniel was involved in an exciting demonstration of faith in practice while his co-workers plotted in conspiracy, intrigue, lust, lying and deceit. Does this sound like our politicians today? Perhaps if a few of our old staunch elected officials were caught in their lies and conduct and then they and their families where put into a den of lions to be killed, some others might repent, fear God and do right.

Consider 2ndPeter 3:18 as the model for your life. Read to know Him. Get and be right, do right and don't quit. The LORD will order your steps in His Word. Iniquity will not have dominion over you. We ought to be thankful that He is merciful to us!!! lavage

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

28 Nov 2012 Wednesday and Sunday is coming. Hope you are reading to know The LORD and that He is your Lord. Try praying back the psalms and proverbs. Seek a sense of responsibility for what you have in your hand, allow John 3:12 to coach you to see, strive for obedience being enabled by God's grace and rest in His magnificent love.

God uses Peter to remind us of our responsibility in receiving the Gospel. There are stern warnings about our conduct and stewardship of what we have received. There is a difference between "the fear of God" and that of being afraid of God. How does the reading today enhance your concept of God?

When you read how The LORD demonstrated some of His power in the palace of Belshazzar does this impact your fear factor? How is your faith increased by this knowledge? Can we agree that stewardship is real and all men will give an account of every thing in their life, be it good or bad. Evidence of our faith is demonstrated by our deeds in the open and in the dark. We need to be very careful of how we practice Psalm 1.

Read to know God. Get right-be right then act-do right and don't quit. Pray for the troops. luvpj

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

27 Nov 2012 Tuesday, Friday and Sunday is coming! Hope you read today. The Bible is the living word. The "KJV" One Year (365) Bible, to me, is the most exciting book I've ever read! What (book)excites you the most? The reading today allows us to hear The LORD tell His will for a man. God uses Peter to edify saints. The penmen for the psalms and proverbs were holy men and we get the benefit of their obedience to The Holy Spirit. Can you say there is something more exciting than that? We get to read to know God. Please get current-be right then stay in touch-do right and by God's grace don't quit.

Tell someone that you believe God and then invite them to read with you this year. Invite someone to consider the "365 Class" starting 6 Jan 2013. Tell someone that you benefited by reading through the year the entire Bible learning some of the near 700 names of God, some of the 3000 promises, many of the traits and attributes of The LORD your Lord and that you gained confidence in your salvation. Yea, let your light shine and season your conservation with salt and love. Act like you are a child of The King of kings and LORD of lords. We are co-laborers with Jesus, joint heirs and sons of God.
Pray for those troops in harms way and hope that all those who know The Truth will share it before it is too late. Who did you tell today? If you feel safe in America, thank God for soldiers.   luvpj

Monday, November 26, 2012

26 Nov 2012 Monday, it has been a long time between post. I hope you have been reading to know God. We were "heavily" engaged with the little ones here at the house, then over to Longview to be with their parents, the two other older grannies and our own two gifts from God. WOW, we are blessed! Much good food, laughter, excitement, pistol shooting, lake watching, story telling, sharing dreams and praising God for His mercy, grace and truth. Hope you have enjoyed the blessings of God and been able to share "quality & quantity" time with those you love. Remember, even if we get off schedule or perhaps don't even read, we are loved. We read to know Him, not to please Him.

Ezekiel gave us insight to the meticulous detail of the work for man to prepare for the place of worship. What aspect of all this info affected your concept of God? Is there any thing too big or too small for Him? Has He changed? How similar are your dreams for the people of God to his dreams/hopes? He is holy and we are to be holy.

Daniel shows all of the world how important a diet can be. What did you have for lunch? Is it possible that we will be exposed to circumstances akin to the Hebrew captives? Do you want to be used by God to influence the king? Are our friends and neighbors so observant of our prayer life that we might be called out for praying only to the One true God? Don't focus only on the furnace, focus on Him who controls the heat and smoke.

Peter has matured and now tells the effects of believing and following Jesus. How does this influence your testimony and conversation?   Psalms 119 reminds all of us of the benefit"s" of hiding the word of God in our heart. Proverbs have warned us about our associates. A true friend will never encourage you to stray from the truth. Our responsibility is to know the truth, then be right, do right and don't quit.

There are 35 days remaining in 2012, Maranatha could be today, eternity is too long to be wrong and we may be someones last hope to hear a clean pure presentation of the Gospel. Be on the alert for the prompting of the Holy Spirit, apply John 3:12, recall James 4:17, pray 1st John 1:9, allow Psalm 119:105 to light the path, permit Isaiah 30:21 to come to pass and live joyfully because you believe that II Timothy3:16-17 is so!  luvpj-- PS pray for the 365 class 2013

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday 19 Nov 2013. Getting ready for fellowship, turkey, visiting with the family, praising the Lord and being grateful. Hope you are reading to know The Lord, hiding the Word in your heart, walking in righteousness, being right , doing right and not quitting. Someone is watching you.

Has reading Ezekiel impacted your concept and fear of God? Recall the emphasis is to worship the Creator and admire His creation. I was in the nursing home Sunday PM and one of the elderly ladies, who is blind, shared with me her favorite verse, II Chronicle 7:14, and she said that she had learned that as a young lady and it has blessed her soul for many years.What have you read that you have memorized?

What truth did you learn in Psalm 18? What is the hope for any nation as described in Proverbs 28:2? Please don't take ANY THING for granite. Read to know Him. Pray for the troops. luvpj

Friday, November 16, 2012

17 Nov 2013 Saturday and Sunday is coming. I want to thank all of you who have read this blog. The files indicate that viewers from ten(10) countries have visited this One Year(365) Bible blog. I hope you have been encouraged to read the Bible to know God.

We will be starting the 2013 class 6 Jan. at our church. I plan to post the weekly lesson as well as the daily comments throughout the year. If you would like to be on a E-mail list for the lessons please let me know at .

Read to know God. Get and BE right, then DO right and don't quit for the glory of God so that your joy may be full.

Thanks for being a part of my life.  I hope that you know that you are saved. Then I pray that The Lord bless you as you are true and faithful in truth unto God, others and yourself (JOY). Pray for troops in harms way and that those who know The Gospel will speak it to them they serve with before it is eternally to late, be a watchman for God.  luvpj

Thursday, November 15, 2012

15 Nov 2012 Thursday 320 days gone and 47 days till the beginning of the new year and the One year (365) Bible Class. For those who are reading-keep on, and for those just beginning-keep on. We all read to know God, see and learn his attributes, note his (700+) names, be amazed at his provisions for his children, stand in awe of the fury demonstrated because of the unbelief of all man kind and particularly his children. We are without excuse. How often have you taken the journey to 1stJohn 1:9 after reviewing Isaiah 1:16-19 and contemplating James 4:17??? Can we not but sing "Amazing Grace" and shout praises to our Lord and Saviour? As you read today Psalm 113 was not your heart stirred to remembrance and your attitude changed to gratitude? O,Oh,OH, if not,why not?

And this came to pass on the Two thousand and twelfth year, in the eleventh month, in the 15th day, I held the word of the LORD in my hand and truth came to me. Yes, I am a steward of what I have in my hand. I will not give an account of what I do not have, but ALL that I have been given and have received such as life, breath, sight, hearing, thinking, body, soul, heart, things, dreams, words, deeds, intents, abilities, money, debts, obligations, family, church, ministry and etc. You will also give account of your stewardship. Today, we get a glimpse of how God makes men accountable. No one, king or pauper, is excused. Are you ready now to meet God? Maranatha, luvpj.

Pray for those will consider participating in our 2013  One Year (365) Bible class.  If you have been reading the One Year Bible and feel inclined to bless another person who has not been reading, consider giving them a copy for an early Christmas gift, and tell them how you have been blessed because you have been reading to know God. Encourage others to know what you know because of what you've been reading. Take a minute and give your testimony.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

14 Nov 2012 Wednesday.  Hope you are enjoying the reading and learning that God is over all. He is sovereign, omniscient, true and truthful, ever the same and allows us to know Him. Please do not take this for granite. Please do not think God owes us protection, blessings and provisions because we try to do right. What is your reasonable service that you did yesterday? Did you do your very best? What do we more than the Pharisees? Have we robbed God? Re look James 4:17.

 I love the proverb we read today "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his  _ _ _ _ _ _." You and I may want to be "friended", but not rebuked, reproved nor questioned. A true "friend" will love you regardless and will strike you with truth so that you will be more like Christ. Oh, that The Lord will teach and continue to show us how to be sharpened with his Word by His Spirit when He leads a friend to represent righteousness to us personally. We need to be good hearers and guided by Truth as we judge our fellowman. We must judge righteously and promptly. We are watchmen. We are ministers of reconciliation. We are sons of God. Be right, do right and don't quit.

How has the letter to the Hebrews caused you to consider your appreciation for The Lord Jesus Christ? How many names of God have you discovered? Can you summarize this letter into a sentence? Do you remember who took the letter to the Jews in Rome? Read to know Him.

Ezekiel records the words that The LORD spoke. When we read  it seems as though we are observing this event in real time and we are involved in helping this man of God to do his duty. Don't you want to shout out these truths to the people of the USA, our churches, our homes and our fathers? When you read 30:3 what word came to your mind? Do you remember Maranatha?  On August 25th we read this great truth, and it is applicable right now! History(His story) and prophesy in our hearing.

Keep on reading to know Him. Keep your dictionary and concordance handy and take time after you read to look up the definitions. Choose to use the best English in your daily conversation and meditate as you watch the way you are being led waiting for the opportunity to demonstrate your love. Sharpen anothers' iron and be sharpened. Pray for the class. Stay in fellowship. luvpj

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

13 Nov 2012 Tuesday and waiting for The Rapture. Hope you have had a good day in reading to know The Lord. Can you imagine the thrill and excitement in the ears and heart of Ezekiel a he heard The LORD say again.......and again.... and again. We are getting to overhear heavenly instructions being given thousands of years ago to a holy man that has an application to us today. Truth never changes and He who spoke the Truth is the same regardless of who sits in the white house. Read to know Him! Focus on GOD and not just on His creation. He is our hope.

The 111th Psalm tells us what to be and do and reminds us that the beginning of our wisdom starts as we fear God. John 3:12 is demonstrated in Proverbs 27:15-16. Let me know if you see this linkage.

The holy penman for Hebrews makes much to do about faith and he always causes us to focus on The LORD and not things. You will not gain faith with out seeing and hearing the Word of God. Faith is always demonstrated. God expects obedience-prompt obedience-total obedience.

God tells the whole world about the prince of Tyrus, his creation and his end. What did you learn about God? What attribute of God did you rest in that applies to your life today? There is a blessed hope for The Jews that is as real to them as the Rapture is to The Christian. Do you know the difference? We Christians are not marching to Zion because we are destined for Heaven. Are you sure that you are in The LORD's book of life?

If not, please let me show you some Bible verses that will lift up the Lord Jesus Christ who will draw you to God The Father as the Holy Spirit convicts of sin and assures of acceptance. Come, see and hear the Word, believe and receive today the gift of eternal life.

Consider praying for and attending the One Year(365) Bible class 2013. luvpj

Monday, November 12, 2012

12 Nov 2012 Monday. Why not show some appreciation for the Veterans every day? When was the last time you posted the US Flag near your home, saluted and said the pledge of allegiance out load so that your neighbors could hear you? If not, why not? If you read John 3:12 and make an application to saying the pledge precedes saying thanks to God for allowing you to be protected by the military as you worship. We all need to be grateful! Hug a vet, say a prayer, be honest that you are not respectful enough for those who have and are serving. The question is NOT who you voted for, but did you vote. Read your Bible every day to know Him.

Hebrews is the greatest book. There is no one equal to or superior to Jesus Christ! Just today we read in Psalm 110 that He is LORD! It is fascinating the harmony of the scriptures in the One Year(365) Bible. God provides a way for each of us to know the Truth.

How many times have you read in the book by Ezekiel "the word of the LORD came unto to me saying"? Has your concept of God changed this past week? Have you said anything to anyone that caused them(20:4)to know the abominations of their fathers"? If we were to give an account today unto The LORD for our stewardship as a watchman, how do you think we would fare? Where is the fear of God? Where is the love for mankind?

Hope you are praying for our nation, The President, all elected officials, your family, your church, the pastor, all missionaries, The troops and the wounded/missing in action/POWs and for the opportunity to know Him and to share this wisdom with others today.

Pray for the 365 Class 2013. Hopefully there will be some 1st timers that will stay the year and read to know God. Hopefully there will be some OY(365)B vets that will participate and encourage all of us to keep on keeping on. Look for the class sign-up sheet, luvpj

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

7 Nov 2012 Wednesday- How is your attitude this AM? Has the election, regardless of how you voted, changed your concept of God? Please don't get caught up in the social aspects of life before you get caught up with the Gospel. Read early, often and believe what you read in the Bible to know God.

 Regardless of who sets in the white house, The LORD, He is God. We do not understand His omniscience nor His sovereignty nor His ways.For the christian our hope rest in the Rapture, Maranatha, and not in the government of the USA. Remember it is El that we worship and not El bethel. Read to know Him.

Tuesday AM we went to Grace Community School in Tyler for their 4thgrade class historical presentation of America and it was Awesome!The school honored the veterans and all this coincided with the opportunity for all Americans to vote this day for who would be the president for the next four years. I have hope that God is preparing some children (our grandchildren) for His ministry through this school.

The hope for America rest in the home! This hope is reinforced in the Christian School. This hope is encouraged in the local fundamental Bible (Baptist) Church that edifies the believer and the community receives the benefit of godly people living for Jesus and others. It is the father who begins the process as he reads the Bible to know God and as he leads his wife and children to follow him as he follows Christ.

As you continue to read your Bible this year, pause and update your concept of fear and reverence for God Almighty. Allow the holy men of God to draw your attention to The Lord so that you believe what is written in the KJV Bible and then seek God's grace to outfit and under gird you to live what is your reasonable duty. Apply John 3:12, pay attention, trust and obey and don't quit. luvpj

Friday, November 2, 2012

2 Nov 2012, Friday, and Sunday is coming.My Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament has titled Jeremiah as the book of Judgment, Lamentations as the Mourning over Affliction and Ezekiel as The Glory of the Lord. How has the reading to know God in these books affected your concept of God? If not, why not??? Do you sense any similarities of this era with us to day? Has your "fear factor" toward God changed at all? How many names, titles, traits and promises have you underlined?

I know that there is much emphasis on "to study" the Bible and I agree all men ought to study to be able to teach others. May I suggest that after you have read the Bible through at least ten(10) times you will be prepared to study. The reason we read is to know God. If we do not read the entire Bible we may miss a critical aspect of a doctrine and be apt to misrepresent the truth. Read to know him. Look at and read Ecclesiastes 12:12;1Thessslonians 4:11 and 2Timothy 2:15. Please know the Author.

Pray for the troops in harms way and pray that "we" will not forsake another Ambassador and troops in dire situations for personal inconveniences. We are to be as a watchman and if we fail to warn(protect) and they die, their blood is on our account.

We must hold the ropes! I have a fear that if we will not do that for soldiers we will not do that for missionaries. We will give an account for our stewardship.  Pray for the 2013 365 Class,luvpj

Monday, October 29, 2012

29 Oct 2012 Monday-Wow 35 years ago I was dress as a player in the haunted house of a small GA. school Halloween activity not considering my eternal future, but God intervened! Oh how I wanted to scare those little kids. That night was the last night of my old life!!

Sunday morning, 30 Oct 1977, I made a public confession of being saved, accepted by God because Jesus died for me and rose again, and I believed HIM and received Him as my personal saviour because I had heard His Word and The Holy Spirit drew me by love to receive His mercy and pardon and by grace I was put into the family of God, His hand, in His book of life,and I have been secure in this faith for 35 years!!

 I challenge you to write out your testimony. If you do not know (for sure) that you have been "born again", please let me share the Word of God with you, He is not willing that ANY should die in their sin(unbelief)but come in repentance by faith to God The Father by Jesus Christ His SON believing that He will forgive, save, redeem and change you to be acceptable just as if you had never sinned. Hear, believe, receive and live for eternity with God.

Hope you have enjoyed reading Jeremiah. As you begin Lamentation you will see that Jeremiah was making warnings and prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem, now you will be reading it from a historical prospective, it has been destroyed.Be warned, judgment is sure, God knows everything and sees every sin, yet He allows people time/space to repent. Look for His attributes. Fear God.

God's letter to His people as penned by Paul provide insight to the mind and will of God for all men. Take time to read to know God. Practice praying back to The LORD your Lord His Psalms. Seek wisdom through The Holy Spirit as you read to apply the proverbs in your daily conversation.

Be encouraged by the Truth and encourage someone with the Truth. If you are saved, you are an ambassador for God and a minister of reconciliation and that is your responsibility. Remember to be right then do right and don't quit.  luvpj

Pray for the 365 class that will begin 1 Jan 2013.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

9 Oct 2012 Tuesday-what a wonderful day to be Saved, on your way to heaven, forgiven, a child of The King of Glory, washed in the blood of The Lord Jesus Christ and then to know Truth because you have read to know Him! Praise Him!!!

Do you weep as you read Jeremiah? Do you see any similarities to Israel, Judah and the USA? Do you become fearful for those who you know that are not saved? Does not Psalm 79 cause you to pray differently?

We are not helpless nor hopeless, but the unsaved, the heathen, the unbelievers and those who have heard and rejected GOD are doomed. Do you want your neighbor to receive justice for their reproach of God seven times? Verse 9 "Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name:and deliver us, and purge away our sins, for thy name's sake."

As you read Proverbs 24:30-34 how do you see yourself and your family? One aspect of God's attitude toward people is that we be hot or cold in responding to Him. But he also said he would spit out those were lukewarm from his mouth. What are you hot for? Does The LORD our Lord see us as slothful? What is dear to you?

O that man would fear God. O that we would read to know God. Obey or be destroyed. I hope your attitude and concept of God are being refined according to Scriptures. Read, read again, Selah, meditate and hide the Word of God in your heart. Obey what you understand. Get right, be right, do right and don't quit. God will not do any more for you nor any less than what is written. luvpj

Saturday, October 6, 2012

6 Oct 2012 Sunday is coming!Hope you get comfort by daily reading your Bible to know God. It is amazing how reading causes me to consider The LORD as a merciful and kind God yet firm, unchanging,setting rules and commandments for his children to hear, heed and obey.We cannot claim to be ignorant. Look at John 3:12, then look at your circumstances today and then see if you see HIM. If not or you can't see HIM, immediately seek forgiveness, clean your glasses ans open your eyes. He wants you to know him.

Pay attention to how God instructs Jeremiah to tell his Jewish family how to be and do. Be warned that God will not be mocked by The Jews, The Christians or unbelievers.Read Jer 6:15-21 and check your fear factor of God. Compare your daily conversation to chap7 and then check your attitude to see if you are acting respectful with The Lord your saviour. Are you considered by God to be backslidden? If not, why not?

You may be justified to blame another person for your ignorance but have you let a man spoil you with philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ? Read what God told Paul to tell the people of Colosse and make the application to yourself now.

The Lord GOD calls out to all men, hear me. Hear his voice in his word and obey. Hope to see you in church Sunday. Maranatha. Pray for our troops, lost and dying people and the people of God to be right, do right and that we don't quit till it is over. luvpj

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

3 Oct 2012 Wednesday, Congrats on reading to know God. I am grateful that I got my One Year(365) Bible today in 1996 and started this wonderful experience of reading to know God.  I know that I do not have to read to please God because he loves me unconditionally. I'm thankful that I can see, read, hear, handle, hold, smell, touch the Word of God and share it with my wife daily and we get to pray in thanksgiving as we praise him for who he is and what he has done to, for and in us. I am content. I wish every husband would enjoy the experience of sharing regularly/daily the gift of reading through the Bible out loud and praying with his wife before the required daily necessities.Start with a hug.

I hope your experience through the Book of Isaiah was thrilling, informative and uplifting to your soul both spiritually and mentally.The Bible in miniature, 66 books/chapters, 39 OT/27 NT, linking the beginning in Genesis to the end as described in The Revelation of Jesus Christ. How many ways did The LORD identify himself to the children of Jacob-Israel?  How many attributes did you discover? How has your concept of God been refined? The promises given and the warnings specified are for these people specifically, yet they are for our examples to learn to fear God and to keep his commandments. One Day!!

Hopefully you were reminded of John 3:12 as you read Jeremiah 1:11. Please pay attention to your circumstances. Consider the Proverbs as a guide for your daily conduct and pray back the Psalms. As The Lord was building his church(s) and giving advice to it's members through Paul to those in Philippi and Ephesus we must observe their reception and responses to The Lord's direction. We are the handiwork of today and the only agency that The LORD has chosen to represent him in these last days-MARANATHA Anathema. Keep on reading to know him. Pray for the work,luvpj

Let us determine to read from now till the trumpet sounds-then we will see Him, Amen.

Friday, September 28, 2012

28 Sep 2102 Yea! It is Friday and Sunday is coming! I often wonder how the disciples felt when Jesus was crucified and was declared dead.  It seems odd that the men who took the body of Jesus from off of the cross and wrapped it for burial were not what we call disciples.I wonder if they were thinking about what was going to happen Sunday. How often do you consider the return of Jesus in the clouds calling his children up to himself-MARANATHA Anathema. Are you expecting His return today? If not, why not? What did you learn about The LORD our Lord today in your reading?

I prayed that God would keep me back from being a mischievous person. I prayed that by his grace I would avoid those people and things that devise evil. I did ask for Psalm 70:1 to come to pass for me, my wife, our children, our grandchildren, you and all those that seek to know God in sincerity.

God admonishes his children to beware, be alert, obey and believe all that he has said. God used Isaiah to show his provision for his people at 54:16-17. The Jews were told how to act at 56:1- and that advice is appropriate for us today-OBEY.

Please read to know God. Pray for our troops in harms way, our political leaders, our pastors and teachers of truth, our missionaries and yourself that all walk in agreement with God. Pray for the 365 class beginning on 6 Jan 2013. luvpj

Thursday, September 27, 2012

27 Sep 2012 Thursday then Friday and Sunday is coming. Are you considering what you are going to be involved with in church? In the old Army days an instructor/teacher rehearsed his lesson 8 hours for every hour on the platform. Back then it was always right to start on time and finished 10 min. before the hour. My first instructor made it very plain, in every class for 16 weeks, that if I did not learn what he was teaching me that I would die in combat. We are in war! We have a real enemy and he is bent to destroy us. I hope you read your Bible to know God and that you apply each truth given to you as essential for salvation today and for eternity.God wants you yo grow in grace and knowledge, to be prosperous and to bring glory to him.

Proverbs 24:6-7 "For by wise counsel thou shalt make war: and in multitude of counsellors there is safety.Wisdom is too high for a fool: he openeth not his mouth in the gate." Consider Psalm 1 and then determine where you are in the battlefield. We are at war!

The psalmist encourages us as he speaks about God and his attributes.What promise did you claim today? How has your lifestyle changed because you read today? If not, why not?

God specifies a lifestyle for his children, the redeemed believer. Take time to recall your day of salvation. Apply Ephesians 5:20-21.

Read and ponder Isaiah 53. Allow the richness of the names and titles given by God so that you might know him to give him glory. Pause and read again 52:4. Read carefully how his name is spelled. Pay attention to his deeds. Marvel at the gift of God himself for your salvation. All of us need to stop and be grateful, thankful, humbled and shouting out our praise and appreciation for his sacrifice. luvpj

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

26 Sep 2012 Wednesday and what a beautiful morning.  I hope that you are reading your One Year(365)Bible to know God. I pray that you are current. I hope you do not think you must or have to read in order to be loved of God. His love for his children is unconditional! Knowing HIM and walking with HIM is life. Separate your understanding between your relationship and your fellowship with God and enjoy truth. As you read listen to the change in speakers by how the expressions vary and imagine that you are overhearing a conversation between God, his Son and His creation.

Since we have been reading Isaiah hopefully you have noted the many and various names that GOD The LORD has used to describe himself so that we might know and fear him. For example today at 48:12-17; 49:3-13; 49:16 allows us to see and hear what is the mind and will of our Creator. Look at Isa 43:15-28. Ponder again Isa 41:20 at the mercy and grace of The LORD toward them and us. We read to know Him and he speaks that we might know Him. Take time to be amazed!!

As you have been reading the letter from God sent to the people of Ephesus through his man Paul, what promise did you determine for yourself? I consider my vocation as that of being a son of God and my avocation as that activity I am involved with to share the gospel or not. I know that I will NEVER NOT BE a son of God because I am related to Him by His blood. Do you remember Romans chapter 8 and John 10? When we go to church we are to be edified. Hopefully because you are reading through the Bible you will never hear anything at church that you have not read and by hearing the same truth again you will be encouraged and edified to do the work of the ministry. It will be always important to attend the church that reads the same Bible that you are reading so not to have confusion. God wants you in the right church.

The 68th Psalm repeats Genesis 3:15, did this not encourage you? Selah, sing and shout back to your Saviour verse 1. Read to know Him and learn to enjoy your salvation. Confess your sin of unbelief as noted at 69:5.

O to be a wise man and have Proverbs 24:3-5 as your lifestyle. Consider what kind of man seeks to be WITHOUT the wisdom, understanding and knowledge of GOD.    Keep on reading,luvpj

Monday, September 24, 2012

24 Sep 2012 Yea for Monday! "Be not envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them." Can you get a clear picture from The LORD about this admonition? As we read to know God he will tell his children all about the past, keep them current and even tell them about what is about to happen. When you read and meditate on  truth how do you show and express your appreciation to your Lord?

When you see"Selah" in the psalms what do you stop and think about? What is the significance of God's name JAH? Stop,Selah, consider what you have read and "Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him,Psm 68:4"   I challenge you to look these words up in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and in an old fashion dictionary, then enjoy this truth more fully.

Do you have fellowship with The LORD,The Father  and with the Lord Jesus Christ? It is the hope of God that his children cause Christ to dwell in their heart by faith and that they be rooted, grounded in love, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that they might be filled with all the fulness of God(Eph 3:16-19).

Take note of the four(4) names of God at Isaiah 43:15 and 44:6 and consider who is telling you about himself because you read to know him. Appreciate the promise (s)being made in v18-27. Be warned and fear God as you read 45:9-10. What have you read in the Bible today that has changed your life? If not,why not? luvpj If you have question, please e-mail your thoughts.

Pray for the 365 class for 2013.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

22 Sep 2012 What a great day to read The Bible to know God. These last few days Isaiah has shown to us many names of The LORD and has been used by God to show us our ways and the future for the believers and the lost. There are many verses that may be considered as promises for us today even though the first application was for the people of God in Isaiah's time. We have been made aware of how God does strange works yet tells us that he gives wonderful counsel and he is excellent in his working. Look at 29:14 and marvel at his marvellous work. Re-look 30:15 and attend to his names and offer of peace. Chapter 33:22 reminds all of us of the future and blessed hope. Be admonished at 34:16 and follow the instructions of seeking and reading the book.Seek to learn about pride and avoid the boasting of your things as did King Hezekiah with the men from Babylon. Consider how many times we are warned to fear not the enemies if God.Hide the word of God in your heart and rejoice.

Both Galatians and Ephesians are applicable to us and the local church today. We are to wounded healers and burden bearers sharing the good news that drew us unto The LORD by The Lord. Consider Gal 6:14 and review what you have crucified on the cross? We are the saints and we are to be faithful.We are predestined, as adopted children of God, to be accepted in the beloved. Spend some time and meditate on he promises given at Eh 1.

From the Psalms we are instructed to make joyful noises unto the LORD. Read in context Psm 66:18.Hopefully by now you are reading and praying back the psalms to The Lord, for example 64:1. How often do you just shout Psm 63:1? Who are you waiting for? Where are your expectations? If Psm 62:5 is not the answer, go back and redo.

Proverbs gives much good advice and warnings to both parents and children. If we read and do not heed, what are we???"Hear thou my son,and be wise,and guide thine heart in the way. Be not among winebibbers;among riotous eaters of flesh: For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags." 23:19-21
Is it not our goal, yea all men, to go from rags to riches? Be warned, the first drink is a potential for absolute ruin. Be warned, the first illicit sexual adventure may lead to a life of prostitution. The first cigarette may lead to COPD.  LSD=James 1:12-16 and 4:17. luvpj
Keep on reading and praying for the new class beginning 1Jan2013.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday 17 Sep Daily good reading. Hope you have been in the book reading to know him. Did the "hints" help you to read? As we read today we are reminded to guard our expectations. Cry unto our God and receive His blessings and then sing our praises.
Hope you have enjoyed reading the letter to the Galatians and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach you truths, precepts and to receive the warnings and admonitions with an open heart.Pay attention to verse 3:10 and be warned.
I try to be attentive to the scriptures when they repeat themselves for example at Isaiah 28:9 &13. How are you impacted when you see the names of God given and explained?  Are you refining your concept of The LORD as you read to know him?  Watch for the promises given to the Jews as a nation and seek to see how they apply in your life today. Take time to say aloud Isaiah 25:1 with gusto!! Believe ! Be right, do right and don't quit. luvpj

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

21 Aug-What do you think about God? As we read today there is much opportunity to imagine the conversation going on in heaven today about you and me between God and Satan. As you read consider God's attributes of Omniscience and Omnipotence. I am impressed again how the people that assembled the One year-365-Bible caused the first chapters of Job with the letter to the Corinthians to appear in sync. What if this sort of test was put to you? Would you follow this test with love and obedience in your integrity? Wow, what an example for us today. I often wonder how God talks about me/us and what qualities and traits He sees in us.The proverbs from yesterday helps by advising "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles".Don't forget PJ's rules>Be right, do right and don't quit.
Keep on reading to know God. Make much biblical prayers.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Post 6 of 6: Hints to Read

Congrats on reading The Bible every day from 1 January to 30 June.  July 1st you will start reading II Kings 18. Wow, you have read through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1st & 2nd Samuel, 1st Kings & 2nd Kings 1-17.You have been exposed to 3500 years of biblical history, from creation to about 40 years after the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of The Lord Jesus Christ. You have read more than 400 names that GOD had recorded in the bible of Himself. In the New Testament you read through the four gospels and up to Acts 20. You have read 149 of the 150 Psalms and 18 of the 31 chapters of Proverbs. CONGRATS!!

            Selah. Look at the reading for August 1st. Read how The LORD deals with King Hezekiah. Read how instructions for worship are given and mark a snap-shot at verses 30:9-13 to see how this impacts your concept of God. Read how the people are to respond to God at verses18-19 and how The LORD hearkened to them. Note how King Hezekiah did at 31:20-21 and choose to be like him in your pursuit of God. Look at Romans 15:4 and apply this instruction in your daily reading. In Psalm 25 look for promises that are recorded and pay attention to the conditions that are conditional. Allow the warnings given in the Proverbs to affect how you pray and live.

            When you get to the 29th of December the only book remaining in the Old Testament is Malachi. You have read 38 of the 39 books, which were prepared more than 400 years before the birth of Jesus. You will be alerted to stewardship principles while reading about promises and conditions given to you as you obey God's instructions.

            Now that you have almost read through the New Testament in these last few days you will finally be shown God's ultimate act that fulfills the promise given at Genesis 3:15, which you read on 2 January. Having read the Psalms twice you have been able to enjoy learning the mind and heart of God. You have read the songs of praise and worshipped at His throne. Proverbs 31 describes the lady Eve could and should have been while prompting every woman to want to abide in God's truth.
            Congratulation on reading through The One Year Bible in 365 days to know God. As you have noted His names, attributes, traits, qualities, promises, curses and have become aware of the key words in the scriptures, plan on doing it again. If you have marked some goal, needs or requests at each day as you read the first time, the second time through you will be able to better see His faithfulness. Hearing the word of God will increase your faith when you apply and put into practice what The LORD your Lord has said. Now, be right as you know Him, do right as you obey Him and don't quit. Congrats and blessings as you determine to read your Bible to know Him!!  

Post 5 of 6: Hints to Read

Jehovah refers to Almighty God or GOD who is the I Am that is one who created all. The various compound names of Jehovah relate to his acts. Some of these are Jehovah Jireh the provider, Jehovah Rapha the healer, Adonai Jehovah The Lord God and Jehovah Shalom The Lord our Peace. El Elohim Jehovah as used in Joshua 22:22 is The Lord God of gods. We need to be careful to worship the El of the Beth-El. Beth-El is the house of God while The EL is the God of the house of God.

            After reading the day's verses I would go back to see what were my notations or snap-shots and look for the phrase "SELAH" and then I would try to just stop and think on these sayings again and let them sink down into my ears. Some time I would try to memorize verses and set them as a meditation goal for a week or so. I have a list of the "Key Words" that I look over from time to time and look for them as I read. The goal is to read to know Him. The goal is not to try to please him because we have read.

            One good reason for making dates and notation is that next year you will be able to look back and see how far God has brought you and how consistent and faithful he has been. Even when it is not easy to understand, read and continue to read the Bible to know Him. Your faith will be increased as you read and obey through the One Year "365" Bible and you will get to know The LORD your Lord. You will see his names, titles, acts and judgments and hopefully the fear of God will be a fresh beginning of your wisdom and knowledge and will lead you to understanding.

            In January beginning with Genesis you can see "Him" demonstrate his attributes that relate to his names.  For example from the creation account you learn about his power and see why he is called Omnipotent.  You will become aware of the genealogy of Jesus as recorded in Matthew and realize that GOD knows every name and every event and we call him Omniscient. As you begin in the Psalms you become aware of the promises of God telling every man how to be blessed and how to live. The Proverbs  gives advice for a wise man to hear what thus saith The LORD.  He urges all men to turn at his reproof and make known his promises and that shows to all his Omnipresence.

            By April you will be reading in Deuteronomy learning how God provides for his people and the compound name is Jehovah Jireh. You will have read through Matthew, Mark and into Luke. You have been exposed to the genealogy of Jesus from both Joseph and Mary's lineages going back to Adam and Abraham.  You have read about how to be saved, become aware of his miracles and have been taught the way to serve. You have read more that 70 of the 150 Psalms causing you to realize what is faith, who to trust and how to declare his works. The Proverbs continue to warn the righteous man to regard his life and how to trust others.

Post 4 of 6 Hints to Read

Using the One Year Bible allows you to read regularly day by day some of the Old and New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. If you will make notes in your Bible each day as to the year, day of the week, temp or weather condition and one goal for the day that you are reading you will be able to see how events have occurred when you read through the next year.

            The very best words you ever will read are the English words recorded in the King James Bible. Because we have diluted, polluted and misused the old English, we all have a problem of reading and understanding the Bible language. Terminology is a real problem. The best suggestion is for you to note words that you are not familiar with on a post-it note and after your reading look at the word in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, and then compare the biblical definition with that of a dictionary, preferably 1990 version, to learn the meaning. Then go back to the original verse and read again with this better understanding so you can enjoy what God is saying.  How can a person talk with God or even pray if they do not know what the words mean? All of your research should be under the watch care of The Holy Spirit. Read and pray and read and pray. How can two walk together except they agree? Amos said "can two walk together except they be agreed."  Strive to agree with The Lord Jesus as he prays.

            I suggest you prepare a journal or reading log for notes. Attributes of God demonstrate how He acts and shows His power. The attributes are considered those of Genuiness because He is Spiritual, Transcendent, Immanent, Independent, Personal and Triune. Greatness refers to His Eternality, Immutability, Glorious, Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. His Goodness is related to that of being True, Holy, Just, Loving, Merciful and Gracious.

            I started out at first by just underlining the attributes/trait when I recognized it and now I put "snap shot" in the margin. When a promise appeared to be universal in nature I would mark "snap shot". Some of the promises related to me individually and some are for my wife, children, grandchildren and friends. When a promise is not written to me or you, read it and then look for the principal that applies to us.

            Some of the names of God are recorded in the book written by Elmer L. Towns called "The Names of Jesus". He identifies over 700 names of Jesus to help you really know the Lord who loves you and that you love. ((The ISBN 0-89636-243-4 was copyright in 1987 and published by Accent Publications.))  For example what is significant about the name "The Lord Jesus Christ"?  Jesus is his name, The Lord is his title and being The Christ is his office. Be sensitive as you read how the title is spelled. For example the title is used as LORD, Lord and lord and when spoken they sound the same, but the written title refers to three different persons.

Post 3 of 6: Hints to Read

Congratulation for the steps of hope that you have taken to get started in reading your One Year-365-Bible to know God. I remember how exciting it was for me to start reading every day "on purpose" to know The LORD. The purpose of this "Hints for prosperity" is to encourage you along the way and alert you  to some ways to enjoy this adventure from now to eternity. Others have shared their experience of getting started in this new habit of reading through The Bible in a year and some of the hints and helps they used to keep on reading.

            The setting aside of 15-20 minutes every day is a big step. Rearranging the daily schedule and reading the first thing requires effort.  The "requirement" to find a quite private space seems almost too much to ask in a busy household that has adults and or children needing your time and attention.  Recognize that in the beginning you may not be able to start the day with 20-30 minutes undisturbed time to read. You may need to divide your reading into parts. Read the Old Testament early in the morning  and the New Testament later in the day. The BEST way to start your day is by reading (some) The Word of God first.

            For those families with small children I suggest you cause your children to sit near you as you read. In the beginning they might sit next to you while you read only The Old Testament. Little children need to hear The Word of God. A child can be taught and disciplined to be quiet for 10-15 minutes. When a child is taught early to obey, this habit may last forever. If a couple were to say to the children "sit and listen for the next few minutes while your father/mother and I read aloud the daily Bible reading, then the whole family is involved in reading and hearing The Word of God." This is almost like Deuteronomy 6 in action. Truly it is by hearing that faith has its birth. If a child started hearing The Word of God from their parents mouth at birth till the first year in school they may have heard the entire Bible six times. I realize children may not be perfectly still as you read, but they can be hearing the parents read even as they play. By reading aloud while seeing, touching, handling the Word of life will cause the experience to become more sensitive. When the reading time is completed and the father prays aloud for the mother and then she for him bonding will be more real between the couple.

            Most of us have found that starting the day with The Bible in hand and reading His Word to know Him is worth the effort of setting the alarm clock and getting up to start the day earlier. Some have found that looking out to the Eastern sky and seeing the sun rising causes them to think of the verses telling about God coming out of His chamber as a strong man ready for the race or as a bridegroom bedecked in all His glory coming to get His bride. Some enjoy, weather permitting, going outside and listen to the birds sing in the trees, feel the gentle breeze, see the sun rising and watching the shadows change colors in the trees. Allow God's creation to minister to you and set your heart's attention to worship and praise God.

Part 2 of 6, Hints to Read


             This guide will give hints on how to read your Bible. This guide will be "most" useful for the person who is reading the One Year (365) Bible.  This guide will provide hints on how to read the Bible to know God. This guide will alert the reader to the meanings of some of the nearly 700 names of God. This guide will be useful for any and all that read their Bible to know God.

            Suggestions will be made on what to look for as you are exposed to the attributes of God. Methods of identifying the promises of God with their condition will be useful as you apply them to your situation. This guide will suggest how to set meditation goals using key words you will have discovered. Key Words that are recorded in the Bible informs us as to what God expects to occur when his will is being done. These key words have been taught at Victory Baptist Church and provide guidance for the believer and warns all men everywhere to repent. We read to know Him. The key words are: Law, Sin, Righteousness, Love, Holy, Mercy, Grace, Faith, Hope, Heart, Glory and Joy. Even when it is not easy to understand, read and continue to read the Bible to know Him and thereby your faith will be increased.

            Reading, in my opinion, is not the same as trying to study the Bible. The desire to study ought to be the result of your consistent reading. If you choose to read your bible or through The One Year Bible,  then this booklet identifies some of the conflicts you will face as you read and some suggestion on how to overcome them.

            Let each of us determine in our own heart if we want to read the Bible every day from now to eternity. If and when we decide to read, determine that you will read to know God and not try to make Him happy with us because we have read. Read the Bible to see The LORD.  Focus on who God is and he does things and not so much on how the creation acts or how people respond to God. Keep in your mind the goal is to know Him. It is Him and not his creation. Read John 3:6.

             Each of us get to choose what we are about, where we go, who we associate with, why we don't do certain deeds and why we act towards other as we do. Any person can make a decision. Only wise people gather the facts and search out a matter before making a decision. Even with much effort, it is still possible to make a bad decision if they dismiss what thus saith The Lord. What follows is the consequence of the decision. All people will have to deal with the consequences of their choices. Please be careful, diligent and seek The LORD early each day and before every decision. Read to know Him. He loves you.
August 6: Over the next few days, I want to share with you a document on how to read the 365 Bible. I will start out today by giving you the Forward. Each day, I will post an additional page. There will be a total of 6 posts.

            This booklet is the result of being saved, in the scriptures, being trained, in church, in the ministry since 1980, sharing the Gospel and making disciples. The terms used in this booklet are common terms that I have been exposed to since 30 October 1977 and they have been used in preaching and teaching Sunday School. It is my intent to suggest to you some of the habits, practices and goals of my life that have changed me to be more like Jesus. Hopefully you will be encouraged to press toward the mark.

            The LORD caused me to visit a sailing vessel in the Caribbean in 1996 and I was introduced to the One Year Bible.  This One Year Bible God has used to show Himself to me so that I might develop the habit of reading through the One Year Bible each year to know Him. This Bible I use to feed myself, the daily bread and hope to do that till The Rapture. I have several other types of Bibles, hundreds of commentaries and study helps that God allows me to use to study to feed others.

This booklet of hints for prosperity, reading to know Him and a consistent prayer life is for all the children of The LORD. This is for all who call Jesus their Lord and pray to GOD in His name in the Holy Spirit, hopefully to be encouraged and challenged. Please continue to feed at His table, to dine on the daily bread, drink the water of life and to read His Truth so that you may know Him.

Proverbs 9:10 records "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:  and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." Read your Bible daily to know Him so that you may know, according to 2 Corinthians 13:14,  " The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,  and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. A'-men."

Let God love on you and then love him back. Read to know Him. Believe what you read.  Believe that He is with you and that He will do as He has said.  God bless you.

Sincerely, Powell Johnson

Hebrews 9:27
Sunday 5 Aug Hope you have been reading and refining your concept of God. Please watch what happens to the creation, but focus on Him who makes and holds everything. Calculate the number of years the Jews have operated without searching the book of the law. We ought to learn that when we put the Word of God out of our daily activities we operate like the Jews, every man doing what he thought was right in his own eyes. Hope to get back to posting daily. Don't allow me to cause you to not read. Keep fresh and current and allow what you read to sink down into your ears. Look for those words that are strange and look them up in the concordance as well as a good dictionary. Read to know God. I expect to see some of you in church tomorrow and the rest of you get involved with a good Baptist Bible centered church. luvpj

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hope you have been reading to know The Lord. I can't post all the past highlights of the past readings, but as you read the truths of the past are true today. Hopefully you have caught the snap shots concerning King Hezekiah. It is good to see some of the kings to do right. Some of the warnings are harsh yet the promises are worth the effort to be right and then do right. Have you ever been "stiffnecked" not yielding to truth and God? How did you resolve the issue. Check out James 4:17. Look carefully at chap 30:18-20 and wonder at who is praying for you.Do you want to pay the price of a revival like this? Please consider setting a goal of getting a record like King Hezekia that The LORD would write about you as he did at verse31:20-21. As you read Psalm 25 spend some time praying back this to The LORD your Lord. Remember, seek the true riches. luvpj

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

22 Feb 2012 Wednesday - How is your reading? As you read do you sense that you are getting to know God? As you know The LORD as your Lord and saviour are you now more inclined to read and obey? Has the Holy Spirit been your teacher? These are question we all must deal with every day and particularly as we pursue Him. We have been taught to seek Him early and diligently while he may be found. Take time to ponder that God is HOLY.

We ought to learn much about sanitation and separation by reading the Old Testament. We ought to appreciate our ability to enter into the presence of God through Jesus and not be required to take an acceptable animal, lay hands on that animal and then to cut its throat and offer the blood and its parts to be burnt as a sacrifice. Yet when we claim this privilege to meet with God The Father, we must come in the Name of His dear Son, who was slain as a sacrifice for our sins.

Take time in your devotion and be thankful. Recall the promise of Him in the scriptures, then His birth, His life, His death, His burial, His resurrection and ascension. Our hope is Maranatha. He promised to come and get us and it could be today. Are there any clouds in the sky? ??Why is He coming for you??

Observe the traits of a godly person recorded in the psalms and proverbs. Make a list and then see where your traits are similar. This will or ought to provoke you to pray differently. He is Holy, Holy, Holy and He said we are to be Holy. Keep on reading to know Him. Spend time meditating on Psalm 26. with respect and love, pj

PS: Why do you read? Why do you not obey what you read?